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Fighting Destiny (Westin Pack Book 2)

Page 13

by Julie Trettel

  “Love, your siblings practically live here.”


  I laughed at her surprise. “Chase and Liam are here more than they are home, and Lily's not much better. Kyle and Kelsey come over at least three times a week. Yeah, imagine my surprise to suddenly discover there's another Westin that I didn't even know existed when the rest has practically been family to me since I set foot in this territory.”

  “Really?” she asked, sounding genuinely surprised. She frowned. “I guess I've been so busy avoiding you that I hadn't even realized or stopped to think about what they were doing.”

  I wrapped her in my arms and held her close. “It's okay.” I'm not sure if I was reassuring her or me. That woman had put me through bloody hell, and knowing she was deliberately avoiding me all that time still hurt.

  She was still holding her cell and I had left mine in the bedroom. Taking it from her, I easily found Liam's number.

  “We're coming, E. You can't hog him to yourself forever,” Liam grumbled on answer.

  I chuckled. “Actually, I was hoping you would stop by Pino's and pick up a couple pies.”

  “Oh, hey man. Yeah, sure. The usual?”

  “Yeah, and—” I took the phone away from my mouth and asked, “What do you like on pizza?”

  “Pepperoni, mushroom, and pineapple.”

  “What?” I asked, genuinely surprised, and thought she was pulling my leg. What are the fecking odds that we'd have the same favorite pizza? Most people made fun of my beloved combination.

  Laughter rang through the phone. “Didn't know she was as sick as you, eh? Yes, you both have the same disgusting taste in food. I'm assuming since you're asking that you still haven't gone to the grocery store for—er, what do you call it?—the messages.”

  “Give me a break, I just got home today. Been a little too busy to worry about that.” I grinned, playing with a strand of her hair as I watched her blush at my insinuation. She smacked me loud enough for Liam to hear and understand.

  “Piece of advice—she doesn't mind the occasional pizza, but she's not as crazy about carryout as you are, my friend.”

  “Thanks for the advice. I'll go shopping tomorrow.”

  “I'll send Chase to get the 'messages,’” he said in an obnoxiously exaggerated, terrible attempt at an Irish accent, “to pick up some Cokes and chips, I mean, minerals and crisps, and a veggie tray, but you owe us big for that one. Trust me on this.”

  I laughed, “I trust you. See you in about an hour?”

  “Yeah, but do us all a favor and get dressed and don't try and fool around with my sister anymore. The girls are on their way over already.”

  “Fine, I'm getting dressed.”

  “Liam!” Elise screeched in horror.

  “Oh gross!” I heard Chase yelling in the background.

  I laughed as I hung up the phone.

  “What?” I asked her innocently, stealing a kiss before heeding my friend's warning and dressing quickly.

  It took me a moment to realize that the clothes she had thrown at me were not the ones I had worn earlier. As I pulled the navy-blue and dark-green, striped polo over my head, I knew she had to have dug around in my closest choosing the outfit, and I knew from the way she dressed and carried herself, that appearances were important to Elise. My mate had just groomed me. I didn't know if she was even aware of it, but to me it was just another sign of acceptance. I was going to get harassed for the perma-grin glued to my face, but I really didn't care either.

  I had barely pulled on my pants when there was a knock at the door. Sending up a silent thanks to Liam for the warning, I went to answer it. I knew my mate would not have been pleased if they had arrived and I was still getting dressed.

  No surprise, Lily and Kelsey were at my front door. As I turned around and welcomed them in, I saw Elise casually sitting on the chaise with her bare feet tucked up under her. It caught my breath seeing her like that. She just looked comfortable and right at home, in my home, and my heart did all sorts of crazy dancing that I'm sure the guys would give me shit for if they knew.

  Lily was already far too comfortable at my place, and it had been Kelsey's before I had moved in, so awkwardly, I was the odd one out suddenly, in my own home. Staying out of the way, I let the girls catch up and talk, excusing myself to the kitchen. Fortunately it wasn't long before the boys arrived.

  “Jesus Christ, I didn't think you lads would ever get here.”

  The girls were giggling and talking in hushed tones in the living room.

  “Dude, this sucks. Having Lily hang around is bad enough, but Kelsey and Elise together are like estrogen overload,” Chase complained.

  I laughed. Kyle punched him. Liam just rolled his eyes.

  “Can we convert the basement to a man cave if E's gonna be hanging out around here much?”

  “I heard that,” she yelled from the next room.

  I laughed. “Smooth. I'll talk to her and see.”

  “Oh my God, you're whipped already?” Chase exclaimed loudly enough to make those in the other room laugh. I may have blushed a little, but I didn't care. Whatever Elise wanted, she'd have. If she wanted to move in with me today, I'd say, “Hell, yeah!” But I knew it was going to have to be all on her terms and I was going to have to be okay with that. Whipped? Maybe, but that was fine by me!

  The girls joined us in the kitchen for pizza. I still couldn't get over the fact Elise liked pepperoni, mushroom, and pineapple, too. I grinned at her and she smacked me.

  “Don't laugh at my pizza,” she warned. “You didn't have to get a large though, since I'll only eat a slice or two.”

  “Good, then there will be plenty left for me,” I said, reaching around her to grab a slice. She glared at me. “What?”

  “E, it really is his favorite too,” Liam intervened. “He practically lives off the stuff.”

  “Really?” she asked, sounding amazed.

  “Yeah, no idea why these fecking losers find it odd. Best damn pizza ever.”

  The rest of the evening remained light and casual fun. I think all of us needed that. Lily and Kelsey were quite protective of my girl, but overall it was just another day with the Westins, only better because my mate was there, too.

  They stayed until late in the evening. It wasn't uncommon for the boys to just crash over. Not Kyle, of course, but Chase and Liam regularly stayed over. I wasn't sure what was going to happen this time.

  Kyle and Kelsey were the first to leave. Liam was in training to take over his position as CEO of the Westin Foundation, but Kyle was still working full-time and handling all Pack business as the new Alpha. Kelsey was his administrative assistant and worked just as long and hard. She would submit to her duties as Pack Mother once Liam was up and running and had chosen her replacement. In the meantime, she and Kyle were both extremely busy.

  “I'm heading out, too. That woman is a slave driver,” Liam joked, pointing behind Kelsey's back.

  “I heard that,” she warned on her way out the door.

  Chase looked at me, then at Elise who hadn't made a motion to move at all, then back at me. “I guess I'm out too, since I rode over with Liam.”

  Liam raised an eyebrow at me, but didn't question it. I hadn't told Chase he couldn't stay. He must have felt the shift in dynamics with Elise's presence. I stood and began to tidy up the mess they had left behind.

  “I'll get that in a little bit, Patrick. Don't worry about it.”

  I smiled at my mate. Her desire to take care of me and my home was just another step in the right direction towards acceptance and it made me enormously happy.

  “I've got it. Lily's been holding back all night, but I can tell she's dying to talk to you.”

  “Well I'm not exactly going to quiz her about you, with you standing right there,” Lily grumbled.

  I always appreciated Lily Westin's unfiltered honestly.

  “Just let me straighten up, and I'll go for a run.”

  Elise pouted. “I could use a
run, too.”

  “Later,” Lily told her. “Loverboy, get out and go for your run. We'll take care of clean up, and then I don't have to feel bad about talking about you. So, shoo.”

  I laughed, but looked at Elise honestly. “You sure?”

  “Yeah, she's like a dog with a bone sometimes. She won't stop till she's satisfied. Maybe we could go for a run later?” She sounded hopeful and little shy asking as she nibbled her bottom lip.

  I desperately wanted to be the one sucking on that lip, but knew that line of thought was not going to get Lily out of my house anytime soon. “I won't be long, so grill her quickly.”

  Elise turned red in the face and Lily hooted with laughter as I left them to talk, stripped on my back porch, and ran. The wind in my face from the crisp night air was exactly what I needed to clear my head. It had been a long, hard, emotional day. I'd gone from the lowest point in my life to the greatest moments of my life all within the last twenty-four hours. I didn't want to feel or think anymore, so I gave fully into my wolf and just ran.


  Chapter 19

  Lily started grilling me the moment the door closed behind Patrick. It had been a fun evening. He really was close to my siblings and at times I felt more like the outsider than he did amongst my own family.

  You brought that on yourself being a coward, I internally scolded myself. While I was busy ignoring the issue and hiding from him. Patrick had begun making friends and settling into my pack, my family.

  “Come on, spill it. I can smell that you haven't closed the deal, but you seem closer, happier, than you did last night, and definitely this morning. What was that all about anyway?”

  “I made the mistake of telling Kyle I didn't want to take Patrick as a mate, and I don't. At least, I think I don't. I don't right now. I can't. Maybe if Kelsey has a son I'll think differently, but Lil, I'm so scared of losing him.”

  “You mean in the challenges?”

  I nodded.

  “You realize how stupid that sounds, right? With everything you've been through, you're worried about that? Girl, you were kidnapped. Just two days ago, you were being held captive and we didn't know where you were or if we'd ever see you again, and you worry about the fecking challenges?”

  She was very clearly upset, but her use of the word “fecking” only showcased how close and influential Patrick really was in my family, and it sent me into hysterical giggles.

  “This is not funny, E. You don't know how terrified we all were, and that man out there, he brought you back to us. He didn't even wait for reinforcements. He's not a tracker, but he found you. I don't understand why you would put him off after all you've been through.”

  “Wait,” I asked, sobering. “Are you lecturing about my responsibility to him? Are you seriously making a claim that I should already have completed the mating bond?”

  “Yes,” Lily said, exasperated and throwing her hands in the air. “That is one fine wolf you have. What on earth are you waiting for? If—no, when—I find my one true mate, you better stand back, because nothing will stop me from being with him. Nothing.”

  I laughed. Oh, was she going to be in for a rude awakening! “You know, when you meet your one true mate, Lil, I'm going to remind you of this conversation and watch you eat your words. It's just not what you think. On the one hand, Patrick is right here, and he's perfect. He's even trying really hard to be understanding and give me time to work stuff out. On the other hand, I feel like, I dunno. Like I thought I would fall in love and it would be magical.”

  “And it's not?”

  “How do I know?”

  She looked at me like I was insane.

  “You don't understand it, Lil. How do I know it's love and me wanting him, and not just some destiny making it happen?”

  She still looked at me like I had two heads, but she spoke this time. “I really wish Kelsey were here. She'd have more insight than I do, but E, he is your destiny! Why are you fighting it?”

  “I don't know.”

  “When Kyle banished him this morning, you went crazy. I mean ca-raze-zee. You were like a rabid beast going off on him.”

  I laughed at her description and threw a pillow off the couch at her head. “I was not.”

  “Yes, you were. You didn't even realize it. Kyle was terrified of you. We all were. Kelsey said there's no way you don't have at least a little alpha in you, too.”

  I rolled my eyes. Lily was famous for her exaggerations.

  “Okay, I won't grill you too hard about it today, but tomorrow, I'm declaring girls’ night! We'll kick Kyle out and take over Kelsey's place. No arguments. It's happening.” She gave me a stern look. “I know it's been a long day and a tough week for you, but I'm really glad you're home safe and sound.” She hugged me. “You really had us worried. It's nice to see a glimpse of my sister back.”

  I was saddened that I had put so much stress on my family. I loved them and had been so selfish, trying to deal with all these crazy emotions on my own. “Love you, Lil!”

  She gave me a sheepish grin and I knew I wasn't going to be off the hook that easy. “So the big question next. Are you coming back to the house, or you planning to spend the night here?”

  I blushed. I couldn't help it. It was a question I'd been asking myself all evening. “I don't know. I don't know what to do,” I blurted out.

  “You are not a virgin. I already know you gave that away to Bobby Mason in high school. So, you definitely know what to do.”

  “Lily! That's not what I'm talking about.”

  “Oh, so you have at least made it that far already, just not ready for that final bite?” She wagged her eyebrows up and down in a comical way. My sister was hard to take seriously sometimes.

  “It happened once, today,” I confessed.

  “And . . . ”

  “And I'm not talking about it. I think he'd like me to stay, and let's face it, I've put the man through hell. He's a really good guy, Lil. He doesn't deserve all this. I don't want to hurt him. I'm just . . . scared.”

  “Well stop! Our daddy didn't raise any kittens. You are a wolf shifter, Elise, and not just that, but the eldest daughter of one of the strongest Alphas in shifter history. You can overcome any fear, if it's worth fighting for. Is he worth fighting for? Do you love him?”

  I shrugged. That was the other part of it. I had very strong feelings for Patrick O'Connell, but I didn't know what this kind of love was supposed to feel like. Before I could answer her and explain, I heard Patrick's heavy footsteps on the back porch.

  He peeked his head in. “Is it safe to come in again?”

  I giggled nervously. What was I going to do now? Should I go home? Should I stay? There was still so much unresolved between us, but I didn't think I could handle dealing with any more tonight.

  “All clear,” Lily yelled back to a relieved Patrick.

  “I'm heading home. See you guys tomorrow. Oh and Patrick?”


  “I've declared girls’ night tomorrow night, and I'm stealing our girl. No getting her out of it.”

  “Wouldn't dare.” He gave a cute boyish grin that made my heart flip. Was this love? Did I love him? Could I?

  Before I knew for sure what she was doing, Lily hugged me and made a quick exit. Suddenly, there I was. No car, and my sister had just insinuated I was staying.

  “I'm going to take a shower after that run.” He stopped at the door and seemed to hesitate. “You, uh, want to join me?”

  “Hmm, I guess that depends,” I told him. “Are you taking a cold shower?”

  “Hmm, I guess that depends,” he said, mimicking me. “Are you staying the night?”

  There it was out in the open and all I could do was laugh.

  “Would that be okay with you?”

  “Nothing would make me happier.”

  I smiled and followed him towards the shower.

  We didn't exactly get much sleep that night, or the next. I think we'd christened most of the hous
e and my body was stiff and sore from it. Deciding against the big pack festivities for New Year’s Eve, we pushed out girls’ night back to that evening. So much had happened that I wasn't up for any more excitement. The girls had agreed and Kyle was going to be tied up anyway. Sometimes things got a little too crazy and out of control on New Year's Eve, so he would be monitoring additional security runs and keeping an eye on things around San Marco.

  I'm not sure my eyes had fully closed when the alarm on my phone sounded off at the usual four a.m. Groaning, I turned it off and snuggled back in next to the hard, firm body that I had gotten to know very intimately over the last forty-eight hours. First there had been the shower, then he'd taken me to bed . . . twice. A late night run to the kitchen for cold pizza when we both were ravenous may have led to christening the kitchen table. And knowing my baby brother practically lived on that couch? Yeah, I'm not sure I'd ever be able to look him in the eye without blushing, knowing what we did last night on the couch he sleeps on more than his own bed. I sighed contentedly, and happily drifted back to sleep.

  My phone rang and I checked the time. Nine o'clock. I groaned. When was the last time I had overslept? Not all that surprising given the weekend's activities, but it wasn't like me, or at least not like the recent me.

  “Hey, Liam.”

  “You okay, sis?” Liam asked as I gave a grumbly okay. “Well, it's after nine and I'm a little spoiled when I need something from HR, because my VP is always in by five a.m. Kelsey has a check-up with Doc this morning, so I really wanted to look over those two applicants you mentioned while they aren't micromanaging my life to death.”

  I laughed despite it all. “You realize I took two weeks leave, right? And it's New Year's Eve?”

  “Oh come on, you aren't hiding from him anymore, and I need to get this done. Even if just for a few hours, you can come in, right?”

  “Yeah, fine, okay. Let me get up and I'll head on in.”

  “Pat keep you up late last night? Man, was Chase butt-hurt when he had the grand epiphany that he might not have his escape couch to hide from Dad anymore.”


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