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His First

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by Jenika Snow

  His First

  Jenika Snow


  By Jenika Snow

  Copyright © June 2017 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: June 2017

  Cover created by: Popkitty

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  Line Editor: Lea Schafer

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.


  The HIS Collection

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  The HIS Collection

  About the Author

  Excerpt: Mine (A Real Man, 13)

  The HIS Collection

  What does it mean to be HIS? From baby making to babygirls, you'll find a bit of whatever melts your panties in this ode to Father's Day. From five of your favorite steamy, safe authors (and one hot newbie) come a group of six stand alone books dedicated to Daddy's everywhere. You will get your fill of everything from alpha men focused on securing a baby in their woman to filthy Daddy Doms who know how to care for their princesses. So, hold Daddy's hand and see what's in store!

  Complete series now out!

  Find out more on the collection HERE!


  I’ve known Braxton my whole life.

  He’s older than me, but I’ve loved him since I knew what that meant.

  And when I see him again after years of being apart, I don’t want to stop myself from telling him how I feel.

  He might be my father’s good friend, and nearly two decades older than me, but he’s all I want.


  I first realized I loved Moira when she was eighteen years old. Now two years later I’m back in her life and that affection has grown tenfold.

  It’s smart to stay away, but I can’t. I won’t.

  I’ve been celibate because I only want her. It’s time to man-up and tell Moira that she’s been mine for years, even if she didn’t know it.

  Warning: This is an especially fast read, packed with steamy goodness, but also a healthy dose of sweet romance. Get ready for a feel good story that’ll still make you blush.

  Chapter 1


  Braxton Richfield.

  Just thinking his name had me hot, had me thinking of all kinds of things I probably shouldn’t. It had me wondering what it would be like to have the older man touch me, strip me of my clothes, and make me feel like I was flying and I’d never touch the ground again.


  I blinked and glanced at my father, Charles. His girlfriend of only three months sat beside him, not much older than my twenty years, and had a bored expression on her face.

  “Where’d you go off to?”

  I shook my head and glanced down at my napkin, which was placed over my lap. The once-a-week dinners I had with my father were usually pretty smooth, but tonight he’d informed me that his lifelong friend—Braxton—was coming in from New York and wanted to meet to catch up.

  We’d come into the city, gotten a couple of suites for the night so my father and Braxton could catch up without being on a time constraint, and I was nervous as hell to see him.

  It had been a couple of years since I’d seen Braxton—the man I’d been in love with for longer than I even wanted to admit to myself. He was older than me, so sophisticated, smart, and God, sexy as hell.

  I didn’t care if he was this huge CEO of a billion-dollar corporation. I didn’t care if he had his own private jet, a villa in the south of France, or access to the most beautiful women in the world.

  He was the only man I wanted, the only one I’d ever wanted. He was the one person I’d saved my virginity for, even if having him as my first would probably never happen. I started getting really antsy, my nerves growing higher.

  I tried to focus on the appetizer in front of me, staring at the bottle of champagne my father got for him and his date and wishing I could reach across the table and take a nice long swig from it. A little liquid courage would have gone a long way in helping me feel less unraveled.

  And then I saw the way my father straightened in the chair, and knew the object of my love was here.

  “Braxton,” my father said, his voice raised, happy. He stood, his girlfriend not having the respect to follow suit.

  I had my back to Braxton, so I took a deep breath, tried to calm myself, and stood. When I rose and turned around, my heart stalled.

  He wasn’t dressed in one of those expensive three-piece suits he wore to business meetings. No, his huge body was covered in a dark gray button-down shirt and black slacks. He had the sleeves rolled up, showing off his thick, muscular forearms. I could see some of the tattoos I knew he had on his biceps.

  The flash of his gold watch under the lights stunned me for a second, or maybe it was the fact my emotions were working overtime right now.

  “Charles, it’s so good to see you again.”

  My father and Braxton clapped hands, the happiness in their faces clear. It had been years since they’d seen each other, and I knew this had to be an incredible moment for them. Hell, it was for me.

  And then Braxton was facing me, looking right into my eyes, and making me feel like my heart had dropped to my stomach. I shivered, goose bumps popping up along my bare arms.

  “Moira.” He said my name in that deep, thick voice of his. I shivered again.

  His hair was dark, short, and the trimmed beard he sported made him look older, but only in the best of ways.

  Yeah, I was so head over heels in love with this man, flying so high I could touch the sky, and I knew I’d never be on solid ground again.


  Several hours had passed since I’d met up with Charles and Moira at the restaurant. They’d gotten a suite at the hotel I was currently staying at, and although I was trying to focus on what my lifelong friend was telling me, all I could think about was how much I wanted his daughter.

  That was such a dirty-bastard kind of thing to say, but it was the truth, so fucking true I couldn’t stand it anymore.

  I tried concentrating on the updates Charles gave me on his business, the way his company had flourished, and the number of high-end accounts they had coming in. But my attention was on the gorgeous woman sitting off to the side.

  Moira had put her long black hair up in this messy bun, and the outfit she wore was laid-back, comfortable even. I much preferred her in this state than when she’d been dressed and was dripping with jewelry at the restaurant. This was the real Moira.

  I’d only seen her that once after all those years: the night of her graduation. She was the type of woman that would rather be home, relaxing, watching a movie, than going out for the post-graduation partying.

  I’d cherished that memory for the last two years.

  And as much as I wanted to stop Charles, admit how I felt for his daughter—tell Moira my feelings—I knew I had to tread carefully.

  But I would tell her how I felt. I would make her mine. Nothing would stop me, not now that I was back and had seen her
again after all these years.

  My love for her had only grown, and I knew it always would.

  Chapter 2


  I remember the exact moment I fell in love with her, the precise time I knew that one day she’d be mine.

  I realized she was it for me. Watching her give her valedictorian speech when she graduated had cemented the fact that no other woman would ever make my heart beat the static tempo that Moira did.

  And for the next two years I’d traveled, immersed myself in my work, tried to put her in the back of my thoughts because of the repercussions that could arise from being with her. But the truth was, I didn’t care what could go wrong.

  She was the daughter of a lifelong friend.

  I was nearly double her age.

  She was just starting her life, whereas I was already established.

  She was so fucking innocent.

  I’d said goodnight to Charles hours ago. I leaned back in the leather chair in my suite, the night late, the evening I spent catching up with Charles a memory I’d hold forever. It had been too long since I’d seen him, since I’d spent time with a man I considered family.

  But Moira was something special, a woman of worth. She was so intelligent, beautiful, cunning. She was shy and innocent, and her vulnerability from the ugliness of the world made me want her more, made me want to protect her from that grittiness.

  I’d never had a serious relationship, but I also hadn’t been with random women. My focus had been on building myself up, creating my company, making sure it prospered.

  It had been years since I’d been with a woman physically. Six years to be exact. Of course no one knew that. No one needed to know that. Hollow, empty flings weren’t how I worked. I wanted a woman that could give as well as she took, who was a match for me in every way. And it was that graduation day two years ago that told me exactly whom I wanted.

  In every sense that mattered, I wanted Moira to be my first … my first love. I might not be a virgin in the technical sense of the word, but after six years of celibacy, and these past two where my mind was only consumed by Moira, it was safe to say I was just as vulnerable as she was.

  But it was Moira that took up my thoughts, that I kept glancing at during our visit. I’d wanted to say more to her, to learn how she was doing, what she was doing with her life. I wanted to learn every single minute detail about her, and memorize every part that made her up until it was ingrained in me.

  I finished off my scotch and set the crystal down on the table beside me. I glanced at the clock. It was two in the morning, hours after I’d said good night to both Charles and Moira. But I didn’t want to go to bed … not without the one woman I loved, that is.

  What I wanted to do was a bad idea, a really fucking bad idea, but hell if I’d stop myself.

  And then I was up and leaving my room, because seeing Moira in the middle of the fucking night sounded like a good idea in this moment … even if my common sense said otherwise.


  I couldn’t sleep, not when Braxton was just down the hall, his scent still ingrained in my head, his face what I saw when I closed my eyes. The bottle of champagne I’d swiped from my father’s hotel room hadn’t even been able to make me drowsy enough to fall asleep. Now all I felt was this pleasurable buzz that only got worse when I thought of Braxton.

  I stared at the ice machine, the ice cubes falling into the metal bucket, the sound loud in the all but silent hotel floor.

  I didn’t even need ice. But getting out of my room and finding something to do instead of lying in my bed and thinking about all the things I should have said to Braxton today sounded pretty wise.

  Once the bucket was filled with the ice I didn’t need, I grabbed it and headed back to my room. If I couldn’t go to sleep, I could always watch the ice melt.

  As I made my way back to my room, my thoughts jumbled, my focus on the ice I held, all I wanted to do was go to Braxton and admit how I felt. I didn’t want to be weak, like this foolish girl crushing on a much older man. This was more than a passing feeling. This was me loving a man since I was a teenager, feeling that affection grow, and knowing that it consumed me as a woman.

  I was so intoxicated by my thoughts that when I turned the corner to head back to my room, I didn’t realize I wasn’t the only one in the hallway. I slammed right into a hard body, the ice bucket falling from my grasp, chunks of frozen water clattering to the ground and spilling around my feet.

  “I am so sorry,” I said softly, staring at the ice and then looking at the feet in front of me.

  I retreated but stepped on a chunk of ice, losing my balance and nearly toppling to the ground. But the man in front of me reached out, gripping my upper arms and stabilizing me. That’s when I glanced up and looked into deep blue eyes that I would recognize anywhere.

  “Braxton.” I said his name quietly, maybe so softly that he didn’t even hear me. He still had his hands on my arms, and it felt like fire licked its way through me.

  He glanced down at where he held me, then let his hands drop to his sides. I felt this cold draft wash over me when he took a step back. It was like fate had intervened, like it knew I needed to do this, to speak with Braxton, and it took that choice out of my hands. He looked so conflicted, and I worried something was seriously wrong.

  “Braxton, is everything okay?” On instinct I reached out and touched his muscular forearm, but I felt him tense. I stopped touching him. “What’s wrong? Is my father okay?”

  “What?” He looked up at me, his brows knitted. “Yes, of course. Sleeping, I’m assuming. God, sorry for getting you worried like that. Things are fine.”

  I felt the tension leave me, and exhaled slowly.

  “But I need to talk to you, and it can’t wait anymore.”

  Now I felt my brows knit in confusion. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  He shook his head. “No, I’m not, but I’m about to change that.”

  Chapter 3


  I was done waiting. It was time to make Moira mine. It was time to show her that it had always been her, and would always be her. I’d never been the type of man to sit around and wait for things to fall into my lap, and right now I wasn’t going to start.

  After I told her I needed to speak with her, we headed to her room, which was the closest. After she shut the door and walked into the sitting area, I steeled myself for what I was about to say to her. This was harder than I thought.

  I went up against huge corporations, talked about mergers, dealt with difficult clients, but in the end I was a shark among them, not stopping until I was sated. But with Moira I was out of my depth, struggling to breathe, and not wanting to fuck this up.

  But just saying what I thought, how I felt, was what I was going to do, because beating around the bush had never been my style.

  Don’t be a fucking coward. Just tell her how you feel. Tell her you want her as yours.

  Taking a step closer, I instantly saw the way she was breathing: hard, fast, as if she couldn’t control her body’s reaction to me. I wanted her unhinged, though, wanted her to become unbalanced for me.

  I could see she wanted me, could see it by the way she reacted to me. Even if she wasn’t in love with me, tonight I’d seen the looks she gave me. It had me feeling hope she was right here with me, wanting this.

  Passion, obsession, and possessiveness slammed into me.

  I let myself appreciate the way she appeared, her outfit modest. Her clothing showed me all the curves of her womanly body, showed me a peek of her cleavage, the tease of her skin under the baby yellow fabric.

  I wanted to peel off what she wore.

  Lust slammed into me. But I didn’t just want to fuck Moira. I wanted her to know I’d do anything for her, that she was mine to cherish, protect … love. I walked up to her and cupped her cheek, felt her tense, and knew she was confused as fuck right now.

  I smoothed my finger along her butter-soft skin, loving that
she melted into me, that she was comfortable with me and knew I’d always be there for her.

  “I love you, Moira,” I said, not about to try and lie to myself or her any longer. I was a grown-ass man, I knew what I wanted, and that was a life with this woman. “I love you so fucking much. I should have said something before, told you how I felt. But you’re so young, so innocent. I wanted you to experience life.”

  And she was also my good friend’s daughter. That could be crossing lines, but then again I’d do anything for Moira, so fuck it if I lost my friendship. Making my girl happy was what I wanted in life.

  I’d go to any lengths to make sure she was protected.

  “Braxton.” She said my name so sweetly, so softly.

  Everything in me tightened. I wanted to kiss her until she was breathless, until she was clutching at me and begging me to make her mine in any way I saw fit.

  But I wanted to hear her say she wanted this too. I wanted her to tell me that she loved me, that she wanted this life.

  “It’s been you since that day you graduated, since I saw you for the woman you’d grown into.” I inhaled deeply, taking in her scent, her very essence.

  “I’ve loved you for years,” she finally said softly, and my heart skipped a beat. “God, this is really happening.” She glanced down, but I reached out and placed my finger under her chin, lifting her head up so she was forced to look at me.

  She stared up at me, her eyes so wide, her expression so vulnerable.


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