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Salt Water Wounds (Oyster Cove #1)

Page 17

by Jennifer Foor

  Nothing. No sign of Perry.

  Hoping I’ll find her at Oyster Cove, I head there as a final resort. When her moped isn’t sitting in the driveway I know I’m out of options. I have to start over and hope she’ll turn up.

  Three hours pass. Her phone has now died and goes right to voicemail. Her house is vacant. I head to the marina in hopes that maybe she went aboard the Layla or one of my other boats, but find no signs of her there either.

  I’m about to lose my mind when I see one of my neighbors pulling his boat into the slip next to mine. I help him attach his lines and greet him as he steps off the watercraft. “How’s the water tonight,” I ask, Wren Jameson.

  “The water is rough. Storm coming in. Did you hear what happened over at Inlet View earlier?”

  “No. Anything good?”

  “I was out in my honey hole and watched the whole damn thing take place. Some crazy person drove their motorbike off the pier. At first I thought it was a local drunk, but when the coast guard pulled her from the water I saw it was Alice Perry.”

  My heart gets punched. “Come again?” He has to be mistaken.

  “Yeah, that crazy broad went full speed off the pier. If you ask me, she was trying to off herself. She always seemed like a nice lady. I guess we don’t really know everyone’s secrets in this town. It must be something major to want to end your life.”

  I’m already running in the direction of my truck. The nearest hospital is close to forty minutes away by ambulance. God only knows what could happen in that amount of time. I don’t stick around to ask if they flew her out, if she was still breathing, or worse.

  The drive to the hospital is grueling. I’m worried, my nerves are shot, and I’m angry. I’m hurt she couldn’t come to me. I’ve always known she’s been hiding something, but this doesn’t seem like something Perry would do.

  When I arrive at the hospital I’m told unless I’m family can’t get any information on the patient, so I lie and tell them she’s my fiancé. They take me to a waiting room, where I’m asked to sit, but refuse. I pace, waiting for someone to come in and tell me something. I need news. The last time I was at this place Weston had broken his arm playing football. The time before it, Brant fell out of a tree and gave himself a concussion. It’s been years ago, for which I’m thankful, but all hospitals remind me of Layla. I’m sick to my stomach as someone comes out to find me.

  I’m lead back in the secured area to a private room. That’s when relief washes over me. Perry is alive. She’s sleeping, but I can tell she’s going to make it. The nurse points to a chair for me to take. “Ms. Perry is resting. The doctor gave her something to calm her down.”

  I glance over and see that she’s strapped to the bed. “Is that necessary?”

  “It’s protocol when patients come in after a suicide attempt. We want to ensure that they’re no harm to themselves or others.”

  “She wouldn’t.” As I say it I realize all she’s been going through.

  “The doctor has ordered a seventy two hour evaluation.”

  The last woman I watched lay helplessly in a hospital bed was my dying wife. I can’t begin to explain what it feels like to sit across from Perry and not be able to promise that everything will be okay. I know we haven’t been involved long, but we’ve been friends for years, and played cat and mouse with our attraction for nearly the same amount of time. Lately something has changed between us. I want to be around her. She’s special, and she makes me want to be a better man. I can’t sit and watch her struggle and not feel obligated to stay by her side. I’m not equipped to walk away from someone in need, someone I’m not ready to admit I might have actual feelings for.

  Perry starts to awaken, only to realize she’s strapped to the bed. She sits up and looks around the room, finding me sitting there at her side. “What the…Oh God, Buck I’m so sorry,” she cries out. “I just wanted the pain to stop. I wanted everyone to be safe, and knew if I was out of the picture you would be.”

  I stand and lace my hand with hers, even though it can’t move. “Please don’t cry.” I drag my hand over her hair and move it from her face. Even in this condition she’s still beautiful. “Do you have any idea how pissed I am at you? You thought you couldn’t come to me. Why? I’ve been searching for you for hours. When I heard,” I can’t finish. “When I learned what happened I thought I might lose you. You can’t give up, sweetness. We’re only just beginning. I need you.”

  “You don’t need me, Buck. I’m broken. Nothing can fix me. I’m damaged goods. Run while you still have the sense to do it.”

  “Why would I run? You think I give a rats ass about your past, or your ex husband? None of that could make me want you any less.”

  “It’s just the sex talking, Buck. You don’t mean that.”

  “I enjoy being with you, even if it’s across the room while you’re working, or when I’m celebrating the anniversary of a sad memory and you take extra care to make sure I eat and know you’re always around to talk. You think I wasn’t paying attention but I was. Have mercy on me and promise you’re never going to try something so unimaginable again, Perry.”

  Her face shrivels as another bout of tears wash over her. “I promise, but I don’t deserve you, Buck.”

  I lean forward and kiss her on the head. “You don’t get to make that call, sweetness. A man wants what he wants. I don’t see the person you think you are, Perry. I see someone who has figured out how to take a broken man and make him feel whole again. I see a woman who would make the ultimate sacrifice in order for the people she cares about to be safe. I see strength and determination, but above all a person who makes me feel alive again after years of feeling like I was lost forever. It’s not the sex, woman. It’s you. It’s all of you - the good, the bad, and the horrible. I know you’re scared to trust someone, but …”

  She stops me. “I’m not scared to trust you, Buck. I’m scared that if you know my secret you’ll never be able to look at me the same way again.”

  “Then you don’t know me at all.” I don’t say it like I’m being rude or calling her out. I say it like she needs to stop being afraid.

  “How long do I have to stay like this?” She asks while shaking the hand that’s not laced with mine.

  “They say you’ll be evaluated, whatever that means.”

  Perry shakes her head. “It mostly means I won’t be allowed to leave for several days while the shrink comes in to determine whether I’m insane.”

  “My personal assessment would be that you’re definitely insane. Insanely beautiful, especially in that gown.” We both smile at the same time as I lean forward and kiss her softly. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  “I know.”

  “I want you to be able to confide in me, Perry. You feel like you’re alone, but you don’t have to be.”

  “You’ll leave me if you know. That’s why it’s better to keep your distance, no matter how much I wish we could be together.”

  “I have nowhere else I need to be.”

  She’s quiet, but still crying softly in the bed as I stand over her. “I want you to know everything, Buck. I do. I’m just afraid that when I tell you, you’ll never look at me the same again, and I couldn’t live with that. You look at me like I’m the answer. You put me on a pedestal I’ve never deserved. I’ve been obsessed with seducing you into my bed for years, and now that it’s happened, I can’t fathom the thought of it being merely a casual fling between two consenting adults. You make me want more, and I will never be good enough.”

  “What the hell happened, Perry?”

  “Tonight, or when I was a kid?”

  “Start with the easiest.”

  “Peter threatened your children’s safety if I didn’t stop seeing you.” Her admission doesn’t surprise me. “He saw you at the restaurant. I promised I’d break things off and move in with him and Nick. He left me no choice.” She’s pleading, but she doesn’t need to. I already know he’s been holding things over her head
. “I couldn’t let him threaten you and your family.”

  “As much as I appreciate that, I’m upset you couldn’t come to me. I’m not afraid of him.”

  “He threatened Bristol, Buck.”

  Then she tells me that.

  I’m hotheaded by nature, but when someone threatens my own flesh and blood there will be hell to pay. “When?”

  “Tonight. After dinner,” she struggles.

  I’m pulling my hand away from hers and headed for the door, determined to hunt him down and make sure he doesn’t have any means to harm another living soul.

  Perry is behind me, trying desperately to get my attention, or break free. “Buck, wait! Please.”

  I stop in the doorway and turn to face her. “I’ll handle this.” My jaw clenches as I consider how bad I want to hurt him.

  “No. Please stay with me. I don’t want to be alone.” The way she squirms when she says it gets my attention.

  “Are you injured?”

  She struggles doing it with her wrists restrained, but removes the blanket. Her legs are covered in bandages. Then she lifts the hospital gown and I see she’s got stitches across her abdomen. “I landed on an old pier that was under the water. It’s from the metal braces. It wasn’t that deep, but they stitched it anyway.”

  I take a deep breath and pace around the room. “I need to check on the kids.”

  “I know.”

  I kiss her quickly. “I’ll come back. I promise.”

  “Buck, I’m begging you. Don’t go after Peter. This is what he wants to happen. Don’t play into his hand.”

  “I’ve got this. Get some rest. I’ll be back before you know it.”

  I pass by the doctor as I leave the secured area in the direction of the parking lot. Once I’m back in my truck I make a few quick calls to make sure all of my kids haven’t had any run ins with Perry’s ex. The last one of my children I contact is Brant Jr. If I can count of anyone to have my back it’s my oldest.

  “Dad, what’s up?”

  “You still have that pistol?”

  “Yeah, why? You got bats in the attic again?”

  “Perry tried to kill herself tonight, son. It seems her ex-husband made threats that got her so scared she thought the only way out was to end her life.”

  “Damn. Is she at the hospital?”

  “Yeah. She’s stable. I’m leaving there now to head back.”

  “What do you need from me?”

  “Go to the house and keep an eye on your sister until I get there.”

  “With the pistol? Is she in some kind of danger?”

  “I don’t want to wait and find out.”

  He’s quick to reply. “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

  “Let the dogs out. They’ll bark if anyone comes up the driveway. If you feel like something is off call me. I’ll see you when I get back. We’ll talk then.”

  During the drive home to Oyster Cove there’s a list of worries running through my mind. Mostly I’m having doubts that a confrontation is going to stop Peter. He’s too proud to give up easily. What I do know is that right now my main concern is my family. I have to ensure they’re safe and sound before I can begin to focus on Perry and her recovery.

  I manage to make it home without hitting a stray deer on the road. I missed three by mere inches. Relief rushes over me when I pull into the driveway and see that all of my kids are in one place. By the time I’m inside, Brant has given them a rundown.

  “How’s Perry?” Weston asks right away.

  “Yeah, we heard what happened. Anything we can do to help?” Cooper offers.

  “Perry’s okay. She’s in pain from the accident and considerably upset for trying to take her own life, but she’s going to be all right.” It’s nice to have them asking about her.

  I sit down on the couch and run my hands over my face. “It’s been a long damn day.”

  Bristol sits beside me and leans her head on my shoulder. I raise my arm and hold her closer. “Brant told me what Nick’s father said about me.”

  “Do you have a way to reach Nick?” I ask her.

  “Yeah, sure. Why? Did Nick say something too? I already text him cussing him out.”

  I grit my teeth. I didn’t need her doing that, but at least she can reach him. “I need you to call Nick. Get him on the phone.”

  “What do I say?”

  I start thinking about it, while Weston makes a suggestion. “Don’t tell him about his mother. He’ll have his father drive him to the hospital.”

  He’s right. We can’t trust the kid. “Should I contact her parents? Last time I got them involved she tore me a new ass.”

  “I wouldn’t. You said she’s okay. Maybe she doesn’t want them knowing about it.”

  “Yeah, maybe you’re right. Listen, while I have you all here I need a favor, and I want you to understand why I’m asking.”

  “What?” Bristol asks.

  I look to Dane. “You planning on moving home any time soon?”

  “No,” he answers like he’s confused.

  “Good. Clean out the room the best you can. Put the furniture in the attic for now.”

  “Why, Dad? What did Dane do?” Bristol questions.

  Dane already knows it’s not him. “He needs the room, sis.”

  “For what,” she begins to ask. It only takes her a second to understand, and I wait for her to overreact.

  Cooper sees it about to unfold and gets in her shit. “I think it’s a good idea. It’ll be nice to have someone to clean the bathrooms, right Bristol?”

  I glance over at my daughter and notice she’s not happy.

  “I’m not moving her into my bed. She has to move out of her place, and we have the space.”

  “You might not move her into your room yet, but it’s only a matter of time. Why do you all treat me like I’m a kid. I know how this works. It’s like you’re all against me.”

  “Bristol, a good friend of mine is in trouble. We talked about this. It’s not up to you.”

  “Whatever. Move her in. Sleep with her. Replace Mom. Obviously I’m the only person who thinks it’s wrong.”

  Dane stand and leads his sister out of the room. He turns at the last minute. “I’ve got this.”

  We wait until he’s gone to continue. “While I’m with Perry, I’ll need you guys to go to her house and move her things. She doesn’t have much, and Nick’s stuff can stay in the garage until we figure something else out.”

  “Until Perry moves into your room, you mean?” Caleb teases.

  I shake my head. “Now ain’t the time, son. I need to get her moved in as quickly as possible. When I know she’s safe I’ll figure out a way to get rid of the ex.”

  “Damn, Dad. She must be worth it. I haven’t seen you this heated since I shot out the neighbors window with the pellet gun.” Weston taunts.

  “Do we have a plan or not?”

  Brant pats me on the shoulder. “We’ve got this, Dad. Just give us her address and make sure we have a way to get in.”

  “I’ll text you the number for her landlord. Tell him she’s been in an accident and to call me if he has a problem with letting you inside. He knows me. It won’t be an issue.”

  “Does Perry know?” Cooper wonders.

  “No. I’ll tell her once we’re finished, that way she can’t refuse my offer.”

  “Do you think we’re in danger?” Brant asks.

  “I don’t want to assume anything. Let’s get this taken care of while I know Perry is in the hospital. Once she’s here I’ll have plenty of time to figure something out. Need be, I’ll go to the police.”

  “We can drive him out into the ocean and leave him,” Caleb insists.

  “Just do what I say for now. All of you. Got it?”

  Despite the fact that they’ve all agreed, I’m not confident this will work out. Perry is stubborn, and Bristol will rebel. I could be making matters worse, but for now it’s a start.

  Chapter 20

��m surprised when Buck returns the next morning with flowers in his hand. He sits the bouquet to the side and leans in for a kiss. I’m a little embarrassed I haven’t been able to brush my teeth, even though he doesn’t seem to care at all. “Did you get any sleep?”

  “They gave me a sedative. I slept like a baby. I’m sorry I destroyed the moped.”

  “You needed it, and don’t even think about that right now. I can’t begin to know what was going through your head, but I kind of get it. We’ve all wanted to give up, Perry.”

  “Yeah.” It appears that he’s the one who didn’t sleep. “Were you up all night, Buck?”

  “I slept a little.” He walks over to the window while continuing. “I had a lot on my mind.”

  “Did you do anything illegal?”

  He laughs at the question. “Do you think I would?”

  I shrug. “I know you’d do anything for the people you love.”

  “Damn right. That’s how it should be.”

  “Then you shouldn’t laugh at the question.”

  He sighs, then turns to look at me when he answers. “I didn’t do anything illegal, sweetness.”

  “The doctor says I need to start seeing a therapist.”

  “Are you upset about that?”

  “No. I haven’t been to one in years. I guess I could go back to my old doctor so I don’t have to start over with my life story for another stranger.”

  I cover my mouth when he leans in to kiss me again. “I need to brush my teeth.”

  Buck pulls something from his back pocket. It’s a toothbrush in a wrapper. “I snagged it from the nurse before I walked in.”

  “Keep doing stuff like that and I may never want you to leave.”

  “I could get used to hearing that I’m needed.”

  We stare deeply into each other’s eyes for a few seconds. “I want to talk to you about something, Buck. I can’t let you do this without knowing everything. I would have liked to wait a few months before putting this on you, but you and I both know this thing between us has been going on for a while. We may not have acted on it, but I’m sure it was there, at least on my part. Maybe I’m wrong, but you still deserve the truth. You need to know why I’m cursed.”


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