by Bucknor, LL
Ed hadn’t seen this side of Mateo. He appreciated Mateo looking out for him as a friend. But there was no need for worry. “Look—”
A bunch of guys called Mateo over. “Shit. I’ll be right back, E. Don’t leave yet.”
Somebody went past jumping to conclusions and moved there. Ed finished his Corona. He started his third. He watched Mateo talking loudly to the men, who seemed to be friends. Ed noticed the guy from many months before, Trevor, was part of the group. He watched Trevor grip Mateo’s arm and fawn over him.
Ed continued drinking. He turned to see Jack dancing with his friend and shrugged. Somehow he finished that bottle and the next without realizing it. As he sat there, he planned to notify Mateo about… something. Another Corona popped up from the female bartender and Ed did his duty to the good deed. He drank.
He finished that bottle too. And people-watched. Time passed by. This going out business isn’t so bad. Especially if magical Corona bottles are involved. Ed chuckled out loud and caught himself. Maybe he should stop drinking the magical bottles before he embarrassed himself further. Good plan. Another good plan was to find the restroom. Ed’s bladder liked that plan a lot. He stood up straight and turned his head from side to side to make sure everything was in working order.
Not even drunk, E, good on you. Damn it, Mateo has me calling myself E. This was going on the list of things he needed to talk to Mateo about. Ed tried to remember what else was on that list while on his restroom mission. He didn’t figure it out until he returned. He went to an empty seat in the corner of the bar, where the nice lady bartender gave Ed another beer and a bowl of nuts. Ed liked the beer fairy and planned to give her the biggest tip ever.
Ed ate his nuts— they tasted so good— and sipped his beer. He wanted to walk out of there on his own. He’d lost Jack and Mateo. But he was fine because he had his nuts. He laughed loudly at himself. A bottle of water appeared in front of him. Was there a water fairy too?
Mateo scowled and crossed his arms. “I thought you’d left.”
Ed scowled back but didn’t know why he was being scowled at in the first place. “Nope. Just me and the beer fairy.”
“Beer fairy? You must mean Angela, the bartender.”
Ed shrugged and continued to munch on the nuts.
“D’you know how many you’ve had? Did you drive here?”
“Nope on both counts.”
“Stay here. I’ll bring you home.” Mateo added more nuts to the bowl in front of him.
“You’re beautiful,” Ed muttered and grabbed a handful. Mateo paused and murmured something that sounded like, “You too,” but Ed had a bowl of nuts with his name on it. Have they ever tasted so good? Ed had to make another restroom trip. When he was done, he noticed his bowl of nuts was gone but the water was still there. A travesty. Ed glared at the injustice and jumped when he felt a tap on his back.
“Hey, man, I was looking all over for you.” Jack looked sweaty. It must have been from looking all over for me. Right.
“You wanna join me? There’s a twenty-four hour diner that makes the best pancakes at two in the morning.” Jack moved closer to stand directly in front of Ed. Pancakes did sound great.
“E, you ready?”
Ed turned a little too quickly and the floor moved just a bit. He stumbled but remained upright. Mateo and Jack reach out a hand to help but Ed shook his head.
“E, huh? How about those pancakes, E?”
“He actually prefers Edgar or Ed.”
Ed told him that all the time and now Mateo remembered. Mateo did not smile. Mateo always smiled. Ed noticed. Something is wrong.
“E, you’re hungry?”
“Negative, Ghost Rider. I’m full of nuts.”
Mateo laughed. “You’re going to be so embarrassed later. Sorry, Jack, you heard the man. He’s full. We’re heading home now. Catch you later.”
Jack nodded. “All right. Maybe next time.”
Ed focused on walking out of the bar. Mateo walked behind and directed him to the car. Ed sat in the passenger seat and buckled himself in. Mateo slammed into the driver’s seat, turned on the radio and drove. Ed watched Mateo, who kept his eye on the road for the entire ride. No words were exchanged, but Ed couldn’t help feel some sort of tension floating between them, or control the lecherous thoughts invading. He was hard and tipsy. He couldn’t add another worry, since those two predicaments reigned supreme.
Luckily, they arrived at their co-op building garage. Mateo parked the car silently and shut off the ignition. Ed grabbed the door release to get out, but Mateo turned to look at him. Ed stared, waiting for Mateo to speak. It looked like he really wanted to say something. He watched Mateo open his mouth and close it again.
“Yes?” he prompted.
Mateo shook his head and held his door handle. “Forget it.”
Ed got out and walked around as Mateo locked the car doors. They walked to the elevator, and before he could press the button, Mateo grabbed his arm. He looked down to where he was being held, surprised at the contact— even more surprised that Mateo did not let go.
Ed was led away from the elevator, down into a darkened corner, away from the cameras and any other neighbors’ prying eyes. The above light flickered lightly as Mateo leaned against the brick wall. Ed stood in front of him, his arm still in a vise-like grip.
“Did you want to hook up with Jack?” Mateo asked.
“Yes.” Edgar didn’t understand what the problem was. He just got a new client. And Jack liked pancakes. Mateo doesn’t like pancakes?
“I’m not apologizing for ruining your night, E.”
Fuck is he yapping about? “You didn’t ruin my night.”
“I’m not following.”
“Good. Me neither.” Ed tried to walk away, but Mateo held on and moved in closer.
“You had my brother set you up with Jack is what I’m talking about, E.”
“For a date.”
“Negative.” Where was this guy getting his information?
“So why would you meet with him? I’ve asked you to come to the bar nearly every fucking week.”
Ed paid attention to the first question. “You want me to make you a website?”
“What?” Mateo finally let go and ran his hands through his hair. Ed wished he could have done the same. He already missed Mateo’s hand on his arm.
“Since we’re neighbors and friends, free of charge.”
Ed watched Mateo look down at the ground. He didn’t understand why they were standing in the basement garage when they could have been upstairs.
“You met with Jack for business?”
Hello! “Yep.”
“And not for a date?”
“Is there a special answer you want me to say? Because I don’t know it.”
Ed was startled by Mateo’s lips brushing against his. He had an out-of-body experience feeling those soft lips on his. Mateo didn’t push him for more, just kept his mouth on Ed’s.
“Now, do you get it, E? Do you understand?”
Ed only just heard Mateo over the fireworks that exploded in his head. He grabbed the taller man’s forearms and put his tongue inside the hot mouth he’d dreamt about for over a year. If this was his one chance, he was going to make it count. He ignored the feeling of regret in his stomach. He had his dream man to kiss.
Mateo’s mouth opened and Ed’s tongue was there. He moved one hand to hold the back of Mateo’s head, tilting to change the angle. Mateo growled— a sound Ed had dreamed of, and now he was hearing it for real. He wanted more and everything in between. He pulled back for air and looked into lust-filled eyes. Mateo’s brown eyes were laser-focused on Ed. His cock went full mast.
Ed took a deep breath and pulled Mateo closer, nibbling on his bottom lip. Mateo wrapped both arms around Ed’s body, rubbing his back and bringing them even closer. Ed felt Mateo’s clothed erection press against his own and gave in to the urge to grind against
him. Mateo moaned while they sucked on each other’s tongues. That shit drove him wild. Ed pushed Mateo against the wall, leaned in to rub against his cock, not sure what was on the menu. Whatever they did, he wanted to rock Mateo’s world.
He didn’t expect Mateo to switch them around, making Edgar lean against the garage wall. Mateo pressed into him, moving his mouth across Ed’s cheek. He whispered into Ed’s ear, “E.” Ed opened his eyes and watched as Mateo unbuckled his belt. Ed felt he should reciprocate the gesture. Okay, mutual hand jobs with Mateo in the basement garage, for the win. Ed grinned as he unfastened Mateo’s fly. His cock got harder as he heard Mateo’s zipper go down. Mateo pushed Ed’s pants and boxer briefs out of the way, looking into his eyes all the while. Ed didn’t break the stare as he fumbled with Mateo’s pants. He tried to move his hand into the open space, but Mateo shook his head.
Ed raised an eyebrow. Mateo pulled away, spat in his own hand and palmed his own cock. No fair, I want to see it. Or least touch him. Ed tried to reach for Mateo’s dick again. He could see the head peeking out of Mateo’s underwear waistband. Damn, I’d like to taste that. Again, Mateo shook his head wordlessly. Ed wondered if he thought out loud and had his lips kissed roughly once more. Then he felt Mateo’s mouth descend to the side of his neck.
Ed turned his head to give Mateo more access. He wanted to get some part of his body on Mateo’s cock, be it his mouth, hand, cheek… ass. I ain’t too proud to beg. Ed tried to lower himself so Mateo would get the hint. Mateo placed a hand in the middle of his chest to hold him in place. Mateo squatted in front of Ed’s dick. Thoughts were swiftly vacating the big head and rushing down to the little head.
Ed watched Mateo’s face and its proximity to his penis. He watched him mouth the word, “Nice,” and couldn’t stop his grin. Ed’s uncircumcised dick was more thick than long. Mateo tapped Ed’s chest twice. He got the message; he needed to stay put. He leaned heavily against the brick wall and watched Mateo’s hand move from his chest. Mateo placed his free hand on Ed’s erect cock and gave it a firm stroke. Ed curled his toes and bit his lip to silence himself, before he woke the entire building. Quiet, must remember to be quiet. It was just… Mateo from 11C fondling his penis in a semi-private area. Wet. Suck. Warm. Yes. Correction, Mateo from 11C mouthing his penis in a semi-private area.
Mateo held Ed’s shaft and licked the veined underside.
“Fuck,” Ed murmured. Mateo looked up into Ed’s eyes, held his gaze and opened his mouth on the tip. He sucked tentatively at first, gripping his lips around the head. Ed groaned as Mateo flicked his tongue across the tip and sucked his way down his shaft. He saw Mateo’s other hand in his pants. He’s jerking off. Mateo pulled out his cock and balls but didn’t push his underwear further, his erection in his hand. Ed only glimpsed at the cock; the flickering light caught the pre-cum at the tip. Mateo moved his tongue, licking the side from tip to base and back up again.
“Fuck,” Ed whispered and closed his eyes. He felt Mateo move his flattened tongue across the hardened shaft. Mateo started fondling Ed’s balls as he slurped his shaft. Ed moved his hands down to his crotch and grabbed Mateo’s head with both hands. Trying to keep his eyes open to watch, Ed saw Mateo work his mouth back to the tip. He watched Mateo flick his tongue under his foreskin and around his cock head— one of the most erotic things he’d experienced in a long time.
Mateo moved his mouth to Ed’s fuzzy balls, sucking on each one, then tonguing his sac. Ed gripped Mateo’s hair and pulled, watching the man return his mouth back to his shaft. Mateo increased his efforts, making Ed lift his lower back off the wall and hump deeper into that suckling mouth. Mateo sped up, bobbing his head in time with his hand on the shaft.
“Yes,” Ed grunted. His balls tightened. Mateo kept up the motion, and Ed knew he was going to come.
“Mateo,” he tried to warn. He tried to pull Mateo’s head back but Mateo pushed Ed’s dick further into his mouth. Ed thrust deeper inside. Between Mateo’s sucking and playing with Ed’s balls, Ed couldn’t hold back.
“Sorry,” he groaned as he came into the hot mouth. Mateo swallowed, which caused Ed to jerk his hips and tighten his grip in Mateo’s hair. He tried to catch his breath as he watched Mateo jerk off in between his open legs. Mateo moaned and slurped, still sucking Ed’s cock. Ed watched Mateo shoot his semen on the ground. His hand moved rapidly, squeezing a few loads out of an impressive cock. Ed was a little jealous.
He continued to breathe heavily from his cataclysmic orgasm. He looked around the area and down again. Mateo breathed just as heavily as he looked up into Ed’s face. As the high started to wear off, Ed began to worry. Should he thank Mateo? Apologize? He understood this was not the start of a relationship. He wanted it to be. But he was sure that tomorrow, once Mateo realized what he’d done, he’d regret his actions. I’m just a friend. A video game buddy. Not your lover. Don’t get your hopes up.
Ed bent down to pull his boxer briefs and pants up, and tucked his sensitive, semi-erect cock into his pants while internally berating himself. He still held onto a sliver of hope that maybe Mateo would want to do this again. He expected to see a blissed-out Mateo, kneeling before him. Instead, Mateo wore a frown and a trickle of drool and sperm on his chin. Ed focused on Mateo’s glistening chin. He wanted to lick Mateo so bad. Get it together, loser.
Ed figured he should pay attention to the immediate need of wet chin. He pulled out his handkerchief, negative thoughts swirling in his head. He didn’t want to ask Mateo what was wrong. He had a feeling it was regret. Or that this was a one-time affair, and he didn’t want to hear Mateo say the words. He went into shutdown mode and threw the piece of cloth in the direction of Mateo’s face. He thought Mateo would catch the cloth but it landed on his chin. Shit! Escape, dumbass!
He wriggled away with a gruff, “Thank you,” and watched Mateo lose his balance.
“I… good night.” Fucking smooth. Ed ran away toward the stairway on the other side of the elevator. He heard Mateo hoarsely call his name as the door slammed behind him. Edgar ran up eleven flights of stairs. His heart knocked the bottom of his throat, he ran so hard. By the time he collapsed on the eleventh floor exit door, he was drenched in sweat, his buzz long gone. He struggled to breathe and rushed to his apartment.
He heard the elevator door arrive on his floor and dodged inside his apartment to avoid Mateo. He knew it would be too awkward. He gasped for air as he looked through his peephole and took the coward’s way out. He watched Mateo walk toward the door and stare. Mateo grumbled something and turned away to his own apartment.
I really fucked this up.
“I… good night. Bet he’s glad to be rid of me,” Edgar thought out loud. It hurt all the same.
Ed barely slept all night.
He replayed his foolish actions, reviewing the highlight— the epic blow job— and lowlight— basically everything after his brain was sucked out his dick.
He wanted more, as foolish as it may be. He knew Mateo just wanted to have fun, and now he would have to go back to watching from afar. He just took the first step. But he didn’t like the way he left things. The guilt was killing him.
He called Mateo in the afternoon and got his voicemail. He didn’t leave a message and definitely wasn’t going next door. Instead he stayed in bed all day and tried to distract himself with a book. However, he didn’t get very far because he kept thinking about dialing Mateo’s number again. He looked at the clock. 10:05 p.m. He’s probably on his way to work. I’ll call him later.
Of course, later turned into tomorrow, since Ed finally fell asleep. The day turned into missing Mateo all over again because the times Ed remembered to try to call were inopportune. Maybe he subconsciously chose to contact Mateo when he knew the man couldn’t pick up.
This head in the sand game lasted for over a week. Mateo never called, or showed up for their usual video game night. A telling sign, if anything. Edgar felt wretched. That night’s replay weighed him down.
The next evening, Edgar played with his Mateo avatar on his computer. It’d been a while since he’d played the game. He heard someone in front of his door and couldn’t stop the touch of hope he felt in his gut.
No one knocked at his door. This is bullshit. I should just get the inevitable over with. He paused his game and grabbed his keys before doubt could enter his mind.
He crossed the hall and knocked on Mateo’s door. He breathed out when the door opened. Mateo stared blankly. Ed took him in from top to bottom. Still gorgeous, even when he’s pissed. Ed stared back, not knowing what to say for a while.
Mateo continued staring ahead and prepared to close his door.
“Wait!” Ed put his hand on the door before Mateo closed it in his face.
“I’m busy, Ed.”
He called me Ed? “I’m sorry.”
“Okay.” Mateo tried to close the door again.
“Could I possibly talk to you inside, please?”
Mateo opened the door wider and walked toward the living room. Ed moved inside and locked the door behind him.
Ed stood in front of Mateo, a coffee table separating them. “The game was Zelda this week. We missed you.”
Mateo stared. “I was busy. I still am.”
Really? “Doing what?”
“Ed—” He rolled his eyes. “You apologized. I’m busy. You should go.”
I’m messing this up again. Edgar looked around and noticed a blue goldfish swimming in a bowl on an end table. “You bought a fish?”
“I thought you didn’t— I mean.” Ed looked to the ground to get a moment and let the words settle down in his head. “I like you. Not because you have a fish. Though your fish is nice. I liked you before the fish. In fact, I liked you before you noticed me. And I noticed you from the day you moved in. A lot. I mean. Lusted over you for many a night,” he confessed.
“You have a funny way of showing it— throwing a handkerchief in my face, like a whore.”
“You had my cum on your face. I thought you’d want to clean up. So I left because it was weird. I’m weird.”
Mateo put his hands in his pockets and shook his head. “You’re logical, E. I actually get your fucking logic. But it still was a dick move.”