by Bucknor, LL
“You called me ‘E’ again.” Progress?
Mateo lowered his eyebrows. “I thought you didn’t like it.”
“It’s grown on me.” Ed moved closer to Mateo and looked into his eyes. “I miss you.”
“I live across from you, E. You know where I work. You could have easily found me.”
Ed shook his head. “It’s easier for you.”
Mateo looked confused. “What’s easier for me?”
“You try living your entire life being me, then live across the hall from someone like you and see what you come up with.” Must I spell it out for him?
“Someone like me? Clarify.”
“You could have anyone from eighteen to one hundred lining up to be with you. You look like… you. A walking gay Tumblr gif come to life. I look like, well me. Short and geeky. Men like you who probably have fans around the world don’t look at men like me— guys who hold the wall and hide in corners. Guys who are comfortable there. You’re Details magazine. I’m PC Gamer.”
Mateo squinted his eyes. “I’m guessing PC Gamer is a magazine?”
Ed pointed at him. “You just proved my point.”
“E, I don’t give a shit about your perceptions. I fucking like you. I have for months. I sucked your dick in the garage. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, so let me make it crystal. I get that you can be clueless at times, which I adore, by the way. But you need to look in the mirror. There’s nothing wrong with you. I’m willing to start reading PC Gamer.” Mateo touched Ed’s face. “I’m a fan of you, quirks and all.”
This guy. “You should look at men closer to your age.”
“Did you?”
Ed paused. He tried to think of another reason why he couldn’t be with Mateo. “That’s not the point.”
“Let me cut into your excuse brigade with an important question.”
“There’re not excuses. If you just—”
“Right, right. You’re older and prefer to stay at home. I’m younger and like a good party. I studied the CliffsNotes. I truly couldn’t give a shit about the differences. I’ve been with guys who liked to party and have a good time. I’m looking for substance. Now, listen to the question. Do you want me?”
“Of course I do,” Ed admitted gruffly.
Mateo smiled. “I still want you. I wanted to be a friend in the beginning. But once I got to know you, I was attracted to you as a person. Plus, I think you’re hot. Thought you should know.” He held onto Ed’s hand. Ed smiled back.
“I’m truly sorry for not talking to you sooner. I never meant to treat you like a whore.”
“You could in the future. I really like role-playing. A lot.” He grinned his Mateo grin— a grin that turned Ed on. Of course, his cock hardened.
Mateo lowered his head, resting his forehead against Ed’s. “My schedule just became clear. How’s yours looking, E?”
“I could fit you in.”
Mateo grabbed Ed’s cock and rubbed him through his sweatpants. “Really? Wonderful. Because I want to fit you in my bedroom. Right now.”
Edgar surged forward and pressed his mouth against Mateo’s. Mateo grabbed his waist and pushed him toward the bedroom. Both men grappled with removing their shirts, throwing them haphazardly on the bedroom carpet.
Once the clothing was out of the way, Ed drew Mateo’s mouth back to his and pulled at Mateo’s hair.
“I like hair-pulling too,” Mateo murmured against Ed’s lips while rubbing his back.
“Make a list. I’ll research it properly.”
Mateo pushed Ed backward onto the bed and pulled his pants down. He was free-balling. Ed liked this hard. He started to fondle himself, thinking lecherous thoughts. Mateo bent down to remove his pants from his feet. He was smooth… all over. He waxed? Yes!
Finally, he saw Mateo in all his glory. And in full daylight, with no crevice unseen. He looked at the package first, of course, since he only had a shadowed memory. His mouth watered at the long, circumcised cock, making plans on where to begin his exploration. He could finally touch this man in the flesh.
“Come here,” Ed beckoned, while putting his hand under his waistband and into his drawers. Ed placed his other hand on his lightly furred chest, tweaking his nipple.
“That’s hot,” Mateo growled as he kneeled above him. He licked the unoccupied nipple below him and teased the raised flesh. Ed pushed his chest closer to Mateo’s mouth. “This is hotter though,” Mateo spoke against his skin and freed Ed’s erection. Ed watched Mateo lick a strip down his belly, bypassing his cock to continue down his right thigh. He tried to kick off his pants but only dislodged Mateo off his leg. Mateo removed Ed’s pants for him and licked his lips as he stared at Ed handling his cock.
Ed shook his head. “Uh-uh. It’s my turn to taste.”
“I’d rather ride, E.” Mateo placed his hand over Ed’s to help him stroke.
“You want to bottom?” He assumed he’d be ass-up. The taller men he’d been with always wanted him to bottom.
“I’d love to have you fuck me. Been dreaming of it since I sucked you off.”
Ed forgot to stroke and stared. His porn dream come true. Mateo continued to play with his shaft, fingering his slit. “Get a condom.” Mateo teased him by kissing and sucking the tip. Ed squeezed his nipple harder. His dick responded enthusiastically. “Please.”
Mateo let go with a loud pop and crawled over Ed toward a side drawer to his left. His cock dangled close enough to Ed’s mouth for him to suck. Ed couldn’t resist groping and sucking the deliciously bulbous head.
“E, babe. Wait.”
Ed swirled his tongue around the leaking head, getting off on the taste. Mateo started to thrust and stopped his search. “Fuck. E.” Ed moved his other hand on Mateo’s firm ass. Maybe I could rim him now? He wanted to. “Jesus, E,” Mateo groaned. “Fuck me first.”
Ed reluctantly let go with his mouth. He kept his hand on his ass, though, squeezing a cheek. Mateo fumbled with getting the condom and lube. Once he found them, he crawled back over Ed, who licked his dick as he passed by.
“Later.” Mateo pressed his lips against Edgar’s, licking into his mouth. Edgar squeezed Mateo’s ass with both hands, ghosting his fingertips along his crack. Both of them thrust against each other while they kissed. Mateo lifted his head to breathe. “Sit up.”
Edgar complied, propping himself against some pillows and watching Mateo open the condom packet. He slicked the condom smoothly over Edgar’s extremely hard cock. I hope I last long enough. Mateo flipped the bottle top and squirted lube over the thickened penis.
Mateo rubbed Ed’s sheathed cock a couple of times, then pressed his lubed finger into his ass to lubricate himself. Edgar watched Mateo straddle and hover over his erection, holding it steady for Mateo to sit down on, which he did slowly. When Mateo bottomed out, Ed moved his hands to his hold his waist and waited for Mateo to give him the okay to thrust. Mateo wrapped his longer legs around Ed’s back, hooked his hands around Ed’s neck and lifted his hips slowly to Ed’s tip. Then pushed himself down. Fuck yes! Mateo’s ass felt fucking great gripping his dick.
Mateo laughed out loud. “You’re crossing your eyes, E.”
If Mateo had enough thought to pay attention, Ed was not doing his job. While guiding Mateo’s hips, he thrust upward as Mateo moved down. Mateo grunted and closed his eyes. Yes! Ed tried to pace his thrusts just right. Mateo increased his rhythm, but Ed wanted this man crooning. He moved a hand up Mateo’s back, grasped his shoulder, pulled out and twisted Mateo onto his back.
Edgar moved back between his opened legs and ordered Mateo to hold his legs. Ed lined his cock up at Mateo’s entrance and pushed in. Mateo groaned deeper.
“Good?” Ed pulled his hips back and made a shorter thrust inward.
“E,” Mateo grunted even lower and tightened his grip on his thighs. That’s the spot, then.
Ed started powering his hips into Mateo, maintaining the angle, and stroking Mateo’s leaking co
ck. Both ground and pushed themselves faster. Ed leaned over, stroked Mateo’s cock with his hand and licked his neck.
Mateo moaned. Edgar slammed inside, tightening his firm hold on the steadily leaking dick. He continued thrusting. Mateo’s cock throbbed and he shot across his chest. Ed thrust harder a few more times and came inside of him. Once Ed stopped moving, Mateo dropped his legs. Ed released Mateo’s cock and licked the cum off his palm.
Mateo shuddered. “I have plans for you later. Many in the future.”
Ed held his gaze, lowered his mouth to lick the globs off his chest and winked. Mateo pulled Ed in for a sloppy kiss, both men thrusting their tongues deeply. Ed lay on top of him, basking in the afterglow. Mateo hugged him tightly. Ed was super-content, the sweat cooling on their bodies. Of course, Mateo had to have the last word.
“Just so you know this means we’re exclusive, E.”
“Okay.” Ed pulled out and removed the used condom. He tied it and threw it in the waste bin at the side of the bed. Ed walked to the en suite bathroom and returned with a wet washcloth to clean them.
“As in together.” He pulled Ed back onto his chest.
“All right.” Ed was tired. He hoped Mateo wanted to take a nap because he planned to, right now.
Ed smiled. “I believe I agreed to the terms.” This guy and his selective hearing.
“And the goldfish needs a name. I figured Atari was lonely. It was going to be a surprise last week, but a certain someone—”
“Pong for your goldfish.”
“It’s more our goldfish. Pong the goldfish. It works.”
“I thought Xbox would be a bit much.”
Mateo bit Ed’s lip and laughed. Ed, however, kissed him fully, properly and deeply.
The End
Author Bio
L.L. Bucknor loves to read… a lot, drink caffeine (coffee and tea the best, yum) and has been known to do some things for chocolate (there might or might not be a case pending— j/k, maybe). She writes sometimes too. She used to write slash fan fiction for the masses many years ago. She figured it’s time to get back into the game. A staunch believer in happy endings and the various paths one can take to get there, she does.
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