Never Surrender
Page 16
Quinn woke to Maggie wrapped around him and the huff of her breath warm against his neck. A cautious glance showed she was still out, so he allowed himself a few precious moments to hold her. Easing his hand from hers, he stroked her silken jaw. He looked at her lush mouth, and the memory of her on her knees drawing him deep into her mouth had him rock hard. He eased away.
Maggie’s eyes opened and stared into his. “Please tell me I’m not drooling on you.”
He laughed. “How do you feel?”
“Totally reenergized.”
“That’s good.”
Maggie smiled. “I understand why Felice fancies you.”
“Really?” His brow furrowed.
“Hmm, you’re like an energy drink. You have a way of making tiredness just disappear.” She turned fully into his embrace, grabbed his arm, and looked at his watch. “I’ve been awake, next to you for at least thirty seconds, and I’m full of oomph.”
Quinn didn’t hesitate. “Good, so we can take up where we left off before—”
He saw the humor fade from her eyes at his words.
“I can’t believe I fell asleep. There’s heaps more I have to tell you.” Her words tumbled over themselves as she clambered across him.
He grabbed her waist. “Going somewhere?” He pushed her hair behind her ear and trailed his finger down her cheek and around her stubborn chin, never taking his eyes from hers. Her body softly molded to his.
“Ummm.” Her tongue darted out and swiped across her lips. “I…I’m going to finish.”
“Finish what?” He pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth.
“Heaps to talk about.”
“I don’t want to talk.
“You don’t?”
“Nope.” He ran his tongue across her lips.
“What do you want?” she asked in a soft voice.
“To strip you naked and hold you so close that every part of you touches every part of me. Then reacquaint my taste buds with your essence by savoring your body, inch by delicious inch.”
She trembled against him.
“Then I’m going to lose myself in you until you scream my name and beg me to stop.” He pushed her hair back. “You know what I’m going to do then?”
Her eyes were huge, her cheeks flushed. “What?”
“Start over again.” He covered her lips, and her flavor flowed through him. He spanned his hands from her waist to her lower back.
“That feels delicious,” she whispered.
His palms moved up her vertebrae. Another sigh escaped from deep within her as he massaged her ribs before moving up to her shoulders.
She relaxed fully into his embrace, tipping her head and giving him that smile, the one that heated his blood and sent it thrumming through his veins.
“I love it when you smile at me like that.” He pulled her closer, and his lips devoured hers with all the pent-up passion he’d held in check. Finally coming up for breath, he murmured, “Don’t we have some unfinished business in a shower?”
Maggie moaned. “Definitely unfinished.”
He trailed his fingers down her back and whispered, “Wanna get naked?”
“Hell yeah.” She tugged his shirt up, and her eager fingers explored his muscled torso. “Oh, God, Quinn, I can’t get enough of you.”
He nibbled her neck. “You taste like sin.”
When she reached down and cupped him through his jeans, his lids fell, and he sucked in a breath.
He pushed lightly at her, and she rolled away from him. He stood, and she wouldn’t meet his gaze. “Maggie, look at me.”
“No.” Her eyes were squeezed shut.
“Why not?” He kept his voice low.
It took a minute, but then she whispered, “Because I’m afraid I’m in the dream that kept me sane while I was away, and the minute I open my eyes, you won’t be here.”
He reached for her hand and hauled her to her feet. She launched into his hold and tangled her arms around his neck as desire, so long denied, surged through his body.
“Let’s get naked.” He lifted her against him.
She wrapped her gorgeous legs around his waist, and he carried her through the guest bedroom, kicked open the en-suite door, stepped into the shower stall still fully clothed, and turned on the cold tap.
Maggie squealed. “It’s freezing.”
“I know.” He urged her to lower her legs and then hauled the sodden shirt over her head. “We need something to cool us down, or it’ll be over before it begins.” He unclasped her bra, slid it from her body, and tossed it over the shower screen. When he sucked one pebbled nipple into his mouth, Maggie moaned deep in her throat and grabbed his hair. He repeated the caress on her other nipple then met her gaze. “This is going to be slow, slow, slower.”
Maggie moaned again. “As long as it takes, Quinn. As long as it takes.” She peeled the soaking shirt from his body and shrouded him with herself.
As they stood locked together, Quinn looked deep into her eyes and knew his Maggie was back.
Chapter Nineteen
The next few hours passed as though life was ripe for eating, and Maggie devoured it with abandon.
She knew a stupid grin covered her face, and she couldn’t, no, wouldn’t, change it for anything. For the first time in twelve months, she felt truly alive. The case would rear its ugly head when James and Lydia returned. Until then, she’d accept this slice of Heaven.
After the shower, they tumbled into bed wrapped in each other’s arms and fell asleep. Quinn had woken her with a steaming cup of coffee and a kiss that curled her toes. The coffee had gone cold before she had a chance to drink it. She smiled at the memory as she sat curled up on the couch while a fresh pot brewed in the kitchen.
“They’re back,” Quinn called from the monitor room and went to let them in.
“You look rested,” Lydia said to Maggie as she strolled into the family room.
Maggie caught Quinn’s gaze and his smile that had her wishing for happy ever after. “I’m feeling much better.”
James followed Lydia into the room. “The technician sorted the transmitter. All we have to do is push this button and we’re right to go.” He indicated a tiny button on the side of the transmitter. He looked at the others. “So coffee first, then we work out how to bring these bastards down.”
Maggie and Lydia walked to the kitchen.
“You do realize cops are involved?” Maggie spoke as she turned the peculator off.
“I do. Another reason to get started,” James replied.
Maggie carried the pot of coffee and placed it on the wooden dining table. Lydia put mugs down beside it.
“I have something else to tell you about Angel.” Maggie poured herself a cup of coffee. “When Angel and I arrived earlier, she freaked out.”
“Why?” Quinn turned his chair around and straddled it.
“She saw Felice.”
“Understandable,” Quinn muttered.
Maggie’s lips twitched. “Apparently she’s been a regular visitor at the De’lisle.”
“How long has that been going on?” Quinn stretched his legs out and clasped his hands behind his head.
“Three, four weeks. Basically, since I arrived back. And I never knew,” Maggie replied.
“Somehow that bitch is linked to what’s going on,” Quinn stated.
“Seems that way. All we have to do is figure out how.” Maggie looked at James and Lydia. “Thoughts?”
“Could be,” James replied. “You said the problems intensified when you arrived back in Brisbane?”
Maggie nodded.
“Well that lifts some of the suspicion from Roberts.” James refilled the coffee mugs.
“You doubt Roberts?” Maggie raised her brow. “Really?”
James shrugged. “Just too convenient, him disappearing as the case goes to hell.”
“I’m inclined to agree with James,” Quinn said.
“But we sent him to the hospital in an ambulance. He�
��s not missing. He’s sick.” Maggie massaged her temples.
Quinn leaned forward. “I’m not arguing that. It’s what he said as they loaded into the ambulance that’s been bugging me.”
“What?” Maggie raised her brow.
“He asked about your witness.”
“So?” Maggie raised her palms.
Quinn pinned her with his stare. “Witness, Maggie, not witnesses.”
“How would he know?” Maggie’s voice rose.
Quinn sighed. “No idea. But we have to consider the possibility that Roberts knows more than he’s told us.”
“Do you think he’s involved with Felice?” Maggie rested her elbows on the table.
“They looked very cozy in that photo you found last night,” Quinn said.
“I wish I would have found it before he went to the hospital. We could have just asked him.” Maggie huffed out a breath. “There’s something else I’m trying to figure out.” Maggie pointed to the transmitter sitting on the table. “If they had Angel’s whereabouts, they could have picked her up anytime, so why didn’t they?”
“They were using her as bait, knowing eventually you would turn up. That’s it for me.” Quinn reached over and gripped Maggie’s arm. “Surely you accept now that it’s you they’re after?”
“I do.” She pushed his hand away, stood, and began pacing. “I just don’t understand why Conrad would come after me personally. I only slowed their business. After each raid, they shut down for less than twelve hours.”
Quinn drummed his fingers on the table edge.
Maggie continued. “The main reason for the raids was to get the girls out of the environment and back with their families, especially those who were underage. Except for the last raid I’d organized before coming back to Brisbane. After that one, the girls were back at the club when it reopened.” Maggie flopped down onto a chair. “I couldn’t figure out how. Now I feel like I’ve been used, wholly and solely, by the task force I worked so hard for.” She shook her head. “Oh sure, they used the information I forwarded. After a phone call to Conrad, so he could get his gold mines out.”
She closed her eyes and blew out a breath. “I’m so damned angry, I could punch something. Those responsible are going down. They want me? Fine, they can have me. On my terms.” Maggie straightened her spine and focused on Quinn. “It’s time to finish this.”
His stare held hers.
She pushed on. “I’m using their transmitter, and I’m going back under.”
Quinn exploded from his chair. “Are you mad? You’ll be setting yourself up for what? To get killed? I won’t let you do it.” He slammed his fist against the wall. “No fucking way.”
The ticking of the clock punctured the silence.
Maggie glanced at Lydia who stood, helped James up, and dragged him from the room.
“Is this history repeating itself?” Maggie stood her ground, daring Quinn to deny it.
Control. She watched him battle for it. His usually sensual lips were flat. Eyes that glowed molten gold for her had become merely slits. He was royally pissed.
“Is it?” she pushed again.
“Why? Are you using it for an excuse to walk out? To flaunt your independence, just to prove you can do it by yourself? Again?”
“Ouch, that hurt,” Maggie gasped, pushing trembling fingers through her hair.
He shrugged his massive shoulders and turned from her. With his arms straight by his side, hands fisted, he stalked into the dining room, and then leaned his head against the glass to stare outside.
He’d given her the perfect out. Now she could leave, and her lack of courage wouldn’t be the cause of injury or maybe death to the others she’d involved. Stop kidding yourself. She knew she couldn’t do this alone. That’s why she’d contacted him in the first place. She was desperate. Her inner fortitude was stalled, and her self-confidence was shot. Admit it. You were terrified. She was losing her way. She’d needed him. She’d called him and he’d come. Because he never let you down.
A couple of meters separated them. It might as well have been a marathon, given the sheer determination it took for her to cross the gap. Her hand curled against the rigid muscle of his forearm. He had pulled back from her, emotionally at least.
She sighed. That wasn’t what she wanted. “Quinn, look at me.”
He stood straighter and didn’t turn around.
She tugged at his arm. “Please.” She sensed his desire to turn toward her, held back with sheer willpower. “You were right. I do want to do this my way.”
“Nothing to discuss then, is there?” His voice was frigid. The tremor beneath her fingertips belied his indifference.
“I want you with me. I’m willing to accept any help you can offer.”
His posture didn’t ease.
“But I’m still going to put myself up as bait.”
He turned, eyes blazing. “Twelve months ago I tried to warn you what undercover was like. You didn’t listen. Now you know I wasn’t exaggerating, and you still choose to put yourself in danger.” He drew himself up to his full height and squared his shoulders. “Why in hell won’t you listen? Do you have a death wish?”
“Of course not. I want closure,” Maggie yelled.
“There are any number of ways we can take these guys down that will bring closure. What in hell do you have to prove? Tell me.” His voice boomed.
“It’s not about proving anything.” She sucked in a deep breath determined not allow this to degenerate into a pissing match. “It’s about timing. If we go to the cops, there are red tape and subpoenas. That all takes time, and that could mean the end of another young life. They want me. They can have me, but we’ll be in control.”
Maggie stepped back from Quinn, tipped her chin, and looked directly into his eyes. “Personally, I’d like to prove to myself that I didn’t stuff up, that I was ready for this assignment.”
A breath whistled out of him. He shook his head and met her stare. “I said it then, and I’ll say it again now. You weren’t ready for something that big. I’m not going to apologize for my actions.” He crossed his arms and rocked back on his heels.
“You should have talked to me, not gone behind my back,” Maggie insisted.
“I wanted to protect you.” Quinn reached for her, stopped, and dropped his hand to his side.
“You call it protecting. I call it smothering. You did the exact same thing as my father did all those years ago.” Maggie stared at him, again daring him to deny her words.
“Bullshit. It wasn’t like that.”
“It damned well was. He used his connections within the service to keep his baby girl safe behind a desk. You tried to do the same.”
“I didn’t want you to…” His voice faded.
“To what?”
“Do something you’d regret your whole life.” Quinn’s voice broke as if the words choked him.
“Like screwing Conrad?” Maggie dropped her gaze, sucked in a breath, then faced Quinn again. “Some of the things we do leave a permanent stain. We put them behind us and move on. That’s life.” She sighed. “I accept you did what you thought was best for me. I didn’t like it, and I don’t agree with it. I couldn’t accept your overprotectiveness before, but I can accept it now for what it is, part of who you are. I just want to bring these creeps down.” Maggie kept her eyes fixed on his face. “So for now at least, I’m willing to accept help.”
With his shoulders back and his wide chest thrust forward, he looked mean. Her fingers reached up and stroked his jaw.
“Don’t.” Quinn swatted her hand away. “Don’t pet me, Maggie.” He fell silent and held her gaze. He took a breath and said, in a cold voice, “You know what, Maggie, I’m finished. You win.” He raised his hands in mock surrender. “You go back under, do what you have to do so you close your damned case. That’s all this is about to you. I’m over it.”
“Quinn, please.”
“Please what?” His voice was hoarse. “No. Don’t lo
ok away.” He held her wrist between his steel fingers. “Answer me. Please what? Please just shut your mouth, and do what I want?” His grip tightened. “Please go against what you think’s right? Please just sit back and watch me put myself in danger over and over?” He dropped her hand as though he couldn’t bear to touch her.
Maggie shook her head, and unshed tears threatened to choke her. “Please, Quinn, stop being such a chauvinistic, overprotective jerk and have faith in my abilities to do my job.” She jammed her hands onto her hips and glared at him.
He glared back.
Maggie shook her head. “I know I can finish this. With your support, it will be easier, but I am going to do this, with or without your help.” She twisted her hands together and ducked her head. She couldn’t look at him, didn’t want to see the anger in his eyes.
A year ago, he told her she didn’t have the experience to handle a deep under cover assignment. He couldn’t say that now. For twelve months she’d blended with the dark side and hated every minute of it. As soon as she brought the bastards down, she’d never work under cover again.
She raised her eyes, and met Quinn’s, cold, empty gaze. Maggie reached toward him. He stepped away.
“You’re right, Maggie. It’s your case. So I’ll keep my chauvinistic thoughts to myself and let you make the call.” He shook his head. “I promised you I’d help. So I’ll work with you ’til that gang is off the street and your name is cleared. Then we go our separate ways.” He turned and stalked from the kitchen. “I’ve got some stuff to do.”
Maggie’s shoulders slumped, and her heart plunged to her toes when the door slammed. She rested her head against the window and inhaled Quinn’s citrusy cologne as she stared outside into the darkness that mirrored her emotional state. Well you got what you wanted. Her forehead rested against the chill of the glass, and she absorbed it into her being, needing something to grab her focus, to bring her back.
She couldn’t budge, so she examined her feet. They looked surprisingly normal. She wriggled her toes. They moved, so why couldn’t she? What in hell was she to do?
Those damned tears were back, burning through her retinas. Get it together. You’ve got a job to do. But she couldn’t. Her hands gripped the window ledge hard, praying like hell the wood would splinter and rip into her skin, causing a physical pain that would wipe away this despair swamping her.