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When It Falls

Page 14

by Jan Stryvant

  "Sure," Matt said, and as Stan turned and started to walk back to the car, Matt picked up the pistol and shot him in the back of the head.

  "Nothing personal," Matt said, "but I just don't trust you, Stan."

  The Sorceress Guild

  "So, just how does this work?" Louise asked her son as they walked into one of the guild's workshops. From the way her son had that young woman Roberta tucked up close to him, it was pretty clear to her that he had strong feelings for the girl. It was just as apparent that this Roberta had some pretty strong feelings for her son as well.

  Louise found it interesting, that her Sean, who had rarely dated in all of the years she'd raised him suddenly had a passel of woman surrounding him, and that these women were all quite willing to share. Now like any mother she of course thought that her son was the best young man in the world, and considering how hard Sean had worked to help them get by all of those years and never once complained, she'd been prone to believing it.

  Now she was starting to wonder if maybe it was true?

  And then there was his lion hybrid form. She'd seen Sampson's a couple of times, and Sean definitely did look like him, only, more imposing was how she'd best describe it. Sean often filled the room when he was in it now. Especially when in his hybrid form, and not just because he was eight foot tall with a very large black mane. He was a lot more handsome than Sampson had been, and honestly, Sampson had been pretty handsome. Sometimes she regretted not taking up with him after she'd stopped mourning for her Ben, but they'd been from two very different worlds.

  "Simply put, I modify the silver tag to allow me to channel the energy from the silver that hits the shield. I use that energy to cast all of the spells at once into the items, one after the other."

  Louise shook her head, "It can't be that easy! I used to watch your father work! It took him days, weeks, sometimes months even to enchant an object!"

  Sean nodded and bending over he gave Roberta a kiss and then a pat on the butt and told her he'd see her at dinner.

  "I cheat," Sean said grinning and going over to Daelyn who was carrying the box with the stuff in it, he took it from her, gave her a kiss and a pat on the butt, and then the two of them went over to one of the work tables and started to unpack the contents.

  "Now you sound like your father," Louise sighed with a smile. "He wasn't keen on explaining himself either."

  Sean shrugged as he started placing the necklaces and the tags on the table as Daelyn set up the spool device by the chair they'd used the last time he'd been here. This time he spotted the copper rod sticking up from the ground. He was going to be using that a lot today, as he didn't have any batteries that he could use. He'd placed an order with Garth for some more of the large metal slugs he'd been making them out of, but it would be a few days at the very least.

  "It's pretty complicated overall, and I'm not all that sure I want to share it with anybody. Maybe if one of my sons shows the desire to be an enchanter I'll teach it to him, but I need to think about that." Sean looked up at his mother, "There were some things in Dad's spell book that I cut out and burned. In his writing he said that he was conflicted with passing them on to me, and after I learned them I could understand why. Dad created some very powerful spells, Mom. And now, I've learned how to use them in ways that he couldn't, but that he feared. This," he waved his hands at the set up, "is the least of it."

  "So you did learn this from his spell book?"

  Sean shook his head, "I learned this on my own. Because I have no formal training in magic, I understand things differently than most others do. That's why I can do things that dad couldn't. But what I learned from him also allows me to do things now that I couldn't do before.

  "Dad's research, to find this answer, it led him to learn a lot of things, dad was a genius, Mom. He was a lot smarter than probably any magic user or enchanter in the world today. It's easy to look like I'm brilliant too, when all I'm doing is standing on his shoulders."

  Louise nodded and watched as they moved the box away and Sean started to strip.

  "What's that for?" Louise asked.

  "Oh, things get pretty hot when I'm doing this. I don't want to set my clothes on fire."

  Louise nodded and then Daelyn came over and took her hand, "It's a lot safer if you sit back here, behind the shield."

  "This is dangerous?"

  Daelyn nodded, "Very. Part of why Roxy's not here. If she knew he didn't have some of the safety gear we usually have, she'd be boxing his ears right about now. So don't distract him and don't get too close, or you'll get burned."

  Louise sat down and watched through the glass port in the shield as her son went to work. It was fascinating; for all that she had no idea just how he was doing it. She could tell that the silver wire was being transformed into something else. Sean had explained the basics to her of just how the lycan protection spell that her husband had devised worked. She could also feel the power flowing in the room, and at times it was considerable. That Sean could so easily handle it was impressive.

  Every thirty minutes he would stop and take a break, panting heavily as he got up to walk around and stretch his muscles, while she helped Daelyn remove the now enchanted objects and replace them with the un-enchanted blanks. He was doing in thirty seconds what most enchanters took months to make, and he was doing it over and over again for a half hour at a time. The idea of that was staggering. Her little Sean, had not only gotten his magic back, but he was now incredibly powerful! No wonder he attracted women like flies!

  'At least,' she thought to herself with a smile, 'he's picking the good ones!'

  "How many is that?" Sean asked when he'd finally decided to call it quits. It was getting late; they'd been doing this for far too many hours. It was definitely a lot harder on him dumping the excess into ground, instead of using the batteries.

  "Three hundred collars and tags," Daelyn told him.

  Sean stretched and yawned. "Could you page Rox and tell her to let the fellowship know I've got another two hundred for them?"

  "Gonna sell 'em or give them away this time?"

  "I can't afford to give them away," Sean sighed, "But tell her to give them a discount. They did pay for the materials this time."

  Daelyn snorted, "I'll discuss it with her and make sure that we give them a fair price."

  "Whose definition of fair?" Sean asked with a chuckle as he worked some of the kinks out.

  "Mine I think. I doubt she'll be willing to give them any discount."

  "Really? And here I thought you were the hard bargainer!"

  "Roxy doesn't bargain, she demands!" Daelyn laughed.

  Sean grinned at that, "Yeah, she does and we all give in to her. So, Mom, what do you think?" Sean asked walking over to his mother.

  "That maybe you should put some clothes on?"

  Sean's facial fur bushed out in a blush, which Louise had to admit looked funny on an eight-foot tall lionman.

  "Yes, Mother," Sean said and going over to his clothes he grabbed his pants and put them on, then grabbed his shirt. "Okay, let's box these up and head up to the dinning hall to get some food. I'm starved!"

  "I like your mother, she's nice," Roberta said as they cuddled in bed much later that night. "What does she think of you having more than one wife?"

  "She's like any young man's mother," Daelyn said from Sean's other side. Frankly Sean was surprised that Daelyn was willing to share the bed with Roberta, apparently she was starting to get used to being in bed with Sean and his other wives. "She thinks that her son is the best man in the world and every woman should want him!"

  "Well yeah, but at least she's right!" Roberta snickered. "So, she really doesn't mind?"

  Sean shrugged; he was lying on his back with an arm around each of them.

  "I have no idea. I haven't really asked her. I just told her the one time she acted surprised that I was a lion now, and I liked it."

  "What's not to like?" Daelyn teased, giving him a kiss and letting her ha
nd get a little adventurous.

  "My sentiments exactly," Sean purred, and rolling onto his side he kissed Daelyn as she rolled to face him. Freeing his other arm from under Roberta, Sean slid it down Daelyn's side and squeezed that nice round butt of hers.

  Daelyn's hands started to get a little more daring and surprisingly, or maybe not so surprising, Roberta scooted up behind him and started to nibble on one of his ears. If ever there was a woman who had a thing for ears, it was Roberta, Sean had realized.

  Pulling Daelyn up a little higher so he could lick down her neck to her collarbone, Sean started to ponder just how he was going to make his little dwarf squeal tonight....

  Just then Daelyn's phone rang.

  "Ah, crap," Daelyn grumbled and rolling over and away from Sean she grabbed her phone off the night table, just as Sean dragged her back.

  "Why is that thing even on?" Sean growled.

  "Because someone has to be responsible," Daelyn said and gave his stomach a smack and answered the phone while he caught his breath. It was easy to forget just how strong Daelyn was because she was so much shorter than the others.

  "Dae here."

  "It's Chad; I need to speak to Sean."

  "Is it important?" Daelyn asked with a growl.

  "Yes, it's important. Roxy already made all the threats. Pass him the phone, please."

  Sean took the phone, from Daelyn.

  "What's so important that you're interrupting my time with Roberta and Daelyn?"

  "I got one of the people involved in the attack on your building."

  "Really," Sean said and thought about that. "What kind of shape are they in?"

  "They got shot, they're unconscious right now, I thought you might want to be here when they wake up?"

  "Where's here?"

  "I got him at Troy's place."

  "Sapientia? Why the hell do you have him there?"

  "Because I have a cunning plan," Chad chuckled.

  "Is your plan as cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University?" Sean asked with a grin.

  "Oh, most certainly!"

  Sean could feel that here were now two sets of fingernails, grabbing onto either side of him, attempting to pierce his skin.

  "Well, keep him on ice until the morning; I'll come over there then."

  Sean felt the attempts cease at his words.

  "You know, if you only had one wife like the rest of the world, you wouldn't have these problems," Chad teased.

  "I'm in love with my problems and I pity those of you who haven't experienced their wondrous joy."

  "Uh-huh. Oh, want to know who sent him?"

  "Keep me in suspense," Sean chuckled and hung up the phone.

  "Now," he smiled at Roberta and Daelyn, "just where were we?

  Robbery, Assault, & Battery

  "You know that if Sean finds out about this, he'll kill you, don't you?" Sheila whispered as they walked through the casino's nightclub.

  "Then he better not find out," Peg said with a grin, "besides it's not like I'm actually going to do anything, just flirt a little until we have what he came here for."

  Sheila shook her head, "I'm not sure you truly understand lions yet, dear."

  "What, he doesn't complain about me and you now, does he?"

  Sheila laughed, "That's because I'm not a man. Then there's the little factor of him having been in my bed...."

  "Something which I haven't heard you complaining about," Peg said with a wink.

  "And you won't. He's the lord and master here."

  "Oh, not that again," Peg grumbled.

  "And he's damn good!" Sheila laughed.

  "Better," Peg grinned.

  "Still, he's a lion, Peg. Don't ever forget that. They get mighty possessive and he won't take lightly to your flirting, even if you don't mean it. I've seen the way he looks at you."

  Peg shivered a little; she'd seen the way he looked at her too, and she liked it. Hell, her vixen turned into a puddle of warm gooey fox inside her every time she saw it. Peg found it hard to believe Roxy's claim that he'd been some sort of a gamer nerd. She suspected Roxy was just pulling her leg.

  Deep down, she suspected that yeah, Sean might be just a tad bit upset with her over this, but you couldn't go fishing without any bait, and Sheila and her were some of the best damn bait in Reno. Currently the two of them were wearing very thin and very low cut dresses that showed off all of their charms to the fullest, a pair of lovely Jimmy Choo's on their feet, and not much else.

  Strutting their way over in the direction of their prey for the night, Peg stopped a couple of feet away, turned so her back was to their target and leaning forward she whispered in Sheila's ear, "Mr. Old Spice with the thin black tie behind me."

  Sheila glanced over Peg's shoulder and smiled at the man who was now checking out Peg's ass.

  "Piece o' cake," Sheila whispered back.

  Looking up the man saw Sheila smiling at him and winked.

  Sheila winked back as Peg turned back around.

  "Why hello, Ladies, I'm Jimmy, may I buy the two of you a drink?"

  "Why, we'd be delighted," Sheila smiled.

  Jimmy raised a hand and flagged down a waiter, who responded immediately, Jimmy was known to be a big tipper, especially when he was in the company of a woman.

  "And what would you two ladies prefer tonight?"

  "Oh, I'll have a Long Island iced tea," Peg said with what she hoped was an innocent smile.

  "Oh yes! I'll have one of those too!" Sheila gushed and still smiling took a step closer to Jimmy. "I'm Cindy, my friend Meg and I are here on vacation from college."

  "College? Which one?" Jimmy said as the waiter took their orders and scurried off quickly to fill it, a hundred dollar bill on his plate. Jimmy was no fool, Long Island iced teas were pure booze, two of those and both these gals would be so looped he'd have no troubles scoring tonight!

  "Oh, Arizona State," Sheila told him, using the school Peg had told her to say, and was surprised as Jimmy's smile got even wider.

  "Hey, where are my manners, come over here and let's grab a seat."

  Smiling Peg and Sheila joined him, sitting one to either side of him.

  "So, what do you do?" Peg, aka Meg, asked Jimmy, turning and leaning against him, pushing her breast into his arm.

  "Oh, I'm in acquisitions," he told them, "I buy and trade special properties."

  "Oooh, sounds rich," Peg purred in his ear and noticed that one of Jimmy's hands was already making inroads on Sheila's thigh.

  "Oh, look! Here's our drinks!" Jimmy said, and taking them from the waiter, he handed them to each of the girls, who each immediately took a large drink out of them.

  "Wow, you girls must be thirsty!" Jimmy laughed.

  "Well, we did come here to have fun," Sheila said, letting her voice drop into a more sultry tone.

  Jimmy looked up at the waiter, "Better bring another round!" he chuckled with a wink.

  "Wow, these are good," Peg said and took several long swallows, draining half of the large glass. Back when she was still human, one of these would have knocked her on her ass. Now she barely got a buzz, and with the way her lycan body metabolized alcohol, she'd be stone cold sober in five minutes.

  Two rounds of drinks later, Sheila was sucking on Jimmy's tongue and he had a hand up each of their dresses.

  "Hey, what do you say we leave this place and go back to my apartment?" Jimmy whispered.

  "I thought you'd never ask," Sheila purred.

  Getting to their feet just a little unsteadily, the girls wobbled a bit until Jimmy put an arm around each them and escorted them out of the nightclub to his waiting car. The ride to his place was an exciting one for Jimmy, he had too hot college chicks from a party school, neither of which seemed to have much in the way of inhibitions. They were kissing each other as much as they were kissing him a neither one seemed to mind his hand sliding up under their dresses and caressing the supple flesh there.

When they got to his apartment building, he led them past the security in the lobby with a wave of his hand and once they got in the elevator, he pushed the one named Cindy up against the wall and started kissing her, while her friend Meg ran her hands down inside of his pants and started to tease him with her fingers.

  When the door opened on his floor, he had to drag them out of the elevator, Jimmy wouldn't have been surprised if they'd done him right there! These gals were both drunk and horny!

  Opening the door he led them inside and found himself quickly being kissed and rubbed by the two of them.

  "Mister Blancas," Jimmy's rather large and fit butler asked, "Will you be needing anything tonight?"

  Jimmy freed himself from the two girls who both started wandering around the apartment, looking into each of the rooms. At fifteen hundred square feet, it was bigger than most people's houses and Jimmy was rather proud of it.

  "A couple of drinks, Daniel," Jimmy said.

  "Oh! I found the bedroom!" Jimmy heard one of the girls squeal. Turning to look he saw them both suddenly shimmy out of those thin silk dresses they'd been wearing, letting them pool at their feet, followed quickly by their panties. Suddenly he had too incredibly gorgeous college coeds wearing nothing but heels and jewelry smiling at him.

  "Coming, Jimmy?" the one called Meg asked, crooking a finger at him.

  "Ah, you know what, Daniel? Call Sam downstairs. You and he have the night off. Go have some fun on me," and tossing his wallet to Daniel, Jimmy followed the two naked beauties into his bedroom, the door closing behind him.

  As soon as the door closed, Sheila clipped Jimmy from behind, Peg catching his body before he could hit the floor. Working quickly they stripped him naked, and tied his hands behind his back and tossed him on the bed.

  "That guy Daniel gone?" Peg asked softly.

  "Not yet," Sheila swore as she heard footsteps come closer. "He's coming!"

  Grinning, Peg straddled the unconscious Jimmy's head, and Sheila straddled his groin, the two of them then began moaning softly and grinding their bodies as the door opened a crack, a man's head poking in. Daniel saw what they wanted him to see and turning rather red Daniel quickly withdrew closing the door.


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