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Harvest Of The Virgin Sacrifice, Filled With Hot Seed

Page 2

by Gracie Lacewood

  Chapter Three

  The Silver Palanquin

  My priestesses take me down a spiraling stone stair to an archway framed in golden light. Before we go through it, Chasa stands before me with tears in her eyes. I reach out and stroke her face. Though it pains me to leave her I know I will go on to greater things. By the end of today, I will be with the gods. Whatever that entails I know that only the greatest mysteries await me. She lifts the heavy hood of my cloak and pulls it over my head, just before the hood comes down over my eyes she kisses me softly on the lips and then I descend into darkness. The hood of the cloak is large enough to cover my whole head so that I may not be seen on my way to the potentate. I can see nothing through the dark folds of fabric, so I let myself be led by my priestesses out into what I suppose must be the courtyard. I have watched with envy as other gifts are taken to the temple of Xerastes, so I know what is happening when I am lifted off the ground and set down on a velvet cushion.

  Last year’s gift was a beautiful dark haired girl with piercing green eyes. We were close and would often spend hours together, reading scriptures, painting, studying, enjoying the comfortable silences of companionship. Sometimes she would talk to me of how excited she was for her harvest day and about what we imagined might await us once we entered the grey tombs. She too looked beautiful on the day of her harvesting. I came to see her in the virgin’s bed and then watched through the windows as she stumbled blindly into the courtyard where four men stood, holding the four carrying poles of a magnificent silver palanquin carved with scenes from the scriptures.

  One of the priestesses gathered up her slim form and gently set her down within the vehicle. I caught a glimpse of the velvet-lined interior before the door was shut and the palanquin was lifted onto the shoulders of the four brawny young men. They were all naked to the waist and a thrill of desire went through me as I watched their muscles tighten with the effort of hoisting the heavy palanquin, their glistening shoulders rippling in the midday sunlight. That day I cried, as much for her as for myself, I felt as though the coming year would be intolerable without her and I envied her for the fervor of passionate consummation that awaited her.

  Once I am inside the palanquin I pull back my hood and look around. The interior of the vehicle is splendid. I am sitting on a pile of embroidered cushions and the walls are hung with velvet draperies. The silver ceiling above me is carved into a scene. It is the god Xerastes, his own vassals (lesser gods of our faith) Pytheum and Logastum and the goddess Sabina, she who gives her body so that we may have life.

  Xerastes sits on a bed with Sabina on top of him lowering herself onto his erect cock, his three faces contorted into a wild groan of lust. Pytheum and Logastum stand behind them with pained looks on their faces as they await their turn with her. As for Sabina the look on her face is one of complete ecstasy. The carving was clearly made by a master smith, for it is detailed and finely wrought. The eroticism of the image is obvious, but beneath it is certain nobility as well. I brush my fingers over the taught leg muscles of the carved Xerastes and long to slip a finger inside of myself, but I do not.

  Today I will remain untouched, my unquenched thirst building in me bit by bit until I allow the Potentate to release it in a gush of ecstasy. The bumpy wavelike motion of the palanquin isn’t helping though and by the time it is set down I have become so wet that I imagine the red silk knot tied at my entrance must be soaked with my lust. I hear the footsteps of the men as they retreat from the palanquin and I wait until the sound of them has died off completely before I emerge.

  Chapter Four

  The Temple of Xerastes

  I am standing inside the high wall surrounding the temple of Xerastes. Xerastes is the highest of the gods. He is a broad shouldered man with three faces, the face of mercy, the face of wrath and the face of passion. His scepter is the trunk of a great oak, fashioned at the end into a point that he throws like a spear. Xerastes comes to earth and is incarnated into mortal form as the potentate, as his vassals, Pytheum and Logastum, are incarnated into mortal form as the vassals chosen by the potentate. Every year a virgin of great beauty is given to them as a gift so that they may fill her with their seed. The pleasure that all three will take in this act is of the utmost importance as it is this which will form the gift’s transcendence. After she has been entered time and time again by the holy men, after she has taken them in her mouth and slaked their lusts and she herself has been brought into the bliss of orgasm many times, then she can be sent to the grey tombs where she too will be incarnated with the spirit of the goddess Sabina, a beautiful woman who satisfies sexual appetites.

  The courtyard that I stand in is planted with every imaginable tree, bush, or flower, most of which are foreign to me. Their brightness almost hurts my eyes after the dim interior of the palanquin. A marble path leads down the center of the garden courtyard to the massive steps of the temple, but before I can start upon it I must cross a featureless door of grey slate set into the ground. My steps sound hollowly within it as I cross, this is the door to the grey tombs, but I barely register its presence. I am far too focused on the coming of my reaping, the frenzy of lust that lies before me.

  As I walk down the path my heart beats furiously and my craving grows into a painful ache. I have waited so long and now finally they will have me. Each footfall is another moment of delayed pleasure. My desire is so great it hurts. I know I should be walking slowly and deliberately in order to do justice to the solemnity of the ritual, but my excitement is such that it’s all I can do to stop myself from skipping up the steps of the temple to the archway beneath the marble columns.

  I enter through a massive pair of wooden doors latticed with pointed wrought iron bars and carved with wild and exotic flowers and great trays of ripe and succulent fruits. The antechamber of the temple is massive and down the center are two rows of statues. They are the pantheon of the gods and as I walk between them, their empty stone eyes gaze down upon me in judgment. A sudden thrill runs through me as I realize that the female gods are all enflamed with desire, their swollen nipples hardened into points, some of them touching themselves, while the male gods are fully erect, their faces contorted in growls of passion. I clench my legs together as my pussy grows tight and wet between them.

  At the end of the corridor of statues is a tunnel built into the far wall of the antechamber. A flaming torch sits in a sconce beside the tunnel and I take it and carry it with me through the dark corridor of red stone. My footsteps echo off the close walls and when I see a light at the end of it my heart is practically pounding out of my chest. When I emerge all thoughts leave my head and I drop the torch as the sight before me sends a conflagration of lust roaring through my body.

  Chapter Five

  The Reaping Room

  The potentate sits on a golden throne clothed only in a garment of fine white linen. His muscular body seems to shine in the light of the flaming braziers beside him. At either side of him are his vassals, each of whom wears a black silk robe like the one that I had been gowned in the night before. Before him stands a great stone table, the alter upon which my virginity will be sacrificed to him. In my mind I had always pictured a bed, but this is so much more right. The idea of the hard stone pressing into my back as the potentate thrusts himself inside me sends another gush of wetness to the red knot above my entrance.

  I bring my head up and look him directly in the eye, the look I see there is one of rawest lust. His eyes run over my body and I feel his gaze like fire as he takes in the curves of my waist, my breasts, my hips. I can see from here that his cock is already stiffening under his garment and I move forward with my eyes fixed on his piercing gaze. As I approach the throne the two vassals step in front of it. They are both handsome men, tall with broad chests. Pytheum has a cunning face with a strong chin and a sharp straight nose. He smiles slyly at me as his eyes roam over my body. His gaze enflames me and my every breath begins to catch in my chest. Logastum at his side appears more sensual, with
his full red lips and an unruly head of dark hair. The Potentate’s voice speaks up from behind his vassals.

  “Truly she is a beauty, don’t you think Pytheum?”

  “I do, so fresh and ripe.” He smiles again, this time exposing his white teeth and his two sharp little canines.

  “Do you think she will be too tight for us,” asks Logastum, “she is such a delicate little thing.”

  “She has been prepared for us by the priestesses, we will not hurt her.”

  “Only pleasure her,” Pytheum laughs.

  I smile at this, I am aching for them to begin, to touch me, to fill me, but I know they will draw out my suffering.

  “She smiles,” Logastum says.

  “Do you think she wants us to undress her?” asks Pytheum.

  I hold my breath and give a small nod. I do, I do so badly, but I must not say a word until they begin to touch me.

  “I think,” Logastum says, slowly drawing out the word.

  “Enough play,” comes the low voice of the potentate, hoarse with desire, “take her now.”

  The men grin at each other and approach me. Pytheum moves behind me and reaches his arms around me to undo the clasp of my cloak. It falls to the floor and he presses into me, his cock hardening against my back. He puts his lips to my neck and, now, free to speak and make noise, I moan.

  “Will you speak to us now?” asks Logastum as he kneels before me and I lift my skirts to expose the white satin slippers.

  As Pytheum slowly makes his way down the line of bronze clasps, not taking his lips and tongue from the tender caress of my neck, Logastum runs his hands up and down my calves. I long for him to touch my thighs.

  “Please, please,” I beg “take me, have me.” My swollen cit aches so much that I am almost in tears. The three men laugh.

  “I think she wants us,” Pytheum says softy into my neck, “to fuck her. How shall we fuck you?” he whispers into my ear, “do you want it hard? Do you wish us to fuck you hard?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat and my voice comes out pleadingly, “yes, yes, oh Gods yes.” He has come now to the last clasp and Logastum has finished taking off my shoes. He undoes the clasp and my gown falls off my shoulders exposing the much more revealing black silk dress beneath it. Logastum takes hold of the gown and yanks it down in one swift motion so that now the whole of my black shift beneath it is exposed. The Potentate’s eyes ravage my body again and the hunger in them grows. He throws off his own garment to expose his powerful legs and between them, his long, thick, red cock. It stands out straight in front of him and he begins to stroke it almost absentmindedly.

  “Truly she is a beauty, so ripe, so young.”

  Pytheum has begun once more to suck and lick at my neck with his firm wet tongue, but now his hands have crept over my chest. They are large enough to each fully cover one of my breasts, which hang plumply beneath the thin silk of the shift. He touches them and they begin to ache with the sensation of it, my nipples harden and he gives each of them a tweak sending yet another gush to my overflowing cunt.

  “Touch them,” I moan, “bite them.”

  Pytheum laughs into my neck, “do you think she will be too tight for us?”

  “You must loosen her for me,” says the Potentate, now running his fingers up and down the length of his cock.

  “Gladly,” says Logastum, as he lifts the skirts of my black dress over his head. Pytheum runs his hands over my breasts, squeezing and pinching them to elicit my moans of pleasure, and I feel Logastum run his hands up to my thighs and spread my legs apart. I open them willingly for him, but I keep my eyes locked on the potentate’s. Logastum takes the red silk knot in his teeth and unties it with his mouth, his hands still running up and down my legs.

  It is not an easy task and with each of his efforts the knot grinds into my pussy, building the aching tightness within me, bit by bit. Finally with one last long tug of his teeth the knot is undone. Behind me Logastum has begun to grind the hard swell of his erect cock into me, the two of us gently rocking back and forth. He is panting into my neck with the effort it takes him not to spill his seed right then and there. The red silk falls away and Pytheum’s tongue traces the outside of my lips. I gasp as his tongue enters me. The feeling is sensational, the wetness of it probing inside of me. He slides it slowly up to my clit and I cry out with the overwhelming feeling of it. As his tongue glides smoothly over my clit I can feel that I am close to the edge. My urges overtake me and I begin to rock myself back and forth over his tongue, guided by Logastum as he moves his hard hot cock against my back. Then finally as our movement reaches a frenzied pitch and Logastum moans into my neck I topple over into climax. Waves of pleasure and release pouring over my body as I release another gush of wetness onto Pytheum’s tongue.

  As the waves of pleasure come to a slow end, Pytheum withdraws himself from under my skirts and smiles at me, licking his lips.

  “She is certainly sweet my lord, you will enjoy to taste her.”

  Logastum moans again into my neck still bucking his hardness into me with the lust of unquenched desire.

  “I want to be inside her now,” he says in a low voice. I have throughout my orgasm kept the Potentate’s eyes trained on mine, though now I almost cannot bear it any longer. Hunger, lust, desire and power mingle in his expression of restraint. I can see the effort it takes to keep himself from leaping from the throne to have me. I stare him down and lick my lips, beckoning him with a single finger as my heart thumps away in my chest. Pytheum stands in front of me running a hand down my arm,

  “I imagine she is too tight for you my lord perhaps we should-”

  “Enough,” the Potentate roars as he rises from the throne. His voice is a deep growl as he descends the stairs of the plinth on which his chair is perched, each step an agony of deliberation and restraint.

  “I will have her now.”

  “Of course my lord.” Pytheum replies, disappointment fleeting briefly across his face. He moves away from me and takes Logastum with him, though Logastum is reluctant to leave me. The Potentate approaches me, he is magnificent, tall and perfect, the muscles of his haunches ripple like those of some great beast as he walks. Now that he is entirely naked I can see the tense muscular curves of his ass as he moves towards me. He reaches me and puts his hands on my shoulders pushing me to the ground to kneel before him. I have awaited this moment for so long and as I take him into my mouth his heat and his girth reawaken the lust, which had slept, so briefly after my first orgasm.

  Ever so slowly I tease my tongue around the tip of him and I look up to his face, to see the look of pained longing this gives him. I feel it myself, I want so badly for him to be inside me, but instead I run my tongue along his shaft and I feel the muscles tighten in his legs. I grip the smooth cheeks of his ass as I swallow all of him into my mouth. My pussy is beginning to ache once more, it is begging to be filled. I move my mouth up and down his shaft, caressing him with my tongue, oblivious to all but the feel of his hardness and the aching desire to have him pounding into me. As my momentum builds he takes my head and begins to guide it back and forth and then he lets out a great moan and for just a moment my tongue feels his seed begin to rush towards the tip of his cock, but then with a roar he tears himself out of me.

  I can see him stifling his own orgasm for a moment and then he looks me in the eyes and says, “Take her and hold her. I will not come, but that it is inside her.”

  A tingling thrill runs through me and I barely notice when Logastum and Pytheum take either of my arms and lift me up, placing me down roughly onto the great stone alter. They are both naked now and were I to look I’m sure I would see that their own red cocks are stiff and erect and their faces filled with the agony of lust, but I cannot take my eyes from the potentate. The hunger in his gaze sends shivers up my spine.

  Once I am secured to the alter, my arms pinned to the cold stone by the men on either side of me, the potentate climbs towards me, the bones in his broad shoulders g
oing up and down like a lion’s as it moves to pounce upon its prey. I writhe in anticipation of him. He rips the black dress off my body as though it were tissue paper, leaving me exposed before him, my swollen breasts heaving with each deep, ragged breath I take. He leans back to survey his work and then with a growl he forces my legs apart and I moan, needing to be filled, to be sated.

  “Take me,” I pant, “come inside me.”

  He lowers his cock to my entrance and I pant loudly again for him to enter me. Then with one smooth motion he thrusts himself inside me. He is so big and my cunt so tight around him. The feeling of him stretching me almost to my breaking point is painful but exquisite. I am filled with him and my small cunt squeezes tight around him so that I can feel every ripple and vein in his enormous cock.

  I cry out when he leaves me, immediately wanting to feel him inside me again, but he takes himself almost fully out and then thrusts himself inside again, this time to the hilt and I gasp at his fullness. He pulls out again and then thrusts back in creating a rhythm, rocking himself slowly in and out of me as I gasp and moan.

  “Faster,” I whisper, “I want you faster, harder.”

  He obliges, pounding into me now, slamming my body against the stone, but I do not care, so taken am I with the rush of climax that is building inside of me. Then with a final long slow thrust he fills me entirely, grinding himself deep inside me. He arches his fine back and his face contorts. He cries out, a wild and primal groan and I feel his seed rushing into me. He gives one final push, hard, hard, into my throbbing pussy and then I too groan, rushing over the edge into the agony of orgasm.

  My body is wracked with shivers of ecstasy as I come down from my orgasm. Together we ride out the diminishing waves of pleasure and then he rests inside of me for a moment before drawing himself slowly out of my body. I open my eyes and look to the faces of Pytheum and Logastum, I can see they are excited that now it is their turn.


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