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Page 11

by J. C. Hannigan

  On November 15, Jenna and I skipped class again, this time to go to Sudbury for her ultrasound. When we parked the car, Jenna fished out huge bulky sunglasses and a hat to hide her hair.

  "I don't want to risk the chance of running into anyone," she explained when she caught me staring at her. I shrugged, trying to hide my smile.

  "Suit yourself," I said, realizing how ridiculous I must look taking the same precautions going into Iain's house. I pushed open the car door and stepped outside. It was cold out, but I still inhaled the fresh air deeply as we walked up to the hospital. It stung my lungs, but I wasn't looking forward to the sterile environment…I hated the smell and taste of hospitals. I always had, but it got worse after the accident.

  "When is your appointment?" I asked her, trying to prevent my thoughts from drifting to the past as we stepped in through the revolving doors.

  "Five minutes." Jenna shrugged carelessly. She was trying to appear unworried, but I could tell how nervous she really was. I couldn't blame her. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like…

  Occasionally, I thought about having babies. Not in an obsessive I need to get pregnant way, but in a curious way. Would I mess up my kids? Would I even want kids? I still didn't have the answers, but I know I definitely wouldn't want to be pregnant as the result of a rape.

  We followed the arrows that pointed to the X-ray and ultrasound department. It was relatively empty of people, so Jenna stepped up to the receptionist to sign in. I didn't know what else to do, so I grabbed a chair and picked up a magazine. My phone chimed in my coat pocket. I reached for it, seeing that I had one new text. It was from Iain.

  I miss you. All ready for tonight?

  I smiled, excited that the day had finally come. As soon as I got back from Sudbury, Iain and I would be heading out to Niagara Falls. I'd packed my overnight bag a couple days ago, and had brought it over to his house after work last night. He already had it in the trunk of his car.

  I'd been surprised at how little my mom had questioned me about the trip. I'd told her I was heading down to Niagara Falls with some friends. She'd barely questioned me at all about which friends. I think she was excited to get an entire weekend alone with Larry. I shuddered at the thought, but to each his own. At least the weird meeting with Larry a month ago hadn't repeated itself. Probably because I was rarely home, and when I was…they were already sleeping.

  I texted him back "Of course" and a little kiss emoticon, and put my phone back in my pocket as Jenna fell into a chair beside me. She was looking at me curiously.

  "Who were you texting?" she asked, shoving a flyaway hair back under her hat.

  "Oh…just…someone," I replied awkwardly. Jenna continued to look at me inquisitively, with one eyebrow raised in disbelief.

  "Do you consider me a friend, Harlow?" she asked, almost timidly.

  "Ya…I guess I do," I answered, honestly. "I'm here with you now, aren't I?" she smiled weakly.

  "Thanks for that," she said sincerely. "I…I'm glad you're here."

  "Do you consider me a friend?" I asked, curious for her answer as well.

  "Yeah," she replied. "I mean, you're really nice to me…and you haven't told anyone about…this. And you've been here for me the entire time…so yeah."

  "Well then, besties for life?" I joked. She rolled her eyes, but laughed.

  "Only if you tell me who you were texting," she pressed, looking hopeful. "Come on, distract me! I'm nervous!"

  I sighed dramatically. "Okay, I'm texting my…boyfriend."

  "You have a boyfriend?" Jenna looked surprised. "I thought you were single?" she asked, making reference to the first day of school. I cringed.

  "Yeah, well. I have one now."

  "Who? That Jake guy you're always with?"

  "You don't know him, he's from back home," I lied quickly and easily. Jenna smiled.

  "What's his name? Could I see a picture?" she asked. I could see the old Jenna popping through a little.

  "His name is…Ben," I said, thinking of the first name that popped in my head. Then I cursed myself, hoping it wasn't too obvious. "And I actually don't have a picture of him..."

  "How do you not have a picture of him? Everyone has Facebook these days!" Jenna scoffed.

  Before I had to think of another excuse, the radiologist appeared with a clip board. She was a petite woman with a warm smile. "Jenna?"

  "Please come in with me," Jenna whispered, looking panicked and ill.

  "She will have to wait until we are done with the initial testing," the radiologist said kindly. "I can come get her toward the end."

  Jenna looked at me, panic still enveloping her features.

  "It'll be okay," I said, patting her arm awkwardly. I wasn't used to touching her, but it was all I could think to do. She nodded, biting her lip, and stood up to follow the radiologist into the ultrasound room.

  When the door had shut behind them, I got out my phone to check my texts. Iain had sent a few more texts in response to the lips I'd sent him, and they were leaning a bit on the steamy side. I felt my temperature rising just reading them, and somehow…that felt wrong while sitting in an ultrasound clinic. I almost laughed out loud.

  Oh, the things I want to do you…the first one read, followed quickly by one that said I know you aren't really in a location that sets the mood…but… then he went on to describe the delectable things he wanted to do to me that weekend. By the time I finished reading them, I was definitely looking forward to the weekend in many more ways than I had been before. I couldn't help but smile as I texted my seductive responses with a little too much detail. I wanted him to be just as bothered. Try teaching class now, Iain, I thought with a mischievous look on my face.

  "Harlow Jones? You can come in now," the radiologist said, some twenty minutes later. Startled, I fumbled with my phone and nearly dropped it. I shoved it quickly into my pocket and stood up, following her into the ultrasound room. Jenna was lying on the table, forcing herself to stare at the wall.

  "Alright," the radiologist said, turning the screen so we could both see. Jenna kept her eyes on the wall, determined not to look. A single tear ran down her cheek.

  I glanced at the radiologist, ready to tell her not to bother, when my eyes went to the screen.

  "This is the baby. See that? That's the baby's heartbeat. You're about 12 weeks pregnant. Your estimated due date is May 30." The radiologist said all this with a gentle smile on her face.

  Jenna struggled to keep her gaze averted, but she lost the battle and looked at the image on the screen. I thought it looked like a tiny peanut. I couldn't tell what Jenna thought. "Oh," she simply said, a waterfall of tears streaming down her face. "It looks so real."

  "It is real," the radiologist said gently. She printed off some pictures and handed them to Jenna.

  "I don't want…" Jenna trailed off, unable to tear her gaze off of the pictures. The radiologist gave her an understanding smile as she gently wiped off the ultrasound gel.

  Jenna asked me to drive, since she was too shaky to do so. "You have your license, right?"

  I nodded as she tossed me the keys, climbing into the passenger side. She didn't say anything the entire way home, and I felt it was the wrong time to press about the whole charges thing. I hadn't even told her that the Coopers had shown up at my work the next day.

  She dropped me off at the diner after I told her I had to work. That was a little lie, but I did need to walk to Iain's and the diner was close to his place.

  "Jenna…if you need me there when you tell them, I'll be there," I told her. She nodded at me, giving me a small thankful smile.

  I watched her drive away before I started walking, pulling my hoodie up over my head again. I kept an eye on my surroundings, but didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.

  Iain wasn't home from school yet, so I unlocked his door using the spare key he'd given me the night before. He knew I'd likely beat him there.

  I didn't have to wait very long. Iain came in some ten m
inutes later when I was walking from the kitchen to the living room. He tossed his briefcase on the floor and walked over to me, gently grabbing my face with his hands and kissing me with a burning passion that had obviously been growing all day. He nibbled on my lip and I moaned, leaning against him, begging him to take me.

  He laughed in my mouth, trailing kisses along my neck to my ear. "That's for turning me on so much I had to sit behind my desk for a solid thirty minutes."

  "Oh, I bet it was a solid thirty minutes," I retorted, pushing him away with a smile. He laughed back, pressing against me so I'd feel just how solid it had been. My humorous mood evaporated as I was filled with a burning need. He saw the change in my eyes and instantly brought his mouth down to mine again, kissing me intently while his arms roamed my body over my clothes.

  "There's no way I can make that drive until I've satisfied your craving," Iain said hotly, scooping me up in his arms and carrying me up the stairs toward his bedroom.

  "My craving?" I asked, lowering my eyelashes.

  "Mine too," he assured me, dropping me gently onto the bed and crawling slowly over top of me, kissing me.

  * * * *

  "Well, we're going to be a little later getting to the hotel now," Iain joked, backing out of his driveway. It was nearly 6 p.m. "We'll miss our reservations at that fancy restaurant and have to grab something along the way, but I'd say that was more than worth it."

  "I agree," I smirked, reaching across the seat to touch his inner thigh.

  "Do you ever want to get there?" Iain joked, gently removing my hand while he drove toward the highway.

  "Eh, I'll have you anywhere, Mr. Bentley," I winked. Then I remembered telling Jenna about him—vaguely. Frowning, I grabbed a strand of my hair to twist. "So Jenna asked who I was texting today."

  "What'd you tell her?" Iain asked, curious, as he merged onto the highway with skill and ease.

  "I told her I was talking to my boyfriend. Ben," I smiled weakly.

  "Ben?" Iain asked, laughing. "I get it—Bentley right?"

  "I just hope she doesn't get it," I said this with concern.

  "I think she's a little wrapped up in her own life right now," Iain assured me, taking my hand and holding it in my lap. "Besides, lots of guys are named Ben."

  "Ya…" I sighed, looking out the window. Iain's reassurance had brought on thoughts about Jenna's current predicament.

  "Where are you?" Iain asked gently, brushing the inside of my hand with his thumb as he continued to drive.

  "I'm just thinking about all that…worrying. Wondering…the usual," I answered, shifting in my seat a little. "It'd be so much easier if I could talk to another girl who…got run out of town. To see what I'm up against."

  "That's a good idea," Iain nodded. "I could have my friend look into it."

  "Who's your friend?" I asked, curious.

  "He's…on the police squad, actually," Iain said, giving me a rueful smile. "Hates it there, hates how Cooper is a dirty cop and everyone covers him and his…offspring."

  "What's his name?" My curiosity was growing, I thought back to the officer with curly brown hair and green eyes, the one that had given me his card.

  "Mike Turner," Iain replied, confirming the name on the card.

  "I met him," I said, fishing the card out of my jacket pocket, where I'd left it. "At the hospital, when I was giving my statement about what happened to Ryan."

  "Oh?" Iain looked relieved almost. "That's good, that's really good. He's one of the only cops in this town not on the Coopers' side, although he's very careful about revealing that."

  "Why?" I asked, looking at Iain, my eyebrows knitted together with confusion.

  "To protect himself," Iain answered honestly. "Trust me…Mike is very interested in exposing Carl Cooper. I'm sure he would know exactly who they ran out of town."

  "Oh, well. Makes sense I guess," I said, still frowning. I looked out the window at the scenery, barely seeing how gorgeous it was. We were in the Canadian shield, and there were plenty of icicle waterfalls to look at in the rocks that lined either side of the high way. I couldn't see that though.

  "Harlow?" Iain asked gently, squeezing my hand again. I looked at him, noticing how concerned he looked.

  "I'm okay," I said, smiling to reassure him. And I was…I was with Iain. Iain had a tremendous way of making me forget everything, and at the same time I felt like I could tell him anything. I decided to focus on us this weekend, not the drama of the Police Chief's son. It was easier to do with every mile that we drove further away from North Bay. "I'm excited…I've never actually been to Niagara Falls."

  "Really?" Iain asked, his blue eyes sparkling.

  "Really," I laughed.

  "Well, good," Iain gave a half-smile and brought my hand up to his mouth so he could kiss it. "I can't wait to take you out to dinner," he added, smiling at me. My heart skipped a beat. It would be the first time we ever went out in public, together. I had to physically restrain myself from squealing like a schoolgirl…which I was, more or less.

  This weekend we could act like more of a couple. We'd be far away from anybody that knew us. That prospect excited me, and I knew it excited him too. His hand was still holding mine. I was excited for the five-hour car drive…and the whole weekend. Although we tried to spend a lot of time together, between working and pretending to not be involved with one another, we only really got to see each other alone a few times a week and on weekends. During the week, we jumped into bed with one another as quickly as we could, to fill those urges that we both worked hard to repress all day long. On weekends, we were able to take a little more time together, but my mom was becoming overly curious about my long disappearances. In fact, I'd been shocked that she hadn't put up a total stink about me wanting to leave town for the whole weekend…but the woman worked in mysterious ways. She probably knew that the likely reason I was gone so much was a guy, and a few times she had expressed an interest in meeting him. I kept telling her there was no guy, but she didn't buy my excuses. She just nodded and smiled knowingly, then told me he was welcome to come around when I was ready.

  We stopped at a drive thru a few towns away for coffee, and continued driving. We held hands practically the entire time, sometimes silent, sometimes talking. Now that we had an entire weekend to spend together, things didn't have to be rushed. We didn't even turn the radio on at all.

  We finally got to the hotel around 11 p.m. The moment we'd gotten up to our hotel room and dropped our bags on the floor, we fell in a massive mess of tangled limbs and clothes onto the bed. Iain peeled off my layers one by one, tortuously slow as he kissed me and pressed into me with his own longing. I moaned eagerly in his mouth, willing him to just rip off my pants and get at it. He took his time though, and afterwards…I was grateful.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Iain presented me with an "early" Christmas present…a Polaroid camera, before I'd even opened my eyes.

  "What's this for?" I smiled, rubbing the sleep out of them.

  "Taking pictures, duh." He rolled his eyes. He set it up and turned to me, aiming the lenses at me. I was lying tangled up in the blankets, not wearing anything. He took a picture of me seductively looking at him and waved it to dry. "Yup, keeping this one," he said after looking at it. "I just love Polaroid cameras," he added appreciatively.

  "You're a dork," I laughed, rolling my eyes and watching as he set it on the end table beside the bed.

  "Sure am," he grinned wickedly, a dimple appearing on his left cheek. "Now I regret to inform you that you must cover up that gorgeous body. We're going out for breakfast."

  "I could go for breakfast," I said, my stomach growling in agreement. I stood up, walking over to the bathroom naked. "I want a shower first though."

  "I'll join you…" Iain threw back his blanket and sauntered over to the bathroom, coming up behind me and putting his arms around my waist. He nestled his head against my shoulder, kissing me.

  "I really do need to shower, though,"
I laughed, leaning backwards into him. Having his arms around me felt amazing.

  "So do I," he agreed. He released me and turned on the tap, adjusting it so that it was perfectly hot—the temperature I loved. I stepped inside it, sighing contently as the hot water instantly hit the top of my head and cascaded down my body. I opened my eyes to see Iain staring at me with a smile on his face, his eyes bright and happy. I felt vulnerable. I had never had a shower with a guy before...the concept seemed strange.

  "You're gorgeous," he said, stepping into join me. Before I could respond, he was squeezing the hotel shampoo into his hand and starting to massage it into my hair.

  "Are you washing my hair?" I asked, tipping my head back and enjoying it. I could get used to this.


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