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Page 22

by J. C. Hannigan

  "Arg!" Jenna groaned, her face pale. "I think it's time!"

  "Really? What do I do?" I panicked, running my hands through my hair and looking around for guidance. I had no experience with babies.

  "Just…call my mom," Jenna said, spacing out each word with painful gasps. She looked vulnerable and scared.

  I grabbed her phone, searching through her contacts for her mom's phone number.

  "Mrs. Burke? It's Harlow. I think Jenna is in labor," I said when Mrs. Burke answered on the third ring. I watched as Jenna doubled over in pain again.

  "How far apart are the contractions?" Mrs. Burke's voice was brisk and controlled.

  "Um…contractions?" I repeated, completely lost. I helplessly looked at Jenna, wondering if she knew. Jenna shrugged back in answer, panting slightly. Moisture dotted her temple.

  "Take Jenna to the labor and delivery ward," Mrs. Burke instructed, realizing that I had no idea what I was doing. "We are an hour and a half away. We will meet you guys there."

  "Okay," I said. I could do that. I handed Jenna the phone, searching for her purse. I found it on the dresser. I returned to the living room with it clenched in my hands. "Okay, let's go, Jenna."

  "No," Jenna panted. "My hospital bag," she huffed. "By my bed. It has my docu-ments!" she yelped as yet another contraction hit her, or at least…I thought it was another contraction.

  I returned to her room, snatching up the hospital bag from beside her bed. Jenna was already slipping into her boots, taking breaks as each wave of pain hit her.

  "Oh my God, Jenna," I gasped, panicking again. Things were moving way too quickly for my liking. In a rush, I hurried her out the door. As soon as we got to the porch, Jenna stopped moving with me, a look of utter shock on her face as she looked down.

  "I think my water just broke," she said.

  I tugged on her. "Seriously, let's get you to the hospital because I cannot deliver a baby."

  I drove like a speed demon, arriving at the hospital in under seven minutes. Finding parking and getting Jenna up to the labor and delivery ward took much longer, and she was nearly crying by the time we stumbled up to the nurses' station and made it into a room. She huffed through getting into a hospital gown, gripping my arm painfully tight when a contraction hit her.

  "Oh my, your contractions are close together," the nurse, who'd introduced herself as Tina, said, helping lower Jenna into the bed. "I'm going to check your cervix. Is this your first?" Jenna nodded, keeping her eyes on the ceiling as the nurse went about her job. "You're about six centimetres dilated. When did the contractions hit?"

  "Less than half an hour ago," I answered. Tina raised her eyebrows.

  "Luckily girl, things are moving quickly then! And you arrived just in time to have an epidural, should you choose to get one."

  "Yes, now, please!" Jenna begged.

  Once the epidural was in, Jenna relaxed enough to demand her phone. I fetched it for her, and she scrolled through her list of contacts. I assumed she was calling her mother, so I sat down in a chair by her bed to wait.

  "Hi…Sarah? It's Jenna…I'm in the hospital…in labor," Jenna said. "You guys can come if you can make it…but I'm six centimetres dilated. Things have progressed really quickly."

  I couldn't hear the person, Sarah, answer, but I saw Jenna's smile. "Okay great!" she said, hanging up the phone. I looked at her questionably. "That was the…adoptive mother." Jenna made a face, and the machine strapped to her body made beeping sounds as she had yet another contraction. They were less than a minute apart, now. Jenna still wasn't feeling pain, but had mentioned several times that she felt like she should start pushing. We were waiting for the nurse to come in and check her cervix.

  In the chaos of Jenna going into labor, I'd forgotten all about the very huge detail of adoption. Jenna bit her lip, looking uncertain. "Are you okay?"

  "Yeah," Jenna answered, trying to put on a brave face. "I'm just really nervous." I tried to think of something encouraging to say, but was saved by Jenna's mom and dad rushing into the room. Mr. Burke stayed long enough to kiss Jenna and tell her loved her, but left just after the nurse arrived to check Jenna's cervix. She was eight centimeters dilated, so painfully close but not quite there yet.

  "I'll be back to check on you in twenty minutes," the friendly nurse assured her, pulling her surgical gloves off and tossing them into the garbage can. Jenna nodded, taking a deep, steadying breath.

  "I can't do this," Jenna wailed, bursting into huge tears the moment the door clicked shut behind the nurse. "I can't…I can't."

  "Shh, it's okay, honey," Mrs. Burke said, putting her arms around Jenna and hugging her close.

  "You've got this, Jenna," I added, leaning forward and gently squeezing her hand. "You haven't really got a choice, have you? I mean, it can't stay in there. Think of how hard it'd be to find a prom dress to fit an 11-month-pregnant belly."

  Jenna laughed weakly, her shoulders still shaking. Someone timidly knocked on the door, and Jenna furiously wiped her tears away before calling for them to come in.

  "Hello," a sweet unfamiliar voice, just as timid as the knock, said. We all looked up to see a pretty, petite blonde woman with soft blue eyes, she looked vaguely familiar. She was smiling shyly at Jenna.

  "Hello, Sarah," Mrs. Burke greeted her, smiling warmly and gently at the woman…the adoptive mother.

  "Harlow, this is the baby's adoptive mom, Sarah," Jenna answered, smiling through her tears. Jenna had been crying an awful lot. "Harlow is my best friend," Jenna explained to Sarah. The declaration surprised and warmed me, although I suppose it was true. We had gotten incredibly close over the last several months. "I'm glad you made it in time. I thought you guys would take longer…"

  "I was staying with family, so I could get to the hospital quickly," Sarah replied, coming to stand at the end of Jenna's hospital bed. She tentatively rested her hands on the railing at the foot of the bed, giving me a warm smile in greeting. "Rob is on his way right now; he left the moment I called him. We live in Hamilton," Sarah said, mostly to me.

  "Well, that's good," Jenna said shyly, feeling awkward. Another contraction hit her hard and she moaned, squeezing my hand. Either the epidural was starting to fade, or she was getting closer to giving birth. She looked at her mother frantically. "I feel like I need to push, Mom," she said, desperately.

  "Should I call the nurse?" I asked. Mrs. Burke nodded, so I grabbed the call button on the side of Jenna's bed.

  "Should I go?" Sarah questioned, her voice nervous and longing.

  "I'll go," I said quickly, trying to pull away from Jenna. She clasped tighter onto my hand.

  "No, I want you all to stay," Jenna said. "You two at my sides, and you right there…so you can take…the baby." Jenna groaned against the urge to push. The nurse rushed in, and the next half an hour was a flurry of activity. The doctor walked in the moment Jenna started to crown, and shortly thereafter, the baby was born. The doctor held it up and grinned.

  "It's a girl!" he said, offering the messy, gooey newborn to Jenna. She shook her head, sobbing hard. Jenna didn't seem to be able to look at the baby. Mrs. Burke looked at her daughter, her heartbreak evident on her face.

  "To her…" she nodded toward Sarah, who had stayed by the door the whole time. Sarah was also crying, only her tears were joyful and happy as she took the baby from the doctor.

  "You did great, Jenna," I told her, but Jenna didn't hear me. She was sobbing heavily, her chest heaving with every breath. I didn't know whether I should stay or not. Mrs. Burke seemed to have a hold on the situation, but I didn't want Jenna to feel like I'd abandoned her.

  I sat down, watching the two scenes unfold around me. Mrs. Burke stroking Jenna's hair in an attempt to comfort her, and the nurses across the room, checking the baby's vitals and wrapping her up in a warm blanket and hat, with Sarah standing right there smiling through her tears. Heartbreak and joy in one room. My heart felt heavy for my friend, and yet excited for this stranger's chance at being a
mother. I could tell she would be an amazing one, simply from how she held the baby and looked down at the small bundle with all the love in the world.

  * * * *

  I left Jenna's hospital room to give her, her family, Sarah, and the baby some privacy. It seemed overwhelmingly crowded in the room. Before I left, Jenna thanked me for everything.

  "You've been so supportive. I don't know what I would have done without you," she said, fresh tears spilling from her tired eyes.

  "You're a rock star," I told her. "I'll come by after school to hang with you. Maybe I'll bring that Ryan Reynold's movie; we'll finish it," I promised. She smiled and nodded, and I gave her a hug before leaving. I couldn't help but glance once more over at the baby, cradled in Sarah's arm. Soft blonde curls peaked out from under the pink newborn hat. Sarah was cooing at her, and didn't notice my departure. Not that I minded.

  When I returned home, I crashed.

  * * * *

  The next day, I surprised myself by getting up on time for school. I was eager for the chance to catch a glimpse of Iain in the hallways, just to see him. It'd been so long.

  Only Iain wasn't at school. Concern welled up in my belly. It was unlike him to miss school. I still couldn't bring myself to text him though. Instead, I stopped off to grab a panzerotti for Jenna, then I went to the hospital.

  Jenna was in the same room she'd been in the day before, only the baby was gone.

  "They moved her to a different room with Sarah," Jenna explained, catching me looking around. "I couldn't…"

  "I understand, no need to explain," I quickly said, sweeping in to sit down in the chair beside her hospital bed. I pulled out the panzerottis from my purse. "I had to sneak these in, you know. Hospitals don't like it when their patients eat delicious, greasy foods."

  Jenna laughed, gleefully accepting the panzerotti. "I'm so tired of the cardboard food, and I haven't even been here for a full 24 hours yet."

  "That's also understandable," I assured her, grinning before I took a bite of mine. It was still hot and fresh. I wiped the greasy sauce away from the corner of my mouth.

  "How was school?"

  "Boring, stupid, lame, and did I mention boring?" I answered, taking another bite.

  "Did anyone…" Jenna trailed off, sighing.

  "No, nobody knows you had her," I said, feeling a little uneasy. Jenna bit her lip, tears welling in her eyes.

  "I didn't know it would be this hard," she whispered, wiping a tear furiously away. "I can't even look…and I feel bad, because it's not her fault…"

  "You chose what looks like a fantastic mother for her," I assured Jenna, leaning forward and gently holding her hand. "She will have all the love in the world; that's all she'll know."

  Jenna nodded, taking a huge shaky breath. She looked exhausted.

  I stayed for another 20 minutes before Jenna started to fall asleep while sitting up. I left her room with the promise to visit again. I walked down the hallway to the elevator.

  The doors were just about to close when a hand reached out to stop them. "Sorry," a familiar voice that instantly sent an electrical shock through my body said. Iain slid in, looking just as shocked as I did. "Harlow," he whispered, surprised to see me.

  I stood there, staring at him with my mouth agape. "What are you doing here?"

  "Visiting," Iain answered, cocking his head slightly and smiling wistfully as the elevator lurched downward.


  "My sister." Iain laughed. "Sarah. She…well, I guess she just had a baby…adopted…"

  "Wait," I interrupted. "Sarah, the birth mother that Jenna picked is Sarah your sister?"

  "Yeah," Iain smiled.

  "But…Jenna would have told me," I frowned. This wasn't exactly something that a good friend would keep from another good friend. Oh, by the way, my baby's adopted parents are related to the love of your life who just happens to be your teacher. Hope that's cool!

  "She didn't know, doesn't know," Iain replied, stepping toward me so that his breath washed over me in a warm wave. "My brother in-law's last name is Fetcher. Sarah has his last name now."

  "Oh," I whispered. "I guess you're the family she's staying with right now." Iain nodded, stepping closer to me. It was as if he couldn't help himself. The elevator came to a stop with his face inches away from mine. The doors opened and we jumped apart, our trance interrupted once we reached the main floor.

  With heavy legs, I left the elevator, walking toward the parking lot. I could both sense and hear Iain several paces behind me. We hadn't been this close in months, but I still kept my distance…remembering his words about cooling it.

  I walked quickly toward my car. Iain almost keeping pace but not quite.

  "I miss you, Harlow," he said, his voice low.

  "Iain," I glanced around helplessly. I couldn't tell if anyone was paying attention nearby, but it was still light out. I feared getting caught.

  "I know," he assured me, reaching out to touch my cheek briefly. "I'm heading back to Ottawa next week."

  "Why next week?" I demanded.

  "I found a new job at a public school there. I need to get out of this town…besides, Mrs. Rush wanted to come back early. Guess her husband lost his job." Iain smiled.

  "Guess I'll see you in Ottawa…maybe," I said, smiling as I opened the door and slid into my car.

  "I've got no doubt about that…" Iain commented, giving me a hungry look.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next morning, I awoke later than I intended to. I had been unable to fall asleep; my mind just wouldn't shut off. I kept thinking about what Iain had said, about leaving next week. While the thought of being further away from him pained me, I couldn't help but feel a thrill when I thought about the fact that he'd no longer be a teacher at my school.

  I rushed about, trying to make it to school before the bell rang. I made it to my first period art class with five minutes to spare. As usual, Ms. Higgins was nowhere in sight. I headed to sit beside Jake at our table, ignoring the sniggering and smirking from Callie and Tara.

  "Hey," Jake said, an odd expression on his face.

  "What's up?" I demanded, sensing something was amiss. Everyone was staring at me, talking behind hands.

  "You…" Jake started, clearing his throat and looking around uncomfortably. "You didn't see what was plastered all over the school Facebook group?"

  "We have a school Facebook group?" I asked, dumbfounded. My first thought was that someone had heard about Jenna's birth.

  In answer, Jake pulled his phone out of his jean pocket and pulled up the school Facebook group. Wordlessly, he handed me his phone. I grabbed it, my breath freezing in my chest as I scrolled down, staring at picture after picture of myself with Iain. Two were even taken last night in the parking lot of the hospital. Whoever had taken the photos from last night managed to capture both the hungry look Iain gave me and the touch of his hand on my cheek.

  "People are saying…" Jake trailed off, searching for words.

  "So that's how you got all those A's in Mr. Bentley's class," Callie tittered from across the room, giving me a scandalous once over before she turned back to Tara. "I knew she wasn't smart. She just screwed the teachers to pass."

  "You stupid bitch," I hissed, jumping up out of my chair. It flung back behind me, tipping upside down with a clatter. My classmates fell silent, staring at me with wide eyes.

  "Harlow Jones," a stern voice said from the classroom doorway. I looked up, my fists trembling. Ms. Higgins had reappeared, this time with the principal, Mr. Osborne. It was Mr. Osborne who spoke, demanding authority and attention. He was a stern-looking man in his early 60s. In the last several months, I hadn't had any run-ins with him personally but I heard a lot about what a dick he was from Jake. Naturally, the school pot dealer and the principal didn't get along. "I need you to come with me now. Grab your things."

  I picked up my bag, my heart pounding and my face red with embarrassment, and followed Mr. Osborne to his office. Two policemen
stood waiting.

  "Harlow Jones?" the first one said. I didn't recognize him, but his partner was familiar. I'd run into Mike Turner again. Hope fluttered in my chest. Surely it was a good sign that one of Iain's friends was on the case?

  "Yes," I said, trying to keep my voice even and neutral.

  "I'm Officer Hudson and this is Officer Turner. We are here to talk to you about some serious allegations that are being made about a teacher at this school having an inappropriate relationship with a student," he said. He had red hair shaved tight to his head and freckles dotting his nose. He didn't look like the policeman type.

  I said nothing. I didn't know what was safe to say and what wasn't. I just stared at Officer Turner, willing him to give me some sort of sign that he'd take care of everything. He didn't. He avoided my gaze, staring instead at the desk beside me, his jaw tense.


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