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Heavenly Sword Dragon Slaying Saber Book 4

Page 17

by Jin Yong

  The crowd of beggars looked at the little girl, but nobody recognized her. Something suddenly stirred in Chuan Gong Zhanglao’s heart; he took a step forward and said, "She . she . she looks a bit like Mrs. Shi ... could it be ... could it be ...”

  "That’s right,” the lady in yellow said, "Her surname is Shi, given name Hongshi [lit. red rock; different character from her surname ‘Shi’]; she is the only daughter of Shi Huolong, Shi Bangzhu. When Shi Bangzhu was dying, he sent Mrs. Shi and this girl, with the Dog Beating Stick in their hands, to look for me, asking me to avenge his grievance.”

  Chuan Gong Zhanglao was shocked, "Miss!” he said, "Did you say Shi Bangzhu has already returned to Heaven? He ... how did the Senior die?”

  After Yelu Qi, none of the previous generations Clan Leaders had been successful in mastering the entire Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms; the most any Clan Leader had ever learned was fourteen stances. Shi Huolong had mastered twelve stances. About twenty years ago, even though his internal energy was not strong enough, he forced himself in training of this heritage palm technique of his Clan. As a result, the upper half of his body was paralyzed; he could not move his arms. Thereupon he took his wife and went wandering on remote mountains in search of efficacious treatment of his illness, and left the Beggar Clan affairs to Chuan Gong and Zhi Fa two elders, and Zhang Bang and Zhang Bo two ‘longtou’ [leaders; lit. dragon head]. However, there was no clear coordination between the two elders and two leaders; everybody was taking care of his own business only. As a result, once again the Dirty Clothes and the Clean Clothes Factions were on bad terms with each other, and such a big clan gradually declined in power.

  Before the sudden appearance of this fake Clan Leader, the younger Beggar Clan disciples had never seen their Bangzhu, plus Chuan Gong Zhanglao and the others had not seen Shi Huolong for more than twenty years, and so looking at this fake Bangzhu’s appearance, which held a very close resemblance with the real Bangzhu, who would have thought that this one was only an impersonator?

  The lady in yellow sighed and said, "Shi Bangzhu died under the hands of Hun Yuan Pi Li Shou

  Cheng Kun.”

  "Ah!” Zhang Wuji exclaimed; thinking that he had personally seen Cheng Kun’s body lying on the ground at the Brightness Peak, how could he kill Shi Huolong? Or perhaps it must be before he was killed at the Brightness Peak.

  "Can I ask you a question, Miss?” he asked, "How long has Shi Bangzhu passed away?”

  "Last year, on the sixth of the tenth month,” the lady in yellow replied, "So it’s been more than two months now.”

  "That’s strange,” Zhang Wuji said, "I wonder how does Miss know that Shi Bangzhu died under Cheng Kun that old thief’s treacherous hands?”

  The lady in yellow replied, "Mrs. Shi told me that Shi Bangzhu fought this old man for twelve stances before than old man vomited blood and ran away. But Shi Bangzhu was also injured by that old man’s palm strength. Shi Bangzhu knew his injury was very serious, and he expected that the old man would recover within three days and would return to pick a fight with him again. Immediately he talked to Mrs. Shi, telling her that the enemy was Hun Yuan Pi Li Shou Cheng Kun. By that time Shi Bangzhu’s paralyzed arms were actually about 90% recovered. With his mastery of the twelve stances of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, his martial art skill could be considered one of the top ranking masters in the Jianghu, yet after exhausting his entire skill and strength, after the twelve stances were launched, he still could not escape the enemy’s treacherous hands.”

  Listening to this point, the little girl Shi Hongshi broke into a loud cry. Chuan Gong Zhanglao’s face also showed grief and indignation; he wiped the tears from Shi Hongshi’s face with his dirty sleeve while saying, "Little Sister, Bangzhu’s grievance is our Clan tens of thousands disciples’ grievance. We will certainly capture that Hun Yuan Pi Li Shou Cheng Kun and tear his body into ten thousand pieces to avenge Bangzhu’s great hatred. I wonder where is your Mama?”

  Shi Hongshi pointed at the lady in yellow. "My Mama is recuperating in Yang Jiejie’s [elder sister Yang] home,” she said. And that was when everybody knew the lady in yellow’s surname was Yang, but as for what kind of person she was, nobody had the least bit of clue.

  The lady in yellow sighed softly and said, "Mrs. Shi also suffered from Cheng Kun’s palm. Her condition was not light. After making a long and wearisome journey, she arrived at my humble home totally exhausted. Whether she would recover, it’s ... it’s hard to say.”

  Zhi Fa Zhanglao hatefully said, "I wonder what kind of enmity this Cheng Kun has against our Lao Bangzhu [old/previous Clan Leader], that he dealt with him with such a treacherous hand?”

  The lady in yellow said, "According to Mrs. Shi, who rephrased Shi Bangzhu’s last words, Cheng Kun and he did not know each other personally, so there was no ground for enmity or revenge. Therefore, until the moment he died, Shi Bangzhu was unclear of the reason behind it. Mrs. Shi speculated that someone from the Beggar Clan somehow offended Cheng Kun that he exacted his revenge on Shi Bangzhu.”

  Zhi Fa Zhanglao was silent for a moment before saying, "To avoid Xie Xun, this Cheng Kun went into hiding from the Jianghu people dozens of years ago. How could a Beggar Clan disciple offend him? It seems like there is a misunderstanding involved here.”

  Zhang Bo Longtou had been listening quietly on the side without saying anything, but suddenly to grabbed a curved saber and placed it on Shi Huolong’s impersonator’s neck while shouting,

  "What’s your name? Why did you impersonate Shi Bangzhu? Speak up! And if you lie, even half a word. humph, humph!” While saying that, his curved-saber hacked diagonally and split a nearby chair into two pieces, and then he immediately returned the saber on the bald-man’s neck.

  The bald man was so scared that he felt his soul was leaving his body. "I . I .” he stammered, "Xiao Ren [little/lowly person] is called ‘lai tou yuan’ [Scabies Turtle Head] Liu Ao. I was the chief of a mountain stronghold on the Jixian county of Shanxi province. That day I went down the mountain to do our business without any capital, when we met Chen Youliang, Chen Zhanglao, and Chen Zhanglao’s Shifu. With one kick Chen Zhanglao made Xiao Ren flip on the ground. He raised his sword ready to kill. Xiao Ren promptly kowtowed asking for mercy. Chen Zhanglao looked at Xiao Ren carefully. He suddenly said, ‘Shifu, this little thief looks very much like the man we met the day before yesterday.’ His shifu shook his head and said, ‘Hey, hey, the age is not right, nose is too low, plus he is bald.’ Chen Zhanglao laughed and said, ‘Disciple has a way to fix that.’ Thereupon he told Xiao Ren to follow them to Jiexian, and we went into an inn. Chen Zhanglao applied some plaster to make Xiao Ren’s nose higher, and then he put a wig on Xiao Ren’s head so that I assumed the appearance ... of that old gentleman. Even if Xiao Ren had a nerve as high as the sky, I would never have dared to play any trick on you. Only Chen Zhanglao said so, what could Xiao Ren do? Xiao Ren’s dog life is in his hand, there ... there is no other way. Xiao Ren still has an eighty-year old Mother at home, please spare my life.” While saying that, he bent his knees and kowtowed, knocking his head on the ground repeatedly.

  Zhi Fa Zhanglao pondered for a while before saying, "Chen Youliang’s school background is Shaolin Pai; his shifu must be a senior monk in the Shaolin Temple. He ... does he have any other shifu?”

  His words reminded Zhang Wuji of something. "That’s right,” he interjected, "His shifu is Cheng Kun.” Thereupon he told them briefly how Cheng Kun assumed the name Yuan Zhen and mingled among the Shaolin monks by becoming Kong Jian Shenseng’s [divine monk] disciple. He also told Yuan Zhen’s sneak attack of the Brightness Peak, and how in the end he was killed by Yin Yewang, but his body was suddenly missing.

  Zhang Bo Longtou and Zhi Fa Zhanglao said, "No doubt about it. Cheng Kun faked his death on the Brightness Peak, and quietly slipped out amidst the confusion.”

  Chuan Gong Zhanglao angrily said, "Turns out the mastermind behind this treachery is that traitor Chen Youli
ang. Those two, master and disciple, have a wild ambition; in their futile attempt to dominate the world, they have killed Shi Bangzhu and sent this impersonator to be their puppet.

  Not only they wanted to force the Ming Cult into submission, they also want to subdue Shaolin, Wudang and Emei, three major sects. This scheme is not only treacherous we very seldom hear something like this either. Where is Song Qingshu? Where did Song Qingshu go?”

  Up to this time, everybody had been focusing their attention toward the Beggar Clan’s Bangzhu, the lady in yellow, Shi Hongshi, and the others; nobody knew when Song Qingshu unexpectedly slipped away right on Chen Youliang’s heel. His departure confirmed their confidence that Chen Youliang’s sinister plot had finally been thwarted.

  Chuan Gong Zhanglao bowed deeply toward the lady in yellow and said, "Miss has truly shown a great kindness towards our humble Clan. The Beggar Clan does not know how to pay you back.”

  The lady in yellow smiled slightly and said, "My ancestors had a deep relationship with your honorable Clan’s previous generation, this tiny deed does not worth mentioning. Please take a good care of this Shi little sister.” Bowing in respect, her yellow shadow flashed and she had

  already flown to the roof.

  "Miss,” Chuan Gong Zhanglao called out, "Please stay for a while.”

  The four girls in black and the four girls in white also jumped to the roof, accompanied by the tinkling sound of the zither and the mellow sound of the flute. In a short moment, the zither-flute ensemble drifted away, until finally their music vanished. As sudden as their arrival, their departure was also swift. Everybody felt as if something was lost from their lives.

  Holding Shi Hongshi’s hand, Chuan Gong Zhanglao said to Zhang Wuji, "Zhang Jiaozhu, would you please come into the inner hall to talk.”

  The crowd of beggars respectfully stood on the side, opening up a way for Zhang Wuji to walk in. Zhang Wuji went into the hall and was seated as Chuan Gong Zhanglao’s honorable guest. Zhou Zhiruo sat next to him.

  After asking the names of Chuan Gong Zhanglao, Zhi Fa Zhanglao and the others, Zhang Wuji said, "Cao Zhanglao, if my Yifu Jin Mao Shi Wang is with your honorable Clan, would you please have him come out to see me; if he is not, would you please tell me his whereabouts?”

  Chuan Gong Zhanglao heaved a deep sigh and said, "That traitor Chen Youliang has played a trick on us, making the Beggar Clan ashamed to face the heroes of this world. As Zhang Jiaozhu has mentioned, it was indeed we who invited Xie Daxia [great hero Xie] and this Miss Zhou outside the Great Wall. Xie Daxia was sick and lost his consciousness on the bed. Without any fight we brought them both to this place. Five days ago in the evening, Xie Daxia suddenly struck dead our humble Clan disciples who happened to guard him, and then he escaped. The coffins of Beggar Clan disciples who died violently are still on the rear courtyard. If Zhang Jiaozhu does not believe me, you can go to the rear courtyard and see for yourself.”

  Zhang Wuji could hear the sincerity in his words; besides, he had seen with his own eyes the corpses of the Beggar Clan disciples scattered around that second floor room the other night. Thereupon he said, "Cao Zhanglao has stated the fact, how can I dare not to believe?” And then he asked, "From Lulong going westward, there are signs used by my humble Cult people to communicate with each other, I thought they were left by our Cult brethrens; I wonder if your Clan has anything to do with it?”

  Chuan Gong Zhanglao said, "I am not sure if it was that fellow Chen Youliang’s doing, but to my shame, Xiongdi [brother] does not have any knowledge of it.”

  Zhang Wuji nodded. He pondered a while and then he understood. "At the Brightness Peak that Cheng Kun was able to come and go as he pleased; obviously he knew our Cult’s signs. Since this man is not dead, the one who left the signs to deceive others must be him. But if my Yifu really fell into Cheng Kun’s hands ...” Thinking to this point, sweats broke on his forehead. Calming himself down, he asked Shi Hongshi, "Little Sister, where does this Yang Jiejie live? Did you know her previously?”

  Shi Hongshi shook her head, "I did not know her. After Father died, Mama took me, taking Father’s bamboo stick along, riding on a cart for many days. And then we did not ride the cart anymore, but climbing the mountain instead. Mama could not walk anymore, she took a rest. And then she crawled on the ground. And then we got to the outside of a forest. Mama called out several times. And then Xiao Jiejie [‘little’ elder sister] wearing black came out. After that Yang Jiejie came out. She asked Mama many questions. And then she took the bamboo stick and left for half a day. Afterwards Mama passed out. And then Yang Jiejie took me, she also took eight Xiao Jiejie

  wearing black and wearing white. We rode on a cart and came here.”

  She was too young and did not understand much; when asked about the place, the day and the time, she could not give any answer, there was not the least bit of useful information came out of her mouth.

  Chuan Gong Zhanglao said, "Your precious Cult’s Master Han Shantong’s young master is still with us.” Turning around he gave some orders to a Beggar Clan disciple, who then left in a hurry.

  Not too long afterwards, they heard Han Lin’er’s loud voice from the rear hall, cursing and scolding, "You are a bunch of stinky no-good beggars, you still want to deceive your father? Our Zhang Jiaozhu holds a highly respected position; how can he come to your stinky beggars’ lair? Hurry up, send your father to the western sky. Your sneaky evil plan won’t work against me.”

  As the elders heard him, they all had ashamed look on their faces. Zhang Wuji respected Han Lin’er’s guts and his unyielding character; he stood up and rushed several steps forward. In big strides Han Lin’er angrily walked in from behind the wall. Zhang Wuji met him and said, "Han Dage [big brother Han], I am here. I am sorry that you have suffered these past few days.”

  Han Lin’er was startled; in his extreme delight he knelt down immediately and said, "Zhang Jiaozhu, you [orig. lao3ren2jia1 - Senior] are really here. Xiao Ren [little/lowly person - reference to self] is relieved. Please issue an order to wipe these stinky beggars out.”

  With a smile on his face Zhang Wuji helped him up and said, "Han Dage, the Beggar Clan Elders have also fallen under other people’s sinister plot; there has been some misunderstanding. But everything is clear now, everybody becomes good friends. Looking at my face, I hope Han Xiongdi [brother Han] do not take any offense.”

  Han Lin’er stood up, while giving Chuan Gong Zhanglao and the others a glowering look. He wanted to shout some abusive words to vent his anger, but since the Cult Leader had already told him so, he had no choice but trying hard to repress his anger.

  "Zhang Jiaozhu,” Zhi Fa Zhanglao said, "With your bright presence today, you have given our humble Clan the greatest honor. Quickly reset the banquet table! Everyone, first, we welcome Zhang Jiaozhu; second, we apologize to the Emei Pai’s Zhou Zhangmen [Sect Leader Zhou]; third, we apologize to Han Dage.” Before he even finished talking, several disciples had already carried out his order.

  Zhang Wuji still had his Yifu’s safety hanging in his mind, plus he had many questions he would like to ask Zhou Zhiruo, therefore, he was not in the mood to eat and drink. Cupping his fists he said, "Your good intentions are highly appreciated, but I am anxious to find out about my Yifu. I will have to come back in the future to disturb you. Please excuse me.”

  Chuan Gong Zhanglao and the others kept asking him to stay. Seeing their sincere invitation, Zhang Wuji thought that if he walked away, he would unavoidably offend the Beggar Clan. Therefore, he was obliged to stay and join the feast.

  During the feast, the leaders of the Beggar Clan seriously reiterated their apology; they further promised to send the Beggar Clan disciples everywhere to inquire Xie Xun’s whereabouts, and to let the Ming Cult know as soon as they get any information. Zhang Wuji thanked them and from that day forward, he became friends with the ‘Zhanglao’s and ‘Longtou’s of the Beggar Clan. They drank to their hearts contents.

  The Beggar Clan
leaders noticed that Zhang Wuji was a young man highly skilled in martial arts, yet he was not arrogant, but generous and open-minded. Plus, he ardently made an effort to engage the Beggar Clan in the effort of driving the Tartars away. Everybody’s hearts were won over with respect and admiration. When Zhang Wuji left, they sent him off ten ‘li’s outside the city of Lulong, before bidding him goodbye.

  Chapter 34 - The Bride Tore the Red Dress Barehanded (Translated by Foxs, Edited by Eliza Bennet)

  Suddenly a red shadow flashed by, someone had already reached Zhao Min’s back. From inside the red sleeve came a bare hand, with its five fingers struck down on top of Zhao Min’s head. This move was like a rabbit evading the falcon; it was unbelievably fast, and it was more surprising since it came from the bride, Zhou Zhiruo.

  Zhang Wuji, Zhou Zhiruo and Han Lin’er three people went south along the main road, riding the steeds given to them by the rich men of the Beggar Clan. Han Lin’er was very respectful toward his Cult Leader, he did not dare to ride abreast, but followed some distance behind. Along the way he would serve tea and attend to Zhang and Zhou’s needs, acting as their servant. Zhang Wuji felt uncomfortable and said, "Han Dage, although within the Cult you are my subordinate brother, I do respect your character. In business matters you listen to my command, but in day-to-day relationship, we are of the same generation, just like brothers or friends.”

  With a terrified look on his face Han Lin’er replied, "Subordinate holds Jiaozhu in the highest regard, how can I be worthy to be considered of the same generation with you? In normal time I am not fortunate enough to be close to Jiaozhu; today I can provide my insignificant service to Jiaozhu with all my heart and that is subordinate’s lifelong good fortune.”


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