Third Date

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Third Date Page 15

by Leah Holt

  Kinsley's face went pale, her eyes losing all feelings and turning to stone. “Mom! You need to stop, stop now.” Thin fingers stretched over her head, scratching angrily into her scalp.

  “What? What's wrong with being curious?” Her mother smiled up at me, winking with delight that she had just rattled her daughter.

  Kinsely stepped towards her mom, pressing a palm into her shoulder. “Okay, thanks for watching Fay, it was nice of you to be here, but now it's time for you to go.”

  Her mom held her hands up, leaning in protest. “Well that's a bit rude, don't you think? I only asked, you can't scold me for wondering. It's an old wives tale, I was trying to find out if it's one of those that isn't all story.” Flipping her hand in the air, she brushed the short frizzy bangs from her face. “It was nice to meet you, Layne, have fun tonight, lord knows my daughter needs it.”

  “Alright, bye bye,” Kinsley said, as she guided her through the door. “I'll call you tomorrow, have a nice night, Mom.”

  “Wait, I didn't get your name.” I spoke up, knowing that I would eventually meet her again.

  “You can just call me Mom, it's easier that way.” Standing on the top step, her face was filled with happiness. Her cheek bones hit high, corners of her mouth sharp and pleased.

  Closing the door before her mom had time to even finish the last word, Kinsley held the handle tight, blowing air up at her nose. “Well, there you go, that's my mother.”

  A muffled voice yelled through the door, her mom speaking in a dominant, yet playful, tone. “You know I'm going to remember this, it's no way to treat your elderly mother.”

  “She's kidding,” Kinsley said, waving a dismissing hand in the air. “I think she's losing her mind, I can't believe she just asked that.” Rolling her eyes, she chuckled nervously under her breath. “I'm really sorry about that.”

  “Well, is it a wives tale?” Biting my lower lip, I gyrated my hips in her direction.

  “What? Come on now, we're not going there.”

  “Oh, don't be shy about it. Does my shoe size say anything about the size of my cock?” Bridging the gap between us, I strung my fingers over her wrist and yanked in her close.

  Pressing her hands against my chest, her face blushed. “What do you want me to say? That your cock is huge, and yes... If I had to go by that ridiculous theory, I could?”

  “Yup, that's all I wanted to hear.”

  “You're insane, maybe I should have let her stay. You guys might get along great. I warned you, she's a hot shit.” Her chin tilted up, eyes closing slightly.

  “No, I'm glad you had her leave. Now it's just us... Well, mostly just us.”


  “Yeah, there is a child here. Oh my god, did you forget you had a kid?” Holding my fingers against my lips, I looked at her in mock surprise.

  Slapping my chest, I flexed the muscles, and made them bounce in place. “Fancy. Have you been working on that trick for long?” A single finger slipped over each button on my shirt, her eyes slitting in a sexiness that made my cock jolt.

  “Oh, Baby, the tricks here are endless. Want to see another?” Digging my fingers into her hips, I curled my nails into the fabric.

  Biting her lower lip, she pulled on the plump flesh. “I have a trick of my own.”

  “Oh you do. And what's that?”

  Kinsley teased the edge of my pants, eyes greedily narrowing on the semi forming below. “Let me show you.”

  Dropping to her knees, she tugged my belt loose, and popped the button free. Glancing up, Kinsley smiled through thin, sultry lips. Her fingers kept moving, lowering my pants, then gliding over and tracing the erection bulging from my briefs.

  I watched her, my heart racing and pounding harder the closer she came to touching my cock. But that little flirt would bring her finger so close, then whip it around the outside. My body tensed, shaking and needy.

  Curling my fingers into her hair, I grabbed at the roots, edging her face closer to my throbbing piece. Kinsley giggled, snapping her head up. “Dirty man, you need to feel my tongue?”

  “If I don't feel your tongue soon, my cock is going to burst.” Holding her head in place, she circled the tip of my penis with one finger. Every muscle in my body trembled, lungs stretching to fill with a quick breath of air.

  Rolling my boxers down my thighs, my cock broke free, bouncing with a thick pulse. I was using every last bit of control to keep from slamming my dick down her throat. Her lips were hovering at the tip, warm air spilling over the shaft.

  Prickles shot up my neck, my eyes closing on reflex with just the idea she'd be tasting me soon. “Fuck, Kin, you're killing me here.”

  “Oh you poor thing, you mean if you don't feel this—” Her tongue flicked my swelling crown, riding the ridge and swirling over the edge already dripping in pre-cum. “Mm,” she moaned, lapping my shaft in one long lick.

  Her hand came up and wrapped firmly around the base, the other hand cupping my balls. Kinsley's lips placed small kisses over my throbbing muscle, her soft voice humming and vibrating my cock.

  Taking a fistfull of her hair, a deep, throaty growl escaped my mouth. “Fuck, yeah, suck my cock.” Wrapping the long silky strands around my palm, I held her head.

  Her wet tongue slicked my dick, the wetness stealing away any friction and leaving nothing but pure pleasure in its wake. Kinsley's mouth formed a delicate O, sucking on my engorged head, and in one quick swoop, she was hitting my furry base.

  The feel of her mouth wrapped tightly around me sent electric sparks over my body, forcing my eyes to snap shut. Colors fired off behind my lids, exploding in orgasmic fireworks I couldn't slow down.

  Her head moved swiftly in and out, my cock pulsing and throbbing and hitting the back of her throat. And not once, not at one point did she make any gagging noises.

  I was impressed.

  Pumping her head over and over, she suckled my hard dick, dragging her tongue over the thick veins and taking every inch. Slurping noises filled my ears, her fingers squeezing tightly around my balls as her hand slid up and down in unison with her mouth.

  It was magic. Her hidden talent was well appreciated and utterly surprising. Not once in my life I had experienced a blowjob like that.

  When she said she had a trick, she wasn't kidding.

  Her mouth was humming inaudible words, or maybe they were moans. I wasn't too sure, my entire body was consumed by the intense sucking of her lips. I could feel the tingling hitting my lower belly, my balls tightening, ready to explode down her throat.

  But I didn't want to finish in her mouth, I wanted to make her cum too. I was never a selfish man, and her pleasure was just as important—if not more important—than mine.

  Her head was moving quicker, faster, her lips hitting the bottom of my dick, and my body growing closer to the edge.

  Tearing her head back, I looked down on her flushed face. “Why did you stop me? You were almost there, I could tell.”

  “I need to fuck you, now.” Using her hair to lift her to her feet, I twisted her around and shoved her over the arm of her couch. Peeling up the hem of her dress, her ass was sitting perfectly for me to see.

  Her panties were drenched, soaked and slick by her pussy. Peeling her panties down her thighs, I could smell her sweet musk, the seam glistening in delicious flavor. Slipping a condom from my pocket, I bit the edge and tore it open.

  “Fuck, Layne, I want you in me.” Her back arched, shoulders pushing down, ass angling up. “Don't make me wait much longer.”

  Sheathing my cock, I slid it over her seam, her lips puckering and shining with sweltering heat. “You're cunt needs this, doesn't it?”

  Her eyes were tearing me apart, saturated in feral need. Biting her lip, she nodded. With one quick thrust, I spread her open. A long hearty moan hit the air, her eyes locking shut as her head fell to the couch.

  I felt like an animal, lost in a feral desire to have, to mark, to claim her as mine. And each thrust cemented that
belief, each thrust painted my name over her pussy, in her body, and in her heart.

  I had broken all my rules, and stole her for myself. There would be no more dates, no more attempts at finding her love...

  This woman was mine.

  Slamming harder, her pussy milked my cock. Squeezing one hip, I dropped my hand to her sex and thumbed her clit. Circling the swollen button, Kinsley's moan grew louder, ringing in my ear.

  The sound her lips were making became a driving force to push harder. Her thighs began to shake, fingers digging into the cushion, knuckles turning white. Pressing her mouth into the couch, the muffled scream filled my body and shocked my muscles with fire.

  The orgasm hit, my muscles flexing and tingling in one giant whoosh. Kinsley's legs shook, her pussy clenching tightly around my shaft, before her body went limp. We were breathing heavy, skin flushed and sweating.

  Pushing herself up, she turned to face me, tugging her dress down. “You used a condom that time,” she said, a slight smile played her lips.

  “Yeah, isn't that the responsible thing?” Plucking off the cum-filled sheath, I looked around for a place to throw it out.

  Grabbing a tissue from the box on the table, Kinsley laughed as she handed it to me. “Well, yeah, but you weren't as responsible the first time.”

  Cocking my head to the side, I gave her a curious look. “What do you mean?” Crumpling the condom into the tissue, I held it in my palm.

  “We didn't use a condom that night, you didn't realize that?” Folding her arms over her chest, she smiled. “It doesn't really matter now, I was just pointing it out.”

  “I didn't?” Glancing up at the ceiling, I lowered my eyes back to hers. “Are you sure?”

  “I'm sure.” Her hands dipped in tighter, arms hugging her ribs.

  “Well, I guess I got caught up in the moment.” Shrugging my shoulders, I walked towards the kitchen. “Should I just throw this in here?”

  “That's fine,” she said. “So what now?”

  “Well, I was thinking maybe we could curl up and watch some Monty Python. Maybe make some popcorn, cuddle up under a warm blanket.” Stopping in the doorway, I said, “Unless that makes me seem too soft, did I just basically blurt out I'm a super mush bag?”

  Nodding, Kinsley cupped her hands under her chin. “Yeah, you did. But for the record, I also love cuddling and Monty Python. Seems to me we have the mush in common.”

  Scooping an arm around her waist, I pulled her in, brushing the air from her face, and curling it around her ear. “I know we don't know everything about each other, but I want you to know that since I first met you, I've wanted nothing but to know you.”

  Her smile filled me, making my heart thump an extra beat. Her face was soft, her lips inviting. “I'm glad you finally saw it.”

  I had seen it.

  I had denied it.

  And if I have my way, I'll never let her go.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Stretching my arms above my head, I felt Layne's warm body beside me. Rolling to my side, I wrapped myself around him and squeezed tightly. His hand rose up, fingers running over my bare arm.

  A shiver swept my body, goosebumps springing to life from his gentle touch. “Morning,” I said, nuzzling my face into the back of his neck. Hair from his head tickled my nose, rubbing the sensation away I spoke quietly into his ear. “Last night was amazing.”

  Angling his head over his shoulder, his eyes were still half closed, but his smile was huge and bright. “Was it? Maybe I need you to refresh my memory, I forgot to tell you that I sometimes have bouts of short term memory loss.” Twisting around, he placed a strong arm over my waist, tugging me closer.

  “Is that so?” I asked, arching a brow. “Maybe this will help.” Leaning in, I kissed him with a long passionate kiss. And it didn't even bother me that I might have rancid morning breath.

  Layne accepted it without a second thought, his tongue slipping through my lips, twirling, licking, feeling. His cock pushed into my waist as he shifted closer, the thick muscle flexed and bumped across my hidden sex.

  I could feel the dampness of my panties as the heat hit my lower belly, slicking my thighs. His morning wood was rock solid, throbbing against the tender exposed flesh.

  A firm hand found my breast, cupping and caressing it. A quiet moan slipped from my mouth into his between locked lips, a smile dangling on the corner of his face. Our lips were still touching as he whispered. “I love the way you sing to me, the way your body calls to me, and the way your pussy's telling me it's mine.”

  “You were a tough nut to crack, Mr. Torres.” Staring at him under hooded lids, my fingers teased the edges of his crisp dark hair. Raking my nails through his scalp, his eyes fluttered in place.

  “I'll give you a tough nut...” Thrusting his hips with a snap, the tip of his engorged cock tapped my needy button. And when I say it was needy, the shit was fucking starving.

  I had gone so long without sex, so long without the affection and attention of another man, that now my body was in this weird state of needing more and more.

  It was as if I had gone way too long without water, and dehydration was about to steal my last breath. Now I'm standing on the edge of a giant lake, and I can't stop drinking, can't stop wanting.

  I just can't stop.

  My entire body was in the flood tide, ready to unfold into a spastic orgasm with just a single touch of his finger. Tingles rode my spine, bringing me to the cusp of insanity.

  He had fed the beast, but I was still starving.

  Locking his eyes on mine, Layne looked like he was searching my face. His expression was still, but his gaze was so deep it burned into the bone. “What?”

  “Nothing, really,” he said, shrugging a shoulder, and tracing my collarbone. “You're just so damn beautiful, I can't stop looking at you.” Kissing the tip of my nose, his thumb brushed my cheek. “I never want to stop looking at you.”

  Every thump of my heart was a booming siren, his words piercing the weakened muscle. I wanted to believe him, I wanted to tell him he'd never have to look for anything again, because I would always be right here.

  Don't, don't jump in too quickly.

  Everything is so new, so fresh.

  Just live in the moment, live right now.

  Biting my tongue, I played up the moment with a light beat. “I bet you say that to all the girls.” Giggling playfully, I twisted the tip of my finger between my teeth.

  “Speaking of which, what time is it?”

  “Why? You have someplace to be?”

  “Yeah, inside of you, if we have any time before Fay gets up.” His finger ran up my slit, pressing the panties against my wetness. My thighs clenched tight, and rocked forward.

  Reaching to grab my phone off the nightstand, I pressed the button. “It's—”


  “Time,” I said, finishing my sentence with a sigh. “Good morning, Honey.”

  “Morning, I'm hungry.” Sitting up on my elbows, Fay was perched in the doorway, hugging her stuffed bear, Moot.

  His name was originally supposed to be Monty, but with her toddler slur, Moot stuck.

  Max wouldn't mind the name change, it was way cuter to watch her repeatedly try to say Monty, only for Moot to always make its way out.

  “Alright, I'll make you breakfast in a few minutes.” Smiling, Fay cocked her head and looked over the lump at my side. “Guess who's here,” I said excitedly.

  “Dilby?” she asked, tilting her head with uncertainty.

  Layne launched himself out from under the blanket, arms flying above his head, as he let out a loud bear growl. “Raaawww!”

  Fay threw her hands up to her lips, a giant grin splitting across her cheeks. “Dilby!” She yelled, arms falling to her hips. “You can't scare me.”

  “I think I just did,” Layne said, dropping to the edge of the bed and onto his belly. His feet kicked up behind him, ankles crossing as his head rested happily o
n his hands.

  “Nuh uh, I don't get scared. I'm brave like my daddy, you'll never be able to scare me.” Her arms drew up across her chest, snuggling into her ribs, Moot dangling on threads by one arm.

  I'll be sewing him up again soon.

  Layne's smile spread like wildfire. “I can tell you're as brave as your daddy, your Mom told me you got that from him. But...” His eyes thinned, a single finger flipping out to bounce in the air. “One of these days I'll scare you, and you'll never see it coming.”

  “Nope, you won't.” Sealing her eyes shut, Fay tipped her head up to the ceiling, shaking it side to side.

  “I will.”

  “No, wanna bet?”

  “Bet?” He asked, chuckling under his breath. “What do you want to bet?”

  “If I win, I get to give you a make-over, if you win, you get to use my special notebook.”

  “Special notebook?”

  “Yeah,” I chimed in. “And that's a really great bet. Fay has a special notebook that nobody, and I mean nobody is allowed to touch. Not even me—”

  “Or Memeré.” Fay added.

  “Or Memeré. You'd be lucky if you win, but I'm thinking this bet is probably a loss on your end now. She never bets her special notebook, and I tried.” Expanding my lids, I nodded with affirmation.

  Fay's special notebook was a present I gave her last year for her birthday. I couldn't even believe she still had it in one piece, but I was really proud of her for taking our conversation seriously when I finally passed it down to her.

  It's one of the few surviving items that she hasn't destroyed with all her creative childhood nature.

  The notebook and Moot, surviving relics of the past.

  She never lets anyone use, touch, or even hold her special book. I didn't blame her, the book holds more sentimental value than just any old notebook. And it was just as hard for me to entrust it to her. I had spent hours the night before I parted with it just scrolling through the pages, letting the memories take me back.

  And now, she was filling it with memories of her own.

  “Alright, I'll take your bet. I hope you're ready to let me use your notebook.” Layne's big toothy smile hit his ears, his head joggling around on his hands. “Because I'm going to scare you so bad.”


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