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Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2]

Page 6

by Christy Poff

"Go upstairs and wait for me and you'd better be naked,” he ordered in Swedish, the only language she could speak. He felt it easier to control her this way. She scurried out and he laughed. What I would give for a woman with fire...

  * * * *

  Gliickman had his fill of Anika. He sat up, lit a cigarette, and watched her sleep. For now, she'd been a much-needed diversion. His choice in women had been safe and satisfying, though he craved more.

  Outside, he heard the Dobermans barking. Someone had crossed onto the estate and tripped the alarm on the electric fence. He put on a robe and went downstairs.

  Günter, another hard-bodied Swede and Gliickman's Chief of Security, met him, along with another guard and a blonde twenty-something intruder.

  "Why are you on my property?"

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I got lost."

  "Are there others with you?"

  "No, I needed to think, so I took a hike and lost the trail markings. I'm sorry, sir. Could you please take me back to town?"

  "Of course,” Gliickman said as he gave Günter a pre-arranged signal. The guard escorted her out to a white van. Günter waited until the door closed for further instructions.

  "Tell the chemist he gets a bonus case."

  "Ja, Herr Gliickman."

  Gliickman headed upstairs to wake Anika for another round.

  * * * *

  Rhi continued her exploration of the house and gazed out the window at the end of the hallway. Whoever built this house had ensured spectacular views from anywhere inside it. She'd definitely be happy here with Sean.

  She went back to his room. He'd called to tell her he was on his way and she wanted to surprise him. She went to his closet and went through his shirts in search of the right one. She breathed in his scent, losing herself as her body went nuts. Anticipation got the better of her as she felt her reaction between her legs. Hot and wet...

  "And what are you doing in my closet?"

  His voice caressed her body and quivers ran through her stomach. She turned around, the sight of him overpowering.

  "I thought I'd surprise you."

  "No. One of the things I got off on last night was undressing you. Don't take my fun away."

  "Then, my wolf, do what you will."

  Sean growled as he crossed the room to where she stood.

  "You're gorgeous, woman."

  "You are, too, Sean."

  He captured her mouth and hungrily kissed her, hungry to taste her. As he did, he slid her jacket from her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor as he knelt before her.


  She leaned against the closet door so he could take them off next. He unbuckled her belt, then unzipped her jeans to remove them. His nose caught her scent and he growled, his hunger intensifying. For once, he appreciated his acute sense of smell.

  "I want to eat you, Rhi."

  "I'm yours, now and forever. Take me, Sean."

  He slid her lacy thing thong off, parted her nether lips, and laved her pussy, tasting pure, wanton need. His hands went to her breasts and squeezed them before he unbuttoned her blouse and slid it off her. He discovered no more impediments to his need as she stood naked before him. She slid down to him, but he stopped her.

  First one leg, then the other, he lifted her. Her legs now sat on his shoulders as he pressed her against the doorjamb. She pressed his head to her and moved with him. She cried out as he drank her cum. The fury of her climax causing her to grab for the molding as she cried out. Somehow, he lowered her easily to the floor and gazed at her as the last bits of the orgasm rocked her.

  He stripped off his clothes and she gasped at the sight of his muscular body. He lifted her up, pressed the tip of his cock against the entrance to the core of her waiting body, and impaled her on him as she screamed his name.


  "Don't, my wolf. Please, don't ever apologize to me. Love me as hard as you can. If I cry, it's tears of ecstatic joy. Please, my wolf, I beg you to use me for your pleasure."

  "What about you?"

  "Your pleasure is mine."

  "Then ride me, woman,” he commanded as he drove into her, his thrusts powerful and arousing. He took her to the edge, then without losing contact, he flipped her to her hands and knees.

  "I want your tits hanging free so I can take them in my hands and hold you."

  "Anything, Sean,” she cried. He had no idea, though she did, how right this felt—the position perfect. She grabbed the doorjamb for purchase, since she didn't trust her arms to support her. As he filled her, he cupped her breasts and held on tight. She moved against him, their bodies separated only by beads of sweat.



  "I love you!"

  "I love you, too."

  Wave after wave washed over them. He pulled her close, one arm across her breasts, the other across her hips. He had to hold her in place.

  "I can't lose you, soul mate,” he said as he nipped her nape.

  "You won't, husband."

  "What did you say?"

  "I called you husband. You're the father of the baby I carry."

  "Baby? What? How?"

  "You're the only man I've been with in ages. I feel things extremely fast, like a sixth sense. The timing's perfect. You, my wolf, are going to be a father."

  Chapter 7

  Rhiannon stretched. Somehow, he'd gotten them into bed where they'd fallen asleep. She'd spooned against him, afraid of losing his touch and the protection she felt in it.

  Tremors of joy continued to ripple through her. She felt his hand slide between her legs begging for entry. She parted her legs and guided his probing fingers to where he wanted to be.

  "You feel good,” he whispered in her ear.

  "So do you."

  He took her mouth with his and she moved to give him more access to her pussy. She wanted him so much, she couldn't think straight. He rolled on top of her and suddenly pounded into her. She took him and moved with him.

  "Do it, Sean,” she coaxed. “I'm yours. I was born to be yours."

  "Rhi, I claim you, our family ... I..."

  Something in his voice scared her.

  "Sean, what's wrong?"

  "My head, it's ... OW..."

  Rhiannon knew exactly what was happening. She laid him back on the pillows, reached for her cell phone and hit speed dial.

  "He needs help,” she cried to whoever answered the phone. “I will. We'll be there as soon as we can."

  * * * *

  Somehow, she got Sean dressed. The headache became worse as he screamed in agony.

  "Baby, get me to the hospital."

  "I'm taking you where they'll help you."

  "My doctor..."

  "Calm down. I'll take care of you. Trust your soul mate."

  The word calmed him, though pain etched his face. She dressed quickly, then helped him out to her Land Rover.

  "Lay back and close your eyes. Clear your mind and relax."

  His hand grabbed hers and squeezed it hard.

  "Please, help me,” he begged.

  A short drive and she pulled into a driveway, then drove a long distance to a huge mansion. Hearing several sets of footsteps approaching the car, she looked over and gasped when she discovered he had passed out.

  Two bodybuilder types helped get Sean out of the car and into the mansion. Rhiannon followed, tears in her eyes.

  "You've done the right thing by bringing him here."


  I told you to do this, a voice told her mind.

  My Lord Wolf?

  Julian nodded.


  "It might very well be his first time. If so, we'll get him through it."

  "Will he be all right?"

  "He's our prophecy and your mate. Our future depends on it, as well as you two having a family."

  "I'm pregnant, my Lord."

  "Wonderful news! Elizabeth, take care of Rhiannon while I take care of Sean. We also have to keep the othe
r males away from her."

  "Yes, my love. Go ... He needs you..."

  Elizabeth put her arms around Rhi and held her while she cried. She tried to calm her.

  "Rhi, my child, calm your mind. You're carrying precious cargo and you cannot risk it."

  "Why?” Rhi asked.

  "Come have some tea with me and I'll explain everything."

  * * * *

  In one of the two living rooms in the huge mansion called The Sanctuary, Elizabeth Hawthorne explained Rhiannon's life to her.

  "You have known of your gift since birth. You make sure your schedule is around the full moon. Do you ever wonder why you don't have monthly problems with your natural schedule?"

  "I have but it's so..."

  "You, my child, come into heat because of the full moon. You felt amorous but not fully..."

  "I've never had any experience like what I've had with Sean."

  "Exactly. From his birth and yours, you've been meant for each other and no one else. Gabriel could only frolic with you and relieve some tension, but had he mounted you, you would have turned him away and probably hurt him."


  "You are an alpha female. Your blood dictates your union with an alpha male but, in this case, you've mated with one of the lost princes. You helped bring him back to the fold."

  "How? My Lord told me he'd need my help."

  "And he's been told the pack needs his help."

  "I don't understand."

  "Evil lives on the mountain. Several have suffered due to its presence. Your wolf is the lead investigator on a case which directly involves us. We need his discretion and knowledge to prevent further harm to us. We've been fortunate no one has died but we fear the evil could kill some of us. Sean will protect our secret in finding his perpetrator."

  "He's only just finding out, and the pack expects this?"

  "We do. He's a prince of our nation and will do so to keep you and your children safe."

  Rhiannon trembled, though she felt hot. She stood, her hand on her temple. Never had she felt like this before.

  "When was the last time you changed?"

  "This morning."

  "Then feel free if you believe you have to."

  "The baby..."

  "Not a problem. In fact, you'll feel better in your natural form. Go outside where you'll have some privacy."

  "Yes, my Lady."



  "Call me mother. After all, I am."

  Rhiannon's world stopped with this revelation.


  "Julian and I are your parents. We gave you up to the Drakes for your safety because we were being threatened by other concerns. I'm sorry I haven't told you before now but we've lived such a precarious life, we didn't want to risk yours."

  "Somehow, I think I knew, though after this, nothing surprises me. She always held me at arm's length. When Julian came to me after I bought the cabin, I felt closer to him than I did..."

  "I know. Julian told me. He loves you dearly, as I always have."


  "Yes, child?"

  Rhiannon fell into her waiting arms, sobbing. In less than forty-eight hours, her life had taken a right turn off an oval track and become clear to her. Everything fell into place and for once, she experienced total peace.

  "Go change and when you come back, I'll take you to see Sean."

  "Can I be there when he does change?"

  "I'll ask Julian. He may say no."

  "But I can comfort him."

  "I'll ask. Now, go..."

  * * * *

  Sean's head pounded. He cautiously opened his eyes to see Julian Hawthorne looming over him.

  "Where am I? Who are you? Rhiannon..."

  "Relax. You are at The Sanctuary. I am Dr. Julian Hawthorne and Rhiannon is waiting to see you."

  "What's wrong with me?"

  "Your body needs to change so you can understand what's happening to you."

  Sean looked at him, then around the room. He discovered he lay on an examining table with a lightweight sheet across his midsection. He wanted to sit up but his headache prevented it. As he became more aware of his surroundings, the pain worsened. He grabbed his head and held onto it as if he feared it would explode.

  "Let it come over you."

  "What?” Sean cried out.

  "The change. Let your body do what it has to do. It's the only way to make the pain go away."

  Sean tried to distract himself but he couldn't. His body took over as it overruled his brain. He felt his skeletal frame move but instead of terror, he felt better. He looked at his hands but found huge paws as a dark gray coat of fur began covering his body. He looked at the doctor in terror.

  What have you done to me?

  Nothing, it's your destiny. It's your bloodlines.

  You're telling me I'm...

  Yes, Sean. You are a werewolf.

  They don't exist.

  But we do.

  No, this cannot be happening.

  Rhiannon wants to see you, Julian stated.

  No, not like this.

  Sean was on the floor, circling the doctor as he tried to come to terms with what happened. The door opened and a smaller wolf bounded in. White and gray, the female ran to him and nuzzled his neck. Sean caught her scent and realized not everything happening had been a nightmare, but reality.

  Seeing her like this, he understood everything more. He bit her neck and she yelped, not in pain but in sheer joy.


  My wolf.

  It's really you?

  Yes, Sean.

  Julian persuaded them to go outside and enjoy the evening. They went outdoors and Sean finally experienced true freedom. He'd finally learned why he was the way he was. Everything became clear to him as wave after wave of relief flowed over him.

  Rhiannon led him on a chase but when he caught her, she submitted to him as he mounted her. As they came full circle, both howled in pure joy. At the height of her orgasm, he clamped his jaw on her neck and held her down. He performed naturally for and with her.


  Do it again, my wolf. We've got so much to make up for.

  The baby?

  They're fine.

  * * * *

  A short while later, she led Sean back to the shadows and safety of the mansion. Sean came to her side and hopped up, his front legs around her shoulders as his teeth latched onto her neck below her ear. He held her in a way to ensure she couldn't run. Rhi pushed against him as he growled his possession of her.

  She cried out, a little from pain, but mostly because it felt good to have him with her—furry, lupine, and in control.

  My wolf, we have to change back.

  Not yet.

  We have to. It's your first time. Let Julian help you.

  Please, Rhi...

  I'm thinking of your health. I brought you here, passed out and scared. You have to see Julian.

  Sean finally agreed. This new side of him terrified him, although being with Rhiannon calmed him a little.

  Shall I go first? she asked him mind-to-mind. She knew his terror and knew she could help him through it.

  You'll be with me?

  Where else would I be, my soul mate? I love you.

  I love you, too.


  Sean nodded and watched Rhiannon change back to human form. He growled as he saw her in her barest shape, beautiful as a wolf and gorgeous as a woman. Her nudity surpassed any beauty he'd ever laid eyes on. She came to him and slipped her arms around his neck, her naked skin soft against his fur. He breathed in the scent that had become uniquely Rhiannon.

  "Are you ready, Sean?” He nuzzled her.

  I'll try. Stay with me?

  "Always, my wolf. I'll help you."

  Sean pulled back and locked his eyes with those of his mate. He tried to will the change to come upon him. Slowly, he felt his skeleton begin to alter as his bone structure went back to his human sha
pe. As dangerous as it could be, Rhiannon went to him to help ease him back, holding him in her arms.

  Suddenly, the change stopped. Sean lay unconscious in her arms, half-man, and half-wolf.

  "Come on, Sean. You can't stop now! Sean!"

  She desperately tried to rouse him with no success.

  "Somebody, help us! Julian, please!"

  When Julian got to them, he immediately called the others to help get Sean inside. Elizabeth wrapped a robe around Rhi and walked her into the mansion.

  "It'll be all right."

  "What's happens if he..."

  "Julian will get him through it and teach him what he needs to know."

  "Elizabeth, I can't lose him. I feel like my heart's been torn from me."

  "Rhi, you have to worry about your babies."

  Rhiannon's legs failed her. Elizabeth caught her and guided her to a chair on the patio. She held the trembling young woman against her body as Rhiannon sobbed.

  Unfamiliar emotions coursed through Rhiannon. She'd found the man destined to be with her and now she could be losing him because he hadn't been prepared for everything happening with him all at once.

  Elizabeth pulled the robe around Rhi to keep her warm. The wind had become stronger and she worried over Rhi's condition. The pack could not afford to lose either one of them, or their future. She closed her eyes to try to talk to Julian but he had blocked all outside distractions. She understood why but knew Rhiannon needed answers.

  "Please, let them survive this."

  * * * *

  Julian had blocked everything other than Sean. Caught halfway through the change back to human shape, Sean's body shut down for some reason, one Julian had to find and fast. Once his men laid Sean on the examining table, Julian went to work.

  "Come on, Sean, change the rest of the way."

  Julian strapped Sean's body to the table, then started an IV to keep his fluids up. He turned and pulled a syringe from a small refrigerator. He made sure it had no air in it, then injected the contents directly into Sean's bloodstream. A special creation, Julian had used it once before in a similar instance and had been successful in jumpstarting the patient's change so it could be completed. Please, let it work again.

  He watched for what seemed an eternity for some kind of reaction. It finally came when Sean's body convulsed. Tremors changed to shakes, then shakes to body-jolting convulsions. Sean's strength increased as he fought his body's alteration, along with the thick leather straps. As it got worse, Julian thought he heard Sean say something.


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