Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2]

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Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2] Page 9

by Christy Poff

  "Coming up on your local news at four—missing girl found dead."

  Sean sat up, his senses wary to what he would learn. He didn't like what his instincts told him as rage threatened to emerge.

  "The body of Tracy Montgomery, reported missing from her parent's home, has been located behind the local mall. Her parents reported her disappearance several days ago. Investigators have listed the cause of her death as a drug overdose, though the case remains open. Sources close to the police department will not confirm or deny if Miss Montgomery is another victim of a serial killer being chased over several states."

  Sean's rage took over. Before he could hold his physical demands in cheque, he felt his body change. The skeletal alterations came easier, his hands and feet now larger paws. He saw his dark black coat as he completed his shape shifting.

  A mournful howl echoed through The Sanctuary, the pain all too evident. The wolf paced, then circled while frustration angered him more. He sensed others coming, able to smell their unique scents and their concern.

  "Sean, what the hell have you done?"

  What have I done? You've held me here and another girl was found. You know where they are. You knew something would happen and you've wasted my time, not to mention obstructing an ongoing investigation. I should arrest all of you. I need to leave here.

  "Not yet. You are way too volatile."

  Bullshit, Hawthorne!

  "You have to change back. I can't help you if you leave before you do."

  Sean snarled, his lip moving to bare his teeth.

  "Knock it off, McMurray."

  Another snarl.

  "Keep it up and I'll sedate you. The change cannot continually be brought on by rage or negative emotion."

  Sean circled more, his snarl menacing. He suddenly froze.

  Help me, please. I need help!

  * * * *

  Sensing trespassers on her land, Rhi ducked into a secret tunnel. It led to the basement of her cabin and enabled her needed safety in times like this. In the darkness, she shifted back to human form and quickly threw on a robe.

  She went upstairs and stopped. She could smell the strangers in her private world. She pulled her Beretta from its holster where it sat on an out-of-the-way table.

  Ready to fire it, she crept into the living room.

  "I suggest you both leave and take your friends with you."

  "Honey, you won't fire that thing."

  "I won't? Try me. Now get out!"

  The men left her and her home. Terror ran through her, as she didn't like how easily they'd given in. She locked the door and watched them leave, distrusting them even more. She quickly headed upstairs, took a quick shower, and dressed in denim and silk. She put her shoulder holster on, then the denim jacket. She made one more check on her 9mm Beretta and left her room.

  Downstairs, she checked the doors and then looked outside. All seemed quiet but the hair on the back of her neck stood up, a warning she trusted. Instinct told her she wasn't alone.

  "Don't move. That's it. Hands up."

  The man did a quick frisk and took her gun. Rhiannon froze. She heard several more sets of footsteps behind her.

  "I suggest you leave. I don't like trespassers."

  "It doesn't matter what you like, little lady, you're coming with us."


  "Because you've been chosen."

  "Chosen? By whom?"

  "You don't need to know."

  "Then I'm not going anywhere with you. Now, get out."

  "I like her. She's funny,” another voice said sarcastically.

  She went to turn but a gun barrel at her back stopped her. Standing amidst her enemies, she tried to send a message to Julian. Her right hand was wrenched behind her back from where she had it on top of her head, followed by her left. She heard the click of handcuffs when someone tightened down on them. Rhiannon cried out in pain.

  A piece of tape silenced her as another man pressed it over her mouth. A different man knelt down to tape her ankles together, Rhiannon teetering off balance.

  "Now, little lady, time for beddie-bye."

  She tried to fight but the needle went into her neck. The fast-acting sedative did its job and she lost consciousness.

  Help me, please. I need help!

  * * * *

  Sean circled the room refusing to stay still. He'd been in his furry shape for a while, snarling and snapping at anyone who came near him. Finally, Julian tried another tactic to get through to him.

  "McMurray, I know you want to return to your human shape. To do so, you must calm down. If you follow my instructions, I will help you through this. Now, get onto the bed and relax."

  Sean looked around listening to the disembodied voice, looking as if he'd lost every bit of common sense he had but did as he'd been told.

  "I am going to come into the room. Snarl or snap at me, and you're on your own."

  Julian heard a cry as if Sean agreed but he could tell McMurray would be looking for a way to escape.

  Once in Sean's room, Julian crossed to the bed and cautiously stroked Sean's fur. The animal calmed and gave Julian a sign he was ready to cooperate.

  "Relax your entire body and let the change take you over easily. As you go through this more, it will become easier—quicker and second nature."

  While Julian watched, Sean changed. Suddenly, he stopped and cried out.

  "Sean, what's wrong?"

  "Rhiannon needs help."

  Julian pulled out his cell.

  "Get a team to Rhiannon's. She may be in danger. Make sure you tell Holt."

  "I've got to go to her."

  "A freak? I doubt it. You're using this as an excuse to leave. Complete your change. I'll worry about my daughter."

  "I have to go after her."

  "Why?” Julian asked in hopes Sean had come to his senses.

  "It's my fault. I drove her away. I have to make things right."

  "You only want to ease your conscience. Thank you, Detective McMurray, but no thanks. I'm her father and I will help the daughter I would give my life for. When I return with her, I expect you gone.” Why can't you just admit you love her?

  "Look, she spoke to me through our bond. I have to protect her. I need her to know that I'm sorry. I've been an ass and I'm sorry. I need to convince her I still love her. Please, Julian, I love her!"

  Sean finished returning to human shape. He hopped from the bed and dropped to his knees at Julian's feet, kneeling before the alpha male of the pack.

  "I beg you, my Lord. Let me go after my mate. I will bring them back to you and once I have, I'll let the pack decide my fate."

  "Tempting idea.” Julian thought for a moment. “All right. You go after her and you bring her home—here. But, if you hurt her again in any way, I'll hunt you down and kill you. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Yes, sir.” Slowly, Sean stood and actually felt better. “Sir, I need the information on the two sites. She has to be at one of them."

  "Get dressed. You'll be escorted to my office where I'll give you what we have."

  Chapter 11

  Rhiannon woke, jolted by an electric shock to her hip. She tried to move but couldn't. She looked around her confinement and saw she'd been caged. She tried to look down but a thick leather collar held her in place. Her hands and ankles had been shackled to restrict her movements while a leather bit kept her silent.

  The only relief she knew was the oversized shirt covering her naked body. She thought Sean had humiliated her, but this proved worse. She closed her eyes and suffered another shock.

  Protect the babies.

  She concentrated on the one shred of joy she had remaining in her present life.

  "Ms. Drake, I would behave if I were you. As it stands now, I have seen to it you have restricted movement. Should you try to stretch, you'll put pressure on your neck. Should you decide to shape shift, you'll be controllable."

  Rhiannon whimpered at the fact this man knew everything about her. She t
ried to beg him to relieve her restraints, but he looked at her and laughed.

  "Behave yourself and I'll have you taken to a lab near Chicago."

  Rhiannon's eyes widened at her fate. She couldn't let them take her to a lab. She refused to let them harm her babies. She'd die first.

  * * * *

  Sean met Julian in his office where they discussed the situation at length.

  "Shit!” Sean cursed.


  "Pain in my hip."

  "What kind?"

  "Like an electric shock."

  Sean cried out again, his leg shaking.

  "We have to hurry. If they shock her anymore, it will kill them all."

  "What the hell are you talking about?"

  Julian explained the unique bond between alpha soul mates.

  "You will feel what they do to her."

  Sean reached into his jacket pocket, searching for his cell phone. Once he found it, he called Hunter Lockwood.

  "Yo, man, where the hell are you? The Chief's been on my ass over this."

  "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

  "Ok, I won't ask. What's up?"

  "I've got two locations and we have to take them simultaneously or Rhi will die."


  "They have her."


  "Within the last several hours. I left her at the cabin to go up into the mountains after a lead,” he lied.

  "What did you find out?"

  "On the north side of Eagle Mountain is an old, abandoned farm. It's showing every sign of being a clandestine drug lab. They may have a hostage or two, but I wouldn't be surprised if this is where they've hidden the girls until we've found them."

  "You heard about the latest?"

  "Yeah, what's your take?"

  "Twenty year old blonde with needle marks triple what we usually find. She was loaded on this damned shit. Also, Elise found evidence of several sexual encounters."


  "Why are you so sure they have Rhiannon? She doesn't fit the profile."

  "Gut instinct. Long story. I'll tell you later."

  "You said two locations?"

  "Yeah, the second one is a leased estate on the south side of town. Huge property, and very secluded. Rhiannon's there."

  "Ok, what do you need?"

  "The name of the people leasing the property. Every man you can get me—ATV's and horses—for the lab. As I said before, we have to hit at the same time so one cannot alert the other."

  "Ok, what else?"

  "I want you to brief everyone. Split them into two teams and stage them. Warn the team hitting the lab about its volatility. Alert DEA also. They can probably send in manpower and they know how to handle these things. Besides, they've been after this bunch longer than we have."

  "What about the estate?"

  "I need you to bring me two sharpshooters and three of the department's best. I can't trust anyone else with this and I know you'll get Rhi out I if fail."

  "Sean, wait a minute. What are you saying?"

  "I'm going against everything I believe in. I'm too personally involved and I'm going in anyway."

  "Chief won't like that."

  "Then he can have my badge."

  "Whoa, Sean. Where's this coming from?"

  "Suffice it to say I've screwed up and because I did, Rhiannon and our kids could wind up dead."


  "She's pregnant—a week or two along."

  "Shit, man. I'm sorry."

  "So am I. I could have prevented this."

  "Where and when?” Hunter asked after a brief discussion on how they would carry out the raids.

  "Team One stages at the base of the mountain below the farm. I want you and Team Two to meet me at Rhi's place in an hour. I want to take both at sunset."

  "Ok, I'll get on it. When should I meet you?"

  "Give me an hour."

  "You got it."




  "Man, we'll get her back."

  "I sure as hell hope so."

  * * * *

  "Impressive, Sean, but what if your plan fails?"

  "I don't expect it to. I will get her back and then beg her to forgive me."

  "And if she doesn't?"

  "I'll face that when it happens. First things first."

  "One other thing. If she talked to your mind, can you answer her back?"

  "I don't know."

  "We have to try."

  "What do I do?"


  Sean looked at Julian, then sat back in the high-backed chair he was seated in since their meeting began.

  "Sean, open your mind to only Rhiannon. Tell her help is on the way."

  Rhiannon, it's Sean.


  Help is on the way.

  You can't help me. No one can.

  No, don't think that. The plan's already set in motion.

  You can't fight these people.

  I can and I will.

  They want to ship me to a lab in Chicago. They know what I am.

  Baby, hold on.

  Protect the others. Tell Julian and Elizabeth I love them.

  Don't give up.

  Honestly, Sean, why do you care?

  I love you. I need to...

  Forget me, Sean. You were right.

  No, I wasn't. I was angry and full of hatred. Your friend Gabriel made me realize what an ass I've been.

  He's a good friend. I'll miss him.

  Baby, please, believe me. I'll get you out of there and then we need to talk.

  About how I lied to you about our children?

  No, about my pleading with you to forgive me.

  What? Help me ... Ow...

  Rhi ... Baby?

  Sean jolted and opened his eyes.

  "Sean, what is it?"

  "Somebody zapped her again."

  "Did you see anything?"

  "She's in a cage. Julian, she said whoever is holding her wants to ship her to a lab in Chicago."

  "You've got to hurry. Go..."

  "I'll bring her back here and, I swear, I'll kill the bastard who's doing this to her."

  "Get to her before they inject her. Whatever they are processing could kill her and will more than likely kill her babies."

  Sean stood and turned to leave. Julian stopped him.

  "I owe you an apology. I was..."

  "...Well within your rights. I can be a real piece of work at times. I was wrong and I hurt the one person in the world who loved me without question or reservation. When I learned about myself, I turned on her and didn't give quarter. I need her, Julian, and I will get her back."

  "I know you will. Be careful, my prince."


  "I'll explain when you get back."


  "Make sure to control your rage and use the change with wise discretion. Be careful who is around you when it happens."

  "I will. Can we mind speak?"

  "Not any more. Only mates can unless we've changed."

  "She told me to tell you both she loved you and she'll miss Gabriel. She's lost hope, Julian."

  "Get to her quickly."

  "Yes, sir."

  As Sean left, he met Elizabeth. Sean dropped to his knee and took her hand.

  "Forgive me for my rotten personality. I promise I'll bring her back."

  "Go, my prince. I forgive you because I do understand. Bring Rhiannon home to me."

  "I will."

  Sean left The Sanctuary. He took Rhi's Land Rover and headed to her cabin, where Hunter would meet him. Once he arrived there, his instincts told him someone waited for him. He pulled his gun and cautiously approached the steps leading up to the porch.

  He sniffed the air and smelled another man's presence. Slowly, he stepped onto the porch and went to the door. He heard footsteps inside and listened closer. Two people waited inside and he didn't like it.

turning the doorknob, he easily pushed the door open, then went inside.

  "Aspen Police, freeze! Down on your knees and put your hands up."

  "Relax, McMurray, we're friends."

  The man turned around to face him.

  "Holt, what the hell are you doing here?"

  "We came to help. The men you're looking for are dangerous. They've put several of us in the hospital. Now, the son of a bitch has Rhi. We can go where your police can't."

  "Who's this with you?"

  "My brother, Damon. Ryman's outside."


  Sean sensed their distrust and didn't blame them.

  "Gabriel, I owe you, and the others, my deepest apologies. I had..."

  "Listen, Prince, because of you, Rhiannon's in the hands of a madman. Because of you, she and the future of this pack may die. Mr. Hawthorne said you'd help us but you've only made matters worse. I hate your very existence, Prince, and if she dies, I will kill them, then I will come after you."

  "Rhiannon is mine. I will get her back and if she forgives me, live with it."

  "And if she doesn't?"

  "We'll cross that bridge later. Now, explain why all of you keep calling me Prince."

  "It has been said a lost prince would find himself, and the pack, and protect us. You are the prince of prophecy. Unfortunately, all I see is a bitter, arrogant man."

  "Well, this bitter, arrogant man is going in there and I will bring her out."

  "Don't make promises you can't keep."

  "I don't, Holt."

  "Then make sure you keep this one, or I will kill you."

  "Then let's stop wasting time."

  "Whatever you say, Prince,” Gabriel said sarcastically. Damon separated the two men.

  "Gabriel, not a good time to get anyone upset."

  "I am not a prince. I can't be,” Sean avowed.

  "Face it, pal, you are, and all you want to do is throw it all away. If you'd only listened to Rhi and the Hawthornes..."

  "Sean?” another voice called.

  "In here, Hunt."

  "Who are these guys?” Hunt Lockwood asked after he closed the door.

  "Friends. They've got some unique talents we can use."

  "We can use all the help we can get on this one."

  "Did you get the ATV's and the horses?"


  "Send the first team up to the barn and tell them to wait for the signal to go in. Remind them to be careful because of the chemicals and warn them the place may be rigged to destroy evidence. Also, no radio traffic except through SWAT and no Nextel's."


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