Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2]

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Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2] Page 10

by Christy Poff

  "I'll be back in a few minutes."

  Hunter left the cabin while Gabriel watched.

  "You run a tight ship."

  "And don't you forget it."

  "What's for us?"

  "I want you to go to the estate with this team. Scout the perimeter for any advantage it might afford us."

  The two men nodded and went to join the other team. Hunter returned and asked how his friend was doing.

  "Not good. I screwed things up royally. Because of it, our madman has her caged like an animal at the estate."

  "Why for God's sake?"

  "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Suffice it to say, he has plans for her. She's suffered four electric shocks and she's despondent."

  "How do you know all this?"

  "Hunt, I need you to understand something. Wolves mate for life and share intense bonds with their mates. I felt the shocks as they happened. We do something called mind-speaking."

  "What are you trying to tell me?"

  "My wife-to-be and I are werewolves."

  Sean watched Hunter Lockwood struggle with the new revelation. They had known each other for years and he thought he knew everything there was to know about his partner.

  "I don't get it. Why are you telling me this now?"

  "I just found out. It's where I've been the last couple days."

  "How, man?"

  "From what I've been told, I was born with a latent gene. It lay dormant for the most part until the last year or two. It's what the nightmares were all about. When I added the extremely acute senses to all I've learned, it all added up."

  "And Rhiannon is..."

  "Yep. It's why we clicked, so to speak. To make a long story short, she's great in bed."

  "She didn't complain like the others?"

  "No, she wanted more."

  "Explain to me why she's with the bad guys."

  "After I discovered the truth, I turned on her. I called her a freak and drove her away. From what Gabriel learned, she came back here, where she found them waiting for her."

  "But she doesn't fit the profile."

  "She said they wanted to ship her to a lab in Chicago. They know the secret. My God, if what I saw is right, they have caged her up and chained like she's a wild animal."

  "Sean, I..."



  "She can't take anymore of this. She'll lose our daughters."

  "Sean, don't do this. I need you alert if we're going to get her out of there."

  Sean looked at him, his eyes glassy. He heard Hunt's breath catch.


  "Your eyes ... They're yellow."

  * * * *

  Gliickman entered the room where he held Rhiannon Drake prisoner. He walked around the cage and looked at her.

  She kept her eyes trained on a spot across the room so she would not look at him or any of her captors. She concentrated everything in her on two things. First, she refused to change and give them the satisfaction. No matter how cramped she became, no matter what they did to her, she refused to become lupine. Then she worried about the babies.

  She'd gone over everything Sean had said to her. Could she ever again trust him? He'd told her he'd come for them and he needed to make things right.

  A tear trickled down her cheek, hidden by her hair. She didn't want them to see her cry. She couldn't.

  "Well, Ms. Drake? When will you turn into the animal you are?"

  She bit down on the bit to stave off her rage and hatred, two very extreme emotions that could trigger the change and betray her to her enemy.

  "What will it take? I want to see you as a wolf."

  She remained silent. Her teeth hurt from the bit gag, but this pain she could tolerate.

  "Let's see. Not feeding you hasn't worked. Taunting you hasn't yet, and the gentle shocks haven't yet. Maybe a harsher shock will do it."

  Her hands clenched, betraying her terror.

  "Excellent. Mr. Chyn?"

  The Asian who'd originally taken her from the cabin came up to her cage with a long rod she recognized as a cattle prod. She closed her eyes and tried to prepare herself for stronger shocks. Instinctively, she curled up to protect her stomach.

  The Asian slipped the tip into the cage and underneath the oversized men's shirt that she wore.

  "Change, Ms. Drake,” Gliickman commanded.

  Her disobedience of his orders earned punishment. Once the prod met her hip, electricity jolted through her. Instead of changing, Rhiannon lapsed off. Her head hung, the collar her only support.

  Baby, I'll kill him. I will bring you and our daughters home.

  A nice dream, she thought, her senses dull, her body numb.

  It's not a dream.

  Chapter 12

  Adolph Gliickman's rage became overpowering as it filled the room. Unsatisfied, he stormed out of the cell, but not before shoving the suspended cage holding the Drake woman out of his way. He didn't care if the bitch choked or not, she could die for all he cared. The huge stipend he would receive from his lab technician in Chicago brought him back to Earth.

  "Keep an eye on her. I want her awake when I return."

  "Ja, Herr Gliickman."

  Gliickman went into his office and picked up a red phone. A few moments later, he spoke with Günter, his third in command.

  "Tell the chemist to prepare one syringe of the drug. I want it over here within the hour. Once he's done that, get him, his notes, and the most current formula out of there. I want the place destroyed by tomorrow."

  "Ja, mein Herr."

  "Once you take care of that, I want a semi to take the wolf bitch to Chicago. Make sure the cage is put toward the rear of the trailer and hidden from anyone who might go in from the side. And one more thing, once you get to Chicago and drop off the lab specimen, find me another chemist."

  "Ja, Herr Gliickman."

  * * * *

  Two teams assembled outside Rhiannon's cabin. Team One would seize the drug lab, while Team Two would take the estate. They split up with several of them taking the quad ATVs Hunter Lockwood called for.

  Several officers mounted up and rode off. The mounted patrol excelled in special search-and-rescue operations and enjoyed an extremely high success rate.

  Hunt led the second team to the estate. A combined force of all-terrain vehicles and horseback riders, they headed out to surround the property's perimeters and stage. All teams would report to Lockwood when Sean stated he'd go in for his fiancée. He and Hunter agreed it would be best for Rhiannon. If he needed help, no matter what, Lockwood would back him.

  Hunt and Sean left after the teams. Once they knew the lab had been taken and no word had gotten out about the seizure, they concentrated on the estate. So much for it being a simultaneous operation.

  "Lab team to Lockwood, location secured. Chemist is in custody, along with several enemies, one dead. Standby."

  Hunter heard a commotion in the background.

  "Sir, we have a problem. The chemist states he prepared an injection of the product to be taken to the main house."

  "How long ago?"

  "An hour. He also states the lab is to be..."

  "Get your asses out of there now! The place is probably on a remote detonation from the main house. Did you find any papers with the formula?"

  "No, sir. He'd said a man named Günter took them with the syringe."

  "Put him in protective custody and take him into the office under an assumed name. No one talks to him until McMurray or I get there."


  "What's going on?” Sean asked, despising he had no way to keep in contact.

  "Our madman ordered up an injection of the drug—one guess as to who gets it. He's had the formula and important records removed. Sounds like his chemist is singing."

  "Who the hell are we up against?"

  "Adolph Gliickman. He and Dustin Chyn, his Asian second-in-command, have been in the business for a while."

  "How did yo

  "Crime Scene lifted his print from one of the victim's bodies. He's wanted by Interpol as well as the Feds."

  "How come ... Don't answer that—I know why. I've really blown this case to hell, haven't I?"

  "Actually, no you haven't. It's between the two of us what's going on and in the end, you'll redeem yourself with the Chief and things will be like usual."

  "How is it you're so calm about all this?"

  "You're my best friend. To find out what's been causing all your problems makes me relieved I covered your ass. Once we clear this case, you'll be in good again and I can sit back and watch you explain it all."

  "But I'm not in good with Rhi. She told me to tell her parents and an old friend good-bye for her when she sent her love to them both. She doesn't trust me and, after what I did, I can't blame her."

  "You've both been on your own private trips to hell. From what you've told me, she's got a hell of a long way to go yet."

  "I've got a way to go myself."

  "Team Two at the perimeter, beginning approach to the house."

  "We're on our way."


  "Second team is starting to pull into the target."

  "They won't go in."

  "No, that's up to us."

  "Then, let's go."

  Sean and Hunt drove to the front gates of the estate, met by one of the department's SWAT team members. They left the car at the gate with orders to bring it up to the house when called for. On foot, they went up the tree-lined drive toward the huge estate. Halfway there, Sean dropped to his knees.

  "Sean, what's wrong?"

  "She's been zapped again."

  "Hold on, pal. We're almost there."

  "Hunt, go ahead."

  "Sean, you're not..."

  "What you don't know...” Sean said as he disappeared.

  "Lockwood to all units—remember, we're after people. Take care in what you're shooting at, as we still need to abide by the Federal Game laws. No animals are to be harmed."

  All units confirmed his reminder, a standard for all ops. One of their officers had shot an eagle after being startled by its movement. The fine had been extremely high, bringing about the reminder. At least he'd done his best to make sure nothing happened to Sean or Rhi.

  The revelation had been mind-boggling and, while he'd never truly believed in werewolves, he couldn't discount their existence—anything was possible in this day and age. It's going to take some getting used to.

  * * * *

  Rhiannon looked up wearily as footsteps entered the room behind her. She heard a mechanism shift into gear and felt her cage descending toward the ground. It hit the polished white floor with a thud jarring her stiff and sore body. She felt the chill of the linoleum against her naked ass and shivered.

  Too weak to move, she closed her eyes and waited for the worst. Sean had not come for her, Rhiannon aware of the danger his presence here posed.

  Sean, stay away. It's over.

  No, I'm at the rear of the mansion.

  No, go away. Save yourself and the others.

  And go through Elizabeth's wrath again? I don't think so.

  I can't take any more of this.

  I know, baby. I felt the earlier shocks.

  They're here with me, Sean. I'm scared.

  Hold on, baby, the cavalry's on its way.

  Their conversation ended when the men surrounded her. One held a stun gun while two others removed the sides of the cage. Next, the top split in half, though the tension in the chain on her neck didn't ease. The leather collar had tightened around her neck when it dried after her perspiration had soaked it. If the men didn't kill her, the collar would slowly choke her to death.



  I'll find peace soon.

  Don't talk like that. Please!


  "Now, carefully remove the bottom. If she tries anything, shock her."

  Try anything? You're kidding me.


  Rhiannon closed her mind. She feared endangering Sean if he found her. She'd rather be dead. If she made it impossible for him to hone in on where they held her, he...

  One of the guards roughly shoved her to the side to pull the floor of her prison from beneath her. She cried out as much as the bit in her mouth would allow. Another guard relocked her shackles to hidden locks in the floor.

  The Asian stepped over to her, grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. She gulped from the pain as her restraints held fast against any movement.

  "You haven't changed, bitch. Herr Gliickman wants you to change."

  She glared at him in terrified anger. Part of her wanted to change and tear her tormentors apart but she'd never killed or tasted blood before. Rhiannon always feared going rogue like one of the others had after tasting blood. The other part of her begged to have it over with.

  "If you want to live—change."

  "No,” she tried to tell him, “no."

  Tears of pain flowed down her face. The Asian threw her forward as he released his hold on her hair. She cried out as the shock of the pain went through her. Her head hurt as if she'd been shocked by the taser.

  "That's enough. Chicago won't pay for damaged goods."

  "Ja, mein Herr."

  The Asian backed away from her as Adolph Gliickman came to stand in front of her.

  "Ms. Drake, since you refuse to obey me and change as I've ordered, I will try something else to convince you."

  The Asian forced her head up so she had to look at the syringe Gliickman held in front of her. She tried to shake her head and plead with him not to use it.

  The shriek of an intrusion alarm stopped Gliickman. The Asian let go of her as everyone ran out of the room, though Gliickman left her a reminder of what awaited her. In clear view, she had been forced to stare at the syringe.

  She closed her eyes and prayed for Death to take her. She knew if it had been because of Sean that the alarms activated, it would be over for all of them.

  She closed her eyes and realized she could no longer feel her arms or legs. She couldn't feel the sting where the shackles cut her skin, causing her to slowly bleed to death. She no longer felt the sensation of her babies. Rhiannon no longer wanted to live.

  * * * *

  Gliickman ran into the security room.

  "Where's the intruder?"

  "We're under siege, sir."

  "And you are just telling me now?"

  "It's happening too fast."

  "Get everyone out there to stop this."

  "Ja, Herr Gliickman."

  Gliickman picked up the direct line to the lab. His face reddened when he got no answer. He leaned over the security console and flicked a protective cover from a switch. He flicked the toggle to light a red light.

  The area rumbled lightly and Gliickman smiled. Whoever had taken the lab died for their efforts, as well as taking care of the chemist for him. Now, to concentrate on the invasion of his home.

  He and Chyn ran out of the room and upstairs, where they grabbed weapons for the ensuing defense, Gliickman trying to figure out who would be stupid enough to try and storm the place.

  "Whoever you are, I will kill you."

  * * * *

  Rhiannon wept tears of relief at being left alone. Her head bowed over the leather, her hair blanketed her shoulders and, in a way, hid her from view. Her heart sank when she heard someone come in, though their footsteps barely touched the floor.

  Panic took over, her senses dulled. Help me, please.

  "That's why I'm here,” a voice whispered.


  "It's me."

  Don't. They can't find you here.

  "I'm not leaving you."

  Sean knelt in front of her and choked back tears. He couldn't believe what had been done to his mate. He removed the bit from her mouth and she gasped as she cried.

  He looked at the locks on her collar and the shackles. Quickly, he pulled a lock pick set from his pocket
and went to work on the one at her neck first. The minute he removed it, her head fell forward. He unlocked the other four locks, her body limp.

  "Can you walk?"

  "I have no feeling—anywhere."

  Sean lifted her up, making sure the shirt covered her. She lay against him, barely moving. If it hadn't been for his heightened hearing, he never would have heard her faint breathing.

  "I'm going to get you out of here."

  Sean carefully made his way upstairs and to the rear door where he'd entered the mansion. He made it outside and ran toward the front gate. Behind him, he heard someone yell at him to stop but Sean continued.

  Bullets flew by him after Gliickman's men opened fire. Another shot whizzed by his ear, this time from the front of the house. More followed before Sean ducked between the front porch and a huge tree next to the steps. Several guards running by them fell, taken down by SWAT team members.

  On the signal from their captain, Sean broke cover and got Rhiannon to the safety of the department Crown Victoria. He laid her on the backseat, then told the officer who'd driven it up from the gate that they were leaving.

  "I'm taking her to get medical treatment."

  "Sir, a helicopter..."

  "...Could very well get shot down by this guy's men. Thanks, but I can get her there just as quick. Tell Lockwood."

  "Yes, sir."

  * * * *

  Sean drove down the driveway to the main road, then floored it as he headed toward The Sanctuary.

  "Baby, I'm getting you help."

  I'm cold.

  "Stay with me, Rhiannon."

  He pushed the car to its limits in order to get her to Julian. He'd know what to do for her. Sean kept checking on her in the rear view mirror and could see how pale she'd become and prayed. He checked on her again and gasped.

  On the seat lay a silvery gray wolf. She had changed so fast, he'd missed it. Sean began to panic.


  Take me...

  "I am."

  Good, I'll be able to die in peace.

  "No, you won't. I won't let you."

  You have no choice. Too much has been taken from me. I...


  He sped the remaining short distance to The Sanctuary, then slammed on the brakes when he reached the house. He could barely hear her breathing but her heart pounded hard in his ears. He gently pulled her from the car and went up to the porch, then into the house.


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