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Enticed:A Dangerous Connection (Secrets)

Page 15

by Carlson, Melody

  “And then he sells them to Tom?” I say in disgusted disbelief. Somehow, compared to all the stories I’ve heard, this one seems the worst.

  “Yep. That’s how he makes his living. Finding girls. Grooming girls. Selling girls.” She shakes her head. “Pretty messed up, huh?”


  Now she sits beside me and starts working on my fingernails. As she works, we continue to talk and I discover her real name is Deirdre Emerson and that she was originally from Gresham, which she tells me is near Portland. “Most of the West Coast girls come from the I-5 corridor,” she says nonchalantly. “I guess it’s just more convenient that way.”

  It’s nearly two and Desiree has just finished up my fingernails when Ruby comes in to announce that there’s pizza downstairs.

  “Bring some up here,” Desiree tells her. “We need to keep working on Serena.”

  “What about the people in the basement?” I ask Ruby. “Did Jimmy get any food for them?”

  Ruby frowns. “Jimmy said he hopes they’ll all starve to death.”

  “Well, that’s just wrong,” Desiree says.

  “Do you think we can sneak anything down to them?” I ask.

  “Not with Jimmy parked down there in front of the TV,” Ruby tells me.

  “What if we had a way to break out of here?” I say quietly.

  Now the room, which had seemed so friendly, suddenly turns silent … chilly.

  “I know you think this isn’t as bad as some places,” I continue, “but what if there was a place where you would be safe? A place where you would have freedom? Where you could finish school? Go to college? Have a real life? Wouldn’t you want that?”

  “Yeah … I always wanted to go to Disneyland too,” Ruby says sadly.

  Desiree laughs and runs her fingers through Ruby’s hair. “See why I love this little girl? Such a sense of humor.”

  I point to Ruby’s black eye. “But that’s not funny.”

  “Don’t you think we’d have gotten out of here if it was possible?” Desiree snarls at me. “Do you honestly think we stay here because we like it?”

  I shake my head. “No. But at the same time I believe there’s a way out.”

  “Well, you keep us in the loop,” Desiree says. “In the meantime, where’s that pizza, Ruby?”

  Ruby is still staring at me. Almost like she wants to believe I have some secret plan to free us from this place, like I have some magic key or some free passes to Disneyland. Then she turns and hurries out.

  “Don’t go getting her hopes up,” Desiree hisses at me as soon as Ruby is gone.

  “Sorry. But I honestly believe there are alternatives. And I plan to break out of here. Soon.”

  Desiree laughs again. “Well, the clock is ticking, Serena. Your date with Mr. T is less than five hours away. You think you’re going to make your big break before then?”

  “If we all worked together, we could take Jimmy. And I’m sure that Tatiana would help too.”

  “Yeah, right. You mean the same Tatiana who got knocked out by his stun gun yesterday?” Desiree is putting away the manicure stuff. “I heard how that went down.”

  “But there would be four of us against one.”

  “Four?” She peers at me. “Tatiana is in lockdown all day. Or didn’t you know that?”

  “But even if it was just three of us. You and me and Ruby. Against Jimmy and one stun gun, we should be able to — ”

  “Jimmy isn’t limited to one stun gun.” She pours the manicure water into the bigger tub. “He has all kinds of stuff.”

  “But we could catch him off guard.”

  She holds out the tub of dirty water. “Go dump this and forget about it.”

  As I take the water from her, I feel certain my plan could work. “Really, Desiree. The three of us could take Jimmy. I know it. He’s not that big. If we joined forces, we could — ”

  “You could do what?” Kandy demands as she opens the door.

  Desiree doesn’t even look surprised. “Hey, Kandy.”

  Kandy ignores her, pointing at me. “Do what?”

  “Nothing,” I say quickly. “I need to dump this. Excuse me.”

  But Kandy doesn’t budge from blocking the door. “I heard every single word y’all said just now. And I’m telling Jimmy the whole thing.”

  “Desiree didn’t say anything,” I counter. “So don’t go telling stories on her. I was the one doing all the talking. You can tell Jimmy that.”

  “Don’t worry, I will. And you are toast, girlfriend.”

  I act nonchalant. “I’m sure Mr. T will appreciate being served toast tonight. Tom ought to like it too.”

  Kandy just swears at me and then rushes off — I’m sure to tell Jimmy. I go to the bathroom and dump the water in the tub, wondering how much of a problem I’ve just created. Not so much for myself, but for Desiree and maybe Ruby, too. And hearing Tatiana’s in lockdown doesn’t help either.

  As I stand at the top of the stairs, listening to Kandy ranting to Jimmy about me and Desiree, I wonder if everyone in this house wouldn’t be better off if I’d never shown up here. Not that I had a choice in the matter. But it seems that every time I try to help out or plan an escape, it gets all messed up and someone else gets hurt. Once again, I know that all I can do is pray … and watch for an opportunity.

  … [CHAPTER 18]………………

  Ruby returns with pizza and wide eyes. “Jimmy is really mad,” she quietly confides to Desiree. “But he’s not going to do anything until you’re done with Serena.”

  “Great.” Desiree rolls her eyes as she reaches for a piece of pizza. “Guess I’ll just take my time then.”

  As we eat pizza, I quietly apologize. “I didn’t want to get anyone in trouble,” I say as Ruby stands guard by the door, watching for Kandy.

  “Can’t you see it’s useless?” Desiree tells me.

  “I can see why you need to be careful. It’s just that I really want to make my break before tonight.” I glance at Ruby, thankful she’s keeping watch. “Do you think there’s any chance I can escape from the car that takes me?”

  “What do you think?” Desiree twists a piece of cheese around her finger, giving me a “duh” expression.

  Remembering how I was transported here and knowing my value as Mr. T’s date, I know what she’s saying. “Well, I’m going to think of something. I’m going to escape and I’m going to send someone here to help you guys, too.”

  Desiree just laughs and Ruby nervously peers down the hallway toward the stairs. Then she turns back to me. “I read a story once about a girl who drugged her captor’s drink and got away after he passed out.”

  “Do you think we could drug Jimmy’s drink?” I ask hopefully.

  “He uses so many drugs it’d probably take a whole pharmacy to knock him out,” Desiree says.

  “I meant Mr. T,” Ruby says quietly to me. “Maybe you can slip something into his drink.”

  “Even if Serena could do that, which is pretty ridiculous, where would she get anything to drug him with in the first place?”

  “From Jimmy,” Ruby suggests.

  “Yeah, right, like that’s going to happen. You know Jimmy, always leaving his door unlocked.”

  Ruby shrugs. “What about Kandy?”

  “Kandy would kill anyone who touched her stuff. You know that.”

  Ruby hurries back into the room and reaches for another piece of pizza, giving us a warning look. It’s not long before Kandy appears at the door with a smug look. “Having a little party in here, are we? I wasn’t invited.”

  “Feel free to join us,” Desiree tells her. “Maybe you’d like to help Serena with her bronzer.”

  Kandy rolls her eyes. “Thanks but no thanks.”

  “Thanks for the pizza, Ruby,” Desiree says, almost like a hint for the younger girl to leave and distance herself from us. Ruby seems to get the hint, making a quiet exit, and now Desiree returns to working on me. Neither of us speaks much as she shows me h
ow to apply bronzer and how to keep it from looking weird or streaky. After that’s done and has a chance to dry, she sits me down and begins to put some makeup on me.

  “I’m not using too much,” she explains. “Because Mr. T likes his dates to look sweet and natural.”

  I grimace but keep my thoughts to myself. Now it’s close to five o’clock, and I can tell that Desiree has dragged this out as long as possible, but I’m still in the bathrobe. “So what am I wearing tonight?” I’m imagining some horrible outfit. Probably something strapless and tight.

  “Oh, yeah … that.” She goes to her closet and hands me a plaid pleated skirt, a navy vest with a crest on the pocket, as well as a crisp white blouse. “Cute, huh?” I can tell by her expression, she’s kidding.

  “I used to think it would be cool to go to a private school with uniforms like this,” I admit sadly.

  “Well, you will be going to a private school …” She chuckles. “Of sorts.”

  I give her a dismal look as I begin getting dressed. I layer on the strange clothes and eventually she helps me with the navy blue tie. Then she explains about the few things she’s packed in a handbag for me. I have a feeling I’m not going to remember to reapply my lip gloss.

  When I’m completely together and she stands me in front of the mirror, I stare at the strange image. Who is this dark-haired girl in this conservative-looking outfit? Well, except that the skirt’s pretty short. Other than that, I could be on my way to some expensive preppy school. It’s all very surreal … and sickening.

  “I see you’re all done in here.” Jimmy walks in without knocking, coming over to get a better look at me. He nods with approval. “Nice work, Desiree.” He goes over to her, grabs her by the arm, slaps her across her face, then shoves her to her bed. “I’ll deal with you later.”

  “Looks like you dealt with her already.” I glare at him.

  He raises his hand as if he’s going to smack me, too.

  “Go ahead,” I say. “Blacken my eyes and bloody my nose and maybe Mr. T will demand a refund and send me back here.”

  “We don’t want you back,” he growls at me. “You’re way too much trouble.” He looks at his watch. “Well, you’ve got some time to kill until then.” He grabs me by the arm, shoving the overnight bag at me. “Get moving.” As we leave Desiree’s room, he dead bolts her door and drops the keys into his pocket.

  “You don’t trust anyone, do you?” I try to sound glib, but I’m plotting. I glance at the bag in my hand — could I swing it hard enough to knock him over the head, make him fall down the stairs, grab his keys, and make a fast break?

  But he doesn’t give me the chance as he shoves me in front of him toward the stairs. “Move it!” He swears at me. “I will be so glad to see the last of you.”

  I want to tell him the feeling’s mutual but control myself. And although I know I’m supposed to pray for my enemies, I can’t do it with any sincerity at the moment. Maybe when I’m free of this place, because I still believe I’m getting out of here. I just don’t know how.

  I spot Ruby in the kitchen. And when she sees me, she hurries over. “Is she going to Mr. T now?”

  “What’s it to you?” Jimmy growls at her.

  “I just want to say good-bye.”

  “Fine, why don’t you come with us? You and Tatiana can both tell her good-bye together.” He laughs as he pushes us back toward the bedroom that’s been my jail cell these past couple of weeks. “I’ll lock you all in together and maybe I can enjoy a little peace and quiet for a change.” Ruby’s eyes widen as he shoves her into the room with me. “Have fun, girls.” He points at me. “Don’t wrinkle that uniform!” Then he slams the door shut and the lock snaps into place.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell Ruby. “I didn’t mean for you to get locked up too.”

  “It’s okay.” She makes a nervous smile.

  “What’s going on?” Tatiana asks sleepily, sitting up from where she was reclined on the bed. She grins to see my outfit. “Well, of course.” Now she frowns. “Why is Ruby in here?”

  “Everyone’s in lockdown,” I explain. “Except Kandy … the mole.”

  “Yeah, well, don’t say we didn’t warn you,” Tatiana says. “So how is the great escape coming?”

  Leaning against the wall, I scowl down at the floor, studying the weird blue pumps and the white knee-high socks … still wondering over Mr. T’s taste in women’s wear.

  “I have something for you,” Ruby whispers urgently.

  “What?” I look at Ruby, watching as she removes what looks like a wadded tissue from the pocket of her cutoffs. With a mysterious smile, she hands it to me.

  “What have you done?” Tatiana asks cautiously.

  “Open it,” Ruby tells me.

  I slowly unfold the tissue to see about twenty or so small white pills. “Huh? What is it?”

  “Sleeping pills,” Ruby whispers. “At least I think they are.”

  “What for?” Tatiana comes over to inspect them.

  “To knock out Mr. T,” Ruby says.

  Tatiana nods approvingly. “Good idea.”

  “How do I do it?”

  “You should crush them,” Tatiana advises me.

  I look around the room and finally decide to use the heels of my pumps, grinding the white pills between them until I have a tiny pile of white dust.

  “You need something that it can slide out of easily,” Tatiana says. “Like an envelope.” We look around the room and then Ruby gets the idea to tear a page from one of her books. We fold it into an envelope and shake the powder into it. Then I fold it closed and slip it into my vest pocket.

  “No,” Tatiana says. “A pocket is too obvious. The security guard might pat you down.”

  “Security guard?”

  “Yeah. One of Mr. T’s girls came back here for a couple days. She told me his house is this huge mansion with security and guard dogs and alarms and stuff.”


  “Yeah. She said it was kind of a fortress.”

  “I appreciate the head’s up, but even if I knock Mr. T out, how will I get past all that?”

  “What about all your faith?” Tatiana says in a slightly teasing way.

  I nod. “Yeah. You’re right. I’ll just need to trust God.”

  “Your bra,” Tatiana says to me.


  She points to the tiny envelope of crushed pills. “Put it in your bra. Even if they pat you down, they probably won’t feel it in there.”

  I secure the envelope in the center of the bra and we all agree that’s the best place. Then Tatiana starts coaching me for ways to get Mr. T to turn his back on me while I tamper with his drink. Between her and Ruby, we manage to create a script of sorts.

  “How can I thank you?” I finally say, so encouraged by the way these girls have turned around and started to trust me. It seems nothing short of miraculous.

  “You can thank us by getting free,” Tatiana tells me.

  “And maybe you can help us get free,” Ruby says.

  I grab her hand. “I’ll do everything I can.” Then it hits me. “I need to know the address of this house.”

  Tatiana looks worried. “I don’t know …”

  “You don’t know the address?” I question.

  “No, if this house gets busted, we could end up — ”

  “If Serena gets free, we’ll probably have to leave anyway,” Ruby reasons. And then she tells me the address including the name of the town. I’m just repeating it over and over in my head when Jimmy shows up, announcing it’s time for everyone to get ready for the “evening’s activities.”

  He frowns at Ruby and Tatiana. “You girls need to go do something about those faces. Get Desiree to help you cover up your little bumps and bruises.” The girls and I say a quick good-bye and then, like I’m a four-year-old, Jimmy warns once again not to mess up my uniform. “Your ride will be here in twenty minutes.” Then he locks me up again.

  I spend the remai
nder of my time pacing and praying and rehearsing the lines Tatiana and Ruby helped me with — as well as the address of this house. I’m so glad Ruby told me, and I want it fixed firmly in my memory.

  And then — just like that — Jimmy and Kandy appear, and with his stun gun aimed threateningly, he waits as Kandy binds my hands together in front of me and blindfolds me. They roughly lead me through the house and we pass through what feels like the laundry room into the garage and finally into what feels like the backseat of what’s probably an expensive vehicle — I can smell leather.

  “Here’s her bag.” Jimmy tosses it at my feet.

  “Even if Serena doesn’t come back here, we’d like the bag back,” Kandy says. “We girls can use those things.”

  “Yeah, well, we’ll see about that,” a man answers from in front of me. His voice sounds vaguely familiar, but I can’t quite place it. “Buckle her up,” he snaps. “I don’t want her pulling any stunts on the way over there.” Suddenly I remember the guy named Mitch who delivered the sweatshop workers the other day, and I’m sure he’s the one in front.

  Someone buckles me into the seat and the car door slams and now the vehicle begins to move. For a while no one speaks and I am using my full concentration to keep my composure. I do some deep breathing to calm myself and then I begin to silently pray.

  “She’s a pretty one,” Mitch says in a sleazy tone.

  “Yeah, she sure is,” an equally sleazy voice says from the other side of the backseat. I feel a hand creeping up my thigh, and I let out a scream.

  “Hey man, don’t mess with the merchandise,” Mitch warns. “You know what Mr. T says about that kind of stuff.”

  “Yeah, yeah …” His hand is gone now, but my skin is still crawling.

  The two men laugh like this is funny, making smutty remarks back and forth. Meanwhile I’m trying to remember anything and everything about these guys, details I might be able to share with law enforcement. More than anything I’d like to see these guys arrested and put away. Then after what seems like at least twenty minutes, the car stops and I hear the window go down.

  “Don’t forget Tom said they changed the code,” the guy beside me says.

  “Yeah, yeah, I got it,” Mitch responds, and after a few seconds the window goes back up. I’m guessing this is a gated area but don’t know if it’s a private home or a neighborhood. I’m praying it’s not a private home. That would make escaping even more difficult.


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