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Dare to Love (Young Adult Romance)

Page 7

by Rosemarie Naramore

  In my mind’s eye, I pictured them together and I felt a stabbing pain in my heart. And then it hit me. I liked Dare. A lot.

  As if on cue, Dare and Keith walked back into the conference room in civilian clothing. Dare, in jeans and a t-shirt, looked great as usual. Courtney must have noticed just how great since she moved to stand beside him. Looking up into his eyes, her well-glossed lips were set in a dazzling smile that exposed her perfectly white teeth. How could I ever compete with her? I wondered.

  Then I remembered something Mom always told me. Just be yourself. I made a quick decision to take my mother’s advice. There was little else I could do, since I was certain I wouldn’t be growing six inches in the next few minutes.

  I was lost in my thoughts so I jumped when Dare playfully nudged me with his elbow. “Ready to go?”

  “Uh, yeah,” I said, and followed the group outside to the parking lot.

  “Who’s driving?” Courtney asked, her leadership qualities shining through as usual.

  “I’m driving my truck,” Keith said. “Wanna ride with me, Jennifer?”

  Beaming, Jennifer said, “Sure,” and moved to stand beside Keith.

  “My mom dropped me off,” Courtney informed us.

  “I have my car, and Laura has her car,” Dare noted, “but there’s really no need to take both.” Turning toward me, he asked, “Why don’t we take mine. I can drop you off here later.”

  “Okay,” I agreed.

  “Sounds good to me,” Courtney chirped as she sauntered over to Dare’s car.

  “We’ll follow you, Keith,” Dare said.

  “Okay,” Keith replied, and he and Jennifer climbed into his truck.

  I walked with Dare to his car. He unlocked the passenger side door. Courtney hastily climbed in. Dare reached around and unlocked the back door for me. When he climbed into the driver’s seat, he turned around and winked at me. I wasn’t sure what meaning he wished to convey, but I hoped he was as disappointed as I was that I wasn’t sitting up front with him.

  Chapter Eight

  “No way!” Jennifer declared. “I will not ride on that thing.”

  “Okay, okay,” Keith said with a laugh. “Let’s head for the merry-go-round.”

  “Shut up,” Jennifer shrieked, and socked him hard in the arm.

  “Ouch,” Keith cried, rubbing his arm. “Assaulting a peace officer is a criminal offense, you know.”

  “Right,” Jennifer said, grinning up at him.

  As I tilted my head back to get a good look at the ride, I had to agree with Jennifer. Some thirty-five feet tall, with spinning cages, it looked frightening. I didn’t mind the height, but it was the forward motion of both the cage and the ride itself that scared me to death.

  “Laura’s a thrill seeker,” Dare said confidently. “She’ll go.”

  I jerked my head around and was about to protest. “Well, if Laura won’t go, I will,” Courtney declared. “I just love that ride.”

  I glanced at Courtney. She was watching me, a challenging glint in her eyes. I made a quick decision to go on the ride.

  “How about it, Laura?” Dare asked, smiling persuasively.

  “Okay, sure.”

  As the operator of the ride snapped the cage shut, I took a deep breath and uttered a silent prayer. “Belt up, Laura,” Dare instructed, “or you may get a more thrilling ride than you bargained for.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  I began fumbling with the belt. Dare noticed my difficulty. He reached over and easily buckled me in. “Thanks,” I mumbled.

  “Sure,” he said, as he snapped the safety bar in place. “This is going to be great.”

  Numbly, I nodded, hoping he hadn’t noticed my lack of enthusiasm. The ride rumbled to a slow start. I stiffened. Upward, we traveled, then we came to a sudden, jerking halt. “Wha ... what’s that?”

  “They’re letting people on,” Dare told me. “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Oh, sure,” I replied, hoping I sounded more confident than I was feeling. Again, the ride moved slowly upward, but stopped suddenly. “More passengers,” I noted wanly.

  Several more times, the ride started and stopped, but soon I heard a deeper, rumbling sound. Then the huge apparatus began moving, slowly at first, but as it gained more momentum, it careened forward with dizzying speed.

  “Whoa! This is great!” Dare shouted.

  I nodded and attempted a smile. I was sure it was a sickly one. Dare didn’t seem to notice as he began to propel his body forward, then back, in order to force the cage over. It didn’t take long for the cage to begin tipping end over end. This, coupled with the spinning motion of the ride itself, began to have the same effect on my stomach. Oh, please don’t let me get sick, I prayed silently.

  Now spinning wildly, I finally couldn’t take it anymore. “Can we slow down a little bit?” I asked Dare, struggling to keep my voice steady.

  He glanced in my direction. The wide smile on his face vanished. “Laura, are you okay? You’re as white as a sheet.”

  “Oh, I’m fine,” I managed.

  “Ah, shoot!” he muttered, and then became perfectly still. “It’ll take a few seconds to stop spinning. Hold on, Laura.”

  “Oh, I’m holding on,” I assured him, noting that I was currently white-knuckling the safety bar.

  After awhile, the cage stopped spinning, so I only had the motion of the giant ride itself to contend with. I willed myself to remain calm. I reasoned that the ride couldn’t last forever, although it felt like it.

  Dare turned slightly and watched me, a concerned expression on his face. “Laura, I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. I’m fine,” I lied.

  “You don’t look so fine to me. You’re not going to get sick, are you?”

  Only in my worst nightmares, I thought. “No, I’m fine.”

  “Mmmmm,” Dare muttered dubiously as he wrapped a protective arm around my shoulders. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I was hit by a wave of nausea. “Oh, gosh,” I groaned.

  Dare’s arm tightened around me. “It’s almost over, Laura,” he soothed as he gently stroked my hair.

  I thought my torture had finally ended as the ride screeched to a halt. Cautiously, I opened my eyes and noted with horror that our cage had stopped at the very top station of the ride. “Oh, no,” I murmured.

  Dare removed his arm from my shoulders and I felt his strong finger under my chin. He tilted my face upward. “Look at me, Laura.”

  “I’d rather not,” I said dismally.

  “Laura,” he repeated sternly.

  Hesitantly, I looked at his handsome face. “Why didn’t you just tell me you couldn’t handle this ride?” he asked softly.

  “I can handle it,” I insisted miserably. “Well, I thought I could.” Humiliated, I turned away from him, certain he’d probably never talk to me again once we reached solid ground.

  “Laura, what are you trying to prove?” he demanded. “You drive too fast, you dive off of rocks, you go on rides you know you can’t handle. I just don’t get you.”

  This speech sounded familiar. “I’m sorry, Dare,” I told him.

  “I’m not asking for an apology,” he said in an exasperated voice. “I just wish I understood you, that’s all.”

  When I didn’t answer, he said, “Talk to me, Laura.”

  “It’s just...”

  “It’s what?” he asked, his voice soft again.

  “I don’t know. I mean, when my mom died last year...”

  “Go on,” Dare urged.

  “I ... I realized we don’t know how much time we have ... and Dad has such a dangerous job, something could happen to him ... and I…” I shook my head and sighed. “...There’s so much I want to do...”

  I knew I wasn’t making much sense but Dare nodded as if he understood. “Laura,” he said, as he wrapped his arms around me, “you’re right. We don’t know how much time we have. And there’s a lot I want to do, too. Like college, and the police
academy, but dang, Laura, you don’t have to squeeze everything in all at once! And you sure don’t have to keep taking the chances you take.”

  Sighing, I sought his eyes. “I take chances? What about you? Why do you have to be a cop? Your own dad died on duty. Something could happen to you, too. And Dare, it’s lousy for family life. Dad’s never home for the holidays. He’s on call twenty-four hours a day. He’s missed every one of my school plays, softball games—everything! My mom was always alone. She used to talk about all their plans for the future. But she died! Dad could have made more time for her! For us! I’m so ... angry at him!”

  I felt tears spring to my eyes, and they slipped onto my cheeks before I could wipe them away. I turned away from Dare, humiliated. I couldn’t believe I’d just spilled my guts to him. And I couldn’t believe the things I’d said.

  “It’s okay, Laura,” he said softly. “I think I understand now.”

  “I’m glad you do. I sure don’t,” I told him, my lips trembling.

  The ride began to move again. I knew we’d be on the ground soon, and I didn’t want Jennifer and the others to see that I’d been crying. Clearing my throat, I said, “Dare, I can’t let the others see me like this.”

  He smiled and squeezed my hand. “You look fine, Laura. Really.”

  I glanced up at him then. His sky blue eyes held mine for several seconds. I marveled at the thickness of his lashes, and watched as the blue of his eyes seemed to deepen almost magically. Then he leaned forward and kissed me. I was unprepared for the sweet sensations his kiss evoked within me. When he pulled back, my eyelashes fluttered in surprise.

  I forgot I was thirty-five feet in the air on a ride that scared the bejeebers out of me. All I could think about was Dare’s kiss. He smiled at me and draped his arm over my shoulders for the remainder of the ride.

  When the ride did finally stop, I stepped down from the cage and nearly toppled over. I wasn’t sure if I was unsteady from the ride or from Dare’s kiss. His hand shot out and grabbed my elbow. “Easy Laura,” he said, smiling encouragingly.

  As we exited the ride, I noticed that Jennifer, Keith, and Courtney had wandered over to a snack booth. I was relieved, since it gave me time to compose myself.

  A few moments later, the threesome walked toward us, each carrying a huge, elephant ear.

  Since I was still slightly nauseated from the ride, the sight of the cinnamon-coated pastries nearly caused my stomach to turn. Keith apparently noticed my discomfort. “Hey, Laura, you look kind of pasty-faced.”

  I turned toward Dare in time to see the warning glance he shot at Keith.

  “Are you all right, Laura?” Jennifer asked, her voice edged with concern.

  I nodded and flashed her a reassuring smile. She looked unconvinced. She moved to stand beside me. “Are you sure you’re all right?” she asked again under her breath.

  “I’m fine,” I said softly.

  “We have to talk,” she whispered, shooting me a look that dared me to argue.

  An opportunity presented itself when Keith announced he was going for soft drinks and Dare decided to go with him. It was no surprise when Courtney said she was going, too.

  Jennifer shook her head as they walked away. “She’s mad, Laura, big time. You should have seen the look on her face when Dare asked you to go on the ride with him.” Eyes narrowed, she continued, “And just exactly what did happen on that ride?”

  “Nothing, Jen, really.”

  “Laura, we’ve been best friends since the third grade. I can tell when you’ve been crying.”

  “Is it that obvious?” I asked, as I frantically searched my purse for a mirror.

  “No,” Jennifer wailed. “You look fine. I just know you, that’s all. Now, what happened?”

  “Oh, Jen, I almost died on that stupid ride. I can’t handle spinning and I almost got sick.”

  “You!” she shrieked. “I thought you could handle anything. You went bungee jumping, for heaven’s sakes.”

  “I did not bungee jump. I almost bungee jumped.”

  She shook her head. “We’re getting off the subject,” she declared with a wave of her hand. “Wait a minute. Was he mean to you?” she demanded, ready to defend me. “He had no right being mean about something like that. What a jerk...”

  “Hold it, Jen,” I interrupted. “He wasn’t a jerk. He was really, really sweet.”

  “Then why were you crying?” Jennifer asked, thoroughly confused.

  “We just got to talking about some stuff, and I got upset.”

  “But he didn’t upset you?”

  “No, Jen,” I assured her.

  “Okay, Laura, if you’re sure...”

  “I’m sure,” I said, then decided to change the subject. “So ... you and Keith seem to be getting along.”

  “Isn’t he cute?” she cried. “I really like him.”

  “But do you like him, like him?” I teased.

  “Oh, hush,” Jennifer said as Keith, Dare, and Courtney walked toward us carrying soft drinks.

  I studied Dare as he approached. He was so gorgeous. My eyes were drawn to his lips. He had kissed me on the ride! I couldn’t help smiling at the memory. Dare must have noticed me smiling since he grinned at me. I knew then that I liked him, liked him....


  “Where have you been?” Dad demanded. “It’s after eleven! The explorer meeting ended hours ago.”

  I watched him, stunned. When I found my voice, I said, “After the meeting, some of us went to the carnival at the mall.”

  “Oh. Okay. I’d appreciate a call next time, though. I was worried.” He brightened considerably. “Did you have a good time?”

  I watched him curiously, intrigued by his sudden mood change. “The carnival was fun,” I said slowly.

  “I mean, the meeting. Did you like it?”

  I paused briefly and considered my words carefully. I realized I had enjoyed the meeting. I was looking forward to our community project and I’d actually enjoyed learning about self-defense, after I’d gotten over my initial reticence. “It was interesting,” I told him.

  “What’d you do at the meeting?”

  “We talked about self-defense.”

  Dad nodded eagerly. “That does sound interesting,” he said enthusiastically.

  “Well, good night, Dad. I think I’ll turn in now.”

  “Ah, heck,” he said, surprising me. “You don’t have school tomorrow, and I can go in a little late in the morning. Why don’t we make milkshakes and watch a little TV?”

  What alien has taken over my father’s body? I wondered as I followed him into the kitchen. “Need any help?” I asked.

  “Nope. I can handle it.” He began preparing the milkshakes.

  Soon, he passed me a tall chocolate shake with a straw. “Dad’s special double thick,” he declared.

  “Definitely double thick,” I noted after an unsuccessful attempt to drink some through the straw. Giving up, I went to the silverware drawer and grabbed a couple spoons.

  “Thanks,” he said as I handed him one. He sat down in the chair next to me and smiled. “Tell me more about the meeting.”

  “Not much to tell, really. Like I said, we talked mostly about self-defense.”

  Suddenly, I remembered Lieutenant Hudson mentioning L.E.C. I was curious about it, and had forgotten to ask Dare to fill me in. After stuffing a spoonful of ice cream into my mouth, I asked, “Dad, can you tell me anything about L.E.C.?”

  “Mmmmm,” he replied, and hastily swallowed a mouthful of ice cream. “Sure, hon. Every year, the explorers hold a competition where they participate in a series of law enforcement events.”

  “What events?” I asked curiously.

  “Well, if memory serves, there are several. Let me think... Oh, yes, there’s the felony stop, traffic stop, target shoot, mile run, accident investigation... You’ll have to ask Hudson for specifics, though, since he’s been involved with the program since Day One. Oh, that reminds me,” he said, “H
udson called tonight.”

  Dad stood from the table and took a small piece of paper off the counter. “I wrote the message down,” he muttered. He pulled his glasses from his shirt pocket and put them on. He read, “Can Laura and Jennifer stop by the station tomorrow? We need to order their uniforms. Uh, what time did he say?” he wondered aloud. “Knew there was a reason I write these things down.” Turning the paper over, he said triumphantly, “Here it is! Eleven-thirty. Be at the station at eleven-thirty.”

  Dad was grinning, obviously pleased with himself. “Can’t wait to see my little girl in a uniform. Not that I want you to be a deputy,” he hurriedly assured me.

  “How would you feel if I became a police officer or deputy?” I asked him curiously.

  He sighed heavily and appeared to be deep in thought. When he finally spoke, he said, “Well, hon, to be honest, I wouldn’t like it one bit.” He shook his head sadly. “I missed so much being on call all the time.”

  My mouth dropped. I was stunned. I’d never heard my dad say anything like this before. Inhaling deeply, he continued, “It was hard on your mother—being married to a cop—but she understood...”

  Dad stopped talking and swiped at his eyes. They were moist with unshed tears. I wondered if he was going to cry.

  “I’ll tell you, though, we had some plans...,” he said softly. He shook his head, then pushed back from the table. “Done with your shake, hon?”

  I nodded and he took it from me and walked to the sink. He rinsed it, along with his glass, and put them in the dishwasher. Turning toward me, he sighed. “Honey, in answer to your question. I want you to be whatever makes you happy.” He smiled suddenly. “And it sure won’t break my heart if you don’t choose a career in law enforcement.”

  He kissed me lightly on top of my head. “Hon, I think I will go on to bed. If I don’t see you in the morning, stop by my office tomorrow and say ‘hi’. Good night, then.”

  “Good night, Dad.”


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