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Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Marla Monroe

  Knights in Black Leather 1

  Their Reluctant Submissive

  Jackson and Marx have their eye on Kelly as their new submissive. Funny, she doesn’t remember applying for the position. She’s had enough of the BDSM lifestyle, but Jackson and Marx aren’t taking no for an answer. Is love enough to change her mind, or will it make things worse?

  Marx and Jackson aren’t looking for a full-time submissive. They want someone who can think for themselves, but let them lead in the bedroom. They believe that Kelly is that woman. They set out to court her and show her they aren’t asking for all that much.

  Kelly desperately wants to believe them, but her experience is that one thing leads to another and before you know it, you’re bound hand and foot. She doesn’t want to be someone’s possession anymore. She wants the real thing—love and the freedom to share it with her man, or is that men?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 71,513 words


  Knights in Black Leather 1

  Marla Monroe


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Marla Monroe

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-991-3

  First E-book Publication: December 2012

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dear Readers,

  If you have purchased this copy of Their Reluctant Submissive by Marla Monroe from or its official distributors, thank you. Also, thank you for not sharing your copy of this book.

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  This is Marla Monroe’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Monroe’s right to earn a living from her work.

  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  Thanks, Joe, for your friendship and kind words. Believe it or not, you helped plot this series through all of our conversations. I hope you find the submissive of your dreams.

  Thanks also to my PA, Brittany for helping provide the time I needed to write, even if I do make you blush.


  Knights in Black Leather 1


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Kelly Baylor eyed the over-six-foot-tall stranger warily as he approached her. She quickly shelved the books she had been carrying before she dropped them from her trembling hands. To say that he was intimidating didn’t half cover it. Tight, well-worn jeans left nothing to the imagination. Neither did the white T-shirt that stretched tightly across his chest and washboard abs. His piercing dark eyes seemed to hold hers captive as he drew closer.

  His gaze slid over her as if he were eyeing a prize piece of horse flesh. There was no way he wasn’t a cowboy with the shaggy black hair and well-worn Stetson sitting on his head. He gave her a lopsided grin and turned to look behind him. She could hear him talking to someone but couldn’t hear what he said. Then he turned back to her and stepped to one side to reveal another man just as devastatingly handsome and intense. They had to be brothers. The second man could have passed as his twin were it not for the much shorter hair and slight crook to his nose.

  “I’m looking for Steve. Is he here today?” The first man finally spoke in a smooth, rich voice that had her insides doing somersaults.

  “N–no. He had business to take care of. He’ll be back sometime this afternoon. I’m not sure what time.”

  “What’s your name, pretty lady?” This came from the second man as he took a step nearer.

  She fought to maintain eye contact even though everything inside of her screamed for her to submit. She had fought too long and hard to regain her sense of self to lose it now to these strangers. Jutting her chin up a notch, she frowned at him.

  “Kelly. Can I help you with anything?”

  “Well, now. Maybe you can. I’m Jackson Callahan, and this is my brother, Marx. Pleased to meet you, Kelly.”

  “We’re here to pick up some custom-made pieces. He called and left a message that they were ready.” Marx spoke up this time.

  “Of course. Follow me.” Kelly swallowed hard around the knot forming in her throat.

  Steve did custom leather and metal work as well as owning Heavy Trinkets, the fetish store she worked in. They were the ones who had ordered the leather bondage cuffs with the letters M and J branded into the leather. They were velvety soft inside so as not to chafe the delicate wrists that might be encased in them. Obviously they were thoughtful Doms to their subs.

  She led them through the store to the back where the counter was located. She left them waiting while she slipped into the back to locate their package. She took an extra few seconds to regain control of her galloping pulse and calm the jumping beans in her belly. They were not interested in her. They obviously already had a submissive or two.

  When she returned to the counter, it was to find the two men pouring over the intimate jewelry trays. She watched as Jackson picked up a set of nipple clamps and showed them to Marx. Seeing them fingering the jewelry she had made stirred her blood. She was proud of her accomplishments but felt uncomfortable seeing them handling the delicate pieces. What if they wan
ted something for their subs? She wasn’t sure why, but the idea of them buying something for another woman angered her. She shook it off and cleared her throat to let them know she was back with their package.

  “When did he get these in? They are exquisite.” Jackson carried over a sterling silver belly button piece that had a small chain with a tiny horseshoe hanging from it.

  “Aren’t those amazing? Kelly makes them herself.” Steve Tyler walked up to the counter from the front.

  She hadn’t even heard the little bell at the door announce anyone had come in. She’d been far too wrapped up in her thoughts. She set the package on the counter.

  “They came in to pick up their order, Steve. I’ll let you finish.” She quickly dove into the back to get away from all the testosterone in the room.

  Before she made it back to her little spot in the storeroom, she heard Steve tell them she had been working for him about six months. She missed out on what their answer might have been. Safe in her area, she calmed her racing heart and counted to twenty. She struggled to use her breathing exercises to chase away the panic fighting for control. It had been a long time since she had been so close to that many Doms at one time.

  Memories of another time threatened to surround her. She refused to let them win. She wasn’t a scared little sub anymore. Kelly was her own woman and strong enough to stay that way now. Never again would she allow a man to dominate her like he had. Never again would she submit to the point of nonexistence. She had survived.

  * * * *

  “Who is she, Steve?” Marx still gazed at the door she had disappeared through.

  “Her name is Kelly Baylor, and she’s been working for me about six months now. Man did I luck out with her. She knows her stuff.” Steve grinned at them.

  “She isn’t collared. Is she yours?”

  Steve burst out laughing then sobered when he looked at Marx. Jackson crossed his arms. He knew his brother wasn’t in a laughing mood either. They’d just found the perfect woman for them.

  “Um, guys. She isn’t interested in being anybody’s sub. She’ll chew you up and spit you out if you even try it.”

  “Why do you say that? She’s a natural. She couldn’t keep eye contact with either of us.” Marx wasn’t about to take Steve’s word on this.

  “She’s turned down every Dom that’s walked through those doors and put a couple in their place when they were persistent.”

  “I’m not buying it. She’s just picky as any smart sub would be.” Jackson smiled over at Marx. “Tell us more about her. Where does she live?”

  “Look, Jackson. I’m not going to betray her trust. She’s my employee. Find some other way to get your information.” He scowled at them.

  Marx picked up the package and headed toward the front of the store. They had already prepaid for the custom cuffs. He heard Jackson tell Steve bye but missed what the other man might have said in return. His brother would catch up with him by the time he made it to the truck. He had more important things to do than argue with Steve.

  “The diner?” Jackson asked as he climbed in on the passenger side.


  “Barbara will know everything there is to know about her. She’s our best source of information.” Jackson rubbed his hands together.

  Marx shook his head. His brother was far more outgoing than he was. Jackson handled the business end of their cattle ranch while he ran the day-to-day operations. He didn’t have to say much at his end. Their foreman handled organizing the men. He was much happier on the back of a horse or at Golden Shackles, the local BDSM club in town.

  Right now all he could think about was the quiet little woman who’d fought to hold eye contact with him. Her long, curly black hair had been tied back in a ponytail, but he would bet that it reached just below her shoulders when let loose. Her light blue eyes held a troubled light in them. He wanted to know what had her denying her true nature. His mouth watered thinking about her luscious body, from her generous breasts to her plump ass. She had just the right amount of curves to send his cock into instant overload.

  “Do you buy that bullshit that she isn’t looking for a Dom?” Jackson asked.

  “Oh, she might not think she’s looking for a Dom, but she’s found two who will teach her the joys of being our woman.” Marx smiled over at his younger brother by two minutes.

  They pulled into the parking lot of the Perkins City Diner and shut off the truck. They both climbed out and headed for the doors. Inside, the air conditioner was keeping up nicely, and the lunch crowd had long since cleared out. Marx grabbed a table near the door and took a seat. Jackson plopped down in the chair next to him.

  Martha, a sixty-something-year-old woman hurried over to take their order. Her puffed-up hair still sported a few blonde tresses sprinkled throughout the gray. Her blue eyes still held enough spark in them to prove that she wasn’t sitting around letting life pass her by.

  “What can I get you boys?”

  “How about a slice of your delicious apple pie and a cup of coffee each?” Jackson leaned back in his chair and smiled at her.

  “Coming right up.” She hurried away to fill their order.

  When she made it back with their food, Jackson pulled out a chair. “Have a seat, Martha. We’re the only ones in here right now.”

  “Don’t mind if I do. How are you two getting along out there on the MJ Ranch?”

  “Doing fine. Can’t complain.” Jackson took a sip of his coffee.

  “Well I know you want to know something or you wouldn’t have asked me to sit down. What is it, boys?” She grinned over at Marx with a knowing look.

  Marx shook his head and smiled. “You’re one shrewd woman, Martha.”

  “We’re just wanting to know a little about the new girl working for Steve over at Heavy Trinkets,” Jackson said.

  “She’s a pretty thing, isn’t she? Drove into town about six months ago and took an apartment over at the Longhorn complex. She went to work for Steve about a week after she moved in. Her name is Kelly Baylor. If you ask me, she’s running from something. She’s got that look about her.”

  “What do you mean?” Marx finally interrupted her.

  “Keeps her head up and always looking around when she’s out and about. She doesn’t like to be touched either. I thought she was going to hand Gerald his nuts when he tried to hug her one day. He was just being friendly, but she didn’t take kindly to it.”

  Marx and Jackson exchanged looks. Neither one of them wanted her anywhere around Gerald. He was a player and would use her and lose her.

  “Are you two interested in her?” Martha got a speculative gleam in her eyes.

  “She doesn’t know it yet, but we’re claiming her,” Marx said.

  That took her by surprise. He smiled. Martha wasn’t one you could surprise that often. He glanced at his brother who was grinning as well.

  “She’s been hurt before. You be careful with her, you two.” She shook her finger at them.

  “Don’t worry, Martha. We’ll take good care of her.”

  The bell rang over the door signaling another customer. Martha gave them one last hard glance then jumped up to see about the newcomer.

  “What do you think?” Jackson had finished his pie and was leaned back, sipping his coffee.

  “She’s going to be hard to catch.”

  “She’s worth it though. Did you see the fire in her eyes? It’s banked, but it’s there.”

  “I agree. How are we going to approach her?” Marx would let Jackson do most of the pursuing.

  “We’re going to be direct. She’s not someone to play games with. She’ll appreciate honesty.”


  Jackson set down his cup and leaned back over the table. “I think we need to find out a little more about her first. Steve’s having his annual barbeque next weekend. I’m sure she’ll be there since she works for him.”

  “Good idea. I can hardly wait to feel her body between ours. My cock is rock
hard just thinking about her.”

  “I’m with you there, brother. My jeans are strangling mine.”

  They finished their coffee and tossed a couple of bills on the table before paying their tab at the register. Rhonda, Martha’s daughter, checked them out. She was a pretty blonde with bright, dark-blue eyes and a shy smile. She had once had a crush on them, but seemed to have grown out of it. It was much easier to talk to her now.

  “You look as pretty as ever, Rhonda. I bet you’ve got all the boys at college chasing after you.” Jackson winked at her. “How’s school?”

  “Fine. I graduate next year.”

  “Good for you. What are you going to do when you finish?”

  “Hopefully I’ll get a teaching job here.” She handed Marx his change.

  “You’ll make a fine teacher.” Jackson waved at Martha as they turned to leave.

  “Good luck, guys. You’re going to need it.” Martha waved her order pad in the air.

  They climbed back in the truck, and Marx headed toward the Longhorn apartment complex. He wanted to see just what sort of place she was living in. The last time he had been in one of them they had been rundown firetraps. Kelly wouldn’t be living there long if they weren’t any safer now. The sooner they maneuvered her into their bed, the better. They would treat her like a woman should be treated. Women were to be cherished and cared for. Something told him that she hadn’t had a lot of that in her life. He and Jackson would change that as soon as they could convince her to trust them.


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