Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Their Reluctant Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Marla Monroe

  She looked up several times while she arranged her inventory to see one or both of the Callahan men watching her. It didn’t unnerve her as she had feared it would. Instead, she felt safe, looked after. Before she could examine those feelings too closely, the doors opened and the club began to fill with people from all over the state and in every form of costume she could imagine. Some were so revealing that she wasn’t sure how they had managed to get permission to wear it on a public day.

  For the next several hours, Kelly was crazy busy. Things seemed to be just as hectic for Steve and Ben. It didn’t take long before the majority of her inventory was gone. She already had four special orders drawn up and was presently going over a design process with another couple for a set of nipple clamps, belly ring, and clit ring when she spotted Marx and Jackson moving into the tent. Her pulse sped up, but she made herself concentrate on the couple in front of her and finish up the paperwork on their design.

  As soon as they walked off, Jackson and Marx claimed her attention, filling up her small space as no one else had so far that night. That was saying a lot since she’d been in the presence of quite a few intense Doms in the last few hours.

  “How about taking a quick break for something to drink and a quick look around at what else is here tonight?” Jackson squeezed her hand.

  “Um, I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to leave my area.”

  “I’ve already talked to Steve. He said it was fine for you to take a break. He and Ben will watch over your things and tell people you will be back in about twenty minutes.” Marx wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her from behind the table.

  As they slipped out of the tent, Steve nodded at her with a smile. She nodded back and let the two men pull her along in the crowd. Kelly let them lead the way and was surprised when they stopped in at the tattoo and piercing booth.

  “We want to introduce you to Zander Keys. He’s a good friend of ours and owns Naked Ink.” Jackson and Marx shouldered their way into the tent to find their friend, pulling her between them.

  “Hey, Zander!” Jackson shook the other man’s hand before pulling Kelly up to stand in front of him. “This is Kelly Baylor. She works at Heavy Trinkets for Steve.”

  The tall bald man looked down at her, and she couldn’t help but smile at him. He was massive like Marx, but covered in tattoos. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, probably to show off the work, and he had piercings in both ears as well as his brow and nipples. She avoided looking down as she thought about what else might be pierced. As if knowing where her thoughts had taken her, Marx stepped up closer and growled in her ear.

  Zander stuck his hands on his hips and burst out laughing, a deep hearty laugh that quickly erased any worry about the almost sinister look about him.

  “Marx, I’ve never known you to be jealous over someone before.”

  “Fuck you, Zander.”

  Kelly could tell that Marx and Zander were good friends. She wondered what the two men had in common since Marx and Jackson were cowboys who owned a ranch. A hint of mischief settled into her mind, and she decided to give in after that show of possession from Marx. Kelly looked around at the various exhibits of art and body jewelry.

  “I’m thinking about getting my nipples pierced. Will you do it but use my own pieces?”

  Jackson’s “Oh, shit” wasn’t lost on her.

  Marx wrapped his arms around her upper body as if she was going to bare her breasts right there for everyone to see. “Hell, no!”

  “I’ll be glad to. I’ve already talked to Steve about showcasing some of your work in my store once you’ve built your inventory up again.”

  “You’re not touching her nipples, Zander.” Marx glared at the other man.

  Zander grinned back. “I don’t see a collar on her, so I can give her anything she wants from me.”

  Marx took a step forward, and Jackson finally got over his shock and moved between them.

  Kelly couldn’t believe that Marx had gotten so upset. It pissed her off. She had thought for a little while that maybe they could play some if she kept some distance between them, but obviously Marx wasn’t going to allow her to do that.

  “You can’t tell me what I can and can’t do with my body, Marx Callahan. I don’t belong to you or anyone, and I never will!” She started to stomp off, but his hand whipped out and grabbed her by the upper arm.

  He pulled her into his arms and hugged her close. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I let the idea that you might prefer him over me get to me.”

  She gaped up at him. She couldn’t believe he had just apologized to her for being a prick. She looked over at the other men and realized they were just as astonished. Jackson snapped his mouth closed and shook his head.

  “If you want to get your nipples pierced, that’s up to you, but would you let either me or Jackson be with you when you have it done?”

  She couldn’t speak. Instead, she found herself nodding her head in agreement. His small smile seemed to be more out of relief than anything else. Zander popped him on the back, breaking the spell that had her still standing in Marx’s arms. She stepped back from him. Looking over, she saw Jackson wink before they said good-bye to a now-busy Zander and headed out into the crowd.

  They quickly viewed the rest of the tents and stopped at the bar for drinks. They were only serving nonalcoholic drinks, so Kelly opted for a Diet Coke and accepted the brownie that Marx insisted she needed to keep her strength up for the rest of the night.

  “You’re busy and will need the energy for later. Jackson and I have plans that include multiple orgasms for you, little kitten.”

  Chapter Eight

  Kelly got a refill of her Diet Coke and hurried back to her spot, needing some space between her and the Callahans. Marx’s cryptic comment had her blood simmering and her pussy dripping. She wasn’t sure if she was more excited than nervous or just scared half to death. The brief view of Marx’s possessive streak worried her, but his apology had helped to calm those worries to some extent. Jackson’s presence seemed to help the other man control his extreme tendencies to some degree, but was it enough for her to trust them?

  She didn’t have time to think much more about it once she settled into her area. The crowds thinned at times, but they never completely went away. Before the night was over, she had nothing left but pictures and a ton of custom orders. She was even going to try her hand at making some custom-designed collars, cock rings, and scrotal binders.

  Marx and Jackson helped Steve and Ben take down the tent and load up what was left of their inventory. They had done just as well as she had. Plus, they had garnered exposure that should provide more visits to their store. Everyone who had entered the tent had been given a flyer with their location and a coupon for 10 percent off their total purchase at the store on their next visit.

  “This was a total success.” Steve’s voice was excited but obviously tired.

  “I’m glad you only do this once a year.” Ben appeared just as wiped out as his brother.

  “Are you sure you don’t need me to help unload at the store?” Kelly knew she was looking for an excuse to get out of going home with Marx and Jackson.

  “Nope. We’ve got it covered. I’ll see you Monday, Kelly. Have a good night.” Steve shut the tailgate of the truck and climbed in with Ben. He waved as they drove off.

  “Come on, kitten. Let’s go. It’s late, and I’m sure you’re ready for bed.” Jackson tugged on her hand.

  Kelly let him pull her along as they headed for their truck. After climbing into the cab and buckling up, she found herself nodding as Marx steered the truck out of the back parking lot. The next thing she knew, they were stopped and Jackson was unbuckling her seat belt.

  “Where are we?” She looked around, and it wasn’t outside her apartments.

  “At our house.” Marx closed the truck door as Jackson helped her out of the truck.

  “I didn’t agree to come to your house. I thought you were taking me home.”
She crossed her arms and refused to go any farther.

  “We did take you home—our home. Come on. I know you’re tired and a little grouchy.” Jackson pushed her toward the front door of their house.

  It was too dark to see much, even with the outside light on the front porch. She grumbled as she stomped up the steps and across the porch. They had tricked her into this, and she wasn’t happy about it.

  “Don’t be a brat, Kelly. You knew this was coming. I warned you earlier about it.” Marx leaned in and bit her lower lip before licking across it to smooth out the sting.

  “I assumed we were going back to my place.”

  “You’re apartment is too small for one person, forget three. I’m not making love to you on the floor.”

  “I have a bed.”

  “You have a mattress on the floor. Same thing.” He steered her through the entrance hall into the living room. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “No thanks,” she said.


  “Yeah, I’ll take a shot.”

  She watched as Marx poured both him and Jackson a shot of whiskey. She wandered around the room, admiring the warm colors and exposed wood throughout the area. The big flat-screen TV dominated one wall with built-in wood shelves on either side full of DVDs and CDs as well as an impressive array of electronics.

  The wood floors were quaintly distressed as if a million feet had passed through the doors. The sectional sofa had a recliner on each end that she was sure saw plenty of action with the two men watching TV. She checked out their movie preferences and was surprised that they had similar tastes. As she turned back around, she found both men watching her with strange expressions on their faces. She frowned.

  “Was I being too nosey?” She hadn’t thought so since she hadn’t touched anything,

  “No, we just wondered if you liked what you saw.” Jackson walked toward her.

  “It’s really nice, homey looking.”

  “Come on. I want to show you the kitchen.” He led her into the other room where a large kitchen with an eat-in dining area sat off to the side.

  The appliances had obviously been updated lately to stainless steel. There were granite countertops and a continuation of the wood floors. There looked to be plenty of cabinet space as well. She could easily imagine a large family living in this space. Before she could think more about it, Jackson pulled her down a short hall through a set of double doors into what had to be the master suite. She stopped in the doorway and stared. It was a very large room with a small sitting area to one side. The massive bed had to be larger than a normal king. It took up the middle of the room with two sets of chests on one wall and a large mirrored dresser against the other one. The other wall held three doors. Before she could say anything, Jackson ushered her deeper into the room.

  “Do you have any idea what your outfit has done to us all night?” He pulled her into his arms and lowered his mouth without taking his eyes off of hers.

  Marx pushed at her back, moving her hair to one side so that he could nip and lick the back of her neck. The buttery soft leather of his pants rubbed enticingly over her ass and glided over her bare skin where there were slits in her pants. He seemed to know what he was doing to her because he continued to rub his crotch against her.

  “We’ve thought of nothing but fucking you since we picked you up.” Marx raked his teeth over her shoulder. “Hell, I’ve thought of nothing else since I first laid eyes on you in Steve’s store.”

  Jackson claimed her mouth with an almost desperate kiss that stole her breath. He slid his tongue over every inch inside her there. Then he brushed his thumb against the corner of her mouth before sucking her tongue back into his to torture it with his teeth. When he finally pulled back, she gasped for breath and held onto him to keep her balance.

  “As much as I love this outfit, it has got to go.” Jackson placed a chaste kiss on her lips before pulling away to stare at her.

  Marx backed away as well, his warmth going with him. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off, handing it to Jackson before moving on to untie her pants at the sides so she could pull them off as well. She was wearing a thong tonight with a matching demi bra. They were the same deep red as the outfit so if anyone had gotten a teasing look at them, they would have assumed it was part of the suit she’d had on. She didn’t remove the underwear.

  Marx’s eyebrow rose when she remained still.

  “Do you want me to tear them off of you?”

  She gasped, but started removing the garments. She didn’t want to lose them. She’d just bought the damn things. She heard Jackson chuckle when she started moving faster. Turning her head, she gifted him with a scowl then handed him her bra and thong.

  “God, you’re beautiful!”

  Kelly was used to nudity since her previous Master often kept her that way for days at a stretch when she wasn’t working. Still, she was not familiar with Jackson and Marx, so being that way around them made her feel much more vulnerable than normal.

  Without thinking about it, she assumed the position her old Master had preferred, kneeling on the floor with her legs spread and her hands clasped behind her head. It exposed her pussy and had her breasts jutted out on display. She lowered her eyes to the floor at their feet and waited.

  “Fuck!” Jackson’s voice sounded harsh to her ears. Had she done something wrong?

  “You are so damn beautiful like that, but I don’t want you on the floor at our feet right now. Stand up.” Marx’s words slowly seeped into her head.

  She gracefully rose to her feet and stood with her hands still behind her head looking down. Confusion had her off balance. What was she doing wrong? They had made it clear they wanted her obedience. They expected her to obey them while in their home and at the club. She risked a peek to see what they were doing when nothing happened for several tense seconds.

  Jackson was standing there just looking at her while Marx had moved over toward the bed and was fiddling with something. She didn’t dare risk a longer glance. Kelly quickly dropped her gaze and focused on controlling her posture. Something deep down inside of her wanted to please them despite her resolve not to get too involved with them.

  “Come here, Kelly,” Marx called from beside the bed.

  She immediately walked over toward the sound of his voice until she could see his boots in her line of vision.

  “Climb up on the bed and lie in the middle of the bed with your arms stretched out above and to the sides.”

  Without hesitating, she quickly found her position and waited with her eyes closed. The bed dipped on the opposite side, and the scent of Jackson filled her nose.

  “Open your eyes. Don’t close them again. We want to see everything you’re feeling.”

  Her eyes fluttered open just as Marx took one of her hands, drawing it upward, and fastened a leather cuff around her wrist. Jackson secured her other hand in the same manner. They changed directions and fastened leather cuffs around both ankles. She pulled against them and found them secure but comfortable at the moment. A softness began to envelop her at the knowledge that she was completely at their mercy. In that moment, she knew she trusted them.

  Marx lowered his mouth to her ear. “We don’t use safe words, kitten. If you say stop, we will stop. Do you understand?” His voice sounded so much deeper than usual.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Jackson and I are going to explore your lovely body. You do not have permission to come until we tell you otherwise. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She kept her eyes open but lost sight of them as they pulled back from the bed. She could hear the rustling of clothes and figured they were undressing. When they returned to her line of vision, both men were gloriously nude. She wanted to see them and explore their bodies as well, but her position didn’t allow for either. She could only see their broad shoulders and wide chests. They each had a sprinkling of chest hair that spread between the round disks of
their nipples and tapered down their chests.

  Jackson began massaging and kissing one foot, moving slowly up her ankle while Marx took the other. They touched and licked every inch of her sensitive skin until they knew all her weak spots. They found that she was ticklish on the bottoms of her feet and behind her knees. They located the sensitive area on either side of her pelvis that took her breath when they licked over it.

  “She’s like an open book this way. I can read all her secrets, all her needs, and all her fears.” Marx whispered this across her belly as he gazed up into her eyes.

  “I want to know what makes her scream our names.” Jackson’s voice came from her left just out of sight.

  Suddenly both men were licking the undersides of her breasts with hot, wet tongues. She’d managed to keep her mouth closed until now. The sensitive spot beneath her breasts jolted her, and she cried out at the pleasure. They replaced their mouths with their hands and began to gently mound her breasts before circling the areolas with their fingers. The barely-there touches had her pussy contracting in need.

  Kelly bit her lower lip to keep from begging them to pinch her nipples. She needed the little pain to ground her, but she wasn’t going to beg them until she had to. She knew that time would come. They were masters at this game they were playing with her. Of that she had no doubt.

  Looking down at their dark heads as they bent over her, she was still unprepared when they suddenly licked across her nipples. She jerked at the sensation of roughened tongues caressing the taut peaks. She drew in a deep breath and fought to keep from moaning. Already her pussy was soaked from the simple touches they had given her so far. There would be no doubt that their actions had aroused her.

  They each closed their teeth around her nipples without providing pain and pulled at them until the nubs escaped. She ached for more, a harder contact. They moved back, and they returned so that she could see them kneeling over her on either side of her body. They each held a nipple clamp in their hands. The simple tweezer clamps looked familiar, and just as they began to place them on her nipples, she realized they were some of her design with little hanging horseshoes.


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