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Rancher Under Cover

Page 17

by Carla Cassidy

  And Caitlin knew she was going to be more than all right with a man who understood her, a man who supported her, a man whom she had a feeling would take her breath away for a long time to come.


  Hank Kelley stood at the window in the bedroom and stared out unseeing at the pastures beyond. He rubbed a fist against his chest where a tight pressure inside felt as if it might blow at any minute. Although he’d always been the picture of good health, the stress was definitely getting to him.

  Several times over the past couple of days he’d feared he might be having a heart attack, but he had ultimately recognized it was just the enormous stress that had been with him since he’d made the decision to change places with Lana.

  He hadn’t changed his mind about the decision. He was determined to do anything in his power to save his daughter’s life.

  He knew that once he took Lana’s place with the kidnappers he’d be dead within hours. Despite the fact that he was a man who had always loved life, a man who had been determined to squeeze every ounce of pleasure out of his time on earth, he didn’t regret dying for his daughter.

  Somebody else would have to bring down the Raven’s Head Society, somebody else would have to see to it that President Colton remained safe. Hank’s sole focus was his daughter’s life.

  Unfortunately, since he’d made his decision he still hadn’t heard from the kidnappers and the silence was absolutely killing him. Why hadn’t they contacted him? Why hadn’t they provided the proof of life he’d demanded from them?

  He’d finally made the right decision. He’d finally gotten the courage to sacrifice himself for his love of his daughter. His biggest fear at the moment was that it was too late, that Lana was already dead.

  Special thanks and acknowledgment to Carla Cassidy for her contribution to The Kelley Legacy miniseries.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-1449-1


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  † The Delaney Heirs

  * Lawmen of Black Rock

  ‡ Cherokee Corners

  ‡‡ Wild West Bodyguards

  Table of Contents

  Letter to Reader

  Books by Carla Cassidy

  About the Author



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12






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