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Monroe, Marla - Sweet Montana Home (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Marla Monroe

  “This looks like a feast.” Sam stood up and began dishing meatloaf on everyone’s plate.

  By the time they had finished eating, Jackie was a nervous wreck. They hadn’t really done anything to arouse her, but just watching them eat had nearly set her on fire with the need for release. Her panties were soaked and her clit swollen.

  They insisted on helping her clean up. It turned into a battle of wills. They brushed against her every chance they had, and she tried to stay away from them as much as possible. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore, and cornered them about their little game.

  “You’re driving me insane with this childish game you’re playing,” she fussed, throwing the dish towel on the countertop.

  “What are you talking about, Jackie?” Sam asked.

  “You know exactly what I’m talking about. The little touch here, the brush there. You’re driving me crazy.”

  “Then we’re even,” Mitch said with a sigh. “Because you are driving us crazy, too.”

  “Then maybe we don’t need to see each other at all for a while. I filed for divorce this afternoon, but it will be three months before I’m free, and until then, I can’t screw up my case.” She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

  “What’s even worse is I don’t know why you’re pushing me in the first place. We had this same problem as teenagers, and nothing has changed, other than we’re adults now and should know better.”

  “Jackie, everything has changed.” Mitch stalked her until she had backed herself into a corner.

  “What do you mean?” she whispered as he leaned in closer to her.

  “It wasn’t okay for us both to date you as teenagers, but we can pretty much do whatever the hell we want to do as adults, as long as no one gets hurt. We both plan to date you, Jackie,” Mitch told her.

  Sam eased up to her on the other side of Mitch. “We’re both going to court you, baby. We want you in our arms and in our bed.”

  “Oh, God.” Jackie couldn’t think with them so close to her.

  “Do you know how many years I’ve dreamed of you in my arms?” Mitch asked her.

  All she could do was shake her head no.

  “Since your sixteenth birthday.”

  “We have been talking about you all that time. Wanting you and knowing you needed to spread your wings some before we claimed you,” Sam continued.

  “Only you went and got married on us and we lost our chance—till now,” Mitch whispered in her ear.

  “I don’t get it. Nothing has changed. I can’t date both of you even when my divorce is final. And, you can’t make me choose between you. I can’t do it.” Jackie could barely breathe with them so close to her.

  “You’re wrong, Jackie. Everything has changed. You’re an adult and can do whatever you want to do.” Sam licked her earlobe.

  “We’d never make you choose between us, Jackie, because we want you between us. Always.” Mitch nipped at her jaw.

  “You’ve got to stop. I can’t think with you doing that. You’re too close to me.” She tried to push past them, but only managed to insinuate herself deeper into their embrace.

  “Jackie, we could never get too close to you.” Sam nipped the other side of her jaw, but stepped back.

  Mitch pulled back as well and she drew in a deep, shaky breath. How would she ever manage to stay out of their bed if they continued this day after day?

  “You agree then that you’re attracted to both of us and that once your divorce is final, you’ll be open to dating us?” Mitch asked.

  “What was this? Some sort of intervention or something?” Jackie was mad now. They were playing with her emotions, and she didn’t appreciate it one bit. They were supposed to be friends.

  “We wanted you to admit that you’re still attracted to both of us. We want the chance to court you.”

  “You mean you want the chance to fuck me,” she spat out.

  Mitch caught her arms and hauled her up to him until they were nose to nose.

  “Don’t belittle what we feel for you. Yeah, sex plays a part in it, but it’s more than sex, Jackie. Maybe it’s love, I don’t know, but we care about you more than you can ever imagine.” He let her down and backed up a step shaking his head.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. Sam, we better go before we make things worse.” Mitch turned toward the living room.

  Sam sighed and wrapped his big hand around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. He licked along the seam of her lips and when she opened her mouth, he dove in. He explored her mouth to his satisfaction then made it his. When he pulled back, they were both breathing hard, and he had a triumphant smile plastered across his face.

  “Talk to you later, Jackie.” Sam followed Mitch out the door.

  Jackie quickly crossed the distance to turn the locks. She might lock them out of her house for now, but they would be back, and there was no locking them out of her heart now. They had managed to get a foothold in, and weren’t budging. What was she going to do?

  Jackie finished putting away the dishes and cooking utensils before running a bath and sprinkling some of her bath salts in as it filled up. She stepped into the fragrant water and eased down until she was totally submerged except her neck and head. The hot water and soothing scent helped calm her ragged emotions. She wanted them. God help her, she wanted them both. What was she going to do? They would leave her alone for the most part for now, but once her divorce was final, they would be back. She had no doubt about that.

  If she dated them both but separately, people would assume she was trying to make up her mind which brother to choose. They’d then wait for the big fight between the two brothers and when none came, they would assume they were just gentlemen enough to step aside.

  If she dated them both at the same time, not only would people talk, they would look at her differently. She wasn’t sure she could handle that sort of social consequence. She’d been so turned on to the social scene back in Billings, that it would be hard to ignore it even here.

  Was she truly thinking of dating them both—at the same time?

  The water had grown cool now, so she climbed out and dried off before slipping nude between the sheets of her new bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she slipped into sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Warm hands slid over her nude body as she fought through the layers of sleep. Two mouths latched on to her nipples and sucked, sending hot shards of fire through her body. She thrust her breasts upward, hoping for more. She grasped two different heads with her hands, holding them there as she fought for a full breath.

  Mitch pulled back from her grasp and began a slow, sensuous journey down her torso, nipping and licking along the way until he reached her shaved pussy. He nibbled her mound before sliding between her legs. His fingers teased at her opening before pulling back at her pussy lips to expose her wet cunt to his greedy tongue. The first swipe drew a groan from her.

  Sam was twisting and pulling on her other breast while nipping and licking the one in his mouth. The duel sensations sent electrical impulses straight to her clit. She could already feel it swollen and needy, begging for attention. Sam’s tongue swirled around her nipple over and over until she nearly begged him to suck it. When he finally did, she whimpered in relief. Still, it wasn’t enough.

  Mitch licked her slit from top to bottom and over again until she was pumping her pelvis in an attempt to get him to suck her clit. She needed a firmer hand. They were teasing her. She wanted more.

  She reached down to stimulate herself, but Mitch grabbed her hand and pushed it back until Sam could hold it.

  “Uh, uh, uh. We’ll take care of you. Just leave it to us to know what you need.” Sam pulled her hand up and wrapped it around his steel-hard cock. “Feel how hard I am for you.”

  Jackie squeezed and pumped his dick once with her hand before all rational thought evaporated. Mitch stuck two fingers inside of her and began to thrust them in and out as he licked her p
ussy lips. He pushed them in over and over again before curling them up and locating her G-spot. He immediately took advantage of it once he found it.

  She had completely forgotten about Sam’s cock as Mitch stroked her hot spot until she was whimpering and pleading with him to make her come. He chuckled and drew his tongue lightly over her clit, eliciting a scream.

  Sam ground his cock into her hand and pinched both nipples at the same time that Mitch latched on to her clit and began sucking hard. Jackie felt her body began to bow in preparation for a climax like she’d never felt before. Then her phone rang. She reached for the climax and ignored it, but it was gone, and her eyes popped open.

  It had all been a dream. She’d been having a damn dream. The phone rang again. She sighed and rolled over to reach for her cell phone on the box next to her bed.

  “Hello?” She glanced at her watch and winced. It was nearly eight. She was running late.

  “Do you know how embarrassing it was to be served divorce papers at the fucking country club?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t have any say over when they served them. Why are you calling me in the first place?”

  “I think we should be able to settle this without all the damn lawyers being involved,” he said.

  “It’s already done. I’m satisfied, and you should be, too. I didn’t ask for anything other than something to help me get on my feet again. You could even pay me all at one time and it wouldn’t hurt you one bit. Then you could forget about me for the rest of your miserable life.” She rubbed her eyes. She was getting a headache just thinking about him.

  “Jackie, I want to work things out. I screwed up. I know, but we can work through this together.”

  “No, we can’t. I will not move back to that sort of relationship. I’ll never know if you’re screwing one of my friends behind my back or not. I’ll never know if you’re going to haul off and hit me again.” She started to hang up, but his next words stopped her.

  “I know you’re seeing those hicks living next door to you.”

  “I’m not seeing them. They have been helping me fix the house and barn so I can live here.”

  “The picture I’m looking out looks awfully cozy to me. You’re between them, with one of them kissing you.”

  “That’s all it was, too, was a kiss. I put a stop to it. You fucked my best friend.”

  “Think about it, Jackie. We’ve been together for six years. Let’s not throw that away over our first real fight.”

  “Fight! That wasn’t a fight. That was a revelation. You’ve done nothing but belittle me for six damn years, and then I find you pumping your cock in Julia? I don’t think so. I’m hanging up now.”

  She pushed the off button on her cell and tossed it on the box before pulling the covers over her head. Hell, what was she going to do now? If he didn’t sign the damn papers, they could end up fighting for years, knowing him.

  Jackie finally threw off the covers and rolled out of bed. She needed coffee, but she would shower first. She needed to get the scent of her dream off of her. She smelled as if she’d masturbated in her sleep, and maybe she had.

  After her shower, she dressed in worn jeans and a T-shirt and sat at her bar waiting for the coffeemaker to finish. She would paint the kitchen walls today, and maybe start on the dining room next. She needed a job, though, and hadn’t heard from any of the ones she had applied for. The one at the grocery store might be her best bet. She should probably go back that afternoon and check it out.

  After two cups of coffee, she finally felt decent enough to tackle cleaning the dining room walls in preparation for painting them. As she hauled a bucket of water into the room, she heard a noise out back. She pulled aside the curtain and noticed Sam’s truck was parked outside the barn.

  They were back working on the barn. She didn’t know whether to go acknowledge them or ignore them. She couldn’t afford anymore sexually suggestive pictures, so she decided to talk to them. She was sure they could be reasonable.

  Jackie found them on the back wall tearing off rotten boards. They were already shirtless and had worked up a good sweat. Their well-defined muscles were highlighted by the gleam of sweat.

  “Hi, guys,” she called out.

  They both turned and smiled at her.

  “Hey, baby,” Sam called back. “What are you working on today?”

  “I’m cleaning the dining room walls to paint them next. I need to talk to you a minute, though.”

  They exchanged looks and walked over to where she stood. She took a step back when they crowded her. This only made them smile.

  “What is it, Jackie?” Mitch asked, flicking away a strand of her hair that had glued itself to her cheek.

  “Look, my soon-to-be ex has hired a detective to watch me. He got a picture of us last night that was not exactly flattering for me in my case. We can’t be alone together while I’m trying to get this divorce. I greatly appreciate your help, but if that’s going to be a problem, then I understand if you would rather not help anymore.”

  “Someone took pictures of us last night?” Mitch demanded.

  “Yeah. So I would rather that didn’t happen again.”

  “Fuck!” Sam walked off and then walked back. “How did you find out?”

  “Stewart called me this morning to enlighten me of the situation. He’s going to fight me on the divorce. I can’t fight back if he has enough evidence to suggest that I’m having an affair as well.”

  “Maybe we should pay Stewart a visit in Billings,” Mitch suggested.

  “No! Don’t you dare make this any worse than it already is for me.” She rubbed a spot between her eyes that pounded. She had never taken anything for her headache, and it was beginning to get worse.

  “So, do you want us to leave?” Sam asked in a quiet voice.

  “No, not unless you can’t handle behaving like we’re friends. That’s all we can be right now.”

  “You’re saying we can’t touch you.” Mitch dug his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

  “Yeah, you can’t touch me, hug me, kiss me, or whatever else you have up your sleeve.”

  Sam laughed and held up his arms. “I don’t have on any sleeves right now.”

  “Funny. Do we have an agreement?” she asked.

  “Yeah, we’ll act like choirboys around you,” Mitch said in a disgusted voice.

  “I’ll come paint your ceiling in the dining room if you want,” Sam offered.

  “Let me clean the walls and baseboards. Then you can paint for me. I’ll leave the back door unlocked. I have to go to town about a job this afternoon anyway.”

  “You get a job already?” Mitch asked, looking shocked.

  “No, but I have another couple of places to put in applications.”

  “Good luck,” Sam said, poking Mitch in the ribs.

  “Yeah, good luck.” Mitch returned to the boards they were working on and left Sam with her.

  “He’s not taking rejection too well,” Sam explained.

  “I don’t have a choice if I want this divorce to go through as fast as possible.”

  “I know, Jackie. Don’t worry about him. He’ll be okay.”

  “I’ve got to go so I can get the dining room finished in time to go to town.”

  She turned and walked back to the back door. She heard Mitch cursing when she rounded the barn to head back to the house. As she walked inside, she could hear her phone ringing in the dining room. She hurried to catch it and answered in a breathless voice.


  “Is that you, Jackie?”

  “James. Hi, yeah, I ran to get to the phone. It was in the other room.”

  “Look, we need to talk. I received a rather compromising picture of you this morning in my in box.”

  “I’m coming to town this afternoon anyway. I know all about the photo. Stewart called and woke me up this morning telling me about it. He wants to reconcile for some damn reason, and is threatening to fight me over the divorce.”

  He sighed over the phone. “Jackie, I told you not to keep anything from me. Had I known about this beforehand, I could have prepared for it.”

  “There’s nothing to prepare for. Nothing is going on. They made a play for me, and I turned them down. I wasn’t expecting it. They’re helping me with getting the house back together is all. I promise, nothing is going on. I’ve had a talk with them, and they know how important it is for them not to jeopardize my divorce proceedings.

  “We still need to talk when you come to town. Just drop by when you have time. I’m pretty much free this afternoon anyway.” James hung up, leaving Jackie feeling like a teenager having been chastised by her father.

  She sighed and began cleaning the walls in the dining room in earnest. She scrubbed away her frustration and aggravation until the water in the bucket was a murky, pea green color. She emptied it feeling a small sense of accomplishment. It also served at having gotten out some of her anger while cleaning the walls and baseboard all at the same time.

  Jackie took a quick shower and dressed in new gray slacks and a cool pink sleeveless blouse. She arrived in town during a lull in traffic and was able to find a parking place almost directly in front of the grocery store. She drew in a deep breath and got out of the car to apply for the cashier position still advertised by the sign on the door.

  “We’re looking for someone who can work any hours we need. Are you free to do that?” the manager asked her.

  “Yes, I can work any hours. I don’t have children, so that’s not a problem. I don’t have any grocery cashier experience, though.”

  “You don’t have to have any. Most of the help I hire are teenagers, and they don’t have any experience in anything other than each other. When can you start?” he asked.

  “Um, just about any time, I guess.”

  “How about tomorrow morning? Thursday mornings are usually pretty slow. It will give us time to teach you the ropes.”

  “Sounds good to me. What time?”


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