Monroe, Marla - Sweet Montana Home (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Sweet Montana Home (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  “I think it’s too late now.” Jackie closed her eyes and tried to will her heart to slow down it’s skittering across her ribcage.

  “Yeah, I guess it is.” Sam wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into his arms before brushing her lips with his.

  Chapter Nine

  “Sam?” she whispered against his lips.


  “We shouldn’t be doing this. We can’t go anywhere with it.”

  “Doesn’t mean we can’t play around a little. Nothing heavy. I promise.” He nipped at her lower lip.

  Jackie opened her mouth in surprise, and he dove in with his tongue. He explored all around her mouth, teasing her with it as he coaxed her to slide along his. She gave in and sparred with him, trying to take control of the kiss only to have him push her up against their clean wall and grind his hardened cock into her belly. If this was just playing around, Jackie thought as she pushed back against him.

  She could feel her panties grow wet with her cream. She wanted him, and then Mitch was there. He pulled her from Sam and picked her up so that she had to wrap her legs around his waist. He pushed at her with his cock right where it needed to go. Her clit was on fire as he rocked his hips against hers.

  Sam squeezed behind her and helped hold her up, becoming the wall for them. He nipped at her neck, holding her ponytail aside as he licked and sucked along her shoulder.

  “Um, guys?”

  “Hmmm,” Mitch said, kissing the corners of her mouth.

  “We need to stop now.” She was fast losing her ability to think.

  Mitch sighed and tilted his pelvis one more time before letting her slide down his body to stand on her own two feet. Sam held her there until she was steady enough not to need the extra help.

  “I’m going to die a slow death before waiting on that fucking divorce,” Sam predicted.

  “I just can’t, Sam. It makes me no better than he is.”

  “I understand. I just don’t have to like it.”

  Mitch kissed her on the nose.

  They worked on the house for the next four hours before stopping to cook out on the grill. As soon as a hot dog was ready, Jackie popped it on a bun and added catsup and mustard before swallowing it down. She ate the next one at a more leisurely pace. She had been starving. When she looked up, the men were staring at her with amused looks on their faces.

  “What? I was hungry.”

  “You just looked like you were going to eat the plate, too,” Sam said with a grin.

  “Bite me.”

  Sam’s eyes grew dark. “I’d love to, baby. But we’re behaving ourselves, remember?”

  She drew in a deep breath and let it out on a sigh. “Thanks for that visual, Sam.”

  Mitch walked over and licked the corner of her mouth. “You had catsup on your mouth,” he said by way of explanation.

  Jackie could just nod her head. He hadn’t moved away from her. She could smell the beer on his breath now, and wondered what his mouth would taste like with it. Finally, after what seemed like hours, he stepped back, clearly as affected as she was.

  “I think we need to separate into different rooms after we finish eating,” Mitch said.

  “I agree.” Jackie spooned potato salad and beans on her paper plate and sat on the bar stool to eat.

  She felt a little sorry for the guys having to stand up to eat, but she couldn’t help it. She’d get a table and chairs once the dining room was finished. She stopped in mid-motion of eating. She was acting as if they would be over there a lot. She really had to get hold of her emotions and think along the lines of divorce and not infidelity, which was where she was headed if she didn’t do something quick.

  * * * *

  By the end of the day, her house was all but finished. They’d managed to stay on track, and every room had been cleaned and painted with the exception of her bedroom. She assured them she could handle it over the next few days. Mitch and Sam gathered up their supplies and loaded them in the truck. He wasn’t leaving without a kiss from Jackie.

  He found her rinsing out the buckets from cleaning the walls. She smiled at him and finished rinsing out the bucket in her hand before setting it aside to dry her hands.

  “Thanks so much for helping me today, Mitch.”

  “No problem. We had fun.” He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply but softly. He didn’t pressure her or overwhelm her. He just kissed her then pulled back and hugged her to him before letting her go. “I’m going to have to go home and jack off thinking about you.”

  “God, what a visual. I’ll never get to sleep now.”

  He grinned and led her outside where they were getting ready to leave. Sam grabbed a quick kiss and a pinch of her ass. They climbed into the truck and backed out of her drive to head home. He wasn’t kidding. He would be jacking off a lot for the next few months. He had to be around her, and that meant his cock would stay hard.

  “She’s relaxing more around us, Mitch.”

  “Yeah and she’s actually thinking in terms of dating us. I just think she’s worried about what everyone will think of her.”

  “We’ve never cared, and they pretty much ignored us,” Sam pointed out.

  “It’s different for a woman, Sam. You know that.”

  “Shouldn’t be.”

  “Add to that the fact that the last few years she’s had to worry about what people thought, and it’s going to be hard for her to put it behind her.” Mitch let out a deep breath. He was worried about it.

  What if they did treat her differently? How would he feel about that? Seeing her hurting would drive him crazy. He hadn’t thought about that. If they shunned her or outright called her names, he would move with her. He wouldn’t let them treat her that way. They could pick up and start over if they had to.

  “You’re awful quiet over there,” Sam said.

  “Just thinking too hard about it all.”

  “You’re not having second thoughts about her are you? She’s the one, Mitch. You know that. We’ve been over it all ahead of time.” Sam sounded desperate.

  “No, I’m not having second thoughts. If we had to pick up and move to somewhere else so people wouldn’t bother her, would you be willing to do that?”

  “In a heartbeat. Whatever it takes to make her happy.”

  “It might come to that, brother.” Mitch hoped not though. It would break her heart.

  They pulled into the drive, and Mitch sat in the truck for a few minutes before getting out. He was hard as a rock, and wanting her so badly it hurt. How long could they hold out before they seduced her? She’d be devastated if she broke her wedding vows before the divorce. Somehow they had to hold out.

  Maybe it was time for an overnight cattle run? It would keep them away from her for a while. He’d talk to Sam about it in the morning. It helped that Jackie would be busy working over the next week. As much as he hated her working at the grocery store, it kept her out of reach for much of the week now.

  * * * *

  Jackie worked the next several weeks at the grocery store and came home dead on her feet each day, though it got a little easier as time went by. James kept her informed of the progress, or lack of progress, with the divorce paperwork.

  The men stayed away for the most part. She saw them once a week and limited the time then. She was close to giving in to their easy loving and didn’t want to push it. They finished the barn and brought Sassy over. They would go horseback riding, and that was another way to keep out of their embraces.

  Finally, after nearly two months. James called with good news. Stewart had received his partnership and signed the second set of papers with changes. He changed everything to half and he keeps his horse.

  “Do you want to hold him to the second set or go with what we have?”

  “Go with what we have, for God’s sake. I want that divorce.” She nearly passed out at the good news.

  “The court date is set for next month. I’ll attend for you, so you don’t
have to go. It will have been three months then, so you should receive your divorce decree immediately.”

  “Thank God. I really appreciate it, James.”

  “Well, you can thank me once we get those papers.”

  Jackie hesitated in letting the men know, but figured it wasn’t fair not to since they’d been so supportive through it all. Yes, they’d pushed her some, but still, they’d supported her decision.

  She got in her car and drove over to their ranch to let them know. She didn’t think calling was personal enough, and she could admit to herself that she missed them.

  Nearly as soon as she pulled up, they were out the door to greet her on the porch.

  “What brings you over here, Jackie? Is everything all right?” Sam demanded.

  “Everything’s great. I wanted to tell you that Stewart finally signed the papers.”

  “Hey! That’s great news. We have to celebrate!” Mitch insisted.

  “How?” she asked dubiously.

  “Let’s go out and eat. Morgan’s Steak House has great steaks and fish.” Mitch picked her up and swung her around.

  “What made him change his mind?” Sam asked.

  “He got his way, and I had to wait until he got his partnership. He got it, so he signed the papers.”

  “Son of a bitch. I still think he needs a horse whipping for hitting you,” Mitch said.

  “Let sleeping dogs lie, Mitch.” Sam took Jackie away from him and hugged her. “So, are you up for a steak dinner?”

  “Sure. I guess so. I need to go change.”

  “You look fine like you are,” Sam insisted.

  “You would think that, but it’s still early, so I’m going home and taking a bath and changing clothes. Give me an hour, then come pick me up.”

  The men grumbled but agreed. She hurried home to shower and dress. She chose a nice sundress in blue and wore a pair of strappy sandals. She wanted to look nice for them. She styled her hair so that it lay around her shoulders and even applied a little makeup. She thought about it and realized they hadn’t seen her dressed nice since she’d been home. Yet they still wanted her. They wanted the real her. It felt good to be appreciated no matter how she looked.

  Stewart had always wanted her to look her best and urged her all during college to dress nice. She’d been so starry eyed in love that she didn’t see that he was shaping her into what he wanted in a wife. She had changed her whole life for him, and he’d thrown it away. She sighed and put it out of her mind. She refused to dwell on it now. She had a new life ahead of her.

  She was ready when they arrived exactly one hour to the second to take her out. They both came to the door and just stared at her when she walked out and locked the door behind her.


  “You look amazing,” Mitch finally got out.

  “Beautiful,” Sam said.

  “Thanks.” She felt the heat flush her face.

  “Let’s go. I don’t want to lose our reservation.” Mitch escorted her to the truck and helped her into the cab.

  “You made reservations?”

  “Yeah, wanted to be sure they had a table when we got there.”

  Sam drove them the twenty minutes it took to get there. They parked, and Mitch helped her out of the truck. She was soon sandwiched between the two of them. They both held her hands as they approached the front entrance.

  She noticed a few people stare but avert their gazes when she returned their looks. It made her nervous, but she refused to let it mar her evening. When they were escorted to her table, she noticed the stares again, but this time she also noticed another set of three sitting not far from them. They could all be family, but she chose to believe they were a threesome like she, Sam, and Mitch were.

  “See anything you like?” Mitch asked.

  “The rib eye sounds good.” She smiled at him.

  After the waitress took their order, the men launched into a description of their day. She listened, completely interested in their successful business. They’d managed to keep the ranch going after their parents had retired and even enlarge it some. She was proud of their accomplishments. They were good, hardworking men.

  “What are you thinking about over there?” Mitch asked.

  “Just that you and Sam have worked hard to make the ranch into what it is today. You have to be very pleased with your efforts.”

  “We still have a lot of work ahead of us to make it into the best meat-producing ranch in the area.” Mitch smiled.

  “I can’t believe it isn’t already.”

  “Not quite,” Sam said.

  They settled down to eat their meal and conversation lagged. It was a pleasant quiet, though. She didn’t feel the need to keep up small talk as she had when she was with Stewart. Jackie almost dropped her fork. Why was she comparing everything to when she’d been with Stewart? Mitch and Sam were nothing like Stewart, and comparing them was an insult. She vowed to stop doing it. Stewart and her marriage to him were just about history. Good riddance.

  “How about stopping by Dirk’s Bar for a nightcap and a dance or two?” Sam suggested.

  “I’d love to, but I’ve got to be at work in the morning. I really need to call it a night. Maybe another night?”

  “We’ll hold you to it.” Sam signaled for the check.

  “When are you off again?” Mitch asked.

  “I’m actually off Saturday this week.”

  “We’ll have to plan something special.” Mitch reached over and took her hand in his. “Not much longer till you’re free and clear of that asshole.”

  “I’m not going to hold my breath. He’s unpredictable. I’m praying that he doesn’t mess anything up.”

  “I’ll personally make him sorry if he does,” Sam promised.

  They stood to leave, and Jackie noticed the other threesome getting ready to leave as well. The woman looked over at her and winked. Jackie had been right. They were together. It gave her just a little bit more strength to hold her head up as they walked out of the restaurant. She had nothing to be ashamed of. They were all just jealous.

  The drive home seemed to speed by, and they were pulling into her drive in no time. She enjoyed the closeness of sitting between them in the truck. Granted it made for some major temptation, but she didn’t mind. Of course, the men probably did. She bit her lip to keep from smiling.

  Mitch helped her out of the truck, holding on to her just a little longer than was necessary. They both walked her to the door. She knew better than to ask them in. They’d end up making out, and she was already weak where they were concerned.

  “I had a lovely time. The food was delicious and the company even better.” She pulled out her key.

  Mitch took it from her and unlocked the door for her. He brushed her breast as he leaned in for a kiss. His lips brushed softly over hers before he nipped at her lower lip. Jackie couldn’t help the groan that escaped her mouth. He backed her against Sam but didn’t touch her with his hands. Instead, he pressed the entire length of his body against hers and delved between her lips for a deeper kiss.

  His hard cock pressed tightly against her pelvis. He dipped his pelvis and ran it upward until it rubbed against her clit. She drew in a deep breath and pressed back. Sam’s dick dug deep between the cheeks of her ass leaving no doubt where he wanted to be right then. She pressed back and rolled her hips, delighting in the sharp intake of his breath.

  “We’ve got to stop this before I take you right here on your front porch,” Mitch said in a deep voice.

  “I could come just rubbing my cock against your ass, Jackie.” Sam rubbed again.

  “I need to go inside and get some rest. Thanks to you two, I’ll probably lay awake thinking about you all night. I’ll be worthless in the morning at work.”

  “We aim to please.” Mitch kissed her quick and hard then backed up.

  Sam turned her around and took his kiss at a more leisurely pace. He sipped at her lips then licked along the seam before placing open mouthed
kisses along her jaw line down to her neck. When he drew back, his eyes were dark and lazy.

  Jackie knew exactly how he felt. She was so turned on she doubted she’d sleep even if she masturbated. It wouldn’t be enough. Nothing would be now until they buried themselves deep inside her.

  Chapter Ten

  They ended up busy with the cattle for the next few weeks, making the month pass by faster. Sam didn’t know how they would have managed otherwise. He and Mitch called Jackie each night and talked for what seemed like hours. The night before the court date, she called them, nervous and worried.

  “I’m just so scared he’ll do something to screw it up.”

  “Don’t worry so much, baby. He probably wants it as badly as you do by now.” Mitch prayed it was so.

  “What did you and Mitch do today?”

  “Same thing we did yesterday. I don’t want to talk about the ranch. I want to talk about you and what you’re wearing right now.” Mitch hoped to distract her with some much-needed phone sex.

  “I just got out of the shower, so all I have on is my robe.” Her voice had gone husky.

  “Hmm, take off your robe and lie on the bed for me.” He pulled out his dick and squeezed the base of it.

  “Okay, I’m on the bed. What are you doing?”

  “I just pulled out my cock. It’s hard and throbbing.”

  “Are you stroking it?”

  God, her voice, it was driving him crazy, all husky and low like it was.

  “I’m squeezing it to keep from coming too soon. I want to hear you come first. Play with your tits, baby.”

  “I’m rubbing and squeezing them. They want your mouth on them,” she said.

  Mitch stroked his cock several times then rubbed the pre-cum around the crown and stroked again. His balls were already tight. It wouldn’t take much more for him to come.

  “Are your nipples hard?”

  “They’re all beaded up, and I’m pinching them. It feels so good. I can feel it all the way to my pussy.”

  “You’ve got big breasts, baby. Can you suck them?” He bet she could. He’d have to get her to do that for him and Mitch one night.


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