Monroe, Marla - Sweet Montana Home (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Sweet Montana Home (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Marla Monroe

  “Mmm, it feels good, but I’ll like it better when you and Mitch do it.”

  “Trust me. We can’t wait. I’m stroking my dick faster now. I can feel the cum boiling in my balls. Just thinking about your mouth on your nipples has me hot.”

  “I wish I could watch you,” Jackie told him.

  “I’ll do it for you anytime you want to watch. Play with your pretty pussy for me. Let me hear you tell me what it feels like.”

  “Oh, it feels so good. I’m wet and so turned on that if I touch my clit, I’m going to come.” She moaned over the phone.

  Sam pulled harder on his cock and shoved a hand into his jeans to roll his balls. God, he wanted her. His throbbing dick would never last at the feel of her tight pussy wrapped around it. He drew in a deep breath and tried to hold back his climax until she came. He wanted to hear her cry out first.

  “Put two fingers in your cunt, baby. Fuck yourself for me.”

  “I’m fucking myself. God, I want your cock inside of me. I’m so wet.”

  “There you go, baby. Fuck harder, faster. I’m getting close. I want to hear you scream.”

  “I’m so close. Please let me come, Sam. I need to come.”

  “Rub your clit with your other hand and make yourself come. Do it now.”

  The next thing he heard was her sharp yell of “yes, Sam” as she screamed out her climax. Sam squeezed his balls and jerked his cock hard and fast. Streams of cum shot out onto his abdomen as he shouted out her name.

  “Oh, Sam, God I want you and Mitch so badly. I never knew I would need someone like this.”

  “We’ll take care of you, baby. Just wait. As soon as the ink is on the paper, we’ll fuck you long and hard.” He grabbed some tissue and cleaned up.

  “I can’t wait,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Think you can sleep now?” he asked.

  “Um hm, but I’ll dream of you and Mitch. I do every night now.”

  “I dream of you, too. Get some sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Night, baby.”

  He turned off the phone and headed for the shower. His cock was still semi-erect. He wasn’t satisfied, and wouldn’t be until he was buried balls deep inside of her.

  * * * *

  The next day Jackie waited all morning for a call from James telling her the paperwork was signed and she was a free woman. By lunch time, she was a nervous wreck. She contemplated calling him, but decided if he knew anything, he would have called. Something had gone wrong. She’d known it was too good to be true.

  She made it to quitting time at three and drove home near tears. She kept expecting for one of the men to call her and ask about the divorce, but they didn’t call, either. It hurt a little, but she knew they were busy with the ranch.

  To keep from dwelling on everything, Jackie tried reading, but couldn’t get into the book, so she started cleaning the bathroom. She kept glancing at her cell phone to be sure she wasn’t missing a call and that it really was turned on.

  Finally at a quarter till five, James’s name and number flashed on the screen when it rang. She nearly dropped the phone picking it up.

  “Yes? Please tell me everything is okay.”

  “You’re a free woman. I’m sorry it took so long, but they heard divorce proceedings last.”

  “But you have the paperwork signed and everything in your hand?” She needed to know for certain.

  “It’s all legal and in my hands. I’ll have your copies ready for you tomorrow by nine if you want to pick them up then,” he promised her.

  “I’ll be by to get them. I’m off tomorrow and Saturday. I knew I’d be a nervous wreck, so I took off work. I think my manager wished I had taken off today as well. I was a basket case.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have called and let you know what was going on.”

  “That’s okay. Everything is okay now. I’m really free.”

  “I take it you’re going to be dating Mitch and Sam.” His voice sounded strained.

  “Yes, why?” She wasn’t sure she liked that he was asking.

  “They’re good men. I just want you to realize that it won’t be easy being in a ménage relationship in this town. People are going to talk.”

  “I appreciate you’re being candid about this, but I don’t think it’s anyone’s business.”

  “I’ll take that as not being my business, either. I just wanted you to know that I don’t see anything wrong with it, but others might. I’ll have those papers ready for you in the morning, Jackie.”

  “Thanks, James. I didn’t mean to be so short. I’m just still getting used to the idea, I guess.” She felt guilty now that she had snapped at him.

  “No problem. Good night.”

  They hung up, and Jackie stood there letting it all sink in. She was free. Really and truly free of Stewart and his controlling, selfish, cheating self. Now she wanted to call and tell the men. She dialed Sam’s number, but it went to voice mail. She called Mitch next, and it did the same thing. She didn’t bother leaving messages. She wanted to tell them in person. She would give them time to get home then go over and surprise them.

  Jackie danced to the bathroom and ran a tub full of hot water and sprinkled in some scented bath salts. She slipped into the tub and bathed before just soaking in the warm, scented water. She thought about them and wondered what they were doing that kept them from their phones. Usually they answered her call even if they were busy.

  When the water cooled, she climbed out and dried off. Picking out what to wear took her a little longer. She wanted something teasing, but easy to get out of. She hoped they would want to make love tonight. Maybe she expected too much. They’d probably be tired from a long week of working. This was some sort of special time during the year for them on the ranch.

  She finally settled on a halter dress that was cut low in the front and could be removed with one button and a quick zip. She added strappy sandals and brushed her hair out until it shone. She knew they liked it down. They insisted on pulling out the ponytail holder every chance they got.

  She glanced at the clock and realized she had another hour before she figured she should head in their direction. Nothing interested her on TV, and the book still didn’t hold her captive. She paced back and forth until finally, she felt like if she drove slowly it would be safe to go.

  Jackie opened the door to leave, and there on her porch stood Mitch and Sam looking anxious and eager all at the same time.

  “I was just on my way over there. You didn’t answer your phones earlier.” She was babbling.

  “Um, can we come in?” Mitch asked.

  “Oh, of course.” She backed up and let them close the door behind them.

  “So?” Mitch asked as soon as they’d closed the door.

  “The papers are signed and in James’s hands. I’m free.”

  “Hot damn!” Mitch picked her up and twirled her around. Then Sam grabbed her and danced her across the room.

  “Feel up to going out to celebrate? We can go to the bar and order burgers and beer and dance,” Sam suggested.

  “Um, yeah. That sounds good.” Jackie pretended enthusiasm. She really wanted to stay there and make love, but waiting wouldn’t kill her.

  If they noticed her less-than-excited reaction to the idea, they didn’t show it. Instead they ushered her out of the house and locked the door behind them. All the way to the bar, Jackie asked herself why she didn’t want to go. Finally she admitted it was that she wasn’t comfortable being seen with both of them in an obvious relationship. What was she going to do if they wanted to make it more permanent?

  When they arrived, she hesitated at getting out of the truck when Mitch held out his hand to her. He gave her a questioning look. Jackie smiled and scooted over so that he could swing her out of the truck to the ground. Sam was there waiting on her, and they both grabbed a hand to walk her into the bar.

  There was already a large crowd when they walked in, and finding a table proved to be difficult. Finally one op
ened up near the back. They grabbed the chairs with Sam helping her in hers. A waitress walked up with a harried expression on her face.

  “What can I get you?”

  “Three burgers, three beers, and a basket of fries.” Sam ordered for them.

  “Got ya.” She walked off to the next table.

  “So, what was your day like?” Sam asked.

  “Horrible.” She laughed. “Until I got the phone call from James. They didn’t hear the divorce cases until last, so it was five before he called me.”

  “You were worried all day for nothing.” Mitch put his arm across the back of her chair.’

  “Yeah, but I couldn’t help it. I was a nervous wreck.”

  “So, when are you off again?” Sam asked.

  “I took off this Friday and Saturday, and since Sunday is my usual day off, I’m free for the weekend. I wanted time to spend with the two of you.”

  Sam and Mitch looked at each other and winced.

  “What?” she asked.

  “We have to go to a cattle sell this weekend. We didn’t realize it was on this weekend, or we would have re-scheduled it.” Sam shifted in his chair.

  “Oh. Well, okay. There’s nothing we can do about it.”

  “Would you like to go with us?” Mitch asked, rubbing her shoulder with the hand he had draped over it.

  “I don’t want to get in the way.”

  “You wouldn’t be in the way, and we would have our nights free. We’ll take you out to eat and go dancing. You’ll love it.” Sam pressed a kiss to the palm of her hand.

  “I don’t know. I have to be at work Monday morning at seven. What time would we be getting back Sunday night?”

  “It might be late. But you can sleep on the way back.” Mitch looked hopeful.

  She hated to disappoint them, and to be honest she would be disappointed too if she didn’t go. What would she do all day though while they were at the sale? Shop maybe?

  “Okay. I’ll go. What time are we leaving in the morning?” she asked.

  “Not till around ten. We don’t have to be there until three to register. Then we’ll look at some of the cattle up for sale before we go out to eat and check in the hotel.”

  “Then we better make it an early night here so I can make it out of bed in time.” Jackie smiled and leaned back into Mitch’s arm.

  “We were kind of hoping you’d stay over with us, then we can make sure you get up in time in the morning.” Sam flicked a glance Mitch’s way.

  “Oh, um, sure. That sounds like a good idea. I’ll need to pack, though.”

  “We’ll eat and dance a couple of dances, then leave,” Mitch said.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Sam added. He squeezed her hand.

  Their meal arrived a few minutes later and Jackie forced as much of the hamburger down as she could. Her mouth was dry, and no amount of beer helped. She was nervous about later now that it was nearly time. She knew they’d have sex tonight. She had been more than ready earlier, but now she was antsy about it.

  When Sam pulled her up to dance, she realized she’d had a little too much beer. She was good and tipsy. Sam laughed when he realized it, but pulled her along anyway. They danced close to the slow song. He nibbled her ear and kept his hands at the small of her back, just above her ass. When the song was over, Mitch was there cutting in for the next one. It was a little faster, but he danced it slow, moving his body against hers.

  Jackie moved with him, enjoying the slide of his body against hers. When the song finally ended, she was turned on and ready to leave. Maybe that was what Mitch had been aiming for because as soon as they returned to the table, he nodded his head toward the door. Sam stood up and took her hand as they made their way through the crowd.

  Despite the noise, she heard several comments about them as they threaded their way along. Most of them were shocked that she’d danced so intimately with both of them and was obviously leaving with both of them. Some, though, were downright crude. She could tell her face was red by the heat that crawled up her neck.

  Evidently the men had heard the comments as well, because their faces were tight when they got under the light by the door as they walked out. Jackie struggled to act as if she hadn’t heard anything. Instead, she squeezed their hands and pulled them closer to her as they walked toward the truck.

  Mitch helped her in then climbed in beside her. She leaned into him, then into Sam when he climbed in on the driver’s side. Mitch draped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead.

  “Don’t let them upset you, Jackie.” Sam finally spoke as he cranked the truck.

  “I’m not. People are bound to talk, though. I can’t get away from it, so I just have to accept it.”

  “I don’t like people talking about you like that,” Mitch said in a near growl.

  “Don’t let it ruin our night, Mitch. I’m fine.”

  He let out a breath, but was clearly not happy by the thin line of his lips and furrowed brow.

  Jackie squeezed his hand with both of hers and laid soft kisses along his jaw. He relaxed some and pulled her over as far as the seatbelt would allow her to go.

  “I can’t wait to get you home,” he said.

  “I can’t wait to get there.”

  He tilted her head up and kissed her. Then with a sigh, he let her go, and settled her back into her seat where she was more comfortable.

  They reached her house in less than the time it took to reach the bar, and Jackie wondered just how fast Sam had driven. She smiled to herself. They were as antsy as she was to be alone. Maybe, if she played her cards right, she could speed things up, and they wouldn’t be able to wait till they were at their house. There was nothing wrong with her bed.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sam took the key from her and unlocked the door then reached in and flipped on the light. She led them through the house to her bedroom. Mitch immediately disappeared into the closet and pulled down her suitcase.

  “Do you need one or two?” he asked with an indulgent smile.

  “One should do me fine.” She shook her head at his wide eyes.

  “You’ll want to pack cool clothes. It’s hot out there in the stands,” Sam told her.

  “Oh and make sure we get your hat,” Mitch added.

  “It won’t take me but a minute to pack. Do you mind if I change into shorts and a T-shirt now? I’d rather not leave my dress over at your place, and I don’t want to pack it in the suitcase.”

  “No, make yourself comfortable, baby.” Sam kissed her temple and walked over and leaned against the door facing to the bathroom.

  Jackie turned around and walked toward the closet where Mitch was standing. She stopped in front of him. She turned around and lifted her hair.

  “Would you unbutton and unzip me, please?”

  “My pleasure.”

  She noticed his voice sounded a bit strained. She bit her lower lip to keep from smiling. Then she walked away from him and let the top of the dress fall to her waist. She stepped out of it and laid it carefully over a chair. She stood with her back to both men now in nothing but a halter bra and thong. It didn’t surprise her a bit to hear Sam clear his throat.

  She bent over in front of the dresser to pull out a drawer to look for a pair of shorts. That was all it took. Both men were on her in less than a second.

  “Fuck!” Sam’s mouth laid wet kisses along her spine, his hands gripping her hips.

  Mitch pulled her up taking both breast in his hands and gave them a gentle squeeze.

  “I have to have this off.” He unfastened the bra and peeled the cups back, exposing her aching nipples.

  “Mitch. I’m not waiting till we get home. I’m so fucking hard now I’ll never be able to drive.” Sam’s voice came out raspy.

  “No objection from me. What about you, baby? Do you want to wait?” He bent down and latched on to one of her nipples with his teeth and sucked it into his mouth.

  “God, no!” She nearly went to her knees, but Sam
held her up.

  “Easy there, Jackie. We’ve got you. We’ll take good care of you.”

  Sam wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her bra the rest of the way off with the other hand. Then he reached down in her panties and cupped her mound.

  “Aw, damn. She waxes, Mitch. I’ve got to have some sweet pussy.” Sam pulled her from Mitch’s embrace and picked her up. He laid her on the bed.

  Mitch moved the suitcase to the floor. He climbed on the bed and went right back to sucking and licking her breasts. His fingers plucked the nipple of one breast as his mouth sucked on the other nipple. The combined effect drove her crazy. She grabbed his head and held him to her.

  Sam tugged off her thong and spread her legs so he could fit his broad shoulders between them. Then he blew across her wet cunt with his warm breath. The stirring air cooled against her body. She shivered and moaned.

  “I can smell how hot you are, Jackie. I can’t wait to taste.”

  He gently nipped her mound before licking her slit all the way to her clit, but stopped just short of going over it. Then he stiffened his tongue and fucked her with it over and over. She wiggled, trying to get more of him, but he pulled back with a chuckle.

  Mitch was dividing his attention between her heavy breasts. He pushed them close together and moved from one nipple to the other with his mouth. He licked, sucked, and nipped until she was shaking her head back and forth, unsure how to move.

  Between the two of them she could feel her climax roaring up toward her. The more Sam licked at her pussy, the higher she seemed to climb. With every lick and suck of Mitch’s mouth, she grew tighter inside. She didn’t want it to end. The ride up was thrilling and a bit scary as both men redoubled their efforts at consuming her.

  Sam thrust two fingers deep in her cunt and began to fuck her in and out with them. She couldn’t stop squeezing around his fingers, wanting something larger in their place. Still, he continued pumping while his tongue gathered her juices as fast as they flowed from her. When he curled his fingers up and found her hot spot, she nearly came unglued. The sensation of his fingers stroking her there threw her into climaxing before she was ready.


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