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Cocky Dominant Twin Stepbrothers: A Three-Story Collection of Steamy Forbidden Romance

Page 4

by Claire Sutcliffe

  I sat with my parents, waiting for the sound of their cars to arrive. Damien still drove a cheap car - for his standards, at least. For me it would be a ridiculous indulgence, but he could afford whatever he wanted. His current ride looked like an antique overgrown Hot Wheels or something. He had a proper driver for his important engagements, but he loved tooling around that loud monstrosity of a Dodge. Darren was the opposite, piloting a fine Italian sportscar, a Pagani. It was worth over a million. The sounds of each vehicle were unmistakeable, so when they arrived we were waiting at the door. Seeing them unwind their bodies out of their cars nearly took my breath away. Darren was in a beautifully cut suit, his shoulders massive and his face clean shaven, while Damien was in perfectly fitted jeans and a cashmere sweater with the sleeves pushed up. You could see a hint of a tattoo peeking from under his cuff. My breath caught in my throat as I wondered what other nasty surprises he had up his sleeve.

  As they greeted me, Darren's kiss was perfectly smooth and silky on my cheek, while Damien's was scratchy with the perfect amount of stubble - it was carved to bring out his cheekbones and the darkness in his eyes. Did he hold my arm a little too long when he was saying hello, or was that just wishful thinking on my part? I couldn't tell anymore, since there was nobody I could talk to about it. Feeling a bit flushed and silly, it was hard to hide my reaction to him. But hide it I must. Everyone would be shocked to hear that I had a crush on not one step, but both. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as our folks ran off to pour them a welcome-home drink - two bourbons on the rocks. Darren looked at me kindly.

  "Hey girl, how are you? It's been way too long! Have things been good?" The warmth in his eyes made my heart leap a bit. I hadn't expected to react so strongly to him, either. "You're looking fabulous."

  "And you smell good, Grace," said Damien. "Just the same as you always did. Brings back memories!" As he said it, he leaned in ostensibly for a hug, but then he pinched my butt, twisting the flesh ever so slightly to make it hurt that much more. I yelped, and Damien grinned. "Yep, lots of memories." Laughing, he blew by me and went to talk to our folks. I rubbed the spot on my butt, grimacing. "Well that'll leave a mark."

  Darren scratched the back of his neck, shaking his head before breaking into a smile. "Same old Damien," he said. "That guy will never change. Good thing he's so successful, otherwise I would worry about him. Speaking of worrying, you doing all right here with the 'rents? Because if not, you can tell me. We can easily figure something out - not trying to brag, but it's not like money's a problem. If you need anything, you tell me or Dam, ok?"

  His care after Damien's callousness always made me want to swoon. It wasn't the first time that I wondered what it would be like if we were in bed together. One nasty, one nice. Good cop, bad cop. I used to catch myself thinking that all the time when I was younger, and the idea still made me shudder in a wash of tingles.

  Memories. Yep, that was the truth - they were coming back in a flood. A flood. I flushed to remember when I was super hot and bothered by something one of them said or did when they lived here, I used to hog the shower massager, pressing the hot wet vibrations to my center. I'd imagine Darren's mouth on me while dream Damien violated me from behind. Damien would be reaching around to tug on my nipples while Darren tried to kiss and bite them. I guess I was a dirty girl, but in my fantasies about the twins, nothing was off-limits. I didn't need to care about consequences, or anything. And of course, nothing would ever happen in real life right? So it didn't matter. We would just go about our lives as if I didn't retreat to the shower several times a week, imagining wrapping my thighs around one of their heads or dreaming about the other practically choking me with his massive member as I was getting eaten out. It made me blush just to think about how far my fantasies went. And was it returned?

  When one of them stayed in the shower too long I always wondered, were they thinking of me? Was there any chance that my hot steps were trying to control their desire for me too? Darren would be a romantic, sensuous lover, who always made sure his woman came first, multiple times, and hard. Damien would be selfish, but would consider his abilities part of his honor as a man. He'd last forever, he'd stay hard as a rock, and he would always be ready and willing to move to the next level.

  Chapter 2

  Once I had talked to one of Damien's girlfriends at school. She clearly felt funny talking about their sex life, as did I, but she made it clear without saying directly, that Damien had a huge schlong. Which meant that Darren must too. It was pretty embarrassing to think about, but after I heard that I started to look up masturbation videos of dudes getting themselves off, and filtering for big cocks. Then I'd imagine both of them doing it in his room thinking of me. I shook my head, trying to stop thinking about them in that way. We were attending a family dinner for crying out loud.

  Dinner was uneventful until Damien started to kick me under the table. Well, if you could call it kicking. It was more like aggressive footsie.

  "Alexa is still looking for a job," said my mother airily during a lull in conversation.

  "In my field," I added. I didn't want them to think we were trying to take advantage of their huge success to place me in a secretarial job somewhere. But it was difficult to find something in art. "The few galleries here don't need anyone right now. So until I get something I am going to have to just take what I can get, which right now is not too bad. I'm doing some waitress work right now."

  "Why don't we fix that, Damien?" said Darren, looking at him sideways. "If she really wants to set something up we could make a small gallery in Manhattan, and set her up with a place to live. D&D Group needs some art on the walls and in the courtyard anyway. We could purchase some to liven up the place and she can sell it to us." My heart leapt. Would it be possible? I didn't want to take advantage, but that could really help me get started.

  "Sure, no skin off my back," Damien said. His sock-clad foot that had been kicking mine sneaked its way up my leg, past my thigh, toward my crotch. I reached under the table and pushed it away. As much as I wanted him the last thing I needed right now was to get flustered at the table. And to think that I might be able to have my own gallery was almost as exciting as thinking about banging these hotties.

  "Well then it's settled." Darren smiled at me in that way that made me melt. "You can meet us in NYC in a week. I'll have my assistant find you a place to live." My mother gaped.

  "Are you sure, Darren? That's awfully kind of you!" She cried, looking grateful and impressed at the same time.

  "I don't know what to say, guys, except for thank you," I added. "That sounds amazing to me. Are you sure?"

  So that was the power of being a billionaire, I thought. Nothing was too difficult to achieve. No dream was out of bounds. You could do nearly anything, and even have almost anyone you want. But as Damien's leg snaked up my thigh again, I thought about what they say about being careful what you wish for. There had to be a cost. As I saw his eyes narrow and spark when they met mine, and his foot pressed into my soft thigh, I hoped I would be able to pay it.

  Chapter 3

  Really I didn’t have much choice. There was nothing in my hometown, and the possibility of success in NYC was too much to turn down. A week later the chill air of spring in Manhattan was filling my lungs. The airport was crowded, but as my brothers had planned it, we would all arrive at the same time. That way they could welcome me to New York and show me to my new apartment. The assistant had told me it was just above the fantastic gallery space she had secured in Chelsea, which by all accounts would be an incredible place to set up art shows. My mind reeled at the kind of money my brothers threw around. They even had found me an employee to take care of all my accounts and anything I needed help with in the gallery.

  I was beyond excited - even scared. The hum of the city was nothing like what I had experienced at home. New York was filled with the energy of ambition and the high cost of failure, and if the latter happened, my brothers would cover me, but I was still nervous as
if I failed, there would be no one to blame but myself.

  Suddenly I felt arms wrapping around me, enclosing me in a big bear hug. If it didn't smell so strongly of my stepbrother's colognes, I probably would have screamed, being that wound up in a strange city. Instead, I enjoyed their embrace, loving the feeling of their two strong, manly bodies pressing me to them.

  "Hey Alexa!" said Darren. "You made it!"

  "You guys too! Great to see you and thanks so much!"

  "You ok? You look a little flushed," said Damien, with a devilish look in his eye. What was he thinking? I nodded.

  "Let's get to that apartment." Darren said. "I had Sophie furnish it - I hope you like what she's done."

  "I can't wait!" Despite the traffic, we made it to the apartment relatively quickly. The driver pulled up and let us off in front of what looked like a gorgeous gallery space. The assistant was waiting for us out front, arms crossed and jumping from foot to foot in her little skirt and heels.

  "Hey y'all. I didn't dress properly for this weather," she smiled. "Glad the heat's on in the apartment! Are you ready to see what I've done?"

  We opened the door to a beautiful place, dark gray walls with white trim, wooden floors, modern furniture. Damien followed me a little too closely as I strode from room to room, so I shook my hips for his benefit. No reason the torment should just be one direction, right? He rewarded me with a big pinch on the ass. I could tell by the look in his eye that he was holding out though. I wondered what he would do if we were ever alone in this place. without the watchful eye of someone else to keep us in check. Just then Darren grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bedroom.

  "I wanted you to see this." He stretched a hand out, showing me the beautiful ensuite to the spacious main bedroom, Damien following. "This is a big deal here in Manhattan. You have two beds and two baths over your gallery! Do you love it?"

  I squeezed his hand back. "It's gorgeous. The other bedroom can be a guest room and office, and i can sleep in this gorgeous room. Thank you guys so much!"

  "You better behave, girl," winked Damien. "I don't want to hear about you getting up to any nasty business." The look in his eyes said one thing: that nastiness was exactly what he wanted me to be getting into, and with him.

  "Well guys, I left some food for you as per request, so you can enjoy a nice home-cooked meal. Make sure you get in touch, Alexa, if you have any other questions or need help tomorrow. I am always here for you, thanks to your wonderful brothers!"

  She sashayed out, leaving the keys, while I admired all her work setting up the apartment as liveable and slickly modern. Darren popped open the first of many bottles of wine, before starting up the stove to make some pasta.

  "You're seriously going to cook?" I asked. "Wow, you're the perfect man!"

  "Not half as perfect as I am," Damien growled, grabbing me. "Hey I want to show you something."

  He pulled me into the bathroom and stood behind me, holding my shoulders, both of us facing the mirror. "See that girl," he said, pointing at my reflection.

  "Yeah," I was starting to tingle from his attention. Dammit he was so good looking!

  "Well she is going to take Manhattan by storm." His hand drifted, fingers trailing, from my shoulder to my arm, sending sparks and shivers through me. The tension was so thick I could cut it with a knife. I wanted so badly to turn toward him, to make his lips meet mine. But I didn't. Even the smallest motion would have resulted in our fusion, mashing our lips together and urging our bodies together. I stood stock still, despite how excited I felt, and everything I wanted to do.

  "You're a good girl, aren't you," hissed Damien in my ear. "Always have been, right Alexa?" His breath was hot against my earlobe, and I couldn't help it, I got wet.

  He slid his hand up my arm and around to my throat, encircling it lightly and pausing there a moment. My breath was coming in short gasps. In the mirror my eyes were wide. Then it continued leisurely up the side of my face, finally grasping a handful of hair at the base of my skull and pulling my head back. He had exposed my neck, and he leaned over it, vampirical, breathing hotly over the quickly tingling skin. I could feel my nipples stand to attention, as every cell in my body seemed on fire. His other hand claimed my hip, gently but firmly pressing it to his own. I could feel him against me, hot and hard, and ready. I wanted to take him then and there, but I was paralyzed.

  "You remember that," he whispered. "Think of that tonight." He let me go and walked out of the bathroom. Putting both hands on the counter to steady myself, my mind reeled. Was this why my brothers had been so generous to me? So that we could finally be together? I tried not to stumble as I left the bathroom. Gladly accepting a glass of wine from Darren, I could see that he was whipping up a simple but incredibly delicious looking Italian dinner. He put an arm around my shoulders, and mussed up my hair a little. So funny how despite their identical faces, their touch felt so different. One was almost too exciting and the other so loving. I leaned into his shoulder as he explained something about the origins of the pasta he had chosen, letting my heartbeat return to a normal level.

  Chapter 4

  The atmosphere of dinner with the twins in NYC was completely different from that with our folks just a week before. We laughed more, we drank more wine, and when it was time for dessert, Darren put some music on the new sound system that they had wired the place with. He started swaying to the music.

  "Alexa, let's dance," he said, pulling me toward him and enfolding me in his arms. It felt so good to be that close to him, to lean my head against his chest. He rested his chin on the top of my head, and we shifted back and forth to the music.

  Damien grabbed my hand, and smiled winningly. “Why are you wasting your time with Darren when you could be with me? Fuck this dancing shit.” He pulled me by the hand toward the bedroom again. My mind was a little fuzzy from the wine but I knew I wasn’t at all impaired. And I still wanted to go with him. I looked at Darren pleadingly. Come with us, I told him in my mind. Can we all go together?

  To my amazement he followed us into the bedroom.

  “Now I can finally do all the things I always wanted to do to you Alexa,” purred Damien. “Haven’t you always wanted her, Darren?” Without waiting for an answer, he threw me down on the sheets. It was only then that I noticed that they had gotten a four-poster. “I took the liberty of asking for a few extra things from your assistant. I hope you like handcuffs.”

  “Handcuffs, what?” I could feel my eyes widen in response to this idea, but he kept on, firmly grabbing my hands above my head as I froze. I didn’t even squirm, I was that shocked, but if I am to be honest with myself, I knew I wanted it. I might not show it but I had been dreaming about this moment for years. Even Darren was quiet, staring at us from the doorframe, eyes opened wide, lips parted. Our eyes met. Neither of us said anything as Damien affixed one of my wrists to the posts. He left the other free.

  I guess it was inevitable. There had been this undercurrent of tension with us for a long time, that even though we shouldn’t we always knew that Damien would end up pushing us all over the edge. But I was still kind of shocked when he undid his pants and held his looped belt loosely in one hand, hitting his other hand with it. I never knew I was turned on by the promise of pain, but it was partially because Darren was there to make sure that I wouldn’t actually get harmed that I was able to submit to Damien’s craziness with anticipation and excitement. Darren roughly turned me over and pulled down my skirt, leaving my ass in full view, the little thong covering nothing.

  “Check this out Darren,” he said, slapping my ass with the belt. I yelped, which only made him laugh and do it again. This time I kept quiet, but for some crazy reason I wanted it badly.

  “Don’t do it too hard, Dam,” Darren said in a low, gravelly voice. I could almost hear the forbidden excitement building in him. “Is that good, Alexa? You ok?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, then cried out as Damien hit me again. He had done this before, I am sure, maybe to th
at ex I had talked to. I could tell because it seemed to be the exact right amount of intensity. Thinking of his ex made me remember the way she had described Damien’s dick. I still thought they must be identical, but perhaps now would be my chance to find out. I could feel the little scrap that was my panties getting wet. Damien threw down the belt and laughed.

  “Your ass is so red, Alexa. Perhaps Darren should rub it to make it feel better. Go ahead, Darren. Rub her ass!” There was more than a hint of laughter in his voice. He was really enjoying all of this.

  I felt a strong hand touch the back of my thigh. “You’re sure you’re ok Alexa?” He asked. “Because we don’t have to.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I have to,” Damien said. “This girl has been teasing us for years. If not now, when?”

  “No it’s ok Darren. Would you rub my ass please? That hurt like hell. Make sure I am not bleeding?”

  His hand slid up the back of my thigh, almost tickling it, making its way the curve of my ass. His voice thickened. “You’re not bleeding Alexa. I think you should take the thong off though. You don’t want the lace to irritate it more…”


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