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ApocaLips (Three Book Erotica Bundle) (Book One a sexy F/M/M ménage)

Page 9

by Natasha Hunter

  He didn't give me time to pout too long because a second later I felt his hands on my slender hips as he settled in behind me. He pulled me back and pushed himself against my bottom. I could definitely feel his arousal.

  "What are you doing?" I whispered.

  "Nothing," he said, faking an innocent tone. "Nothing at all sweetheart." He hooked his thumbs into my jeans and tugged them down my creamy white thighs.

  "That doesn't feel like nothing."

  "No? What does it feel like?"

  "Mmmm. It feels like you're about to do something..."

  "And what might that be?"

  "Oh, um. I don't know, really. I'm not the one with the experience here, remember?"

  "Mmm. Well guess you'll just have to wait and see," he said as he slid an arm around my waist and rubbed his fingers over my panties. Hot shivers sparkled within me. I writhed against him.

  "Oh my god," I uttered breathlessly as I felt his other hand along my lower belly. Sensations were sparking everywhere he touched me. He slid his hand up beneath my shirt and cupped a hand over my breast while the other slid into my panties.

  "You're so wet," he whispered hoarsely against my ear.

  "Your fault," I replied as I tried my best to concentrate on the tree line. I skimmed the night binoculars from side to side, watching the ground as Ian forced my bra up over my chest. He grazed his open palm over my nipples and I could feel them hardening beneath his light touch. His touch was lazy and slow as he took his time exploring my skin. He cradled the weight with his fingers. "Perfect fit," he uttered as he stimulated my dark pink nipples.

  He pulled my ebony hair to the side, gently caressing his fingers through my long silken strands, then planted his lips against the side of my neck. He laved his tongue just below my ear and worked his way down to the curve of my neck, just above my shoulder.

  "Ian," I rasped as I curled one hand around the wooden railing, my knuckles tight and alabaster. Desire boiled through me like hot lava.

  "Yes, sweetheart?" He slid his hands to my hips again and tugged at my panties. They eased down my thighs and stretched from knee to knee.

  I couldn't remember what I was going to say at that point. All I could think of was Ian behind me with his muscular chest pressed against my back. His crotch nuzzled against my bottom, and his hands roamed across my belly, holding me to him. He suckled the side of my neck as he pressed his palm against my mound. His fingers slid into my wetness and writhed between my lower lips.

  It was torture, exquisite and sublime, and he knew it. I tried my best to keep focus while he stimulated my body. He caressed his thumb against my hooded bud, toying with it while he sucked my earlobe into his mouth. "I want you," he whispered. "All of you."

  I groaned low in my throat. I wanted him too, more than anything. "Then have me." I swayed my hips and pressed myself harder against his probing fingers. My breath grew shallow and quick.

  "Oh, I plan to, sweetheart," he said softly. Ian pushed my hair around so that he could lick the back of my neck. His lips grazed with purpose as his tongue elicited hot chills that swept down my spine. "But not here. Not like this."

  I wanted to protest but couldn't quite find the words because his fingers and tongue were causing delicious vibrations deep in the center of my core, my being. My entire body felt alive, humming with pleasure. The sensations began to overwhelm me as they climbed, soared to that perfect, elusive place of perfection. I dropped my head back against his shoulder as my body started to tremble.

  He sucked the side of my neck as he fingered my clit with fast by delicate strokes, bringing me to orgasm. "Oooohhhh," I moaned loudly as white heat simmered through my blood and pooled between my legs, only to burst and send another wave of erotic sensations simmering through me. My belly undulated and quivered as waves of pleasure continued to consume me.

  "Shhh," he commanded as he cupped my mouth with his left hand.

  I realized my mistake as the cloud of my arousal and orgasm dissipated. I had been too loud and probably had caught the attention of nearby Infected. All at once the air was permeated by the gurgling groans of the Infected. They broke through the tree line and started towards our tower.

  I scrambled away from Ian and pulled up my clothing as quickly as possible as he reached for the crossbow and took aim. We had guns with us as well but they were for emergencies only.

  "Four of them," he counted as he sniped the closest one to us.

  "Three," I counted after the Infected went down, his face impaled with a crossbow bolt. I used a smaller version of Ian's crossbow and took aim. "Going left," I whispered as I steadied my hands and aimed, then fired.

  Ian took out the remaining two before I could reload. "You're getting better."

  "Really?" I said sarcastically. "My one to your three?"

  "Technically, two, since I started before you..."

  I blushed profusely.


  We climbed down from our tower just before dawn to fetch the bodies of the Infected. It wasn't sanitary to leave them lying around, especially in the heat. Rotting corpses attracted all sorts of wild animals and flies if left to decompose naturally, and the smell would be unbearable.

  The gore didn't bother me much anymore. Over time I had become accustomed to it, though for a brief moment before we searched a body, my stomach would clench with fear because I knew that any one of those could be Ashlyn.

  "She's not here," Ian said as he glanced over the faces, or what was left of them. Though he had never met Ashlyn, I had shown him a picture of her before.

  I nodded with relief. "Okay. Thanks." I searched the corpses for identification and any sort of mementos that could be passed on to a living relative while Ian searched them for 'useful' things. He thought it was pointless to preserve I.D.s and heirlooms and usually called me sentimental. Today he helped.

  He tugged a wallet from the jeans of one of the Infected and pulled out her driver's license. "Her name was Marla Birkart. Aged fifty-two," he read. "She has three grandchildren," he glanced at the photos, "I think she was a widow."

  I stepped behind him and looked over his shoulder at the pictures. "You've never cared who they were before."

  "Yeah, well. Things change."

  They certainly do, I thought as I smiled to myself.

  "Anyhow, let's get them loaded," he said as he stood.

  I gave him an expectant look as I folded my arms.

  "Oh right. Prayer time," he said with a short sigh. At least he didn't roll his eyes this time. Things certainly were progressing.

  I bowed my head and closed my eyes. I felt his hand slide into mine and I couldn't help but to peek one eye open. For the first time ever, he was praying with me. "Absolve, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the soul of Thy servant, from every bond of sin, that being raised in the glory of the resurrection, he may be refreshed among the Saints and Elect. Through Christ our Lord. Amen."

  The sun crested in the distance as I blinked open my eyes. I smiled at him.

  "What?" he said. "I've been known to go to a Mass or two in my time." Was he Catholic? That was the first real piece of information he'd ever given me about himself.

  We quickly loaded our carts and hurried out of the clearing. We wheeled them into camp and by the time we had disposed of them at the incinerator, I was exhausted.

  "Shower time," Ian said with a hint of a smirk tugging at his lips.

  "I suppose it is." The showers were a luxury and the best part of Camp Grahm. "But I'm going to the wall first."

  He nodded, "Yeah okay. I'll go with you."

  That was another first. It seemed to be a day for them. "Alright."

  We entered into an airplane bunker that had been transformed into a welcoming building. It was the first place new recruits would visit upon joining up with our group. On one side, peg boards lined a wall and were covered with photographs of the missing. On the opposite wall, the boards were lined with I.D.s and pictures of 'the found'. That was my idea. I couldn't bear to
think of all those Infected we took down every night as 'zombies' or whatever crude name others gave them. To me, they were people, same as anyone else, and deserved to have their families know what became of them.

  I snapped on paper clips to the driver's license and pegged them to the board, then placed any personal items into plastic bags and wrote their names on them. I tossed the bags into a huge box I had been storing the memorabilia in, then looked to Ian.

  He smiled softly. "How many people have found someone they knew?"

  "Two. Mister O'Riley and Sara Veney." I glanced at the board and swept my gaze over the familiar faces staring back at me. Some nights I would dream of them. Usually, it was peaceful and comforting, but sometimes it was nothing but restless nightmares. Those were the hardest to shake off, the memory of killing them, though Ian said it wasn't murdering because they were already dead.

  "Who did they find?" Ian asked.

  "Sara found her parents, and Mister O'Riley found his sister."

  Ian stepped closer to me and entwined his arms around me from behind. "I guess it brought them some degree of comfort."

  I nodded, "I hope so. At least they have some measure of closure. They don't have to wonder if they are still out there, needing help."

  "You're thinking about Ashlyn, aren't you?"

  "Yeah. Because we were traveling together. I feel like I abandoned her. I worry about her the most. I mean, I do worry about my family back home, but not as much. I have a crazy uncle who was into survivalist stuff. He would actually prepare for the end of the world. He had a bit of land and even an underground bunker full of food. I guess he wasn't so crazy after all, huh? But I know my parents would have gone there. So I feel like they are safe. But I can't say the same about Ashlyn."

  He squeezed me tighter, "I'm sure she is okay. You two made it a while on your own, because of her. I know that she will make it and we will eventually find her. Have a little of that faith you're always preaching to me about, would you?" He kissed my temple. "Now. I have to admit, Miss Bell, that I have some plans regarding you and me being thoroughly naked in my bunker soon. However, these plans do not include us smelling like perspiration and old dried blood. So. If you would kindly accompany me to the showers to get cleaned up, I would be most obliged." He stepped beside me and crooked his elbow, offering me his arm.

  I giggled, "Oh yeah? Do I have any say in the matter?"

  "Oh yes. You can say, "Yes, Ian, I would love to accompany you to your bunker where I'll spend the night, er, day, with you, and I would really love it if you showed me the time of my life while I'm there."

  I laughed again while blushing, "And do you think you're up for the challenge, Mister Levine?"

  "Oh absolutely, sweetheart. And anyhow, the bar is set pretty low. I think I can last longer than two second Jon." He winked.


  After we had gathered our clothing and bath caddies, we met up at the showers. It was the one luxury the entire camp agreed upon. We would spend the morning running the generators to heat the water, which was turned off promptly at lunch time. Ian and I were usually the first inside the unisex stalls, and had them to ourselves.

  Typically, Ian would go to the far left, and I to the far right. However, today was different. He pulled me by the hand and led me to his stall.

  I felt apprehensive as we paused at the wooden bench. We sat our caddies down, then kicked off our shoes and socks. I turned my back, suddenly modest, as I pulled my shirt up over my head. I felt his hands on my back as he undid my bra.

  "Don't be nervous."

  "I'm not," I lied.

  He stroked his finger down my spine and I felt a jolt of sensual electricity.

  I shimmied out of my bra and tossed it onto the bench, then unzipped my pants. I couldn't help but to think of him unzipping them in the tower earlier. I shuddered at the memory and a wave of desire shot through me. Once my pants were off, I quickly pulled my panties off and left them on the floor just before jumping into the shower stall and closing the curtain.

  Ian laughed. "So, um," he said on the other side of the shower curtain.

  "Hmmmm?" I intoned as I turned on the water, getting it as hot as possible without burning my skin.

  "Are you going to ask me to come inside?" he said sensually.

  "Mmm. Maybe. If you ask nicely."

  "Dearest Lexa. Would you be a dear and allow me to accompany you inside the shower. I come bearing gifts." He slid his arm into the stall, holding a bottle of strawberry bath wash.

  "Omigod!" I snatched it from his hand, "Where did you get this?"

  "Did some trading. So, does this mean I can come in?"

  "I don't know," I teased. "What else you got?"

  "Funny you should ask." He shoved a pink loofah sponge past the curtain. "Now can I come in?"

  I pulled the curtain open, "It would be my pleasure."

  "Indeed, it will," he said with a devilish glint in his eyes. He stepped in and closed the shower curtain behind us, then spread his arms and pushed me back against the wall. His hands rested against the wall on either side of my head. Water splashed and rolled down his body in rivulets.

  At once I was breathless and melting beneath his hungry, startling blue gaze.

  "There's no going back," he whispered throatily just before he claimed my mouth. His kiss was urgent, his tongue probing, writhing with mine. He kissed me until we were both breathless, then he pulled back to whisper. "Touch me."

  I ran my tongue over my lower lip as I stared into his eyes. "Where?"

  "Anywhere. Everywhere. I want to feel you, but I won't force you. You're in complete control, Lexa. I am yours."

  I was thrilled beyond words at his admission. Mine. And I was his. I lowered my eyes and glanced down, taking in every sinewy contour, and every bulging muscle. He was toned, trim, and taut. His arms were strong and powerful. I wanted to touch them immediately. I lifted my hands and ran my open palms along his biceps, sweeping away the water droplets. "Where did you get this?" I asked as I lightly traced my fingertip across a tribal tattoo around his left arm.

  "New York, after I got back from a deployment."

  "Ah. I knew you were military." I traced my thumb across the opposite arm, over a flag above three crosses with initials in each cross. "Friends?"

  He nodded, "Yeah." A flicker of silent stoicism flashed across his face. "It's a memorial, of sorts. To the friends I left behind."

  I leaned up a bit and pressed my mouth to the tattoo, then to the scar above his collar bone, just above his shoulder. "And how did you get this?"

  "The same day they died. I was lucky. For years I couldn't understand why I was spared." He stared intently at me, "But I know why now."

  I searched his luminous eyes, waiting for him to continue. I wanted to hear him say the words. I wanted him to admit that he had the same feelings that I had.

  "Because of you. I was spared because I hadn't met you." He kissed the tip of my nose. "And aren't we all promised one great love of our lives?"

  "You love me?" I asked in a higher pitch voiced. I wanted to hear it again. And again. At least a thousand more times. I would never tire of hearing Ian telling me he loved me. I wanted it to be true for so long.

  "I do."

  "Say it."

  "I love you. Madly."

  "And deeply."

  "Yes. Madly and deeply."

  I traced my fingers along his collar bone, through the dripping water. My touch was light and exploratory. "How long have you known?"

  He remained perfectly still as my fingers combed sensually through the grazing of dark hair across his chest. "Mmm, good question. Somewhere between the time you told me the story of your first grade's playground drama and the time Jayson McFall tried to grope you during seven minutes in heaven at Riley's sleep over party."

  A smile pulled at the corners of my mouth. "I can't believe you remembered all of that. I never thought you were really paying much attention."

  He gave a sly grin, "I
tried not to. But somewhere along the way, I realized that I found myself looking forward to tower duty. And not just because I was sharing such a cramped space with a beautiful woman, but because I actually liked her. Stories and all. And I realized I wanted to hear more, know more."

  I moved my fingers lower and grazed my thumbs across his nipples. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

  "Because I was desperately trying not to fall in love with you," he admitted.


  "I have a hard time getting close to anyone. After I came back from my deployment, I shut down and wouldn't let anyone in. I didn't want to explain that to you. And I didn't want you to have to deal with my baggage."

  I nodded, "I see." My fingers traced lower, memorizing every sinewy muscle along his chest then delved lower, across his stomach. I ran my hands through the warm water, just above his naval. He sucked in his breath, his stomach taut. "I'm glad you changed your mind."

  "You changed my mind," he said smoothly. He clamped his even white teeth onto his lower lip as my hands drifted lower, grazing across his skin just above his cock. I dropped my eyes and stared at that most intimate part of him. It jutted up, swollen to an impossible size. I glanced up again and stared into his eyes as my hands wandered around his sides. My fingers slushed across the rivulets of water on his lower back, then lower, to his bottom.

  "I would have thought you would have taken me by now," I admitted as I cupped his ass, his skin firm and taut beneath my touch.

  "You're in complete control."

  My lip quirked, "So this is what it feels like to be with a man." I leaned to him and flicked my tongue across his nipple. "All of the control. I think I could get used to it."

  He lowered his head to my ear and whispered, "This time, sweetheart. There will come a time when I'll have you tied to a bed and begging for mercy."

  The image of Ian tying me to a bed, stripped naked and under his complete control made my pussy spasm. I could just imagine him hovering above me, touching me. Kissing me. Claiming me. I couldn't stifle my groan quickly enough.

  "How do you like that, hmm?" he sensually smirked.


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