Reclaim Me
Page 13
“Hmm, I plan on taking you in every way imaginable in each and every room.”
“Deal.” Pulling back, she reached for his belt, grasping the buckle and tugging him toward the open car door. “We can start with the limo.”
“While I welcome your initiative,” he said as his fingers curled around hers, “I have plans for you. Inside.” He dropped a swift kiss on her pouting lips.
Allie let out a small whimper as he stepped away. “That was the plan.”
Hudson chuckled, then in a sudden move bent down, wrapped his arm around her thighs, and scooped her over his shoulder.
Allie let out a surprised squeal. “What are you doing?”
“Expediting matters,” he said, matter-of-factly.
She slapped his behind. “Put me down.”
“I didn’t realize you were into spanking, Alessandra.” Hudson laughed as he turned toward the stairs. “Although I do believe you’ve got the roles reversed.”
“You’re acting like a caveman,” she said, holding on to his hips to keep from bouncing off his shoulder as he strode up the stairs. When he reached the top he set her on her feet, letting her slide slowly down his body so that she felt every hard, muscular inch.
“God, I’ve missed you,” he breathed.
She smacked him playfully on the chest. “You could have been with me the past two hours.”
“There were preparations to be made.”
Allie narrowed her eyes, assessing him. “What have you been up to?” The scent of tomatoes and basil wafted through the air. She inhaled deeply and her mouth watered. “And more importantly, what smells so delicious?”
“Dinner. Are you hungry?” When her stomach growled, he smirked. “I will take that as a yes.”
She blushed. “I may have worked through lunch.”
A frown marred his handsome face. “Alessandra, we really need to have a discussion about your eating habits.” His hands skimmed over her hips. “I like your curves just the way they are,” he said, accenting his opinion with a gentle squeeze of her ass.
“It wasn’t intentional.” She reached up and smoothed the crease between his brows with her fingertip. “But yes, I will make more of an effort to eat regular meals, starting now. What did you order for us?”
“No delivery. I cooked.”
When her mouth popped open, Hudson threw his head back and laughed. It was a deep, sexy sound that had literally become music to her ears. “Don’t look so shocked,” he said.
“I’ve seen you make coffee. And popcorn. Neither experience bodes well for this dinner.”
Hudson placed his hand over his heart. “So little faith. I’m wounded. I think you may be pleasantly surprised.” He nodded toward the kitchen. “Although I had hoped to have the mess cleaned up before you arrived.”
Allie followed his gaze to the state-of-the-art kitchen. Although she was the only guest Hudson had ever invited to his lake house, the architect had clearly designed the space with large gatherings in mind. The beamed ceiling and planked floor of the living room flowed into the open space, and the same multicolor stones on the two-story fireplace created a similar hearth around a twelve-burner cooktop. A large island sat in the middle of the room with copper lights strung above it and a slab of marble on top that was bigger than most dining room tables. But it wasn’t the sight of the six distressed wood barstools that prompted Allie’s question—it was the dozen or so pots and pans strewn about the countertops that had her asking, “How many people are you expecting?
“It may have taken a few attempts,” he mumbled. “But the final batch is nearly as I remember.”
“As you remember?” Allie’s heart swelled. Hudson mentioned his past so infrequently, any detail was precious to her simply because he was willing to share it. “Is this a family recipe?”
“Yes. My mother wasn’t much of a cook, at least not that I can remember. But every now and again she would make my grandmother’s Bolognese.”
A wide grin spread across her face.
“Don’t get too excited,” he warned. “You haven’t tasted it yet.”
“I’m sure I’ll love it. Do I have time to change before we eat?”
Hudson nodded. “I thought we could have some wine and relax a bit before dinner.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Go ahead and freshen up while I try to restore a bit of order to the kitchen.”
Allie hurried upstairs and showered quickly before changing into a pair of well-worn jeans and a soft cream sweater. She loved how relaxed and casual they both were at the lake. Far from the boardrooms and ballrooms, Hudson’s cabin was a place where they could be themselves, eating Chinese takeout on the floor or dancing barefoot across the living room. Her lips curved into a giddy grin just thinking about the time they’d spent there in the fall, and she was still smiling as she made her way back down the stairs.
Soothing strains of classical music filled the room, and a cluster of candles flickered on a tray that rested atop a tufted ottoman. The tapestry pillows that normally dotted the leather sectional had been piled in front of the fireplace along with a soft throw. The kitchen was cleared of everything but one All-Clad pot, and a bottle of red wine had been opened and left to breathe on the island alongside two stemless glasses. Everything was perfect with one exception. Hudson was nowhere in sight.
Allie wandered into the kitchen. The sauce Hudson made had been turned to a low simmer. She lifted the lid and was tempted to sneak a taste, but decided to wait for him before sampling his efforts. As she recovered the pot, something caught her eye through the window. Hudson was standing just outside the French doors leading from the kitchen to the expansive deck. The torches on the railing posts were dark, but she could see him in the moonlight that shone down from the clear night sky. He had his back to her, but she could tell that something was bothering him. It was evident in his stance and the tension in his shoulders. Allie frowned. This was Hudson’s favorite spot, the one place in the world he felt truly at home. The fact that something from her world could spoil even a moment for him here made her heart ache with sadness.
“What are you doing out here?” she asked, tugging on a parka she’d grabbed off one of the hooks by the door.
“Enjoying the view.” Hudson turned, and at the sight of her all the tension left his frame. “Although I admit it’s improved significantly now.” He pulled her in front of him and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“You seemed upset before I came out here. Were you worrying about Julian?”
“Your safety is never far from my mind, Alessandra. But no, that wasn’t what I was thinking about.”
“What, then?”
He nuzzled her hair. “Are you happy?” His voice was hoarse against her ear.
Allie turned her head, pressing a kiss to his jaw. “Very. Despite everything that has happened over the past two months, I’ve never been happier than I am when I’m with you.” She placed her hand on his cheek, urging him to look at her. “I love you, Hudson.”
His gaze was soft on her face. “I love you too, Allie.”
She let out a contented sigh as she leaned back against his chest. The sun had long since set but the moon glittered across the half-frozen lake. “And I love being here with you. It makes me feel like no matter what waits for us back home, it will all work out because we have this, we have us.”
“There’s something I need to . . .” His voice trailed off and his arms released their hold on her. Allie felt the warmth of his body leave her as he stepped back.
“Hudson?” When his eyes met hers his gaze was distant, almost lost, and the blood had drained from his handsome face. Panic gripped her, tightening her throat as she choked out the words. “What is it, what’s wrong?”
“I was going to wait until later, but . . .” Hudson swallowed hard before dropping to one knee. “Alessandra Sinclair, I love you. And I want to love, honor, and cherish you for the rest of
our lives.” From the pocket of his jeans he pulled out a small, red leather box. He flipped it open to reveal a stunning diamond solitaire. This time when his eyes met hers, they were filled with a mix of adoration and nervous anticipation. “Marry me?”
Chapter Sixteen
Hudson gazed up at Allie, who had a look of complete shock on her face. As he knelt in front of her, the reality of the situation sunk in and anxiety hit him hard. She wasn’t saying a word. Silence . . . more silence.
“I’m on my knees here. Say something. Tell me no, or to go to hell, but I’d rather a yes.”
“I don’t know what to say.”
“Not the reaction I was hoping for.” Hudson stood up.
“It’s not that . . . yes, I love you . . . but it’s just . . . I mean, you hardly know me . . . and we’ve barely been together six weeks . . . and technically we’re not even together right now and . . .”
“To the outside world we’re not, but we’re together in the only place that matters—in our hearts. That’s one thing after all these years that’s never changed. I lost you twice before and I’m a man who learns from his mistakes. Hell if I’m going to lose you again. And despite the litany of reasons you just provided for why we shouldn’t marry, I’m fairly sure I heard a ‘yes’ somewhere in the middle. So let me do this again.”
Allie laughed despite the tears that filled her eyes. “You want a do-over, Mr. Chase?”
“I believe our entire relationship is a do-over, Miss Sinclair.” Hudson took a step back and dropped to one knee. He cleared his throat as he held out the red leather box again. “Alessandra Sinclair—my love, my life—will you marry me?”
“Yes, yes, I will marry you.” When he stood up, Allie launched herself at him, hitting his chest so hard they took a couple steps back. His hands shot up to cup the sides of her face. He brushed his mouth against hers before pressing a tender kiss to her lips.
“Say it again,” he whispered.
Tears spilled down Allie’s cheeks and a huge smile spread across her face. “Yes, I will marry you. Big wedding, small wedding, whatever you want.” She laughed. “But please don’t say the Drake.”
Hudson chuckled. “Hell no.” He ran a hand back through his hair. “I was actually thinking we could get married here.”
“At the lake?”
He nodded. “The weekend we spent here in October, the time we shared . . . something changed between us that last night. I suspect that’s the night you realized you loved me. Without a doubt it’s when I knew I loved you, and that I always had.” He took a deep breath. “I take risks on a daily basis, Allie, but I will never again take one that jeopardizes what we have. Nothing in the world is worth more than that. I’m just sorry I wasn’t man enough to admit it then.”
“Shh,” Allie pressed her fingers to his lips. “I think this would be the perfect place to get married.”
Hudson dropped a quick kiss to her mouth and grinned like a son of a bitch. “It’s settled then. We’ll marry at sunset tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” Allie’s voice reached a pitch he was certain only mammals of the four-legged variety could hear.
“Yes,” he said emphatically.
“We’re in the middle of this huge mess with Julian.”
“All the more reason. Despite the uncertainty in our lives right now, there’s one thing I’m sure of, and it’s that I intend to spend the rest of my life with you. I see no reason to postpone that simply because Julian wants to maintain some fucked-up love triangle. Besides,” Hudson flashed a broad grin. “I’m a man of opportunity, and when I see one I take it. Tomorrow will be our wedding day. I want to say vows to each other; I want you to take my name, become Mrs. Hudson Chase.” Allie opened her mouth, but he kept talking. “I won’t argue with you if you choose to hyphenate, but—to our family, friends, colleagues—you’ll bear my name as my wife. I am madly in love with you, Allie, and I need to start the rest of our lives together immediately. I can’t wait.”
“I don’t want to wait either, but have you forgotten we’re not even dating at the moment?”
“How could I forget?” The muscles in Hudson’s jaw flexed.
“I know we don’t have much family between us, but I’d like to at least have Nick and Harper here.”
“So would I, but we can’t tell them.”
“Harper is going to be pissed. We sort of have this whole maid of honor pact going.”
“Nick will no doubt hang this over my head until I’m six feet under. Once this whole mess is resolved we can marry again in front of our friends and family, as many times as you want, anywhere you want. Whatever your heart desires, I’ll give it to you. We can announce our engagement in the newspapers, take publicity photos; hell, I’ll even argue with you over seating charts if that’s what you want. And you can invite all of Chicago, I don’t care. But tomorrow will be about us, for us. I want you to be my wife, and the only person I need in attendance is a minister. Everything else has been taken care of—flowers, dresses, hair, and makeup—whatever you need has been arranged.”
“That confident I’d say yes?”
He grinned. “That hopeful.”
“Wait, did you say dresses?”
“In the guest bedroom. I had a local shop send over several for you to choose from. Don’t worry,” he added quickly. “Even I know that the groom can’t see the dress. Though I look forward to seeing you out of it.” A sinful grin curved his lips. “Take a look at them after dinner. If none suit your taste, I’ll have more brought in tomorrow.”
A slight blush colored Allie’s cheeks. “I thought you knew my taste,” she teased.
“Oh, I do.” Hudson’s lips brushed her jaw. “Exquisite perfection. Sweet, and all mine.” Allie sank into him as he ran his open mouth down her throat. “But when the woman started to mention fabric choices and bodice cuts, I threw my hands up in surrender.”
She laughed as he found that sensitive spot beneath her ear. “Well, you men have it easy. The black tux or the black tux?”
He smiled against her skin. “You never know. I could have opted for the powder blue.”
Allie reared back and a frown creased her brow. Hudson reached up to smooth the velvety skin with the pad of his thumb. “I’m playing, Allie.”
“No, not that. What if . . . Well, it’s just that you and I, we’re always in formal attire for one event or another. But the weekend we spent here in yoga pants and jeans, it was one of the happiest times I’ve ever known. I want to start our lives off the exact same way.”
He cocked a brow. “Are you suggesting we marry in jeans?”
Allie nodded. “As much as I love you in a tuxedo, I love you like this even more.”
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather wear a fancy white dress? Don’t little girls dream about that sort of thing?”
“This girl has spent ten years dreaming about being with you again. And now I’m going to be your wife. The clothes we wear are irrelevant. I can wear a proper wedding dress when we do this again for our family and friends. But tomorrow, like you said, is just about us. And this is who we are.”
Hudson dipped his head and his tongue did a slow sweep along the curve of her lip before he sealed his mouth over hers in a kiss. His shoulders rolled as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tighter against him. As he poured everything he felt for her into this kiss, he thought about the woman Allie had become—forgiving, compassionate, beautiful, intelligent—and he was one lucky SOB that she loved a shell of a man like himself. Life was way too fucking short, and one lifetime with her wasn’t ever going to be enough. He would marry her every damn year to prove that he was done searching. She was it. Such a fucking sap he’d become. Like he gave a shit. Hudson broke the kiss and traced her now-reddened, swollen lips. “The rehearsal dinner is at seven with rehearsal for the honeymoon to follow.”
“Oh, no.”
“Not until the wedding night.”
“You’re shi
tting me, right?”
A glint of amusement lit Allie’s hazel eyes, the gold flecks brightening over the asinine idea. “We may not be the most traditional couple, but I’m not having sex with you the night before our wedding.”
“That’s fine, you can just fuck me.”
“Hudson,” Allie admonished.
“Make love?”
“You expect me to sleep in the same bed with you and not touch you? Fuck, Allie, it’s been a week.”
“No. I’ll sleep in one of the guest rooms.”
“The guest rooms are wedding central at the moment.”
“Then I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“Like hell you will.” Hudson exhaled a harsh breath. “You can have the master bedroom and I’ll take the couch. But for the record, this no-sex rule is horseshit.”
Allie fought a smile and failed miserably. She was mocking him, for Christ’s sake. “Sorry.”
“No, you’re not.” Hudson grinned. “But I’ll let you make it up to me.”
“Is that so?”
“Hmm. But for now, dinner with your fiancé.”
She giggled. “Short engagement.”
“Indeed.” They turned back toward the house and he gave her a quick smack on the ass. “Enjoy your last night as Miss Sinclair, baby.”
Chapter Seventeen
Allie’s eyes flew open and she froze. Her heart raced as she listened through the darkness, praying the sound that woke her had been merely in her head. But then she heard it again, a guttural moan of tormented pain.
“No . . . leave him alone . . . don’t take him.”
Hudson’s cries had her bolting out of bed. When she reached the top of the stairs she saw him on the couch, his fists clenching the sheet beneath him, his body twisting as if being pulled. At first she assumed the nightmare was about losing Nick, that he was reliving that horrible moment when his brother had been literally torn from his arms. But then he said something else. Something that stopped her in her tracks.
“His eyes are open . . . make him breathe . . . Dad!” The last word came on a primal scream that hit her like a physical blow.