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Coulson's Lessons

Page 20

by McIntyre, Anna J

  “Excuse me, miss. Can I help you? The offices are all closed now; everyone has gone home.”

  “Gee, the door wasn’t locked.” Kate looked around. Sure enough, not a soul in sight. Maybe if she had been paying less attention to the interior design she would have noticed.

  “Mr. Coulson’s assistant just left, and I was about to lock the door.”

  “But I’m here to see Mr. Coulson. He called me. I’m Kate Chamberlain.”

  The guard didn’t look as if he actually believed her, yet he politely excused himself and made a phone call. When he returned a few moments later, he looked slightly embarrassed.

  “Miss, Mr. Coulson asked me to show you to his office.”

  “That’s not necessary; just point me in the direction.” She wanted to have a look around, alone.

  Reluctant, yet eager to get to the other side of the building, the guard gave Kate directions, locked the front door, and disappeared. As Kate wandered through the maze of hallways, she began to get a bit nervous. If she didn’t find Russell, then she would no doubt be locked in for the night.

  Did the guard say to turn right? Or was it left? Left sounded good; at least she had a fifty-fifty chance. Turning the corner, she ran head-long into Russell, who was just stepping out of his office.

  “What took you so long?” Russell snapped; his hands reached for Kate’s shoulders, keeping himself from tumbling with her into the side of the wall.

  “This your office, Russy?” Kate asked brightly once he released his hold. She breezed into the room uninvited. Russell simply shook his head in surrender and followed Kate, closing the door behind him.

  Kate was wearing what Kate always wore: really strange clothes. At least that was Russell’s opinion. They were normally two or three sizes too large. He suspected she purchased them at thrift shops; maybe they didn’t have her size. Kate’s full-length, gypsy-style skirt was made of yards and yards of black and gold print fabric. Russell guessed she could whip up four or five outfits from the material in the skirt alone. The mismatched, aqua-colored, blousy pirate shirt was tucked into her waistband. Just where did she get these clothes?

  When she abruptly turned toward him, her pert little face distracted Russell from further critiquing her wardrobe. She did look a lot like Alex. Prettier, Russell thought. He wouldn’t offer his opinion to his brother or to Kate. Unruly dark brown curls, desperately in need of taming, fell to her shoulders and framed her face.

  Looking up into Russell’s blue eyes, Kate understood he was critically evaluating her. Russell always did that, she thought. Passing judgments. She had a few opinions of her own. She once thought he looked like Garret, but actually, they were very different. Russell reminded Kate of a little boy pretending to be a grown up. Obsessively neat, his slacks were always perfectly creased and his shoes fairly sparkled from polish. She wanted to mess his hair, wrinkle his clothes.

  Remembering what brought her here, Kate held up a pair of keys.

  “Keys,” she explained brightly, as if the objects’ identity was in question.

  “Thanks for bringing them over.” Russell snatched the keys from her grasp and then tucked them into his pocket. He stood there for just a moment, his eyes making one final sweep over Kate’s peculiar packaging. He chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?” Kate demanded, asserting herself by positioning her balled fists against the slight curve of her hips.

  “I keep expecting you to say trick or treat,” he explained with a mischievous grin. “Where do you get your clothes?”

  “Not in a fucking golf shop, that’s for damn sure,” she blasted angrily as she stepped directly in front of Russell. Lifting her chin defiantly upward, she attempted to increase her stature by standing on tiptoes. Puffing angrily, she glared into Russy’s beautiful blue eyes.

  If her aggressive stance was intended to intimidate Russell, it failed woefully. She reminded him of an angry wood sprite.

  “You have one trashy mouth, Katie Chamberlain. Someone should wash it out with soap,” he whispered softly, leaning down close to her face, his breath barely brushing her lips as he spoke. And then he smiled. He had another idea for her pouting little mouth. Kate was just opening her mouth to spout more angry words when Russell captured it with his, taking full advantage of the parted lips. Before she knew what had happened, Russell’s tongue was boldly exploring, his lips crushing hers.

  For being such a conservative and uptight guy, Russell Coulson was some kisser. Katie Chamberlain had wanted to do this since she was thirteen years old. Throwing her arms around his neck, she boldly drew him closer. Her eager greeting of the spontaneous kiss startled Russell, causing him to momentarily pull back. Yet, when he looked into her lovely eyes clouded in obvious passion, he did the only thing he could do. He kissed her again.

  Gathering her small body into his arms, he pulled her against his length and was amazed to feel the soft contours hidden beneath her ridiculous mountain of clothing. Their mouths mated in frenzied hunger, a wild tangle of tongues and greedy lips. Russell’s hands moved along the length of her back, and he could tell she wore no bra. He pulled her closer.

  Kate began to explore, tugging impatiently at the knit shirt, anxiously jerking its hem free from the confines of his waistband. Small hands slipped beneath the fabric and caressed the warm skin of his broad shoulders, the softness of the hair along his chest. Her touch made him gasp and sent him on his own exploration.

  Russell’s hands moved up her back, over her shoulders, and across her face, cupping it possessively as he kissed every inch of her forehead, nose, and chin. The hands then moved downward, finding the small row of buttons along the front of her shirt. He paused a moment, looking into her eyes, his thumb absently fondling a button. Then he realized, it was a snap. Her blouse was secured along the front with a row of snaps, not buttons. His mouth formed into a wicked grin, his finger continued to caress the snap, and Kate looked at him as if she knew what he were about to do and she was not going to stop him.

  With one sure motion, Russell pulled on the front of Kate’s blouse, sending the row of snaps clicking open in succession. Quickly pushing aside the fabric to reveal her skin, he was amazed to discover the most exquisite pair of perfectly shaped small breasts. Russell never expected that thin little Kate, hidden beneath her billowing clothes, would have a figure. He had just discovered a treasure, a wonderful, unexpected, erotic treasure.

  Cupping each breast in his hands, he noticed how perfectly they filled his palms. Kate leaned into his hold; he could feel the hardness of her nipples. Moving each hand slightly, his thumbs encircled the nubs, making Kate squirm delightfully.

  “Oh, Katie,” Russell murmured as his mouth dipped down to capture a delightful morsel in his mouth. His hands pushed the blouse off, over her shoulders, tugging at the sleeves; the garment fell to the floor. Russell caressed Kate’s creamy soft shoulders as his tongue played with her nipples, his mouth lightly sucking. Kate’s hands moved through Russell’s mass of thick hair, doing what she always wanted to do, ruffling it thoroughly.

  Russell pulled back for a moment and simply looked at Kate, his hands resting on her shoulders as she looked up with trusting eyes.

  “Katie, why in the world have you hidden away this lovely little body?” He pulled her to him; wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her neck and began tugging at her skirt. To his delight, its waist was elastic, and he managed to slip it off easily. As he pulled the skirt to the floor, he slid his hands along the contours of her hips and outer thighs.

  Stepping out of the skirt, Kate stood before him wearing only a pair of sexy black lace panties. He never expected Kate to wear such an enticing undergarment; it was by far the best thing he had ever seen her wear. It was a shame it had to come off. But it was definitely coming off.

  Kate refused to remove the panties until Russell’s undress matched her own. With great haste, Russell pulled off his shirt and nearly ripped off the slacks, sending them flying across the room. Kate
smiled, pleased that Russell didn’t feel compelled to fold his clothes neatly before continuing.

  Russell stood before Kate, wearing only his briefs. She smiled sweetly as she reached up and placed her hands around his neck and hugged him securely. Russell’s hands gripped her forearms, moving his caress toward her body and under her arms. He smiled to himself when he felt the soft skin beneath her arms, which was smooth. She wasn’t such an Earth Child after all. Kate wore sexy underwear and she shaved. Chuckling softly, his lips covered hers.

  “What’s so funny, Russy?” Kate asked when his lips went to her neck.

  “You are. You’re adorable.”

  She didn’t know if she should be offended or complimented. But he was making her feel so damn good, it didn’t matter. Kate could feel Russell’s fingers impatiently tugging down her panties.

  “I’ll take off mine if you take off yours,” she whispered in his ear. He eagerly complied.

  They stood for a moment, fully nude in the middle of Russell’s office. The light had never been turned off, and Russell was glad; he liked looking at Kate’s small, perfect body. Remembering the security guard, Russell locked the door and pulled her toward the desk. He leaned against the desk with Kate’s arms wrapped around his neck as he pulled her fully nude body against his. She wiggled seductively against his hardness. Russell’s hands swept over her body as Kate’s eagerly explored his. His hands moved between her legs. She was already wet, and by the way in which she pushed against him, he knew she was ready. His hands grabbed her small bottom and lifted her upward, intending to play out a fantasy he had never been able to fulfill. Kate was so small, so lightweight; he could easily lift her onto his hardness. Leaning against the desk for support, he firmly held her buttocks and hips, lifted her upward and brought her down hard against his erection. Her legs wrapped around his waist with her arms still secured around his neck. His hands assisted the movement of her bottom as he entered and re-entered in violent thrusts. Kate became wild, slamming her body into his, demanding more and more until they collapsed from the strength of their climax. Melting onto the floor, Russell still imbedded in Kate, they squeezed their bodies together, reluctant to let go.

  Finally, they rolled apart, on their backs, breathing heavily and sweaty from the intense contact. Russell rolled over to face Kate; his hand lightly brushed her forehead.

  “Katie, you may be a brat, curse entirely too much, and wear awful clothes, but I’m not about to let you get away. Do you understand me, Katie?” He then pulled her into his arms, holding her securely, and kissed her nose.

  “You really hate my clothes?” she asked sweetly.

  “I don’t hate them as much as I used to. They are… convenient.”

  Kate smiled and snuggled into Russell’s embrace.

  Chapter 39

  A first date. The last time Alexandra had gone on a first date was in her senior year in high school, when Ryan had taken her to the prom. That was more than twenty years ago. She could still remember the pretty midnight-blue formal, a bit sexy for a seventeen-year-old girl. Later, she’d had the dress shortened and worn it to a Christmas party during her sophomore year of college. That was a lifetime ago.

  Alexandra stood before the floor-length mirror, critically examining her chosen outfit. The full denim skirt fell below her knees, with the red and white cotton shirt tucked into the fitted waistband. She could never have worn this outfit eight months earlier and almost forty pounds heavier. Kate insisted she buy it, although Alexandra never imagined she would be wearing it out on her first date with Garret.

  The doorbell rang just as she was slipping on her shoes. Butterflies. They were relentless, filling her stomach with their nervous beatings. Taking a deep breath in an effort to calm herself, Alexandra went to answer the door.

  Garret’s hand reached for the crown of his black felt cowboy hat the moment Alex opened the door. Pulling the hat from his head, he held it next to his chest. He was every bit as nervous as Alexandra. She thought he looked incredibly handsome, reminding her of some romantic figure from a western movie.

  Alex didn’t look like a woman who had already turned the corner past forty. Garret imagined she might very well be asked for an ID with her slimmed-down figure that removed years as well as pounds and a complexion so flawless that the only evidence of age was a slight crease over her eyebrows.

  She reminded him of a sexy little cowgirl, standing before him in a denim skirt and freshly pressed blouse. Although he preferred her heavier, fuller, this slim-downed version stirred his protective nature. She looked so damned vulnerable, innocent.

  No one who knew Alex would ever use the adjective shy when describing her. But as she stood in the doorway facing her date, Alexandra was overwhelmed with an unexpected spurt of shyness. She imagined she was probably blushing.

  Alex’s heart pounded thunderously when she asked Garret to come into her house for a moment. When Garret walked into the entrance hall, it struck him that he had never been inside Alexandra’s home. Ten years before, he had only gone to her house one time, and that was the night Alex had been attacked. The front porch was as far as he ever ventured.

  After Alexandra explained that Adam had gone to a friend’s house, they stood for a few moments in uncomfortable silence. Finally, Garret spoke.

  “You look wonderful tonight.” Garret’s eyes washed over Alex, his hands anxiously fidgeting with his hat.

  “Thanks. Kate picked this out.” Removing an imaginary wrinkle, her hands nervously tugged on the skirt.

  “Tell me something, Alex.” Garret’s blue eyes gleamed mischievously. “How is it Kate picks out attractive clothes for you while she dresses… you know.”

  Alexandra laughed. She was beginning to feel somewhat less anxious. “Kate likes to dress… you know.” Alex chuckled. “My sister knows me; she knows the kind of clothes I like, what I would feel comfortable in. Some people buy presents that they like, yet other people, like my sister, will consider what the person likes. Even if it isn’t her taste.” She paused a moment, then asked, “I thought you didn’t like the dress Kate picked out?”

  “You mean the red one?” he asked, his grin widening. Alex nodded. “Oh, I liked you in the dress, Alex. I just didn’t like anyone else seeing you in it.”

  His admission sent the butterflies racing; once again, she could feel the anxious fluttering in the pit of her stomach. She felt like a shy, embarrassed schoolgirl. “Let me grab my purse, then we can go if you’d like.”

  Garret watched Alex leave the room, and then he took a moment to glance around the entrance hall, moving into the living room. He wasn’t really looking at his surroundings. He was thinking of Alex. When he had first decided to return to Coulson, he knew he would see Alex. He needed to know how he’d react to her, not just the memory of her. And he needed to know how she would react to him. Was it possible that any of the old feelings lay dormant within Alex’s heart?

  The moment he had looked into her face and witnessed her stunned reaction, he’d known she had not completely forgotten him, in spite of the years, in spite of her marriage. When he’d taken her into his arms and shared with her their first hug in a decade, her body had called out to him. He had never expected such an immediate reaction. Although it was his heart’s desire, Garret hadn’t imagined it could be a reality.

  He was uncertain how fast he should go. This morning at Clement Falls, he had maintained extreme control. Hand holding and chaste kissing had been the extent of their intimacy. Garret wanted to court Alexandra. It was something he had never done. What he had done ten years ago had been a seduction.

  Garret was fully aware that he had manipulated Alexandra. Although he was not proud of that truth, he could not bring himself to regret any of the intimacy they had once shared. During the years of their separation, he had spent many hours considering their relationship and his role in its instigation. Compared to Garret, Alex had been as naïve and as innocent as the six-year-old child who had burst into her mo
ther’s classroom. Accepting his friendship, she had ignored the danger signs and become involved in a relationship she was incapable to control or to stop. Garret had known what was happening. In spite of his good intentions to avoid happily married women, the moment he had seen her at the Christmas party wearing that incredible red sequin gown, he had known he would take her to his bed. Already he had been falling in love with her, yet he hadn’t understood how deep the feelings ran. When he had finally claimed her body, she had claimed his heart. It had been in her possession since that time.

  Alexandra entered the room wearing a frown.

  “I hate to ask this, but can we stop at the restaurant before we go to dinner?” Alex asked.

  “Sure. What’s wrong?”

  “I forgot to give Taylor the key to the liquor room. If I’m not going to be there, they might need it.”

  As they began walking into the entrance hall, Alex tripped on the edge of the throw rug, and she tumbled in Garret’s direction. Without thought, his hands steadied her, allowing his cowboy hat to fall to the ground. As she regained her footing with Garret’s hands still clutching her forearms, her gaze met his. They each froze. Neither said a word. Garret intended to move slowly with Alexandra, but when she was this close, her expressive eyes meeting his, all he could think of was kissing her, holding her.

  Very slowly, Garret’s hands moved to Alex’s face and cupped it tenderly. His gaze moved over her features, searching for a reaction, waiting for a sign. Alex dropped her purse. It hit the hardwood floor with a loud thud. Garret smiled. His lips moved to hers, gently persuading them to open. Alex’s arms wrapped around his neck and drew his body closer.

  Sheer exhilaration shot through Garret’s entire being. He pulled Alexandra tightly to his body, her soft breasts against his chest; her body against his awakened arousal. Garret’s mouth became demanding, pressing against her in a hungered urgency. The obvious need relayed by kiss awakened Alex’s desire, and she found herself demanding, wanting, taking.


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