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Coulson's Lessons

Page 22

by McIntyre, Anna J

  “Why, Russell?” Tommy asked at last. “Why did you just walk away?”

  Russell sat back down and leaned forward in the chair.

  “Oh, like I said, I was full of myself. My dad was so damned impressed when I brought Alicia home. I guess I just let her direct my life.”

  “You always did let the girls lead you around by your pecker.” Tommy grinned. The ice was beginning to thaw.

  “I guess I did,” Russell agreed with a smile. Jeez, he sure had missed Tommy Chamberlain.

  Tommy remembered Russell’s parents. Unlike his own, they had their own agenda for their children, and it did not necessarily include what would make them happy. He then remembered what his mother said about Alex dating Garret Coulson.

  “Do you know anything about Alex and your brother?” Tommy’s unexpected question caught Russell off guard.

  “What do you mean?” Russell asked, uncomfortable with the inquiry.

  “My mom tells me they went out last night.”

  “Oh, that.” Russell began to relax again. “Garret took her to dinner and dancing last night.”

  “Really? You know, I remember they used to be friends a long time ago. Right before he moved.” Tommy had never known Garret Coulson, even during his friendship with Russell. Both Harrison and Garret were the unseen older brothers. Tommy had rarely gone to the Coulson house. The three boys spent most of their time at Tommy’s or Ryan’s.

  “And you really care about Kate?” Tommy asked.

  “Yes, Chamberlain. I sure as hell do.”

  Chapter 41

  Concentrating on work was an absolute impossibility. Alexandra’s mind continually replayed the previous day’s events. Surprisingly, after their discussion concerning Alex’s unusual relationship with the bartender, the date had gone well. Perhaps well wasn’t an accurate adjective. Wonderful. Delightful. Incredibly fun. Liberating.

  There was an unexpected sensation of liberation being seen in public as Garret’s date. It was different from being with him at a Chamber function, where their true relationship was carefully concealed. What exactly was their relationship now? He hadn’t whisked her off to the bedroom or indulged in any overt games of seduction.

  Alexandra hadn’t been dancing since her college years, and she had never been two-stepping. Although she loved country music, she had never been able to pry Ryan away to learn the dance. He simply hadn’t been interested. Garret loved to dance, and he patiently led Alexandra through the steps, teaching her by placing his hands around her waist and guiding her body with his. Perhaps he hadn’t taken her to bed last night, yet during the evening, a moment did not go by that Alex wasn’t excruciatingly aware of Garret’s physical presence.

  When she lost her footing, making a total mess of the dance, Garret would laugh and gently tease. When her feet seemed to find their way, failing to miss a beat, Garret would praise her with words and quick kisses to her face, catching her randomly on the nose, cheek, or forehead.

  Garret’s overall appearance seduced Alexandra. How he could make an ordinary pair of jeans so extraordinary was beyond her. Powerfully built legs, slim hips, and the nicest-shaped male bottom fit snugly into the denims. Below his silver belt buckle was the not-too-subtle reminder of his manhood, whose bulge was not quite concealed beneath the fabric. She imagined Garret must be fifty-one now, yet his health and vitality could easily match or exceed any thirty-year-old. How he managed to avoid gaining a middle-age paunch or how he maintained the hardness of his muscled body tone was a mystery to Alexandra. She imagined that, like Taylor, he was a member of a health club. Yet, the image of Garret belonging to such an organization was difficult for her to fathom.

  The most obvious transformation in Garret’s appearance was his loss of the ever-present tan, and the subtle change of his hair color. It wasn’t exactly gray, more glossy pewter. On closer inspection, Alexandra noticed that his original hair color was evenly distributed with gray, and it was still thick and wavy, longer than she remembered him ever wearing it. And clean. Garret’s thick hair was always freshly shampooed, shiny and soft, welcoming the inspection of her fingers or inviting the curious nuzzling of her nose to breathe in his fresh scent.

  When he drew her into his arms during a slower dance, she breathed deeply, smelling his spicy and seductive aftershave. The tantalizing aroma made her want to draw her body along his, pressing and urging for contact. Perhaps they didn’t make love on their first date, but Alex’s body tingled with life, filled with overwhelming sensual sensations and desire. She wondered if Garret felt the same way.

  He did. Garret chose to forestall these feelings. He wanted to court Alexandra. He wanted her family and friends to accept their relationship. No one knew of their past. It would seem improbable for a casual acquaintance to sweep into town and bring Alexandra tumbling into bed. Of course, they could resume their secret liaison. But Garret wanted no secret affair. Not this time. This time he wanted Alexandra. He wanted her one hundred percent.

  It wasn’t going to be easy. Waiting would be the most challenging feat of his life, especially when he held her in his arms and could sense her desire. She still wanted him. One thing Alexandra could never hide from Garret was her desire. He had first seen it in her eyes when he had kissed her at the Christmas party those many years ago. He had seen it again when she first saw him standing in the restaurant at Harrison’s party. After ten years, it was still there. She couldn’t hide it if she tried. He wondered if anyone else saw her need.

  Garret wasn’t being conceited when he recognized the longing Alexandra felt for him. If anything, he felt incredibly insecure where she was concerned. In the past, he’d always manipulated her uninhibited response to his touch. He knew what he was capable of doing to her body. She held the same power over him.

  Perhaps that’s why Garret managed to contain his jealousy toward Taylor. Garret had closely watched the exchange between Alex and the bartender. The bartender looked at Alexandra with obvious longing, but Alex had not reciprocated. Alex’s expression dismissed the man, much the same way she had dismissed her old boyfriend, Mickey, who had groped for a Christmas kiss on the same night Garret stole one. Garret had never seen Alexandra with Ryan. He would never know what her eyes would say about the husband. Garret didn’t think he wanted to know.

  By the end of the evening, they had become a well-matched dance team. Alexandra amazed at how easily she had mastered the steps. She wondered if Garret had gone Country and Western dancing in Chicago. Would they have such a thing there? She didn’t know, nor did she ask. Alexandra had no desire to share the evening with those memories.

  Perhaps Garret had never gone Country dancing in Chicago, yet it was obvious he had spent considerable time in Coulson dance clubs. Throughout the evening, he had continually been running into someone he knew. The people he ran into were surprised and delighted to see Garret; most were unaware that he had returned. What struck Alexandra as odd was how different these apparent friends were when compared to the well-dressed group of Harrison’s welcome-home party for Garret. Alexandra then realized this was Garret’s world. Garret only visited Russell’s and Harrison’s.

  Throughout the entire evening, when Garret introduced Alexandra to an old friend or acquaintance, he had draped his arm possessively around her shoulders or held her around the waist. Garret’s attitude toward Alexandra had been territorial. He had made it loud and clear, in his own quiet way, that she was strictly off limits. Staking his claim, he had hovered over Alexandra, reminding her of a wild animal protecting its mate. Fortunately, his attentions were never obnoxious or boorish. Yet, his presence was ever dominating.

  “Well?” Kate’s words snapped Alex’s mind back from her daydreaming. The younger sister stood before Alex’s office desk, wearing a long muslin dress and a short-brimmed straw hat that looked as if it had been soaked in water, reshaped into a more casual form, and dried before being adorned with a green ribbon hatband.

  “Well what?” Alex asked with a sli
ght smile. Sitting up from her slouched position briefly, Alexandra leaned back in her office chair and steadily met Kate’s gaze. Kate frowned at her sister’s comment and then gently pushed the office door closed, securing their privacy. Sitting down at one of the two chairs facing the desk, Kate looked expectantly at Alex. She also looked as if she had her own story to tell.

  “We had a wonderful time. Dinner, dancing. I learned the two-step. Then he took me home. It was very respectable.” Alex noticed the peculiar gleam in her sister’s eyes and the mischievous grin that kept pulling at the corners of her mouth. “Okay, what’s up, Kate?”

  “Since you had such a boring evening…” Kate began, leaning forward anxiously.

  “I never said it was boring!”.

  “I slept with Russy,” Kate burst out. She never could keep a secret.

  “You what?” Alex’s eyes widened in surprise.

  “He left some keys in my car, and I dropped them over at his office.” Kate was positively bubbling. “Oh God, Alex, it was great! Exciting. Right in his office!” Kate leaned back and gave an exaggerated sigh.

  “I don’t want to hear this.” Alex laughed. She was dying to hear the story.

  “Oh, it was so hot. Jeez Louise, Alex, who woulda thought conservative Russy could be so…? Anyway, I took him home so we could try again.” Kate sat up in the chair and gave her sister the most innocent of smiles.

  “You took him to your place?” Alex raised a brow.

  “All night,” Kate said with a nod. “That boy has stamina.”

  Alexandra began to laugh. Russell Coulson and her sister?

  “Alex.” Kate’s tone grew serious. “He curled my toes. Remember how you said Garret made you feel? I never knew it could be this way.”

  “What do you mean, Kate?” Alexandra was sincerely surprised. Unlike Alex, whose sexual partners numbered three, Kate had not lived her single years celibate.

  “I mean, I’ve never been with a man that made me feel like Russy made me feel. If only Tommy hadn’t burst in.”

  “Tommy? Tommy walked in on you?”

  “Well, not while we were actually… Fortunately, he didn’t come five minutes sooner or I woulda been wearing my birthday suit instead of my nightgown. Russell was just stepping out from the bathroom, buttoning his shirt.”

  “Boy, I wonder if old Russell felt a little déjà vu.” Alex chuckled. At last, she was able to laugh about that long ago embarrassing situation.

  “What do you mean… Ohhhh.” Kate began to laugh, realizing Alex was referring to the time Russell had caught her and Garret.

  “At least neither of you is married,” Alex half-joked.

  “It doesn’t matter. Tommy was just as bad.”

  “How so?”

  “He was furious with me for being with Russy. Something about Russy not respecting me because he’s a Coulson—whatever the hell that means—and that Russy will never be seen in public with me.”

  “Kate, that’s awful! What was Tommy thinking?”

  “I don’t know.” Kate shrugged. “But it doesn’t matter. Tommy called me at the art studio a few hours later and apologized. He said it’s okay with him if I see Russy.”

  Stunned for a moment at her sister’s words, Alexandra stared in silence at Kate. Then she broke into uninhibited laughter. Kate joined in. They found the absurdity of their brother granting permission to his forty-year-old sister hilarious.

  “You told Mom about going out with Garret?” Kate asked when she stopped giggling.

  “She called me when I was getting ready to go out,” Alex explained, her calm composure restored.

  “It’s going to be strange not having the folks here this Christmas,” Kate mused.

  “I know, but they’ve been planning this trip for over a year. Sounds like they’re having fun. So, when did you talk to her? I know she was trying to get a hold of you.”

  “I didn’t.” Kate shook her head. “Mom called our bossy brother. She mentioned it to Tommy, who mentioned it to me when he apologized.”

  “What did Tommy say about me dating Garret?”

  “Not as much as what he said about me and Russy.” Kate grinned. “He remembers you were friends in the Chamber. And he remembers Garret’s the one who saved you from those creeps.” Kate then abruptly changed the subject. “Adam’s still not going on that ski trip, is he?”

  “Ryan and I promised him last year he could go.”

  “But it’s Christmas. Won’t he want to be with you this Christmas?”

  “I think it might be a little easier for him to spend this first Christmas with his friends snow skiing, doing something totally different. If he stayed at home alone with me, we’d spend the entire day being painfully reminded of Ryan’s absence. I’m afraid Christmas would seem a little macabre. Next year it’ll be different.”

  “You could spend Christmas at Tommy’s.”

  “No way. Not with his in-laws over there!” Alex grimaced.

  “I guess you’re right.” Kate shrugged. “You could go with me.” Every Christmas, Kate spent the holidays helping to prepare and distribute food for the homeless.

  “Actually, I like that idea, but I can’t. Taylor asked me a few weeks ago if we could keep the bar open on Christmas Eve and Christmas.”

  “But you never open on the holidays.”

  “I know. But Taylor doesn’t have a family, and he says a lot of our regulars get lonely on the holidays. He thought it might be fun and profitable. I was thinking about helping him.”

  Chapter 42

  By the following week, Alexandra was beginning to regret her Christmas plans. Christmas vacation was just days away, and already Adam was busily preparing for the big ski trip. Alex wouldn’t be putting up a Christmas tree in her house. It would be her first year without one.

  The only redeeming feature to her holiday spirits was the return of Garret. Although she had been unable to find time for another date since their evening of dancing, he stopped by the bar every night after the dining room closed. He didn’t begin this ritual until after he asked Alex for permission. Garret, always seriously aware of the distinct lines separating business and personal affairs, wanted to assure himself that stopping by the restaurant would in no way interfere with the operation of the business. Alex found this concern highly amusing and almost reminded Garret that in the hospitality business, the guidelines weren’t as rigid as in Coulson Enterprises. She chose to reserve comment, aware that her observation would only serve to remind Garret of her night with Taylor.

  Garret treated Taylor with aloof reserve, glaring dangerously at the bartender whenever he addressed his employer. Taylor found Garret’s manner unsettling. He couldn’t imagine Alex had actually told Garret Coulson about their night of passion. Yet, it was obvious the man suspected something. To Taylor, Garret Coulson was no more than the new man in town, despite his family’s wealth, standing, and power. Used to the jealous glares of husbands and boyfriends, the bartender refused to allow Garret’s attitude to alter his own behavior. As far as Taylor was concerned, he was there first, not Garret.

  Motivated by a combination of male pride and a healthy dose of orneriness, Taylor found himself meeting Garret’s gaze with a bright smile and friendly words while flaunting his friendship with Alex. Taylor derived perverse pleasure by watching Garret glower when he addressed Alex with the familiarity of an old and dear friend. Yet, with the pleasure came an occasional spine-chilling sensation, and Taylor would wonder if goading Garret Coulson was such a good idea.

  Two days before the beginning of Christmas break, Adam began having second thoughts about the ski trip. He decided to share his reservations with Alex.

  “Mom, can we talk?”

  Alexandra was standing in the restaurant’s storage room searching for an unopened case of wineglasses. She startled when Adam’s voice broke the silence of the small room.

  “Oh, Adam! Hi, honey. How was school?” She turned to face him, absently dusting her hands onto her denim-cla
d hips.

  “All right. Can we talk about Christmas?” He was uneasy, hesitant.

  “Something wrong?”

  “I shouldn’t be leaving you home alone,” he blurted out, his face frowning with concern.

  “Don’t you want to go skiing?” Alex watched his expression closely.

  “You’re gonna be all alone.”

  Alex smiled. He wanted to go skiing, but he didn’t want to feel guilty about leaving his mother alone. Knowing he was actually considering her feelings warmed Alex’s heart. She walked over to Adam and drew him into a hug. Adam returned his mother’s embrace.

  “Adam, you want to go skiing, don’t you?” Alex asked when she pulled away.

  “Yes, but…”

  “Listen, I’m really touched that you’re concerned. Really. But you want to know the truth? I don’t think I could bear a Christmas with just the two of us rattling alone in our house. I kinda like the idea of thinking about you being with all your friends, having fun at some cozy ski lodge, laughing and enjoying yourself. And I’ll be okay. I’ll be helping Taylor, surrounded by familiar customers and friends. “

  “Mom, I’m sorry I’ve been such a pain in the butt about you dating.” Adam’s eyes begged for forgiveness. “Uncle Jimmy said I was being a spoiled brat.”

  “Uncle Jimmy? You talked to him about me dating?” Alex raised her brows in curiosity. She hadn’t seen her brother-in-law since her birthday, and she didn’t think he knew about her dating.

  “He said Dad would want you to be happy, not to be alone. He said I was acting like an idiot and to grow up.”

  “Uncle Jimmy said that?” Alex smiled.

  “He also said…” Adam paused for a moment and swallowed hard. “…That you were really a hot-looking woman and that if I thought you’d spend the rest of your life alone, I was more immature than he thought.” Adam’s unease over the words was apparent.


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