Coulson's Lessons

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Coulson's Lessons Page 28

by McIntyre, Anna J

  Stepping closer to the headstone, Alex sat down on the damp lawn, carefully tucking the long skirt of the dress beneath her. She was silent for a moment longer, and then she began to talk.

  “Hello, Grandma.” She leaned forward and laid the offering of flowers before the stone. Keeping one blossom in her grasp, she gently caressed the velvety petals.

  “It’s been a long time. I miss you, Grandma. I think a lot about what you used to tell me. I almost became a grandma. You warned me the years would go by this fast. You sure were right.” She paused a moment and began slowly tearing the petals from the stem of one flower, one by one.

  “Adam wanted to marry her and live at the house while they both finished school and went to college. He wanted me to help raise their child. I learned something about myself, Grandma.”

  Again, she paused and gently scattered the loose petals.

  “I’m a selfish person. I really, really didn’t want to raise another child. I love Adam, Grandma. I’m glad I had him. But I chose to have him. Remember when I asked you if you regretted devoting your life to raising a family instead of having a career? You told me you didn’t regret it but it would have been nice to have a choice. I hated not having a choice. But you also told me we don’t always have one. Things happen for a reason.

  “I don’t think Kimmy was meant to have this baby. I’m sorry for the pain she and Adam are experiencing. I imagine about now you’re thinking, there is a lesson in this for Adam and Kimmy.” She paused briefly, then added, “And for me.”

  Alex leaned down and gently spread the bouquet on the ground, arranging each flower in no particular order as she continued to talk.

  “Grandma, Garret’s back. I’m still in love with him. You told me once that when we choose our path, we shouldn’t waste time crying over the roads we could have taken. I tried to do that, Grandma, when I asked Garret to leave. I loved Ryan; really, I did. I loved our life, what we had built.

  “In my mind, I keep trying to understand why things happened the way they did. You said things happen for a reason.”

  Garret stood beneath the branches of a large oak tree, listening. He had been listening since Alex moved to sit before her grandmother’s grave. Several times he was about to step forward, let her know he was there. If nothing else, he should quietly slip away, allow her these private words. Garret could not move, could not speak. An inner force kept him fixed to the spot, listening.

  “I’ve been trying to sort this all out in my head. Finally, I came up with an analogy. It’s one Tommy would sure laugh at.” Alex absently played with the flowers, picking them up and allowing them to fall back to the ground.

  “It’s the best analogy I could come up with.” She lifted her eyes and looked into the distance, over the headstone, her hands now folded on her lap. She saw nothing beyond her own thoughts.

  “Imagine Ryan is pine and Garret is oak. I decide to build a house, and I consider all the available wood, pine, walnut, maple… but I don’t even know oak exists. I have the house about finished. It’s beautiful—my dream house. It’s comfortable, filled with love and capable of withstanding a lifetime. Then I discover oak. I prefer it to the pine. But what do I do? Tear down my house and start over again? That would be an incredible waste. Heck, I’m not even sure there’s enough oak to build an entire house.

  “Grandma, I loved Ryan. But honestly, if I found myself dating Garret and Ryan and hadn’t started a life with either one yet, I know now I would have chosen Garret over Ryan. Is that awful to admit?” She paused a moment and looked down at the scattered flowers.

  “But even that wasn’t in the cards. When I was dating Ryan, Garret had already been divorced and was onto his second wife. At that point in our lives, we would not have even considered each other. I was just seventeen and Garret was twenty-seven. It would have been impossible at the time. It’s as if we were meant for each other, but the timing was never right.”

  “Until now.”

  Garret’s voice caused Alex to startle; she swung around and looked up into his face. He moved toward her from the shadow of the nearby oak trees.

  “How long have you been standing there?” she choked out, incredibly embarrassed at his discovery of her one-sided conversation.

  “Long enough to know you imagine I’m akin to those trees.” He nodded to the oaks with a grin.

  Once at her side, his hands reached to hers and gently pulled her to her feet. Garret’s hands continued to hold Alex’s as he looked into her wide, hazel eyes. Sensing her embarrassment, he smiled and lightly kissed the tip of her small nose.

  “I love you, Alexandra,” he vowed softly. Dropping her hands, he gathered her into his arms and pulled her tightly to him. Alex’s hands fastened around his waist as she rested her face against his solid shoulder.

  “I love you, too, Garret. I’ve loved you for so long.”

  “You know, there is enough oak,” he whispered. Alex eased away from Garret and looked into his face, questioning. Garret’s fingertips lightly cupped her chin, bringing her gaze directly into his.

  “Enough to build a complete house,” he explained. “Alex, this time is ours. Ten years ago, it wasn’t. We stole it. You once told me you felt guilty for sending me away. I understand now that one of the reasons I loved you so much is because you were unable to walk away from your marriage.”

  He drew her back into his embrace and held her securely.

  “I had a long talk with Adam.” Garret’s breath fell on Alex’s neck as he spoke.


  “We’ll get through this. It won’t always be easy, but I know it will be worth it.”

  Peace. For the first time in recent memory, Alexandra felt an overwhelming wave of serenity and peace. Her derailment had ended; it was as if she and Garret together had picked up the railroad car that symbolized her life and dropped it firmly and securely back onto the tracks.

  Hand in hand, they walked back to their parked vehicles.

  Chapter 51

  One month after Kim’s miscarriage, shortly before Adam’s high school graduation, Adam and Kimmy decided to break up. The teenagers discovered that they were unable to deal with the enormous responsibilities and burdens they had placed on their relationship. It was a decision that neither party regretted.

  Kate had once told Alexandra that someone with Coulson money could own ten extra houses and the expense would merely be pocket change. Alexandra considered her sister’s assertion when Garret convinced her not to sell her house even though they planned to move into the Clement Falls cabin and Adam was leaving for college. After all, the house was the only home Adam ever knew. They decided to put the house in Adam’s name. He would always have it when he returned to Coulson.

  In a private ceremony, one week after Adam started college, Alexandra married Garret. Only Russell, Kate, and Adam attended the service. As a wedding present for his new bride, Garret had a vasectomy. Alexandra’s retirement from the Lucky Lady Restaurant and Saloon was her wedding gift to Garret. General management of the restaurant was turned over to Steve, and all accounting responsibilities were contracted out to Chamberlain Accounting.

  Adam, who was at last warming to the idea of Garret, was the only member of the family to question the wisdom of his mother’s decision. Aren’t you giving up your life for Garret? His sincere concern warmed the mother’s heart. At last, the teenager was seeing beyond himself, considering the happiness of another human. Alexandra patiently explained to her son that the restaurant was Ryan’s dream. As much as she enjoyed the business, it was not her love; it was Ryan’s.

  Exactly what did Alexandra want to do with the rest of her life? Adam wondered this question, yet failed to ask, assuming she really didn’t know.

  Alexandra knew. She wanted to be incredibly selfish. Amazingly, she wanted just what Garret wanted. Amazingly, Garret wanted just what Emily suspected. He wanted to travel, see the world, and maybe take a cruise or two. At this point in his life, he no more wanted to
be a daddy than Alex wanted to have another child.

  In less than twenty-four hours, Alexandra and Garret would be taking their first trip abroad—their destination: Scotland. Finishing their last-minute errands before leaving, Garret and Alex stopped at Kate’s to say goodbye. They brought with them a gift for Russell, who would be celebrating his birthday in two days.

  Kate was sitting crosswise on Russell’s lap, her legs thrown over one of his, her arms wrapped around his neck as she nuzzled his ear playfully. Kate’s front door was wide open; only the unlocked screen door barred the entrance. When Kate and Russell failed to hear Garret’s knock, Garret and Alex walked into the house to discover the cozy scene between their siblings.

  “Alex! Garret!” Kate jumped from Russell’s lap. She stood by his side, grinning like a fool. Russell, who was doing his share of idiotic grinning, smiled up at Kate and grabbed her hand, holding it possessively.

  “What’s with you two?” Alex eyed the couple suspiciously. She stood, holding the wrapped birthday gift with Garret by her side.

  “We’re getting married,” Russell said. He dragged Kate back into his lap.

  “Married?” Alex and Garret chorused.

  “You said you’d never get married,” Alex reminded her sister, eyeing the couple curiously.

  “I’m pregnant,” Kate announced cheerfully. At that, Garret and Alex broke into laughter.

  Alex prodded Garret’s ribs and whispered, “Thank God you got that vasectomy. Fertility is running rampant in this family!”

  Neither Garret nor Alexandra needed to ask if the pregnancy was welcomed; both Russell and Kate were beaming.

  After many congratulations, the foursome settled down to birthday cake and watched as Russell opened his gifts. Kate ran into the next room and retrieved a large, wrapped package, insisting Russell open his present from her while Alex and Garret were there.

  Russell eyed the gift suspiciously. Taking the long, oblong package in his hands, he estimated by its weight and size that it contained clothing. He dreaded opening the package. Russell had fallen in love with crazy Katie Chamberlain. She was off beat, unpredictable, amazingly honest, and one of the sweetest women he had ever met. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her feelings. She was, after all, carrying his child. Weren’t women supposed to be more emotional during pregnancy?

  Hesitantly he shook the box; the content’s rustle confirmed his suspicions of clothing. But what, exactly—a bright, multi-colored pirate shirt with monstrous sleeves? Perhaps it was a pair of those baggy, zany print pants with elastic around the waistband? He looked up into Kate’s eager eyes and took a deep breath. Okay, no matter how much I hate it, I will love it.

  As if the contents of the package might jump out and attack him at any moment, Russell removed the wrapping paper and carefully lifted the lid. Pulling back the tissue paper, he sat, momentarily stunned, as he stared at his gift from Kate. He said absolutely nothing.

  “Don’t you like it, Russy?” Kate asked softly, her face in a frown over his lack of response. Russell’s mouth broke into a wide smile as his hands dipped into the package and retrieved a handsome, classically styled, beige cashmere sweater. It was something he would have chosen for himself.

  “It’s absolutely beautiful, Katie. I love it.” Russell’s gaze met Kate’s. “I really do love you, Katie Chamberlain.”

  Chapter 52

  Golden shafts of morning sunlight escaped through the window coverings and fell across Alexandra’s sleeping face. She stirred and stretched, waking slowly, her eyes remaining closed. Overwhelmed by the sensation of being watched, her eyes opened, and she looked into the smiling face of Garret, who lay on his side, his upper body propped up against his bent elbow. He greeted her with his sweetest smile, fully revealing his lone dimple.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” Garret whispered. His lips placed a quick kiss on Alex’s forehead. Alex smiled lazily and stretched out in the unfamiliar bed. It was their first morning in Scotland.

  “Do you know what I like best about being married?” Garret asked as his hand brushed a trail along Alex’s forehead, down her shoulder, and dipped along the outline of her bare breasts.

  “What?” Alex reached out and caressed the side of Garret’s face. Ever so lightly, she placed one finger in his dimple and smiled.

  “Waking up with you in the morning. That’s the best part.” Garret planted another kiss on Alex’s forehead.

  She rolled away from him with her back to him for a moment before she snuggled up next to him, fitting her body along his, spoon-like. His arms wrapped around her possessively and pulled her tightly to his chest with her bottom resting against his awakened arousal. Absently, his hands fondled her breasts as his face nuzzled the back of her neck.

  “Life really works out strange sometimes,” Alex observed, snuggling closer to her husband.

  “How’s that?”

  “Here we are in Scotland at a quaint bed and breakfast. Back home, Kate and Russell are decorating a nursery! I never figured she would ever marry much less have a baby. If anything, Kate would have been the one to travel Europe, not me.”

  Garret pulled Alex tighter. “Russell was elated. I think he always wanted kids. I’m happy for him.”

  “Do you ever regret not having kids?”

  “Alex, I waited too long. I honestly don’t think I would have been a very good father when I was younger; it took me a long time to grow up. I definitely wouldn’t want to be a father now. Maybe a grandpa for Adam’s children someday. There’s really only one thing I always wanted, and I’m holding her right now.”

  Alexandra turned in his arms and faced him. Their noses were a breath apart.

  “You know what, Garret? You’re right. Waking up together each morning is the best part.”

  Coulson’s Secret

  Return to Coulson in Book 4 of the Coulson Series

  More than one person had a motive to murder Senator Coulson, including Kim’s high school sweetheart, Adam Keller, who got her pregnant and broke her heart. Tragically, Kim’s mother was killed as well. Was it a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was her murder intentional?

  * * *

  Kim returns to her hometown to unravel the mystery of her mother’s death, only to find more than she bargained for—a mysterious half-brother she never knew existed, the father who abandoned her, and someone is trying to prevent her from discovering the truth. Will she find the key to unlock the senator’s secret, before someone else dies?

  The Coulson Series

  Coulson’s Wife - Book 1

  Coulson’s Crucible - Book 2

  Coulson’s Lessons - Book 3

  Coulson’s Secret - Book 4

  Coulson’s Reckoning - Book 5

  * * *

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  Unlocked Hearts Series

  by Anna J. McIntyre

  Sundered Hearts

  After Sundown

  Sugar Rush

  While Snowbound

  Haunting Danielle Series

  by Bobbi Holmes also known as Anna J. McIntyre

  The Ghost of Marlow House - Book 1

  The Ghost Who Loved Diamonds - Book 2

  The Ghost Who Wasn’t - Book 3

  The Ghost Who Wanted Revenge - Book 4

  The Ghost of Halloween Past - Book 5

  The Ghost Who Came for Christmas - Book 6




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