Through Time-Slamming
Page 13
When she first realized what she was actually doing, she was distressed. She never wanted to kill anything. She was all about studying life and although her specialty was sea-life, she revered all life. That couldn’t prevent her from Slamming, and thrusting her sword into grotesque creatures who did not have a choice to be anything but what they were.
She told herself she was helping to save the human race and she watched her comrades kill those she had Slammed. She had rooted for them. The Fae had somehow become her family.
The choice was clear; they had to destroy the Dark King’s mistakes. They were a collection of horror, unable to empathize even with one another. Killing now was a necessity.
Every single Unseelie that had crossed over to the Human Realm had to be eliminated. Even knowing this, a wave of pity swept through her and she couldn’t help but wish it wasn’t so.
For now, all those thoughts had been shoved to another compartment in her brain. She had to put that behind because for now, she wanted to cling to Trevor. To touch him and be touched. She wanted his kisses, and the kisses she returned were desperate in response to his.
At some point he put back his head and whispered, “Jazmine Decker… everything will be okay…”
“Is it? I don’t know Trev. There are so many of them and they just keep coming. You have to promise me you won’t get killed. I can’t live an eternity without you. Promise you will always save yourself.”
He chuckled as she got angry, “It isn’t funny. Promise!”
“I can promise you that I don’t want to cease to exist. Especially now that I have you in my life,” he answered.
“Not good enough,” she said as her voice trembled.
“Jazmine Decker, I won’t let anyone kill me if I can stop them from doing so. What more can I promise and still be honest with my one true love?”
She made a whining noise and held him tightly.
“Hush,” he said as he nibbled at her neckline, down towards the fullness of her breast and then back up again to her earlobe. “Aww sweet life, you thrill me,” he said on a primal note.
She felt his lips burn her flesh as though branding her with his name and she was exulted by the sensation. She nibbled at his chest, his arms, down to his belly, covering him all over with her own hot kisses.
Hunger ravished her and she felt a gnawing in her stomach that needed to be satiated. That hunger was for him and she heard his name in her soul, calling for only him.
She wanted him more than she had ever wanted anyone in her life. She never wanted this touching to stop.
As he parted her lips she was overwhelmed with love for him and waited for his tongue. Waited with a yearning she had not thought possible. When that slow, expert tongue of his wrapped around hers, she tasted vanilla and honey. She knew that she would never share anything like this with anyone else for as long as she existed.
Her life now was entwined with his and she knew she would have his back. She would keep him as safe as he meant to keep her. How could they fail when they loved so strongly? They just couldn’t.
His kisses increased in intensity but he made no move to take it further and came away just a moment to say reverently, “You taste so good love, you taste like forever…I want this to go on forever.”
She responded with wild abandon. She pressed herself against him as his hands found and cupped her breasts. Tremors burst through her when he caressed her nipples and walked her backward toward their large bed.
All at once, he broke from their kiss and growled, “You drive me beyond reason.” He had her on her back and spread her knees apart with his knee as he bent and suckled her pert rosy buds. His kisses traveled over her belly. He nipped at her here and there and she pumped herself against his hand which had found the tuft of hair between her thighs.
He licked her as his fingers parted the lips of her love nest. She arched, thrilled with the sensation his tongue, teeth and fingers produced.
He worked her until she released a little cry and exploded with pleasure and then almost convulsed from the tremors of aftershocks her climax produced.
Jazz looked up at him then as he knelt over her, she saw his hard cock . She whispered, “Give that to me now, big guy. All at once…and now,” she said in a voice full with wantonness.
“This?” he said rubbing his hard huge shaft along her thigh. “You want me to give this to you? Where would you like it first?”
“I want to lick it,” she said hungrily. She was wild beyond reason for him.
He put it to her lips and she sucked it in, thrilled to hear his intake of breath. She then stroked it while it was in her mouth. She sucked it harder and then the next thing she knew, he took it away from her. He was rolling her over onto her belly, lifting her up onto her hands and knees with his massive arm bringing her into place. “Now, Jazmine Decker…shall I ride thee now?”
“Oh yes…yes…now…”
And he drove that cock home while pumping her hard. He worked her butt while he worked her clit. When she climaxed, he grinned and picked her up again. This time he sat on the edge of the bed and turned her around to face him. He fondled her breasts and told her, “Let me pleasure you love. Let me give you everything I have.” His voice was full of love and that love wrapped around her as though it were a living thing. She heard his hungry need as he told her, “ride me love. Ride me hard and fast and take all that you want for I mean to do the same…”
Alone with Morgan LeBlanc, Aaibhe took his hand, put it to her lips and spoke softly, “Morgan, the time has come for me to face the Council.”
“Face them? Ye should trod them into the earth,” he said irritably.
“Do you trust me?”
“With m’life and the human heart that never completely left m’chest when we became immortal. Aye then woman, I trust ye,” he answered her.
She loved that he called her woman. He saw the woman in her first and always. When she was with him, she could be just a woman in love.
She took a few steps with him as she opened the dimensional portal and with a gentle wave of her hand she parted the airwaves. They both stepped into the small and barren dimension Queen Mab had delivered the traitorous Council to think about what they had tried to do.
The Council members jumped as Aaibhe came into view and they all began speaking to her at once. She put up her hand and with the power that was hers, she silenced them. They physically were prohibited from speaking.
She watched them as some touched their lips in abject misery. Others lowered their heads. She could see that they realized the enormity of what they had tried to do. They had pitted themselves against a Royal Daoine Fae. It was obvious that they had remembered their Queen’s formidable abilities and it was also apparent from the sudden supplication that swept through the atmosphere, that they were remorseful. Perhaps for the wrong reason she thought to herself, but it would serve for a time. She could not help but notice that Banzar hung alone at the back of the group. He still meant trouble.
“You have forgotten that much of my magic was mine at birth. I am a Royal, a Daoine Royal, but I see that you remember that now.”
She allowed her gaze to travel over each one’s face until that particular member was forced to meet her look.
Finally, it was with grave sadness that she said, “Under Banzar, you have allowed yourselves to become unworthy of the positions you held. You allowed yourselves to think of your own needs above the needs of your brethren.” She paused. “You have forgotten why I formed the Council. You have forgotten that I never wrote in a provision to impeach your Queen. You have forgotten that I have sacrificed all that was dear to me; my home in Daoine, my personal needs, my personal happiness, to serve and protect Seelie Fae citizens, broken from the loss of our wondrous Danu!”
She saw the collective distress on their faces and proceeded. “You are not worthy to sit on a Council with Royals, because your essence has withered. You have forgotten why you were put there.
You were supposed to be the voice of your brethren, but you were not.” She shook her head. “My cousin, Queen Mab advised against it when I formed this Council. Apparently she was correct. The position of importance that you imagined you held evidently went to your heads and you forgot your purpose. You think you are more than you are.”
She paused for effect and then continued. “Beside me is Morgan LeBlanc, and although he dislikes calling himself King of the Milesians, that is what he is. The Milesians live in peace on Dravo because of him and his son. They have stood with our warriors today as they did not so long ago when Gaiscioch led the Unseelie. It was a thoroughly ugly battle today and once again, they have displayed themselves worthy of our trust.” She paused as her eyes swept over her Council members. “It is my intention when this war is over to become his Queen. It is his intention to become my King. Together we mean to open the borders between Tir and Dravo and become one Kingdom.”
A shocked glance traveled over their faces, but she ignored them. Their lips could not part to make more than a grunting sound of disapproval.
“You may think what you will, but your time is over. I will not banish you, though you deserve it for your opposition at a time when we needed to ban together to protect life as we all have known it. However, you will never be allowed to enter the Palace again, not even for a social event. It will be specifically warded against you…each one of you.” She shook her head. “I will advise my citizens, my Seelie Fae, of this day’s work and ask them if they wish me to continue as their Queen. You see I answer to them, not to you.”
“Go back to your homes and think of what you have done. Today the Human Realm, our glorious majestic Scotland, and our beloved green Ireland, were under grievous attack. Unseelie which we were honor bound to keep imprisoned have escaped in hordes too large to count and have attacked and eaten humans. Do you hear me? They ate them while they were still alive. We stopped them. Milesians, Daoine, and Seelie Warriors stopped them while you worried about yourselves. But it is not over. They will come back and try again and we must be ready.” She shook her head and scarcely took breath, “We shall not stop until we have the Dark Ones on their knees and when we do we shall return them to whence they came. As I said you may leave this Realm. I shall return your power of speech to you after you have shifted to your establishments.”
So saying, she flicked her wrist allowing them the power to shift. She picked up the train of her clinging silver organza gown, swept it around herself as she turned, and took Morgan LeBlanc’s extended arm.
He turned to smirk at the members she left behind, but he gave Banzar a warning finger and said quietly, “I shall be watching ye for the first sign of trouble. –I, unlike your lenient Queen, shall have no qualms aboot sending ye to everlasting hell.”
Pestale took a moment to gaze around.
Tropical and lush foliage, elk the size of elephants, and white-tailed deer as large as horses skipped over the tangled brush and greenery with graceful ease. He felt a growing rage.
Everywhere the vegetation was full with fruit and berries and he thought of the Dark Realm, where they had nothing. They had nothing! His father had created this Realm for a beast and created the Dark Realm for them. Because he wanted to atone, he created mist and fog and a lifeless dimension and forced them all to inhabit it!
“You did this for a beast!” Pestale said out loud and then gritted his teeth and shook his fists. “You unholy devil! You created this for the Gorka and the Dark Realm for us? We had to suffer your regrets and then your shame which you thought should be ours? We suffered through darkness and gray, wanting, and then you found your human, Crystal! You left us to wither while you went off to live your life with her! You are the devil! The devil the humans speak of…is you!”
Bitterness tasted like bile in his mouth.
Fury made his head spin and then he was twirling in circles as his rage took him out of control.
He tore up a whirlwind of vegetation which flew in every direction. All he could think was that the Dark King had always held himself aloof from an ugly world of his own making. He had held himself aloof from the experiments he conducted with life. He created monsters and leaving them to grope about trying to live on nothing. Where was the justice in that? One day, when he was ruler of the Universe he would find a way to kill Crystal and make his father suffer everlasting pain. That was his final goal.
His father had created Gorkum, this lush realm for the last of the beasts, Gorka. It was a veritable paradise. Luscious fruit was in abundance here. He, his brothers, and Morrigu rarely received any fresh fruit, let alone these tropical gems. Then only because Crystal would send it to them when she remembered they had nothing.
He knew that Gorkum had been created while the Dark King was still Queen Bridget’s consort in Danu. He knew from his father’s tales in those early days before Crystal, about the tragedies the Gorka inflicted on the Sluagh sect of the Daoine and on all Fae. That still didn’t excuse him. He could have maintained a brighter, better world for them in the Dark Realm, if he had wanted to.
He knew Queen Bridget had helped his father create this realm with the Wheel of Being. The Dark King had later coveted the Wheel. It was the cause of the destruction of Danu. The Dark King wanted what the Queen would not give.
He had delivered the Gorka to this realm as promised, but the female Gorka had not survived the journey or the magic of the pendant. He wasn’t sure.
A howling screech overhead was heard as he stared into the blue sky. He stood very still.
It was so blue. So very beautiful. So opposite of all the Dark Realm.
And then it came into view, a blot of ghastly shades of brown and red. The spiked featherless flesh dripped with some disgusting drool or fluid. Some might have called it the forefather of the dragon, but Pestale knew what it was—a problem solving beast and thus, supremely dangerous.
The Gorka. Fantastic to behold with its red eyes zeroed in on its meal, a rabbit the size of a lion.
It held itself in the air, hovering in place with its spiked tail flapping with anticipation of its meal. Before its flapping wings drew in for the dive downwards, head pointed at its goal.
A ray of controlled fire shot out of its dragon like mouth and cooked its meal before taking it in its large talons and flying off.
Pestale stood for a long moment.
This was not the time to capture it, because the dungeon wasn’t large enough to hold it. He would have to construct something larger.
Chapter Fifteen
MORNING CAME WITH a bright light and Jazz blinked against its intrusion. Encased in Trevor’s arms, she gently lifted his hand off of her breast and tried to slip out of bed.
“Where are you going, sweetlife?” he asked in a voice that made her never want to leave his side.
“I thought I would shower and get ready,” she answered. She touched his shoulder first before moving her finger down to his biceps and lovingly traced the pattern of ancient runes. “I like showers better than blinking myself clean.”
“Aye, so do I when you are there with me,” he said. He kissed her ear and added, “But no.”
“No?” she answered.
“Stay here. The only getting ready I want you to do is for me,” he whispered. His golden eyes caressed her face and then traveled over her body with explicit meaning.
She laughed and jumped off and away from the bed. She made it to the shower. As the wonderful many jets of hot streaming water covered her body, she felt his hand travel over her slick flesh. She felt his hard dick pressed against her rump as he bent her over slightly and fondled her breasts. The way he wielded his fingers over her skin turned her mind to mush and her knees were so damn weak.
“You have to teach me what you need from me. I want to know everything there is to know about you,” he whispered softly in her ear. “Like now, I feel your body tremble with need and I want to hear what you need…what, Jazmine Decker.�
“You. I need you now, tomorrow, yesterday, always,” she answered softly unable to hide the desire he wrought out of her.
“I have lived so many years, but now those years I realize were merely existing. This is life with you. Because of you. You make me stronger than I have ever been. I feel warm and hot, and cold and hungry. I feel like I can never get enough of you. I feel that you must be here right at my side, everywhere I go…Jazmine Decker…I feel so much.”
She turned then to face him and pressed her wet slippery body against his hard one while looking up and into those golden eyes. “Trevor of Lugh, you are the one.”
He grinned like a boy, “Well I better be.”
She laughed, but just as he bent to kiss her they both heard their Queen’s call, sharp and persistent in their heads!
Trevor made a rueful face and blinked them both out of the shower. Jazz sighed but there was no choice. Something must be wrong.
A moment later, as Jazz flipped a brush through her long blond hair, she turned to find a leather outfit on the bed.
A dark brown leather jacket, a black and skimpy tank top and matching black leather pants had been neatly laid out. No bra, but a black lace thong lay all by itself. Very sexy.
Trevor said, “you don’t have enough warrior clothes and I had a notion to see you in this.” She was wrapped in a towel and backed away from him saying with a laugh, “The Queen is waiting.”
“Then you best blink it on, before I get that towel off you,” he said in all his naked glory.
She gulped as she could see his hardness already waiting for her. Hurriedly she did in fact, blink on the outfit in total and stepped further away from him. She thought that this Fae thing of blinking clothes on and off was way cool.