The Deathlord of Ixia
Page 8
If the number you have picked is 0 or 1, turn to 50.
If it is 2–9, turn to 6.
Despite the distance you fall, you manage to hit the floor with cat-like grace and roll over to lessen the impact. The damage you sustain in the process is minimal: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
To continue, turn to 36.
Among the dusty, foul-smelling remains of the Ziog you find a small green gemstone on a platinum chain. If you wish to keep this Green Gem, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you keep in your pocket.
To continue, turn to 329.
You unsheathe your weapon just in time to fend off the creature's initial attack. A flash of lightning briefly illuminates the cave and, for the first time, you see the face of this mysterious beast: the sight is truly chilling to behold. Its mouth is a mass of twisted fangs and from its huge, bear-like body there writhes a score of slimy tentacles, each tipped with a venomous claw. Its reptilian head is domed and from its centre there protrudes a twisted horn, longer than a broadsword.
Illustration VI—The creature's body is a mass of slimy tentacles, tipped with venomous claws.
The creature retreats a few paces and howls with anger as it prepares to make its second attack.
You may evade the combat with this undead creature at any time after the third round by turning to 56.
If you win the fight, turn to 16.
You spin around to see a circular section of the floor disappearing. At the centre of this gaping hole there arises a plinth on which stands the awesome figure of Deathlord Ixiataaga. Jets of flame encircle his robed form, shooting up from the moat which now separates the plinth from the floor of the chamber.
The cloying stench of decay is overwhelming. As you reel backwards, you see the Deathlord raising the Deathstaff that hums with the terrible power held precariously within its haft. A ghastly laugh issues from his goat-skull face as he levels the evil weapon and directs its tip towards your heart.
If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 113.
If you possess the Power Spike, turn to 296.
If you possess neither of these Special Items, turn to 215.
Your lightning-swift reactions save you from certain death. The bolts crackle overhead, passing close enough to singe your tunic, before they explode harmlessly in the snow.
Turn to 221.
Drawing upon your knowledge of Old Kingdom magic, you whisper the words of the spell Invisible Fist and extend your right arm towards the approaching beast. You feel a surge of energy leap from your hand and dart towards its torso, connecting with powerful effect. The ghastly creature shrieks in alarm as it is sent tumbling backwards along the gangplank to crash into a group of skeletal warriors massing on the quayside.
Before the creature can recover, you leap to your feet and deal the gangplank a mighty blow, splitting it cleanly in two. Both sections collapse and splash into the harbour's freezing water. The creature and its skeletal minions can no longer get aboard the ice-boat but the danger has not diminished. The loathsome creature regains its feet; then it turns its icy rod around and points the blunt end at your head. There is a brilliant flash of light and a guttering ball of flame comes speeding from the base of the rod towards your face. Your reflexes save you — you dive for cover behind a tool chest and the fireball whistles over your head to explode into the decking. Howling with anger, the creature launches a second fireball, but this one is not aimed at you — it is targeted at the ice-boat's waterline. You feel the deck shudder and see tongues of fire leaping up all around. They spread with unnatural speed and within seconds you are engulfed by roaring flames.
If you wish to escape from this burning ice-boat by jumping into the harbour, turn to 42.
If you wish to attempt to reach the quayside by swinging from the rigging, turn to 201.
You dive and roll across the floor to avoid the onrushing bolt of energy. The massive flame-ball passes over your back and explodes at the far end wall of the chamber with devastating effect. It tears open a great hole in the steel-hard crystal wall, more than ten feet in diameter, and it fills the air with razor-sharp shards. Fortunately, due to your swift reflexes, you suffer only minor injuries: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.
As you spring to your feet, you suddenly see an opportunity to grab the initiative and carry the attack to the Deathlord.
Turn to 108.
The narrow passageway leads you to a chamber carved from glittering blue ice. Steps have been chiselled into its translucent north wall, a slippery staircase which ascends to a landing positioned high above the ice-cavern. As you climb the steps, the sub-zero temperature plummets even further, making you shiver involuntarily despite the combined protection of your Platinum Amulet and your Magnakai skills.
After a tiring climb you reach the landing to be greeted by the sight of an unguarded cave mouth. Through this opening you see a bleak and desolate wasteland of rock and ice. A blizzard is raging, whipped up by a fierce electrical storm that blazes above a distant mountain range. The jagged grey peaks are illuminated by the flashes of the storm's ghostly, blue-white fire.
After checking your equipment, you reluctantly leave the cave mouth and set off into the raging blizzard in search of the city of Xaagon.
Turn to 44.
The firmness of the mossy ridge makes the going easier as, reluctantly, you trek deeper into the mire. Infrequently you are assailed by small, slimy-skinned horrors which live beneath the mud of this rotting land. They rise up from their evil-smelling lairs and attempt to bite your legs and feet as you pass. All their attempts prove costly and futile; your speedy reactions and your Kai weapon skill makes sure of this.
After an hour or so, you glimpse something through the tangle of trees ahead which makes you stop and stare. At first sight it looks like a huge slab of stone lying on the surface of the swamp, but when you magnify your vision, you see that it is the flat roof of a stone building which is being swallowed very slowly by the mire. You sense that you are gaining on Tagazin and, with weapon drawn, you approach the sinking stone roof.
If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 229.
If you do not possess mastery of this Discipline, turn to 278.
You summon up a ball of psychic energy and project it at the advancing creatures, but at once you sense that your powers are weaker than normal due to the lingering effects of having passed through the shimmering curtain of light. Your mind-missile engulfs them, causing them to falter and fall back, but the effect is short-lived — they quickly recover and press home their attack.
In your weakened state, your use of Kai-surge costs you 2 ENDURANCE points. You cannot evade this combat.
Kajarda are undead. These beings are immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.
If you used the Sommerswerd, turn to 238.
If you win this combat in six rounds or less, turn to 32.
If you win the fight in seven rounds or more, turn to 213.
You steer the ship slowly along a string of narrow fjords which cut an uncertain route through this treacherous field of icebergs. Your hands, slick with nervous sweat, grip the wheel tightly and inch it back and forth in response to the pilot's frantic signals. It is a gruelling ordeal which takes its toll on all aboard. Every few minutes your vision is obscured by gusts of powdery snow which swirl across the deck, blown down from the tops of the surrounding ice cliffs. During these fierce blasts you often lose sight of the pilot and are forced to rely solely upon your Kai instincts to see you through.
The wind howls incessantly, accompanied by the tortured screech of the hull as it skims and grazes banks of submerged ice. The sounds
send shivers of dread coursing down your spine. The crew are also clearly terrified by the noises; they cower beside the ship's rail and stare up at the encroaching walls of ice, mouthing prayers, their eyes haunted with fear.
Then, almost without any warning, the snow-laden wind abates and the ship emerges from the iceberg field into the open waters of the Tozaz Sea. The crew give a hearty cheer, relieved that their icy ordeal has at last come to an end. One man pulls the cork from a bottle of black rum which he has been keeping for a special occasion. He takes a mighty swig, and then passes it to a comrade. Just as the second man is raising the bottle to his lips, you hear unexpectedly the pilot's voice echoing along the deck: ‘Ship ahoy!’
Fear returns to tie a knot in your stomach as you turn and focus your eagle eyes upon the distant vessel.
Turn to 195.
You spin on your heel and sprint towards the arched opening by which you entered this chamber, but the insectoids anticipate your action and they move with frightening speed to block your escape. Snickering evilly, they fall upon you from the sides and rear, using their barbed limbs to drag you to the floor.
If you possess a Green Gem, turn to 349.
If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 237.
Before you reach the cover of the ice-shelf, you are caught up in the avalanche and swept away to the bottom of the pass. Buried and crushed beneath the irresistible mass of ice and rock, your death is mercifully swift.
Tragically, your life and your quest end here in the mountains of Ixia.
The instant you project the correct number at the lockplate, the entire door begins to shimmer and lose its solidity.10 It becomes transparent and then it fades completely, as if it has evaporated into thin air. With a smile of satisfaction on your lips at having solved the riddle of the door, you step through the now-open portal and climb a set of stairs which await you beyond.
Turn to 180.
[10] This is the correct answer to the intricate lockplate in the centre of the green crystal door in Section 322.
You show Banedon your Korlinium Scabbard and tell him how you came by it. The seemingly plain belt and scabbard were given to you several years ago by Lord Rimoah, for a similar purpose — to conceal the power of the Sommerswerd from the Darklords of Helgedad.
‘I trust it will serve you just as well in Ixia,’ says Banedon, nodding his approval.
Turn to 22.
You pull away from the speeding missile but it curves in mid-air and impacts against your forehead. Vibrant flashes of white light instantly obliterate your vision and steely fingers of pain tighten themselves about your throat and chest. The force of impact knocks you clean off your feet — but you do not feel yourself hitting the floor. Instead, you experience a sensation of falling, as if you are twirling and tumbling endlessly backwards into the heart of a white-hot sun.
The pressure around your throat and chest is becoming intolerable. You fight against it, struggling desperately to control the mounting pain. Suddenly the agony melts away as your body succumbs to unconsciousness.
Turn to 171.
The moment you destroy the last undead warrior, the agonizing current which holds you captive suddenly disappears. You stagger away from the door, cradling your blistered hand which trails alarming wisps of blue smoke. Gritting your teeth against the pain, you draw on your Kai healing skills to repair the damage to your fingers and arm.
When you have recovered sufficiently to go on, you return to the door to find that it is no longer closed. The lock has opened, although there is now no trace of the Onyx Key (erase this from your Action Chart).
You push open the door carefully and enter a chamber composed entirely of polished black crystal, where you see myriad images of yourself trailing away into infinity within the mirror-smooth walls. At first you see only your own reflections, but when you cast your gaze around this eerie chamber you realize that you are not alone. Standing guard at an open archway are a trio of undead creatures, the like of which you have never encountered before. They are armed with barbed tridents which they hold loosely in their corpse-green hands. Suddenly they become aware of your presence and come scurrying forwards, their tridents raised in readiness to pin you to the wall.
If you possess a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 287.
If you do not, turn to 64.
You hit the snow and roll beneath the ice-shelf barely seconds before the leading edge of the avalanche comes roaring down. Tons of rock and ice engulf your shelter, but miraculously it does not collapse under the incredible weight.
When at last the terrible roaring ceases, you count yourself fortunate to still be alive. Buried beneath countless tons of snow, you begin the slow and laborious process of digging yourself out of this icy tomb.
Turn to 179.
As you slay the last of these golden-winged horrors, their torn bodies dissolve into a hot, steamy vapour which is carried away on a foul breeze. The few Lavas that remained with Tagazin, having seen what has befallen their comrades, now abandon the Demonlord to his fate. Tagazin curses their apparent cowardice as they take to the air and speed away.
For a moment you stare at the Demonlord and he returns your gaze; his bitter hatred of you burns brightly in his supernatural eyes. Then he turns and drives himself on towards the Shadow Gate. You give chase, determined to stop him, but you slow your pace when suddenly you see a wide rent appearing in the sky high above. Through a tear in the clouds you see a new host of Lavas come swooping down.
If you possess Grand Huntmastery, turn to 272.
If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 241.
The corridor gradually ascends to a high gallery which overlooks a chamber two storeys deep. A dozen undead slaves clad in silvery robes are busy attending to a vast machine constructed of quartz-like crystal and black metal. Through holes in its side they probe and manipulate long glassy rods which reach into the machine's core. From these holes there radiates a brilliant, ghostly light.
If you possess Grand Huntmastery and have attained the Kai rank of Sun Lord or higher, turn to 313.
If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 127.
You are making a cursory search of this derelict chamber when suddenly you hear something that makes you reach for your weapon: it is the grating rumble of stone on stone.
From out of a secret panel in the wall to your right come six skeletal warriors, each one brandishing a rust-pitted sword. The leading two move to block the staircase, preventing you from making a speedy escape. The remaining four stalk forwards with evil intent, their eye sockets aglow with sorcerous green fire.
Turn to 23.
You see that the Deathstaff is no longer vibrating with power. You sense that Ixiataaga has expended all of its unholy energy in one massive burst, in the hope of destroying you quickly and utterly. It will be several minutes before the Deathstaff recoups its dark powers — you must act swiftly if you are to turn this to your advantage. You raise the Power Spike and shout: ‘For Sommerlund and the Kai!’
Then, with a single mighty leap, you traverse the fiery moat and land on the plinth within an arm's length of the Deathlord's foul form. Your brave and bold action takes Ixiataaga aback, but he quickly recovers and, with unnerving speed, he spins around to counter your attack.
Turn to 77.
As the last skeleton warrior falls to your lightning-swift blows, you drag yourself out of the freezing water, across the bony bodies of those you have valiantly defeated, and stumble up the steps to the top of quay. You are met by Captain Lanza and his men, all of whom are clearly amazed that you are still alive.
‘We have this enemy beaten,’ yells Lanza. ‘We've slain more than half their numbe
r and the rest have their backs to the sea. Will you help us finish the job, Grand Master?’
‘Gladly,’ you reply. ‘For Kai and Ishir, we'll send them all to meet their unholy maker!’
Turn to 340.
You tug the Sommerswerd from its scabbard and a vibrant golden light erupts along the full length of its divinely-crafted blade. For the first time you see clearly the mysterious creature illuminated by the glow of your sword: the sight is chilling to behold. Its mouth is a mass of twisted fangs and from its huge, bear-like body there writhes a score of slimy tentacles, each tipped with a venomous claw. Its reptilian head is domed and from its centre there protrudes a twisted horn, longer than a broadsword.
As the goodly light of the Sommerswerd washes over its ghastly face, it ceases to advance and gives vent to a loud gibbering howl of fear. You seize the advantage and strike out at its throat with the tip of the sun-sword.
Ignore any ENDURANCE point losses you may sustain during the first two rounds of combat. Also, remember to apply all the appropriate bonuses whilst using the Sommerswerd against this undead enemy.