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Taming Mr. Charming (The Taming Series Book 2)

Page 22

by Nia Arthurs

  “You look like you’re ready for a vacation.” Peyton said, handing me a cup of ice water and sitting next to me.

  “I’m really glad that you and Melody convinced me to go to America for a couple of days, but don’t tell her that. It’ll just blow up her head.”

  “You’re not afraid that it’s going to blow up my head?” Peyton teased.

  “Oh, no. I can insult you anytime I want to.”

  Archie plopped in the seat beside me, “What are you guys talking about?”

  I nudged his shoulder, “We’re talking about my mad matchmaking skills and how I’m going to find you a good wife.”

  “Really?” Archie opened his eyes wide.

  “No,” I shook my head seriously, “I would never be a part of ruining some nice girl’s life by pairing her with you.”

  “Burn!” Peyton covered his face and shook his head on Archie’s behalf. One tattooed arm pointed in his direction.

  “She’s yours, dude. I feel sorry for you.”

  “Hey,” I protested, “I’m a catch. I only insult the people I love.”

  “So that must mean she loves me,” Peyton hooked a thumb in his chest, “She just doesn’t say the words.”

  I sputtered but had nothing to say to that. Peyton was right. I hadn’t officially told him that I loved him. He said it sometimes, but lately he’d kept the sentiment to himself. I’m not sure why I haven’t said it yet. I love Peyton. I am in love with Peyton. I thought he knew it without my verbal acknowledgement.

  Thankfully, Archie gained my attention before I allowed myself to freak out about that, “How long have you two been dating anyway?” he asked.

  I glanced at Peyton. I wasn’t sure. It felt like I’d known him forever.

  “I-I’m not sure.” I nudged Peyton, “Do you know?”

  Holding his hands up in surrender, Peyton shook his head, his blue eyes twinkling, “I’ve been trying to get with this girl since the moment I laid eyes on her. Don’t ask me that question.”

  Archie laughed and then the conversation returned to our upcoming trip and all the people that Melody wanted to introduce me to. She seemed particularly excited about a chick named Susan.

  “She was my assistant in L.A., but to be honest, she was more of a best friend. I loved this girl. We clicked like immediately.”

  Spencer, who lounged next to his girlfriend in a straight backed dining room chair lifted his fried chicken leg into the air as he said, “They clicked immediately because they were both equally imbalanced.” He used his free hand to tap at his temple.

  Melody threw a fry at him and it landed in his plate, “Hey, I resent that.”

  We all chuckled at their interaction. I glanced at Mel’s ring finger again and withheld a sigh. The guys were rounding their sixth month in Belize and Spencer still hadn’t proposed. It took all of my self-restraint not to call him out on why he was dragging his foot.

  “It was a really good drive, Mia. Do you plan on doing another?” Mrs. Reyes inquired.

  I sighed loudly.

  “I guess that’s a no,” Archie said.

  I chuckled, “I probably will, but not this year. That was a lot of work, but I couldn’t have done it without Mrs. Bethel.”

  The elderly woman’s head shot up so fast, I thought her wide window glasses would fly off of her face.

  “Mia, could have done it on her own,” Mrs. B deflected the praise.

  “Uh, that’s a negative.” I disagreed. “I really appreciate your help. I appreciate everyone’s help.”

  “Aw,” Melody sang out.

  I shot her a dirty look and then returned to the beautiful feast of fried chicken.

  The next time I saw the Reyes family, it was at the airport as Spencer, Melody, Peyton and I boarded the plane to L.A. The Reyes’ only drove us to the airport but Mrs. Rey had to quickly return to Mia’s Designs so that she could hold over for me. I loved that woman so much. The two hour flight was uneventful. Even though this was my first time on an airplane, I wasn’t as scared as I thought I would be. The flight was smooth and we made it to America in the blink of an eye. The guys had to leave us while we checked through immigration but we soon found each other once more and trekked through the crowds in the airport to the doors leading to the city outside.

  My first impression of L.A. was… overwhelming. Everything was so huge. There was a building across the street dedicated to cars. Cars! I was pleased to note the diversity of ethnicities milling all around as we crossed the street to the car rental place. I didn’t feel like the only dark-skinned visitor in a sea of whites.

  We didn’t wait long before Peyton and Spencer’s chauffer (yes, they could afford a driver and a fancy looking car) picked us up outside of the airport. I slipped in and noted the plush leather chairs and smooth lines of the interior. An artist had created this car. And I was distinctly uncomfortable with the excess it represented. Both Spencer and Peyton had their own place in separate parts of California but for the purpose of meeting his family, Melody and I accepted the Lowry’s invitation to spend the weekend with them I was really nervous about staying with Peyton’s family. Though I knew that it would serve the dual purpose of spending time with them and saving money on hotel accommodations, I kind of wanted to get to the house and get the introductions over with. Unfortunately, it took forever to arrive. The traffic was inconceivable and an hour passed before we saw signs of residential homes. My knees shook unconsciously and I wished that Melody would turn around and calm me down. I wouldn’t bother my girl though. Spencer and Melody were completely engrossed in each other and quietly reminiscing on the experiences that they’d had together in this city. I would have to freak out about meeting Peyton’s parents and making a good impression on my own.

  I shuffled in my seat and pulled at the hem of my mauve colored long sleeved blouse which I wore over blue denim jeans and an espadrille with a slight heel. I fingered a lock of my hair and twirled it around and around on my finger as I shifted in my seat again. I glanced at the man in the front seat. His name was Wesley. I thought Wesley was kind of cute for an old guy. The incredulous thought made me smile. I bit at the corner of my index finger and then brushed my hair back nervously.

  “You okay?” Peyton leaned forward and asked.

  “I’m good. I’m dandy. I’m as cool as a cucumber.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me, “Have you been watching Veggietales with Mel again?”

  “No, I have not.” I sputtered.

  He grasped my hand and linked our fingers, “Are you nervous.”

  “Duh,” I said obviously. I was either nervous or high. Hm, maybe drugs was an option to calm my frazzled nerves.

  I’m just kidding.

  “Don’t be. I told you, my mom loves you already.”

  “Stop saying things like that.” I scolded, “You make me nervous.”

  “You’re nervous all on your own, babe.” He glanced at my quaking knee. I quelled the limb and turned to Peyton, asking rather childishly,

  “Are we there yet?”

  “No, Mia. We’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  I grumbled, “Fifteen minutes to forever.”

  Peyton laughed and squeezed my hand in reply.

  Peyton lied. We didn’t arrive at his parents’ house in fifteen minutes, I counted down every second. We took twenty two minutes and four seconds to stop in front of a huge colonial style Victorian house complete with two supporting pillars and wide front porch.

  Fifty years ago, I’d have been calling these guys ‘massa’.

  I dispelled the thought.

  No more insecurities, Mia.

  “This is a really nice house, Peyton.” Melody commented from her seat beside Spencer.

  “It’s okay,” Peyton said humbly and then opened the door and assisting me out. As I stepped unto the gravel pathway that led to a garage, I noticed a couple come out of the house. A short lady with an elegant gold blonde hair cut and wearing my red tribal dress design stepped quic
kly toward Peyton. He dropped his bags and gave her a hug.

  “Hey ma.”

  She hugged him back and squeezed him tight, “Six months without seeing my son is too long.”

  He laughed lightly and allowed her to hold him for as long as she wanted. When she finally released him, Peyton turned to where I was awkwardly standing a few paces back and grasped my hand. He pulled me forward and kissed my temple.

  “Ma, this is the girl I’ve been telling you about.”

  She put a hand over her mouth and as it formed an ‘o’.

  I knew it. I’m too black.

  “You’re even more beautiful than I’d expected.”

  Oh… that wasn’t what I was expecting you to say either, lady.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Lowry. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  She hugged me and I could tell from the squeeze that she meant it. “Call me ‘Mom’,” She said.

  Whoa, I’m not ready for that one yet.

  “Or Pamela. Mrs. Lowry is my mother-in-law.”

  “Uh, okay.” I smiled slightly.

  Mrs. Lowry, I mean, Pamela then encapsulated Spencer and Melody in her arms.

  “I’m so happy to see everyone. I really am. But, I’ve kept you standing outside far too long, come in, come in.”

  I followed after her. Though I knew that I’d be battling my anxieties about this weekend for the next three days, I was glad to feel so welcome and approved of. Maybe this meet-the-parents weekend wouldn’t be so bad, after all.


  The guys handled the bags and Melody and I followed after the little lady. The red dress fit her well. I was proud of my design in that moment. Though Pamela couldn’t be younger than fifty, she didn’t look a day over thirty-five. The woman had a naturally smooth face, either she took really good care of her skin or her plastic surgeon was a god. Her dark blue eyes were sparkling beneath tastefully applied makeup. I could smell the subtle evidence of wealth in the Chanel perfume that clung to her in a fragrant cloud. I could see it in the upright bearing with which she carried herself, but just like Peyton and Spencer, her humility grounded her.

  She led us to the other person waiting patiently on the verandah.

  “Hi Dad,” Peyton and his father shared a man-hug. You know, the one where they’re trying not to squeeze each other too long. “It’s good to see you.”

  “What are they feeding you in Belize, boy? You look fat.”

  Peyton grinned, so I assumed that this was the Lowry banter at work. “It looks like you’ve been gaining a few pounds too, Dad. At least I have an excuse.”

  I smiled at their exchange. I liked Peyton’s father already.

  “And who are these beautiful women?”

  “Eep,” Melody whispered in my ear, “He called me a woman!”

  I rolled my eyes at her exuberance. Of the two of us, I definitely appeared older and more mature. My eyes had seen the world in all its dark, gory matter and it had aged me. Most people can hide their scars, but I wore mine like a label. Melody’s baby face and long often unruly curly hair leant to her younger appearance but the innocence in her eyes betrayed her optimism and inexperience.

  “This is the girl I’ve been telling you and Mom about, Dad. My girlfriend, Mia.” Peyton kept his arm around me and grinned so widely, it almost split his face in half. I could tell that he was really excited to be here, in this moment, introducing me to his family. It made me feel like a douche for dreading the introduction. I glanced at Mr. Lowry and smiled weakly,

  “Hi sir, nice to meet you.”

  Peyton’s dad was tall and straight-backed, built like an American football player. His hair was dark brown and he wore a no-nonsense razor moustache. I gazed at his hair and then at Peyton’s wondering where he’d gotten his unique auburn mane. I continued my perusal of Mr. Lowry. His nose was a little crooked and his ‘resting face’ was kind of intimidating. If I’d met him on the street, I’d assume that he was grumpy by nature and an over-achiever who for some reason got kicked out of the pro-football league and now projected his broken dreams of playing in the NFL onto his only son.

  But then I looked into Mr. Lowry’s eyes and saw the same baby blues that were reflected in Peyton’s. I felt instantly at ease.

  “Girl, do you know what a mistake you’re making by being with him?” Mr. Lowry teased, his eyes twinkling. His smile softened his face and dispelled any assumptions that his resting face might have made.

  “Yes sir,” I responded, “I do. But it’s a mistake I have to make.”

  Mr. Lowry laughed loudly. It was a warm sound that had me happily chuckling along as well.

  “Do you see that, boy?” he addressed Peyton, “She’s got spark. I like her. She could do better than you though, so you got lucky.”

  Pamela slapped him in the chest, “James Lowry, you stop that nonsense.” She then nodded to Melody, “This is Spencer’s girlfriend, Melody.”

  Mr. Lowry shook both of our hands and then spread his arms wide, “Well, welcome to our home.”

  He led us inside and I marveled at how pretty and clean everything was. The foyer led to a wide open hall with white carpeting and tan furniture. A huge flat screen TV rested on a white mantle. Picture frames rested on every conceivable place. I wanted to see a picture of Peyton’s older sister, but before I could something else arrested my attention. My eyes were captured by the sight of a sweeping stairway. It was gleaming and the mahogany brown railing was embedded with faint designs.

  My ancestors probably had fun cleaning that.

  Shut up, Insecurities.

  “Are you guys hungry?” Mrs. Lowry asked, “Felicia and I made an amazing chicken pot pie.”

  Peyton looked at me. I was too nervous to eat, but I knew that he walked around with his belly in his hands. It was a miracle that Peyton wasn’t fat the way that he ate all the time. I expected him to jump at the offer of sustenance. To my pleasant surprise, Peyton said instead,

  “I think I’ll go get Melody and Mia settled in first.”

  Mr. Lowry frowned, “Spencer, you’re not staying over?”

  The tall, Asian man shook his head, “I have some things to do back at my place.”

  Pamela sighed, “Okay, but don’t make yourself scarce, you hear me?”

  “I wouldn’t dream of doing that.” Spencer grinned lightly and looked at Melody with so much love; I almost hiccupped on my own reaction. “She’s here.”


  Mel giggled. I’d be doing some serious chaperoning this weekend. I could already tell. Pamela let us pass but stopped us before we could get too far.

  “By the way, we’re having a little get together tonight. Everyone is going to be here. You can meet all of his friends.” Pamela winked at me.

  “Ma,” Peyton lightly scolded, “Don’t overwhelm them, they just got here.”

  “I’m not overwhelming anybody. Melody deserves a graduation party and I intend to deliver.”

  “Just keep it small, Ma.”

  Mr. Lowry snorts out a laugh, “She doesn’t know the meaning of that word.” He said to us.

  Pamela shook her head and I heard them playfully arguing as Peyton led us up the stairs to the bedrooms. Melody and I followed right behind him with Spencer taking up the rear. Peyton led us down the hall and pointed to the door on the left, “That’s yours, Mel.”

  Spencer hefted Melody’s suitcases inside and she trailed after him. Peyton turned to me with a grin.

  “And this one is yours.” He said, opening the door with one hand and lugging my suitcase with the other. “By the way, what all have you packed in this thing? We’ll only be here for three days.”

  “The essentials, babe. I need my essentials.”

  “Exactly what are the essentials?” He questioned.

  I tapped them off with my fingers, “Five pairs of jeans, six shirts, seven pairs of shoes because, hey you never know, three party dresses, two casual dresses, my outfit for Mel’s graduation ceremony, a hair
dryer, a hair curler, a flat iron-”

  “Okay, okay,” Peyton stopped me, “I’m sorry I asked.”

  I caressed his cheek, “I can’t survive without my stuff, Peyton so don’t judge.”

  He grumbled, “I’m not judging. I’m praying that you never get shipwrecked on a deserted island.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him and said sweetly. “I can survive as long as you’re with me.”

  Peyton set down my bags, “Mia, I’m touched.”

  “I’ll need to eat something if the island has no other food sources.”

  Peyton gagged and I laughed. Turning away from him, I observed the room. It was gorgeous and huge with hardwood floors and walls painted a tasteful cream. A large four poster bed with a solid green bedspread stood in the center along with elegantly carved dressers, a closet, and a night stand.

  “Can I live with your parents forever?” I teased, admiring the room and floating to the two French doors that led to a small balcony. “I could be happy here.”

  “As much as my parents would love that, I think I prefer your little apartment to this place.”

  He closed the door and I arched an eyebrow, “And why is that?” I asked quietly.

  A smile flirted with his mouth and he stepped closer to the middle of the room, directly in front of me, “Privacy.”

  He leaned down and I put a hand to his chest, “What about our agreement about not coming into my bedroom.” I teased.

  “Technically, this isn’t your bedroom so,” He grinned.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I flung my arms around his neck, “Works for me.”

  Just before his lips met mine, the door in the left wall burst open. I’d assumed that was the bathroom so I was surprised to see Melody hop through it and fling herself onto my bed. I blinked slowly at her, attempting to rise out of my Peyton-haze. I stepped back.

  “Where’d you come from?”

  Peyton groaned, “I forgot that these rooms are linked.” He turned to me, “The house was built that way so the governess or nanny could get to the children faster.”

  Melody and I stared at each other, “Governess!” We yelled at the same time.


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