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Truth of Touch (Templer Series)

Page 6

by Duka Dakarai

  He nods, shifting uncomfortably, trying to disguise his own erection straining in his shorts.

  “Good. That’s it!” I jump up quickly, freeing myself from Jake’s grasp. I make my exit heading for the path leading to the chalets, shouting backwards at Jake. “See you at seven forty five, Jake”

  Play with me, Jake…..and I’ll only play harder…

  Chapter Fourteen

  The British High Commissioner to New Zealand serves as the Governor of Pitcairn and is assisted by the Pitcairn Islands Office in Auckland. The Pitcairn Islands Office is managed by a Commissioner appointed by the Governor. The Governor exercises legislative power, subject to the approval of the UK Foreign Secretary in certain fields. At island level, the Island Council, elected annually, manages the internal affairs under the presidency of the Island Mayor.

  All are in attendance at the dinner tonight. The formal dinner was expected to take place within the gardens of the Mayor’s residence but instead has been hastily moved inside due to increasing winds which have grown over the last couple of hours. The sky has developed into moody shades of grey, and the threat of rain hangs heavy in the air.

  The Mayor hands me a glass of champagne from the proffered silver tray before taking a glass for him. He gestures to the outside. “I feel the warnings about a storm heading our way may be true” He sighs.

  “I was assured we have nothing to fear. That it will quickly pass through” I respond, downplaying any inner concern I may still harbour.

  “Indeed. And a storm will only keep you here a little longer” He winks cheekily at me. I laugh with him, playing along.

  Jake joins our party, placing a light hand at the base of my back. He has forgiven me for playing him earlier although I am still aware I need to keep my wits about me in case of payback. The Mayor, Jake and the High Commissioner enter into a deep conversation regarding the proposed construction project. I listen intently as Jake sensitively discusses the emotive project. I notice a deep frown appear on the brow of the Mayor.

  “I know I am the last to sign the full agreement. It’s no reflection on Templer Industries, and certainly not personally on you Jake. But I can’t help what my heart is telling me…….and that maybe it’s not too late to withdraw. It will mean such a huge change to the landscape of the Island….and to the lives of the Islanders. I’m still uncertain.”

  I feel Jake struggle with tension, vibrating down to his very fingertips on my back. The progression of this project is being watched by the worlds’ building and construction media. I see him stifle a huge breath, instead trying to remain unaffected and calm. I feel a pull in my chest for his anxiety, and before I can reason it away, I open my mouth to speak.

  “Pitcairn's economy is essentially self-sufficient I believe, Mr. Mayor through the exchange of fish, horticulture and handicrafts. Equally, the sales of fruits, honey, postal stamps, in addition to the registration of Internet Domains play an important role in Pitcairn's economy? (Eco) tourism in Pitcairn has economic potential, I understand, however access to the territory would need to be improved. Do I recall reading that the Island Council would like to expand its potential to increase (Eco) tourism to support its traditional industries?”

  Jake flashes a look at me. I can read the beginnings of panic in his eyes. The Mayor, however, bats away Jake’s anxiety with a wide smile. He gestures for me to continue.

  “I’m listening. Please finish your point.” He nods gently in my direction.

  “Templer Industries are highly sensitive to these issues. They have as you may know won many international awards for conservation and green developments. The proposed Complex is not intended to be a blot on the beautiful landscape, instead, it is hoped to be the instigator of starting the (Eco) tourism for the Islands. The build will be entirely co-produced with the population of Pitcairn drawing on the knowledge and needs of the Island. In addition, to support this, Templer Industries will be required to increase the essential access that the Island will need to enable this potential.” I smile shyly at the Mayor, hoping I have not completely blown the project apart. I sneak a glance at Jake who is wide eyed and open mouthed.

  The Mayor grins broadly at Jake, before reaching forward to grasp my hand. He studies my face for a moment before speaking. The momentary silence is heavy in the air.

  “I think, Jake, it was a very smart move on your part to have Mia at this dinner tonight. I’ll see that the papers get signed first thing in the morning. Now that you have convinced me, Mia, shall I escort you to your seat at the dinner table?” The Mayor offers his arm and I accept with a playful curtsey.


  Nearly three hours later, with full stomachs and heads giddy with alcohol, Jake and I make our leave of the Mayors residence. The winds have increased considerably and you can hear the waves building and crashing thunderously in the sea. He grabs my hand, in haste, pulling me along the path that winds towards our chalet compound. There are the beginnings of the heavy pitter patter of raindrops falling on our shoulders as we hunch together gathering our pace before the rains set in.

  He halts abruptly sending me almost crashing into his back. Turning quickly, he sweeps me into his arms, holding me against him tightly. “You were incredible this evening, Mia. I don’t know how to express it any other way. Thank you.” He tilts his head, kissing my forehead and my cheeks. His eyes stare hard into mine. “I desperately want to kiss you properly.” And just as quickly, he heads off again along the path, pulling me along behind him.

  A shock of lightening followed quickly by a roar of thunder cracks directly above our heads causing us both to jump. And within seconds, the rains descend upon us, lashing on our skin. We pick up the pace running through the long grasses that overhang the path. We still have a ten minute dash before we make it into our respective chalets. Before many minutes have passed, we are drenched, our light clothing clinging to our bodies, our hair stuck to our faces. Jake throws a look in my direction as another crack of thunder ricochets through the air. He is stunned to find me laughing.

  He stops briefly seeking the answer to my laughter. “What’s so funny?” He shouts above the noise of the rain and thunder, a smile also beginning to play on his own lips.

  “I don’t know why I’m laughing.” I shout back, laughing tears down my face. “This is surreal….like some movie or something!”

  “Fuck… are the most beautiful drowned rat I have ever seen!” He beams broadly at me, his own tears of laughter springing at his eyes.

  We laugh goofily together, looking at our bodies with clothes stuck to our skins. We make to run again before Jake falls in the now sloppy mud pathway, taking me along with him. Our legs are now heavy with laughter making the last remaining few metres more of a struggle. Finally, we reach the edge of the encampment, noticing most of the chalets are in darkness apart from the flickers of candle light.

  “I think the electricity must be out because of the storm” Jake shouts. “Will you be ok?”

  “Sure. I’ll peel this lot off, dry off and head straight into bed. Night Night” I plant a small kiss on his cheek before rushing into the darkness of my own chalet. I hear Jake stumble into his chalet next door.


  It is pitch black. The rain is pounding down on the roof and as I search about in the darkness for a towel, I begin to wonder if I will actually get any sleep tonight from the noise.

  I feel my way across the wooden walls reaching the small en-suite bathroom and start to peel the sodden clothes from my body. I fumble for a large bath towel, wrapping it around my body.

  I have nearly reached my bed when suddenly an arm reaches around my throat, jerking me roughly onto the bed. I cry out but the scream gurgles in my closed throat. The attacker’s body falls on top of mine, heavy and sweaty. I lash out with my hands and legs as hot breath reaches my neck. Again I cry out, louder this time, the scream reaching past my throat. A large hand grabs for my breast, pulling at my towel in desperation. The stench of alcohol and
sweat fills my nostrils, wet lips biting at my neck. I kick out with all my strength, pushing against the weight of the body on top of me.

  “STOP! HELP!” I scream out of my lungs with all my might, the words burning in my throat. Tears of panic sting at my eyes as I scratch and fight against my attacker.

  The door of my chalet bursts open, and I catch a glimpse of two figures cast in torchlight before I throw myself off the bed and crawl into the safety of the corner of the room. I wrap my arms tight around my bent legs, sobs and screams raking through my body.

  “You fucking bastard…..I’ll fucking kill you!” I hear Jake’s roar as he lunges at the man trying to flee in the darkness. The other figure lunges too trapping the attacker against the door frame. I hide my eyes as I hear the sounds of fists hitting flesh and as quickly silence comes.

  I sit shaking and rocking in the corner, listening to the commotion of someone being dragged away from my chalet. I am paralyzed with fear pinning me to the corner, unable to move. A torch light enters the room and a hand reaches to touch my shoulder.

  “Get away from me!” I scream out again, lashing out.

  “Mia, it’s me. Jake. He’s gone. You’re safe now.” He tries again to touch my shoulder with his hand.

  I lash out again with both my arms and legs. “Get away! Get away….you’re all the same…. Get away from me!” I scream out in anger and fear.

  I continue to punch out with my fists as he pulls me into him tightly, wrapping himself around me. He takes my blows one after another as I sob and fight against him. He silently rocks me back and forth “Shh now, it’s okay. Let it out” He whispers tenderly in my ear as I continue to rain punches against his body.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I have no idea how much time has passed. But as I pull my swollen, tear savaged eyes open, there is a faint light shining through the windows of my chalet. I guess dawn must be about to break. I cannot hear the rain on the roof as assume the storm as now ceased. I am still on the floor with Jake wrapped tightly around me. As I stir, he brushes soft lips across my forehead.

  “Hey” He whispers in my ear.

  I don’t know when I fell asleep but memories of last night begin to flood my brain. And I remember, before exhaustion hit me, raining punch after punch on his body. He did not flinch. He let me fight my demons until I could fight no more.

  I turn my head into his chest as another sob reaches my throat. This time the tears are for what I put him through. He deserves to know why I reacted like that but where do I begin….

  “I’m sorry Jake” I mumble as I bury my face tighter into his body.

  “Baby, you don’t need to say sorry.” He lifts my face to look in my eyes.

  “But I hurt you….hit you… were trying to help me, comfort me” I can feel the tears starting to choke in my throat. I don’t want to cry. I want to tell him the truth.

  “Come on, let’s get you off this floor. Do you want to sit in a chair or get into bed?” He searches my face, concern etched on his face.

  “Jake? I….I….don’t want to be in here. Will you take me to your chalet?”

  “Of course. Anything you want. Let’s get you dressed first.”


  In a matter of minutes, we are in Jake’s chalet. He helped me dress and gathered up some of my belongings so I don’t need to go into my chalet until I want to. Alex has arrived with a tray with tea. I glance up to smile thank you and note that his face is ashen, etched with pain. Another engineer stands in the doorway, speaking to Jake in hushed tones. I vaguely recognise that it was him that burst in my door last night with Jake. Jake responds to him gruffly.

  “So he’s in Adamstown? When do they want to speak to Mia?”

  “He said later today will be fine. As Dave as an employee of Templer, they want to know what are the next steps will be from that perspective. Obviously they want to charge him with assault or attempted rape, but will determine that when Mia gives her statement.” The engineer hands Jake a card before concluding. “I’ll head out to the site as I guess you’ll want to stay here? I’ll check in with you in a couple of hours?”

  Jake nods abruptly. “I’m not leaving her. I’ll be with her when she gives her statement too. Thanks, Terry, I’ll ring you in a bit”

  Jake closes the door to the chalet, and begins to pour the tea. He eases himself slowly into the chair opposite mine. His face is crinkled with a deep frown, his jaw tight and tense. He obviously has not slept as his eyes are dark and hooded.


  He turns, lifting himself out of his chair again, before crouching by my chair. “Yes, babe?”

  “Was it Dave Bennett that attacked me last night?”

  His jaw tightens further before he responds. He nods not making eye contact. “Yes”

  “Is he with the Police? In Adamstown?”

  Again, he nods.

  “What will happen now… him?”

  “When you have made your statement, he will be formally charged. Then either escorted to Auckland or remain here on the Island on remand I guess. We’ll find out more when we talk to the Police. I stayed with you while Terry dealt with it all. But try not to think about it now, ok?”

  “Have you spoken to Drew? Oh, this is such a mess… fault for being here….” A sob breaks through the words as they spill out of my mouth.

  Jake pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. “Don’t even think that, Mia. None of this is your fault. I….I wish I’d never brought him here……I knew he was trouble….didn’t like him….” He shakes his head, anger burning in his face.

  I pull away from him to look at his face. “Don’t Jake. This isn’t your fault either…..please don’t do that to yourself!” A singular tear rolls down my cheek. “Will you just hold me for a while?”

  “Yes, baby….come here.” He begins to stretch his arms out towards me.

  He looks momentarily confused as I stand and make towards the bed. I motion to him to join me as I begin to lie down. He slides down gently next to me and wraps himself around me. We lay together in silence, comforting one another, no words for are needed.


  We must have drifted into sleep. I waken with a dry mouth and a groggy headache. I sit up and see Jake through the window of the chalet, speaking in harsh tones on his mobile.

  “Terry had to pull me off the bastard. I wanted to kill him……fucking knew he was trouble! Drew, I hope the he rots… less than he deserves.” He spits each angry word out to his brother. “Yeah, he’s in Adamstown. Oh, I made sure he knew his ass was fired…..with my fist!”

  He continues his discussion for a few moments more, before glancing through the window. He sees me awake now and watching him on the phone. He cuts the call and re-enters the chalet.

  I gesture to his phone. “So Drew knows? Is he upset?”

  “He’s angry, like me. Dave should never have been here. We’ll both do everything to make sure he gets what’s coming to him. Drew is heading home now to tell Tilly…..I’m sorry if I woke you…..I just needed to fill Drew in, you know”

  “You didn’t wake me. Tilly will be frantic. I’ll need to ring her. But first I need to see the Police and make my statement. And then I think I need to tell you something……I feel you deserve that at least.”

  “I’ll follow your lead, baby….. you don’t owe me any explanation but I will listen. And then later I want to talk to you too.” He leans in to cup a hand on my face, brushing a soft kiss on my forehead.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Pitcairn’s solitary Police Officer also holds the responsibility of Customs and Immigration agent to the Island. He is a kindly man with a soft Scottish accent having taken the post at the annual recruitment drive. Throughout my telling of last nights’ incident, he has listened intently with an empathic moistness in his eyes. Like Jake, he represents comfort and safety, and incredibly, has made revisiting the attack less traumatic than I had imagined. Jake and I leave the statio
n feeling relieved in the knowledge that Dave will be charged with assault.


  Prior to heading to the Police Station, Jake had arranged for some food to be delivered to the chalet for our return. Instead of eating there, we pack up the fresh fruit salads, breads and cheese and head to the beach. I want to talk, as does he, and feel that the chalet will be claustrophobic. I grab some cold beers from the chalet owner before we start on the path.

  Once on the beach, we settle on a blanket and begin to eat. I take a swig of beer and let out a deep breath. This is going to be difficult, and as anxiety builds, I’m not entirely sure if I am ready…..or even if I want Jake to know. Jake senses my hesitation and squeezes my hand. I smile weakly at him as my lip begins to tremble. He shakes his head softly at me.

  “You don’t need to talk….or say anything. Don’t feel that you have to, Mia.”

  “No, it’s time. It’s just that no-body knows……not even Tilly. But last night…… brought it all back and that’s why I lashed out. I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

  “Stop. You didn’t hurt me, ok? But you said it brought it all back? This isn’t the first time someone has hurt you or attacked you… that what you are saying? Oh, baby.” He tries to hold me in his arms but I push away.

  “No, Jake. Please don’t touch me. I need to talk……and if you really want to know….then just listen….please no words and no touching me, ok?”

  “I’m sorry. I’ll listen. Tell me when you’re ready.” He eases himself a small distance away, giving me room.

  I take a few deep breaths and another couple of gulps of beer before speaking.

  “It began when I was fifteen……not long after I was discovered by a model scout. My mother used to escort me to all my shoots as this is required. However one particular shoot was offered at a time when she was snowed under at work. My manager said that he would escort me but on the day, he didn’t turn up so I went alone. The shoot was fine although I was more nervous because I was there on my own. Afterwards the photographer said he would take me to the train station for safety…..but he didn’t…….he drove me to the edge of a secluded park, and said I had to pay him if I wanted to get more work. I was naïve and stupid….I didn’t know what he meant. That’s when he forced himself on me. Afterwards, I was so scared that my mother would blame herself for not being there and that I wouldn’t be believed so I told no-one.”


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