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The Metaphysical World of Isaac Newton

Page 47

by John Chambers

29. Plutarch, Lives and Ancient Greeks and Romans, 81.

  30. Plutarch, Lives of Ancient Greeks and Romans, 83.

  31. Plutarch, Lives of Ancient Greeks and Romans, 87.


  1. Diogenes Laertius, “Pythagoras,”>; see also Guthrie, Pythagorean Sourcebook, 150.

  2. Iamblichus, in Guthrie, Pythagorean Sourcebook, 103–4.

  3. Heath, Aristarchus of Samos, 57.

  4. Aristotle, On the Heavens,

  5. Aristotle, On the Heavens, 385.

  6. Simplicius qtd. in Heath, Aristarchus of Samos, 96.

  7. Heath, Aristarchus of Samos, 96.

  8. Newton, “Draft Scholium to Proposition 9, Principia,” qtd. in McGuire and Rattansi, “Newton and the ‘Pipes of Pan,’” 119.

  9. Dreyer, History of the Planetary Systems, 141.

  10. Guthrie, Pythagorean Sourcebook, 144.

  11. Plutarch, Lives of Ancient Greeks and Romans, 80.

  12. Guthrie, Pythagorean Sourcebook, 127.

  13. Iamblichus, qtd. in Guthrie, Pythagorean Sourcebook, 90.

  14. Guthrie, Pythagorean Sourcebook, 90.

  15. Diogenes Laertius, “Pythagoras,”; see also Guthrie, Pythagorean Sourcebook, 150.

  16. Guthrie, Pythagorean Sourcebook, 126–27.

  17. Kingsley, A Story Waiting to Pierce You, 154.

  18. Zeller, Outlines, 47–48.

  19. Newton, “Irenicum,”

  20. Guthrie, Pythagorean Sourcebook, 168.

  21. Vilenkin, Many Worlds in One, 200.

  22. Vilenkin, Many Worlds in One, 200–201.

  23. Aristotle, Metaphysics, 1.5.504.

  24. Plutarch, Plutarch’s Lives, 121.

  25. Qtd. in McGuire and Rattansi, “Newton and the ‘Pipes of Pan,’” 117.

  26. Maclaurin, qtd. in McGuire and Rattansi, “Newton and the ‘Pipes of Pan,’” 117.

  27. McGuire and Rattansi, “Newton and the ‘Pipes of Pan,’” 117–18.

  28. Gouk, “The Harmonic Roots of Newtonian Science,” 101.

  29. Isacoff, Temperament, 32.

  30. Isacoff, Temperament, 32.

  31. Qtd. in McGuire and Rattansi, “Newton and the ‘Pipes of Pan,’” 119.

  32. Newton, “Out of Cudworth,”

  33. Manuel, A Portrait, 364–65.

  34. Iliffe, Newton: A Very Short Introduction, 21.

  35. Qtd. in Vilenkin, Many Worlds in One, 85.

  36. Rattansi, “Newton and the Wisdom of the Ancients,” 185.

  37. Rattansi, “Newton and the Wisdom of the Ancients,” 185.

  38. MathPages, “Prisca Sapientia,”

  39. Miller, 137: Jung, Pauli, and the Pursuit, 126–27.

  40. Miller, 137: Jung, Pauli, and the Pursuit, 198, 201, xxi, 177–78.

  41. Miller, 137: Jung, Pauli, and the Pursuit, xx, 179.


  1. Qtd. in Biot, Life of Sir Isaac Newton,

  2. Qtd. in Westfall, Never at Rest, 535.

  3. Westfall, Never at Rest, 534.

  4. Westfall, Never at Rest, 534.

  5. Westfall, Never at Rest, 535.

  6. Westfall, Never at Rest, 535.

  7. Manuel, A Portrait, 111.

  8. Westfall, Never at Rest, 617.


  10. Westfall, Never at Rest, 479.

  11. Manuel, The Religion of Isaac Newton.

  12. Qtd. in Iliffe, Newton: A Very Short Introduction.

  13. Dick, Francis Bacon, xv.

  14. Klein, This Changes Everything, 170.

  15. “Marcellus,” in Plutarch, Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, 376.

  16. “Marcellus,” in Plutarch, Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, 376.

  17. Plutarch, Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, 377.

  18. Qtd. in Brewster, Memoirs, 2:31.

  19. Plutarch, Lives of the Ancient Greeks and Romans, 378.

  20. Godwin, foreword, Pythagorean Sourcebook, 11.

  21. Newton, “Notes on Ancient Religions,”

  22. Gjertsen, “Newton’s Success,” 39–40.

  23. Newton, “Original Letter from Isaac Newton to Richard Bentley, dated 10 December 1692,”

  24. Manuel, The Religion of Isaac Newton, 48.

  25. Newton, Optics, 3, 1, 2nd ed., 543.

  26. Dolnick, The Clockwork Universe, 307–8.

  27. Newton, “A Short Schem of the True Religion,”

  28. Newton, Principia, “General Scholium.”

  29. Whiston, New Theory, book 1, “Lemmata.”

  30. Newton, Principia, 3, 369.

  31. The author is indebted to Steven Sittenreich for much of the material in this paragraph.

  32. Noam Chomsy, “With Trump Election, We are Now Facing Threats to the Survival of the Species,”

  33. Dobbs, Janus Faces of Genius, 87.

  34. Newton, “Untitled Treatise on Revelation,” section 1.4,

  35. Iliffe, Newton: A Very Short Introduction, 97.


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