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The Metaphysical World of Isaac Newton

Page 51

by John Chambers

Nostradamus, 192, 299, 299n

  Numa Pompilius, 342–45

  Observations . . . (Newton), 18,

  23–24, 126, 132–33, 148, 169

  “Of Motion” (Newton), 241

  Ogygia/Gozo island, 288–89, 296,

  297, 298, 299–300

  Ogygia island, 289, 294–95

  On the Church (Newton), 61–62

  Oppenheimer, Robert, 384

  optical research, 221, 240, 318,

  323–24, 328, 373

  Optics (Newton), 2–3, 330, 381–82

  Optics/Opticks (Newton), 228n

  Origen Adamantius, 50, 100, 100n,

  154, 326–27

  Oughted, William, 178

  ὁμοούσιος (“consubstantial,” “of one

  substance”), 75–77, 398–401

  Pagels, Elaine, 20, 128, 129, 139n

  Paine, Harrington Spear, 20

  Palestine/Palestinians, 12, 28, 34,

  87–88, 174–75, 187, 188,

  189–90, 191–92

  papacy, 22–23, 28, 52–53, 54, 154,

  163, 164, 165–67, 187, 219, 219n,

  262, 308, 369

  “Paradoxical Questions concerning

  the Morals and Actions of

  Athanasius and His Followers”

  (Newton), 12, 63, 65–70, 84,

  148, 149–50

  Anthony (saint), 70, 120, 121–28,


  Arius’s mythical death, 77, 79–81,

  83, 113, 114, 119

  celibacy, 123, 125

  corruptions of Scripture, 69, 76–77

  Council of Tyre, 97–106, 109–10,

  111–12, 113, 114, 119, 258

  forged letters by Athanasius, 93,

  105–6, 111–12, 113–14, 119

  Gibbon on, 115

  idolatry/religious relics, 124,


  Manuel on, 76–77

  rituals, 125–26

  severed hand myth, 85, 101–2, 104,

  111, 114

  supernatural experiences, 122,


  Westfall on, 66

  Parliament, 179–80, 245–46, 307–8,

  371–72, 374

  Paul (monk), 125

  Pauli, Wolfgang, 184, 350, 361–63

  Pepys, Samuel, 309, 365–66, 375

  Pericles, 336–37, 338–42, 341n

  Peter (apostle), 72, 153–54

  Peter of Alexandria, 86–88, 88n, 148

  Philolaus, 345, 346–48, 349, 352

  Philostorgius, 101

  Phineus, 31n

  physics, 2, 9, 13, 37, 45, 193, 230,

  234, 349, 358, 361, 362–63

  Pierce, Larry, 257, 292

  Plato, 337, 341n

  Atlantis, 290, 292, 293, 294,

  295–96, 298, 299, 302

  cycles concept, 205

  Eudoxus on, 280

  gravity, 328

  Newton on, 8

  Philolaus, 346, 347

  science and corruption, 378–79

  writings, 205, 205 292, 290, 292,

  299, 302


  altar/eternal flame, 202n

  Archimedes, 378, 378n, 379, 380

  Aspasia, 339

  Cleanthes, 335n

  Marcus Claudius Marcellus, 377

  Numa, 343, 344–45

  Pericles, 340–41, 341n

  Pythagoras, 350

  Solon, 290

  Pope, Alexander, 1

  Principe, Lawrence, 315–16, 317, 322

  Principia Mathematica (Newton),

  1–3, 7, 9–10, 44, 45, 71, 136, 366

  alchemy, 319, 363

  atheism, 381

  comets, 222–23, 224–25, 242,

  244–45, 246–49

  gravity, 193, 243

  guilt over writing, 370–71, 372,

  373, 374, 375, 381

  Halley, 2, 9, 242, 243, 245, 368,


  prisca sapientia, 328, 329

  proof of existence of God in,

  59–60, 382–83

  prisca sapientia, 326, 326n, 336

  alchemy, 316–17

  Anaxagoras, 337–41

  ancient science, 358n, 359

  Aristarchus, 330, 331–35

  consciousness, state of, 331, 344

  corruption of mankind, 359–60,


  Jews, 267–68

  Moses, 267–68, 357–58, 359

  Newton on, 327–28, 329–31

  Noah, 203, 267, 326

  Numa, 342–45

  Pauli, 362–63

  Philolaus, 345

  Pythagoras, 345, 352, 356, 357,

  358–59, 363

  prophetic books of Bible, 42–43

  prophetic hieroglyphs, 31, 321,


  astronomy, 317

  Bible, 18, 23, 25, 28–38

  central fire, 349

  Charlemagne, 166–67

  Constantine, 76

  Daniel, Book of, 33–37, 144, 163–64

  Great Comet of 1680, 222

  law of parsimony, 259

  Revelation, 33–37, 143–44, 146,

  148, 149–50, 155–61

  Protestantism, 22, 28, 156–57, 328,

  367, 369

  prytaneum, religion of, 77, 202,

  204–5, 214, 215–16, 344, 388

  Pythagoras/Pythagoreans, 350–52

  Brahmins, 284

  celestial bodies, 348, 354

  central fire, 347, 348–49

  corruption of mankind, 368,


  Druids, 284

  Ezekiel (prophet), 185, 185n

  global chronology, 267

  gravity, 325, 328, 350, 354

  mathematics, 185, 350, 351, 352, 380

  music/music of the spheres,

  284–85, 327, 353, 355, 388

  Newton on, 349, 363, 380

  orbital velocities, 354

  Philolaus, 346, 347

  prisca sapientia, 345, 352, 356, 357,


  silence teachings, 343

  Theano, 351, 351n

  “Queries Regarding the Word

  ὁμοούσιος” (Newton), 75–76,


  Rattansi, Piyo, 330, 360–61

  Reé, Jonathan, 270

  “remnant,” 171, 194, 204, 207,

  208–10, 233, 264, 296, 359–60,


  Rips, Eliyahu, 24–25

  Royal Society of London, 9, 10, 132n,

  233, 236, 239, 240n, 241–42,

  243, 245, 246

  Rudbeck, Olas, 195–96

  Sachar, Abram, 130

  Saturn (god), 194, 197, 198n, 211,

  212–13, 214, 216, 217, 295–96,

  300, 315

  Saturn (planet), 193–94, 217, 243,

  328, 331


  ancient science, 358–61, 358n, 410–11

  corruption and, 378–79

  technological innovations, 12, 24,

  215, 255, 273, 300, 372, 375–79,


  Servetus, Miguel, 55–56

  Severus, Septimus (emperor), 28, 145,

  146, 147

  “Short Schem of the True Religion, A”

  (Newton), 382

  Sittenreich, Steven, 185–86n

  Snobelen, Stephen, 9, 15–16, 48,

  50–51, 58, 167, 169, 181, 192

  Socrates, 43, 127, 337, 339, 341n, 342

  Solomon (biblical figure), 272, 287

  Temple of, 131–33, 134–36, 148,

  166, 172–73, 236, 261, 263

  Solon, 290–91, 292

  Atlantis, 290, 291–92, 293–94, 302

  global chronology, 267, 293

  Sozomen, 43, 70, 108, 109, 116, 127

  Starkey, George, 318–19

  Stukeley, William, 7n, 261

  Sturm, Johann Christoph, 365

  surrealist image
s, 20–21, 33, 68, 80,

  85, 99, 101, 102–3, 104, 147

  Swift, Jonathan, 246, 247–48

  “Synchronisms . . . ” (Newton), 153

  System of the World, The (Newton),

  329, 410–11

  Tabernacle, 130, 131–32, 133–34,

  135, 143–44, 145, 150, 236

  Tertullian, 28, 33, 50, 69

  Theano, 351, 351n

  Theodoret, 43, 99–101, 103–4, 110

  Theodosius (emperor), 119, 157

  “Theologiae Gentiles Origines

  Philosophicae” (Newton), 216, 263

  theological writings of Newton

  (“History of the corruption of

  the Soul of Man”), 3–5, 11–13,

  12n, 14, 18, 66, 312, 368

  Thompson, William Irwin, 317, 364

  Thucydides, 275, 340

  Timotheus, 100–101

  Titans, 47, 193–94, 350

  Tolstoy, Leo, 48n, 374

  Torah, 21–22, 24, 25, 26, 32, 35, 76,

  134, 140, 150, 180, 187, 208,

  253, 261, 268


  Apocalypse in 2060, 169, 387–88

  Athanasius, 22, 55, 60–61, 63, 65,

  69, 70–71, 75, 83, 94, 117–18,

  138, 156

  corruptions of Scripture, 58

  councils, 70–71, 74–75, 118–19, 139

  Cromwell, 47–48

  idolatry/religious relics, 48, 59, 139,

  161, 166–67, 182

  Trump, Donald, 17, 20

  “Two Incomplete Treatises on

  Prophecy” (Newton), 76

  “Untitled Treatise on Revelation”

  (Newton), 138n, 156n, 157, 402

  vegetative spirit, 304–5, 307, 324

  Velikovsky, Immanuel, 226, 226–27n,


  Vidal, Gore, 115

  Vilenkin, Alex, 352–53

  Vincenzo Galilei, 354–55

  Voltaire, 2, 13, 31, 56, 58, 90, 240,

  261–62, 266

  warfare, 149, 159, 175, 271, 372, 376,


  Westfall, Richard

  on the character of Newton, 371

  Chronology (Newton), 253

  corruptions of Scripture and

  Newton, 49, 56

  illness and Newton, 365

  London Mint and Newton, 367

  monasticism and Newton, 122–23

  on Newton as historian, 43

  “Paradoxical Questions” (Newton),


  patristic literature and Newton, 69

  polytheism and Noah, 211

  Principia (Newton), 242

  prophecy and Newton, 33

  “remnant” and Newton, 207

  supernatural experiences and

  Newton, 122

  theological writings of Newton, 14

  Whiston, William, 227–29, 228, 229,


  Arianism, 236

  day-equals-year formula, 185

  divine plan, 228, 229, 230–31,

  230–31n, 238

  earthquakes, 237, 249

  Great Comet of 1680, 230,

  230–31n, 232, 233, 234n, 235

  Jews, 236

  on Newton, 6, 29, 192, 224,

  227–29, 235, 238, 379

  Revelation, 30–31

  as scientist-theologian, 60, 131,

  185, 192, 229–30, 229–31, 230n,

  232–37, 359

  Tabernacle, 131, 236

  Temples, 131, 236

  writings of, 185, 229–30, 232,

  234–35, 236, 237

  White, Michael, 324

  Whitehead, Alfred North, 360

  Wickins, William, 379

  Willet, Andrew, 265–66

  Wren, Christopher, 240–41

  Yahuda, Abraham, 12, 13–14, 180,


  Zeus (god), 31, 31n, 211, 212, 278,

  279, 280, 282, 333–34, 335, 345,

  348, 349

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