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Page 13

by S. E. Green

  I fling open the door, stamp over to the wall, and snap the shackles on. I turn and hold out my wrists and wait for Alexior to lock me up.

  He does and goes to stand at his usual spot over in the corner. I glare at him and impassively he moves his eyes over me.

  “Well?” I snap.

  “Well, what?”

  “Oh, I don’t know,” I spurt. “Why don’t we start with the fact you knifed me. Or perhaps Felicia hanging herself. Then there’s Sera and who the hell knows what will happen to her if she can’t fight again. Not to mention she still hates me despite the fact I’m the reason she’s alive. Or how about the knowledge Razo was born in this hell.”

  I rattle the chains. “Or the fact Dominus wants to see me and I’m FUCKING chained like an animal once again!”

  As if on cue Dominus slams into the cell and storms right over to me. He throws all his weight into a punch that sinks into my lower abdomen and then follows that with one straight in the throat. Just like I did with the warrior a few minutes ago. Minus the ball shot.

  I hunch forward with a gag.

  He grabs the front of my tunic and pushes me up against the wall. My head thuds against the stone and a sound gurgles from my lips.

  He sticks his face right in mine. “Do not ever discipline a warrior. That is my job and that is Alexior’s job. I heard what he said, and he’s right. Felicia was nothing. That warrior is six times her worth. Despite all that, her death has now caused me money. Money you will make back for me.”

  I clench my jaw. “But I’m not the reason she’s dead. This place is. Whatever you did to her in the villa pushed her beyond her limits. You and Domina are the reason she committed suicide.”

  He pierces me with cruel eyes. “And you? What are your limits?”

  “I don’t know,” I sneer. “But I haven’t reached them.”

  He releases me and slams his palm against the wall with a growl. “After all my generosity with you and this is how you repay me. With more defiance.” He steps away and turns to Alexior. “Just leave her here. She needs yet another lesson in humility.”

  With that he’s gone.

  “You’re a fool,” Alexior tells me in disgust.

  “Please,” I scoff. “He’s not going to do anything to me. I’m his champion.”

  “Your ego is fully intact, I see. I thought you had learned something. If you want to remain his champion, his chosen one, you do what he says. That’s the only way you’ll get what you want. Because eventually you’ll be just like Sera in the medic room with an uncertain life. Then what?”

  He doesn’t wait for me to respond and instead walks out.

  All my frustration erupts from my body in a scream.

  I yank at my restraints and my heartbeat elevates to the point it’s thudding in my eardrums. The urge to cry overwhelms me, but I don’t give in.

  I’m in the cell the rest of the day, through the night, and into the next morning. No one comes to check on me. I am left alone to seethe. It’s more of a mental exercise to be in here alone, not a physical one. I’d almost prefer physical to this.

  Eventually my temper tires me out, and though my wrists are still shackled to the wall, I manage to slide down to somewhat of a sitting position. It’s just me and the stone cell and my thoughts.

  I thought you had learned something.

  I thought I had too. I thought I’d learned how to “play” this disgusting game. Alexior is right. Of course I know he’s right.

  If I want to remain Dominus’ chosen one I have to do what he says. Because being his chosen one is the only way I’m killing Bareket and bringing this place down.

  Hours later, the door opens and Dominus and Alexior walk back in.

  “I take it you enjoyed your extended stay in this lovely accommodation?” Dominus sarcastically quips.

  Wincing against the awkward angle the shackles have kept my arms at, I slowly get to my feet and try to regain some balance. “I apologize, Dominus. Between my sister’s death and seeing Felicia’s suicide, I snapped. Please forgive me. It won’t happen again.”

  He folds his arms in a grand pleased gesture. “Okay, a test. We’ve recently acquired some very special slaves. After your show with Zebulon, I’ve been commissioned, you’ve been commissioned to publicly kill these slaves.”

  I close my eyes and swallow every refusal in me. I think of those women slaves who got brutally beat to death by the soldiers and open my eyes so I don’t see them in my brain. I clear my throat. “What’s so special about these slaves?”

  Dominus grins. “Ever heard of the Candy Duo?”

  I think about that for second and slowly I begin to remember. Candy Duo. Twins. Ran a candy store. Also raped and murdered a dozen or more children and buried the bodies in their backyard. The whole thing made national news.

  Dominus laughs. “I can see your excitement.”

  No, not excited. But if I ever wanted to be in the arena to kill two people, these would be them. They deserve to die. I don’t even want to think about what that says of me—wanting to go into the arena and kill two people. Who am I that I even think this way now?

  “When?” I ask.

  “Two days.” Dominus nods for Alexior to unlock me and when he does, both of my shoulders pop.

  I cringe and give them a rub.

  “You’ll wear your new armor, of course. Bets are already being placed. A bonus to you if you make it good and gory. By that I mean blood. Chop off their fingers. Hack their penises. Stab them like you did Zebulon. Decapitate them for all I care.”

  Dominus laughs and claps his hands, and wickedness glints in his eyes. “This is going to be so great.”

  It’s all I can do not to curl my lip at his obvious delight in the gore. I’ll kill them, sure I’ll kill them, but I’m not going to purposefully draw it out and painfully mutilate them. That’s a line I’m not willing to cross.


  “Let blood be shed!” Dominus shouts and everyone in the small arena stamps their feet.

  From my spot behind the iron gate, I watch across the fighting grounds as another gate opens and two men are shoved out. They both stumble forward, dazed, looking around. I remember their faces from the news. This is definitely the Candy Duo.

  The crowd immediately begins booing, and I size the duo up. One is tall and skinny with thinning hair and the other is short and heavy with a full gray beard.

  Two slaves wheel a cart out loaded with weapons. They dump them all in a loud clatter in the center of the arena before hurrying off the sands. I eye the heap and recognize many of the tortuous tools from those used in The Hole.

  My fingers flex around my spears. I hadn’t expected my opponents would be given weapons. But of course they would. This “show” wouldn’t be fun without it.

  I glance again to the two of them and watch as they take a few hesitant steps toward the pile, like they’re not sure what they’re supposed to do. I wonder if they’ve been told anything. Probably not. Like me, they were likely sedated, woke up, and here they are. Naturally, I want to question how Dominus went about getting them out of prison, but nothing surprises me anymore. He and the other rich and elite seem to have connections everywhere.

  My gate opens then, and I step through. The crowd sees me and erupts into insanity as they leap to their feet and chant my name. “Va-lor-i-a. Va-lor-i-a.”

  This is my first public fight in my new armor. I lift both spears high into the air and the decibel level in the place magnifies. I’m sure the warriors back at the ludus can probably hear.

  Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back, and just breathe in the energy. My “test” as Dominus put it. Fine. I will kill them. Pass this test. And get back in his good graces. Then I will move onto the next phase. Devising a plan to escape and take my friends with me.

  My life here in Saligia flashes across my thoughts: the auctioning block; popping Sera’s eye; Bareket taunting me with my sister; the violence of The Hole; ending Zebulon’s life; Lena dying
in my arms; Felicia’s hanging body.

  My eyes snap open, and I stare straight up to where the elite sit and into Bareket’s eyes. I am stronger now than ever. I am Valoria. I quietly acknowledge my new name, the defiant one.

  My grip tightens on both spears as I yell and charge.


  “My God you’re like a freak of nature,” Camille jokes. “How many fights have you won now?”

  “Every one of them,” Gem joins in.

  Razo grunts. “Yeah, you’re making the rest of us look bad.”

  I smile at their teasing. It’s true, fortune has been with me. Or the gods. Or something. Since killing the Candy Duo, I’ve fought in four other events and won each one. I am the number one requested warrior for everything that goes on here in Saligia.

  But I don’t abuse it. I don’t take it for granted. I use it. I learn from it. I harness it.

  Sera gingerly makes her way out of the tunnel and over to the food table. She spoons up meat and vegetables, grabs bread, and sits down beside Ignatius. She’s been up for a week now, but she’s not training. For that matter, she doesn’t really seem to be healing.

  Gem leans in. “I hear Dominus is going to sell Sera.”

  I’ve heard the same thing, but I honestly don’t want to see her go. Another month or so and she should be back to normal. I would think. She was gutted. Something that severe has to take months to heal.

  The gate opens and in rolls a cart pulled by two horses. Alexior jumps down from the driver’s seat and opens the back. “Out.”

  Six new slaves, three women and three men, climb down. I didn’t realize we were getting new recruits. Alexior unlocks their shackles and indicates they should stand in a line.

  I’m immediately reminded of my first day here.

  The cart pulls away, the gate to the outbuilding bolts shut, and Alexior nods to all of us warriors sitting in the shade eating lunch.

  In unison we stand and make our way out into the sunshine. Several warriors walk up and down the line, jabbing the recruits, sneering at them, telling them they’re shit. Sera even joins in.

  I use the time to study the six new recruits. Like everyone else here, they stand big and capable, except for one. He is small like me and looks Cuban-American, too. Did Dominus buy him thinking he would be the male version of me?

  Though they’re trying hard to be brave, fear rolls off of them in palpable waves. They are confused. Lost. Dirty. Months ago I stood right there. Without reminders like this, it’s easy to forget those things that linger in the recesses of the mind.

  Sera steps in front of the small man. “What was Dominus thinking getting this one?”

  I suppress the unexpected smile that comes to my lips. She’d said the same thing to me.

  She throws her head back and laughs, and the small man kicks her right in the shin and she just laughs and laughs.

  “Enough!” Alexior barks.

  Sera scowls at the little guy, and he scowls right back. I think I’m going to like this one.

  “Greetings!” Dominus shouts, and we warriors get into formation.

  I look up to the terrace to see him and his wife, a couple of the elite, and Bareket. I haven’t seen her since the arena when I killed the Candy Duo. Did she leave Saligia and come back? Does Dominus ever leave? And Vasquez. I wonder if I’ll ever see him up on that terrace. Or does he stay in the real world to kidnap and sell people to this place? I wonder how much money he made off me and Lena.

  “Welcome to Saligia,” Dominus says. “Each of you are lucky enough to have been brought to this ludus. You have been blessed. This is sacred ground. We do not fear death, we embrace it! We are warriors!”

  To that, we give our expected guttural war cry that I’m sure completely intimidates the new slaves.

  “We are the proud owners of Ignatius, the fire of the arena.” He points to the right where Ignatius raises his enormous fist into the air. “And Valoria, the defiant one.” He points to me and I do my signature back flip.

  He doesn’t introduce Sera and I’m sure that pisses her off.

  He waves his arm through the air in a grand gesture. “We are a self-sustaining society full of decadence and desires. Sins and fantasies. Debauchery and perversions. All can be explored right here.”

  He lays a gentle hand on his wife’s shoulder. “You will find that this can be a good life. You will be well cared for if you do as you’re told. Let me ask you, what did you have going for you back home? Food in your stomach? A definite roof over your head at night? No, you probably did not.”

  Dominus nods to Alexior. “Alexior is in charge of your training and will turn each of you into the type of warrior that gives this ludus our outstanding reputation. But make no error in judgment. You will be executed if you try to escape. Do not cross me in any way.”

  I’ve heard this speech before. I only hope the recruits are seriously digesting it for the real warning it is.

  “Now,” Dominus nods to the rich standing around him, “we have some special guests today. Each of you recruits have been bought by these elite. They are your patrons. When you fight it will be to honor them. They will cover your expenses, but you will stay here to train under the best.” He lets out an airy laugh as he looks at them. “Of course I will share in the earnings as part of our agreement.”

  They all chuckle in response. Just another materialistic way for them to spend their greedy money.

  Dominus spreads his arms. “Well, what do you think of your new purchases?”

  Bareket purses her thin lips, glances once at me, and then goes on to peruse the line of slaves. I wonder which one she owns.

  “Slaves,” she announces. “Disrobe.”

  Dominus cuts her an amused glance and then nods to Alexior. He motions us warriors over to the side and then indicates the recruits should undress. I shake my head in disgust at their intimidation tactics.

  The recruits strip to their undergarments, and Bareket says, “No, I want naked.”

  Camille shoots me an equally disgusted look and we stare in mutual antipathy as they strip completely bare. Why aren’t they fighting back? I would’ve. But maybe they’ve already realized they will suffer if they do not do as they’re told.

  Bareket giggles and claps her hands like some imbecilic kid playing a game.

  Up on the terrace they start discussing their purchases while the slaves stand there naked staring at the ground. I want to walk over and hand each of them their garments, but I don’t. What good would it do? It would only get me punished and probably all of them as well.

  The fact of the matter is, this is good for them. It’ll toughen them up. It’ll smack them with the reality of this place.

  Gradually the elite leave the balcony, their voices trailing behind them, and Dominus motions the new slaves can get dressed. “You,” he calls to the little man. “What is your name?”

  “They told me my name is Niho,” the guy states in a bold tone. His deep voice and his little body do not match.

  “I want him to train with Valoria,” Dominus tells Alexior.

  I was right. He’s going to be the male version of me.


  The rest of the afternoon we warriors are each paired with a recruit. I can tell Niho has had some fighting experience. Either because he’s small and has had to defend himself or because he’s taken some real lessons. Like I had with my dad.

  Either way, I’m not kind to him. I am firm and focused. I in no way want him to think this is a friendly place. The sooner he accepts his fate and understands that, the stronger he will be.

  Alexior walks among us. “Defend by removing yourself from the opponent’s range.”

  I sweep Niho’s legs out from under him with my spear, and he quickly gets back on his feet.

  “If you don’t remove yourself from their range, then step inside their circle,” Alexior continues.

  I grab Niho’s head and pull it toward me. His eyes widen, and he yanks back.

; “Control by remaining within your effectiveness range,” Alexior goes on, “and at the same time moving out of your opponent’s.”

  That was easy with a giant like Zebulon, but not someone small like Niho. Our effectiveness range is similar. Still, I back away to taunt him forward. He takes the bait and I lunge, bringing my spear up and under his shield and twisting it free from his hands.

  He sighs.

  I lean down and pick it up and hand it to him. “Make your opponent believe they have advantage so they will over extend.”

  Niho nods and arcs his sword to the left to jab me in my ribs. I go toward the jab instead of away, slamming my spear down on his wrist and causing his sword to clunk to the ground.

  “Dammit,” he swears.

  “But being too close can hinder your effectiveness,” I tell him as I flick his sword back into the air and catch it. “It all depends on the situation and range of that moment.”

  I go to hand him his sword, he reaches for it and I rotate it and bop him under the chin.

  He glares at me.

  Alexior walks up to us. “Range. You were just in hers.”

  Niho firms his jaw and I can tell he’s beyond pissed. Good.

  He fiddles with his shield a second. “You know a lot,” he begrudgingly admits.

  I hand him his sword for real this time. “I do. But I was just like you when I first got here. Practice. Pay attention. Be pissed. Just make sure you channel that pissiness in the right direction. And don’t fidget. It makes you look unsure.”

  “Oh, yes,” Sera taunts from the shadows. “Listen to Valoria, the defiant one. She’s all knowing.”

  I ignore her and go back to training with Niho. I’m not trying to be “all knowing”. I really just want to make him into a good fighter. A survivor.

  “Oh, that’s right,” she taunts some more. “I’m no longer champion. You are, and you’re too good to speak to me.”

  I continue to ignore her but my temper crawls slowly through my insides.

  “I am still Sera, Serpent of Saligia, and you are just a lucky runt.”


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