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What He Bargains (What He Wants, Book Nineteen)

Page 24

by Hannah Ford

  When the doors opened. They were in a dark and dingy narrow hallway, and it was the polar opposite of the beauty and richness of the rest of the building. Max led her down the hallway, which was littered with boxes and barrels and smelled of rot and mildew.

  At the end, he opened a small steel door and Raven was grateful to see an alleyway back there, with a black sedan parked close by. Near to it was a dumpster, and a small gap between buildings to which she could even glimpse Central Park West, as if it was a door to a beautiful fantasy world.

  Through the narrow gap between buildings, she could see joggers passing by, and rich people walking a tiny dog, and then a family strolling by, dressed like something from a catalog.

  “There it is,” Max said, pointing at the black sedan, which was somehow menacing in its quiet stillness. “Go ahead, now. Back you go.”

  She started out of the basement and into the alleyway, walking slowly, her heartbeat getting faster and faster.

  She turned back to look at Max. “This car?” she said, suddenly more scared than she’d ever been. “Are—are you sure?”

  Max smiled, a little too friendly now. “Yeah, of course I’m sure. Go ahead. Get inside.” He was standing in the doorway from the basement, watching her intently.

  She was at the car now, and she reached out to open the door. As it swung open, a smell came pouring out, a smell like…she didn’t know for sure. Later, she would tell herself it was just her imagination. But she could’ve sworn it smelled like a hospital, and she instantly pictured herself getting in and being unable to get out again, the doors locking on her.

  The driver was a hulking shape in the front seat, and she imagined him coming back at her with a big cloth in his hand, pushing the chloroform to her nose and mouth, holding her until she passed out.

  And then Scott’s voice echoed in her mind, over and over as if on a loop.

  …Within twenty-four hours you’ll be halfway across the world, in some slum in Africa or Asia where nobody can find you…

  She stood there as if for an eternity.

  Distantly, she heard Max telling her to get into the car, but then everything inside told her to run.

  Run where?

  Back to Jake.

  The only place that was even remotely safe for her anymore.

  And so she did it. She turned and bolted for the gap between the buildings.

  “Where are you going, you crazy bitch?” Max Mendez yelled, and she could’ve sworn he was coming after her, but as big as he was, he wasn’t that fast.

  And she was literally running for her life, practically falling in her heels, but still able to scoot through the gap and then out onto the crowded street where there were far too many people for anyone to just come and grab her.

  Raven walked as fast as she could, blending in with the crowd, not looking back. At first, she found a small group of Asian men and women who were excitedly talking to one another. They might have been business colleagues, she had no idea. They didn’t seem to notice her walking in the middle of them, and so she stayed with them for a couple of blocks and then she saw a cab sitting on the corner and ran to it, jumping in and shutting the door.

  “Take me to…the hotel,” she gasped.

  “Which one?” the driver asked her, his eyebrows raised as she slumped lower in her seat.

  “Hurry, drive! Drive!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

  “Shit, relax,” he said, but drove anyway.

  * * *

  This time, she wasn’t as lucky with the media. As she exited the cab in front of the hotel, the paparazzi overwhelmed her, and she had no security team to back them off. They were in her face, snapping pictures and screaming questions. The questions were ridiculous, absurd, insulting, and she tried her best to just ignore them all.

  She put her head down and tried her best to cover up, at least hide her face a little as she walked inside.

  Once inside the lobby, the random strangers were all staring at her like she was an alien.

  She felt like one, too.

  Tears were very near the surface, and Raven was starting to feel like she might simply break down. How much more could she take?

  The elevator ride was quiet, with an older couple who spoke French to one another and laughed softly, holding hands.

  Raven got to her floor and walked slowly to her room. Funnily enough, she no longer had to go to the bathroom—it must have been nerves before. She was still feeling scared, but not quite as scared as she had felt back at the Club Alpha building.

  She was also quite certain that she’d done the right thing in not getting inside that black sedan when Max had tried to convince her to. There had been something very wrong with that whole scenario, and she still had the feeling she’d only just escaped in the nick of time.

  If they were really willing to kidnap her and whisk her away to some foreign country, that meant that Club Alpha was capable of just about anything. Now that she’d openly defied them, what would they do to her next?

  She didn’t know. Raven unlocked her hotel room door, and as it swung open she was shocked to see Jake sitting on one of the chairs, drinking a bottle of beer.

  She walked inside and the closed the door behind her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked him, realizing she was less surprised than she probably should have been at his invasion of her personal space.

  “I should ask you the same thing,” he smiled, taking another swig from the beer bottle.

  She wanted to tell him the truth, tell him what had happened with Club Alpha, but she was also afraid of his reaction. What if he didn’t care? What if he wouldn’t help her, wouldn’t stand up for her?

  And what made her think that he might stand up for her for any reason?

  Jake hadn’t defended her or shown any interest in helping her in the past.

  “I’m not ready to talk about me yet,” she said slowly. “I’m having a pretty bad day.”

  “Were you hanging with Skylar and her parents?”

  “Ummm…yeah,” she said half-heartedly. The weird thing was, as much as she doubted him sometimes, she couldn’t deny the safety she felt being in the same room with him.

  Jake made her feel like nobody could ever hurt her as long as he was nearby.

  Even if it wasn’t true, it was how she felt. And that melted her, it made her want him to hold her tightly again, it made her want to be close with him like they’d been not so long ago.

  Jake got off the chair and swigged from his beer. “What did you guys do?” he asked, wiping his lips with the back of his hand as he came towards her.

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

  “I’m sure you don’t,” he said, coming even closer. He was dressed in a casual gray sweater and black slacks that hugged his muscular legs. He smelled clean and fresh, and every hair on his head was perfect. But his brown eyes were locked on hers, and he wasn’t giving her any space.

  “Jake, how did you get in my room?”

  “Hey, I’m practically Houdini,” he said, throwing his arms wide. “There’s no safe I can’t crack, no lock I can’t pick,” he said, getting so close to her that she stepped back nervously.

  “You should try and respect my privacy.”

  “I can’t do that, Raven.”

  “Why not?”

  “You won’t let me. You keep lying to me,” he said. “And so I can’t trust you.” He put his beer bottle down on the coffee table nearby.

  She bit her lip, her entire body trembling now. This day had been too much for her in so many ways. The last thing she could do was resist Jake Novak, especially when his comfort was her one possible salvation.

  “I don’t want to lie,” she told him, meeting his brown eyes. The little scar above his eyebrow wasn’t just sexy—it also turned his boyish face into the face of a man who’d seen too much.

  And he seemed to have seen through her. “If you don’t want to lie, then why did you text me you were with Sk
ylar?” he asked. “I saw her and her parents in the hotel restaurant and she said she hadn’t seen you at all.”

  Raven turned and walked away from him. “I can’t take this,” she said. “I can’t be grilled right now. Everything’s getting to be impossible.”

  Suddenly, Jake’s hand was on her wrist. “Don’t walk away from me.”

  She spun around. “Don’t touch me. Remember what we said?”

  “What you said. I never agreed to stop touching you.” His brown eyes were burning as he looked at her. His hand was still gripping her wrist just tight enough as she tried to pull away from him.

  At the same time, she wanted him to refuse to let her go. She wished that he would fight for her as much as he seemed willing to fight against her. If he would do that, she could tell him everything.

  But right now, the risk of him turning her away, the thought that he would simply wash his hands of her rather than deal with the mess she was in—it hurt too much.

  “Let go,” she said, not knowing what else she could say. It was a lie anyhow, since she didn’t want him to.

  “No,” Jake said.

  “I’ll scream.”

  “I want you to scream,” he smiled. “Just like you did last night.”

  Raven felt her entire body flush with heat. “It’s not right,” she said. “We’re not really together.”

  “Aren’t we?” he smirked. “I think we’re together right now. We’re certainly not apart.”

  “You know what I mean,” she said.

  “Where were you, Raven?” he said, grabbing her other wrist and pulling her into his body, so that he pressed against her, his lips almost touching her lips, his forehead against hers now.

  “I…I can’t talk about it,” she whispered.

  “Why not?”

  “Because, I’m scared.”

  “You’re scared of me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she answered, finally. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly.

  “That’s too bad, Raven,” he told her, letting her wrists go. “Because I really thought we had potential.” He sighed. “But you seem determined to ruin everything.”

  “That’s not true,” she replied.

  “I can’t do this,” he said, shaking his head and starting to the door. “Not when I can’t trust you.”

  She laughed at him as he walked past her. “Why am I not surprised?”

  He turned and looked at her. “Don’t even try and put this on me. You know you lied.”

  “The second things get complicated, you run faster than a scared little rabbit,” she told him. “How could I risk telling you anything that matters to me?”

  Jake came towards her again. “I’m not running anywhere,” he said. “You’re the one who’s made it impossible. You asked me to trust you, just like…” he seemed to catch himself, and his cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

  “Just like what?” Raven demanded.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he muttered. “This is a waste of time.”

  “You’re the most frustrating person I’ve ever met,” she replied. “You let me down every single time and somehow blame me for it.”

  “I let you down?” he laughed. “How have I let you down?”

  She wanted to scream, she was so frustrated. None of the ways he let her down could be spoken out loud. How could she tell him he’d let her down by not wanting to actually be her boyfriend, by refusing to ever kiss her, by not caring about standing up for her to Club Alpha when they’d gotten her fired?

  And she knew he’d only let her down if she told him the truth about his manager, Kurt, not to mention the newest developments with the club.

  Jake was acting jealous, acting the way a boyfriend might, but it wasn’t real. “You’re just fake,” she said, finally, the best answer she could give, all things considered.

  He flinched a little. “I’m fake,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m fake?”


  “Let’s see how fake I am, Raven,” he said, and then he’d grabbed her around the waist, his strong hands touching her hips, pulling her close. And suddenly his lips were on her lips, and he was kissing her, and she moaned and shuddered in his arms.

  This was more than she could have asked for. Jake’s lips were soft and when they molded to her mouth, it was like excitement had been shot throughout her entire body—like a drug had been injected into her veins.

  His tongue was sliding into her mouth, and his hand grabbed hold of her butt, while the other slid up and grasped her breast through her blouse.

  He stopped kissing her momentarily. “Is that real enough for you?”

  She blinked at him, her chest heaving. “That doesn’t prove anything, Jake.”

  “You want me to prove it?” he said, gripping her blouse on either side with his hands and ripping it open, revealing her lacy white bra. He grabbed her bra and unclipped it from the front, and it fell away from her breasts.

  “Jake,” she said, “We can’t.”

  “Oh yes we can and will,” he said, “because I’m not going to pretend anymore. I’m done being fake, Raven, what do you think about that?”

  “I, I think you need to…to stop and really slow down and consider…”

  “Consider what, exactly?” he said, as he pressed forward.

  She stepped back. “Consider the consequences. Maybe we shouldn’t…” But the truth was she wanted it, wanted it worse than she would ever have dared admit.

  “I think maybe you’re the phony,” he said, grabbing her hips, sliding her skirt down so that it dropped to the floor at her feet. “I think maybe you’re the one who’s afraid of making this thing real between us.” He grabbed her hips and pulling her against him again, jamming his bulging hardness against her, through her panties.

  She could feel him between her legs, and she was stunned at how quickly this had all come to pass.

  She was half-naked, more than half-naked, and he was kissing her.

  His lips pressed on hers, opened her lips, and then his tongue went inside, and she met it, breathing out, a tiny high-pitched moan that said she was about to give into him completely.

  He met her, moaning himself, deeply, and then he was grabbing her buttocks with both hands and pulling her against him, grinding against her, and she could feel him on her pussy, and she was getting so wet.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered, as he kissed down her jaw.

  “Raven,” he said, holding the side of her face with one hand and making her look in his brown eyes. “I want you. I’ve wanted you from the very beginning.”

  “Jake, I’m scared,” she breathed.

  “Don’t be,” he said, and then he was pushing her against the wall, and he was sliding her panties down, finger-fucking her wetness with two fingers while he kissed her neck and pinned her right arm against the wall with his left.

  He was slowly fucking her with his fingers, almost as if it was in place of his cock. And she wanted the real thing, even though she’d never had that before.

  “Oh, God,” she said, as her legs spreading out almost involuntarily. His fingers were penetrating deeply into her, and she was gushing, her juice was spilling out and she could smell sex in the air now.

  “Fuck you are tight,” he muttered, continuing to thrust his fingers in and out and in and out.

  She screamed, and then she was coming despite her best efforts to hold out, and the orgasm was like an explosion, and it shuddered through her body, leaving her weak and breathless.

  “Grab me,” he told her, his breath coming in harsh gasps. “Take me out.”

  She unzipped his pants quickly, her fingers fumbling. “I want you in my mouth so bad,” she told him, even though she’d never done that before either. What if she was terrible at it?

  But Raven didn’t care—she’d been taken over completely by lust. Everything in her wanted him, wanted to suck him, to feel his perfectly huge cock in her mouth and then her pussy. She wanted to be filled up by him, to be
as close as they could possibly be together.

  His brown eyes stared into hers as she found his cock with one grasping hand, and she began stroking his shaft, and it was slick with his own excitement. She started to bend down to put him in her mouth.

  “No,” he said. “Just your hand.”


  “I don’t want to rush you,” he told her.

  “But I want to.”

  He looked into her eyes. “Your hand is enough,” he said. “More than enough.”

  And so she began stroking him again, faster and faster, and he started to finger fuck her wet pussy again.

  The palm of his hand was slapping into her slit as she felt pleasure waves vibrating up through her legs into her center space.

  Meanwhile she was grasping his shaft and then sliding her hand up and down, feeling his swollen head, wishing it would just go into her wet hole and open her up now. She was so ready, so willing, so needing all of him.

  “I’m going to come soon,” he told her, and his eyes closed as she pulled on him faster and faster.

  “I want you to come for me,” she said, going faster.

  He started pushing his fingers into her more quickly too. And now she was so very close again.

  Finally, he released, shocking her with the spray of thick white semen that splashed her with its warmth and wetness, hitting her legs and stomach and dribbling down her hand.

  He shuddered as she continued to drain it out of him, thinking how much she would have liked to feel all of that pouring into her mouth. Could she have swallowed it? She wanted to try, wanted to feel him inside her mouth, wanted to make him shake like that using her lips instead of just her hand.

  And then, as she imagined that, she came too, and he slammed his fingers against her so fast that she cried out and out and out.

  When it was over, they looked into each other’s eyes.

  Neither of them said anything, neither of them seemed to need to.

  Raven felt like Jake had already said it.

  This is real.

  This is real.

  * * *

  For the second day in a row, Raven was lying in Jake’s arms, this time in her hotel room, and it was even more amazing than the last time.


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