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What He Bargains (What He Wants, Book Nineteen)

Page 52

by Hannah Ford

“Than what are you doing?” she asked him.

  He stared out the window for such a long time that she thought maybe he was ignoring her question, or perhaps angry with her for asking it. But finally, he turned and faced her. “I think you meant to ask, ‘what are we doing?’”

  She felt her cheeks flush. “Of course, I meant we. I meant us.” She smiled at her own self-consciousness. “You know what I was trying to say.”

  Jake came forward and grabbed her around the waist. “We’re getting the heck out of here, Raven.”

  “And go where instead?”

  He smiled and it was as if all the anger and tension left his face. “Florida.”


  “I have a house there. It’s beautiful, right on a private beach—the water is crystal clear, and you can see dolphins swimming.”

  “Sounds amazing.”

  Jake rubbed her back lightly as he continued. “It’ll be just the two of us, and no bullshit paparazzi, no tour dates, no crazy singers knocking down our door.” His voice became hypnotic as he continued. “We’ll get up every morning, go for a run, then eat a healthy breakfast, lounge by the pool, make love, read a book, go for a walk, make love again…”

  Raven giggled as his hands grabbed her lower, squeezing her buttocks. “Jake, be serious.”

  “I’m being serious,” he told her, slapping her ass playfully.

  “Are you sure this is what you want to do?” she asked him, staring into his eyes. “Because if you’re having second-thoughts…”

  “I’m not having second-thoughts. Are you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then pack your bags,” he said, breaking away from her and taking a deep breath as he looked out the window again. “Because we’re heading to sunny Florida today.”

  * * *

  Something strange happened at the private airport where Jake’s jet was waiting for them.

  As they were approaching the airplane on foot, a man in a suit intercepted their path. “Mr. Novak?” the man said. He had a bushy mustache and looked quite serious.

  “Is there a problem?” Jake asked.

  “My name’s Ronald Mattingly, and I’m in charge of accounts. Unfortunately, it seems there’s been a problem with yours.”

  Jake had been pulling his suitcase along the tarmac, and now he took his hand off his luggage, crossing his arms, his jaw tensing. “I don’t understand, Mr. Mattingly.”

  Ronald seemed to shrink ever so slightly under Jake’s fierce gaze. “Sir, I’m not sure how to tell you this—“ he glanced nervously to Raven and then back to Jake once more. “But you’re account’s been frozen due to lack of funds. Apparently, the payments have stopped being made, and so we’ve been ordered to disallow use of your jet until the matter is solved.”

  Jake sighed, and then reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a billfold. “Listen, Ronald,” he said, counting out hundred dollar bills as he spoke. “I’ve been a very loyal customer for over three years now, and I’ve spent a lot of money on your jets.”

  “That’s true, Mr. Novak, and we do appreciate your loyalty…”

  Jake continued counting. “Since this has been an inconvenience for you, I don’t mind paying a penalty. Here’s two thousand dollars for your trouble.”

  Ronald shook his head, his mustache trembling. “Mr. Novak, I really can’t. This isn’t my decision, it’s corporate policy and my hands are tied.”

  “I need to go to Florida today, do you understand? I’m going to Florida today, Ron—with or without your help. If you don’t help me, then I’m going to remember it and I’m going to make sure you remember it too.” Jake stared at him, his hand out, the thick collection of bills tucked between his fingers, waiting to be taken.

  “I can make an exception for this one flight. But just this one,” Ronald told him. Sweat had broken out on his forehead and he wiped it away with his thumb, taking the bills from Jake.

  “See you next time,” Jake told him, giving a quick smile, then grabbing his suitcase and starting for the plane. Raven walked quickly to keep up with him.

  “Mr. Novak!” Ronald called, as they began boarding the private jet.

  Jake turned and looked at the man. “Yeah?”

  “There won’t be a next time. This is your last flight with us, Sir.”

  Jake nodded, waving, and then they were inside and sitting down, as the stewardess closed the door and gave them a strained smile.

  It was clear that everyone on board knew what was going on, and the reception was chilly to say the least.

  The inside of the jet was amazing—like a flying hotel room, with huge plush seats, a wet bar, a flat-screen television, even a bed. Raven and Jake took their seats next to one another and Jake took her hand as the jet began taxying down the runway.

  “Usually the captain comes by and says hello,” Jake whispered. “I guess not this time. The word is out on us.”

  “I feel like a criminal,” Raven muttered back, as the stewardess sat on a seat just outside the cockpit, giving her an appraising, judgmental stare.

  Jake laughed. “Yeah, we’re a regular Bonnie and Clyde.”

  She looked at him. “Are you worried?”

  “Am I worried about losing my flying privileges?”

  “That man said you were missing payments. Your lawyer told you that this could bankrupt you completely.”

  Jake squeezed her hand as the plane started to lift off the ground, making Raven’s stomach drop as the nose tilted almost straight into the air. She looked out the window and saw the ground receding, and in a way, their problems with it.

  Jake finally spoke again. “Actually, I’m not thinking about my jet or my money or the tour—none of it. All I’m thinking about is you lying in white sand wearing nothing but a string bikini.”

  Raven felt her nipples stiffen as he said it. She was picturing Jake in nothing but a bathing suit, water dripping down his muscular torso and rock hard abs, his hair slicked back.

  She licked her lips, trying not to show how turned on she was. “That sounds nice.”

  “I think so too.”

  The plane banked to the right side, rolling so that it almost looked like their window was pointing straight at the ground. And then, after a few seconds, it straightened out and, other than a few bumps of brief turbulence, they were seemingly floating on air.

  The stewardess got up and approached. “Would either of you care for a drink, or something to eat?”

  “I think a couple of glasses of champagne will do just fine,” Jake told her.

  The stewardess flashed Jake a wide grin, and then another quick icy glare in Raven’s direction, before walking away towards the other side of the plane.

  “She doesn’t like me very much,” Raven told him.

  “Who, the stewardess?” Jake waved it off as silly. “You’ve got to stop worrying so much about what other people think of you,” he said. “Especially strangers.”

  Raven nodded. “I know. I just hate how people make assumptions, and they always seem willing to believe the worst.”

  “That’s how a lot of people are, but not everyone. And that’s their problem. Don’t make it yours.”

  Raven gave him a sidelong glance. “You’re pretty smart for a musician.”

  “Well, I did read some philosophy books, so maybe I’m not as dumb as you’d assumed I was. See? Now you were the one making assumptions.” He grinned at her.

  She couldn’t believe how handsome Jake Novak was—but more than that, he was beautiful inside. She was staring into his eyes and it was as though she could see his soul. Raven realized she was staring for too long when Jake averted his gaze, seeming uncomfortable with her attention, pulling his hand away.

  The stewardess was back with two full glasses of champagne. “Please let me know if you need anything else,” she said to Jake and only Jake, as she handed off the glasses.

  Raven thanked her and was ignored.

  Jake turned and clinked glasses w
ith her, smiling warmly. “Here’s to Florida,” he said.

  “To Florida,” she agreed, then brought the glass to her mouth and sipped.

  “To warm sands, warm bodies, and you lying naked in my arms all night long,” Jake whispered.

  Raven felt her arms break out in goose bumps as he spoke. “You’re making fun,” she said.

  Jake shook his head no. “I’m not, Raven. You have no idea what I’m going to do to you. It’s going to be just the two of us, in my house, and nowhere to go. I hope you can handle it.”

  “I’m pretty sure I can,” she replied confidently, tipping the glass to her lips and drinking a large sip of champagne.

  “Good,” Jake told her. “Because this is the beginning of the rest of our lives.”

  The rest of the ride was uneventful, and she even caught a little sleep before they landed.

  The ride from the airport to Jake’s house on the island of Siesta Key, Florida, was stunningly beautiful. Everything was so crystal clear, and the colors so bright, as if the dial had been turned up on the world itself since landing.

  They were driving in a rented Jeep, the wind in their hair, their luggage stuffed in back, as Jake drove, wearing sunglasses that made him look even more like the movie star he was.

  Raven had bought a pair of sunglasses at the gift shop and was sporting them as she looked off to her right at the ocean, while they crossed a large bridge.

  Birds flew by them and landed beak first on the water, trying to hunt for fish.

  Boats drifted toward the horizon.

  Around them, palm trees drifted to and fro, blurring as they sped by on their way to Jake’s home.

  “This is the island,” Jake told her, as they exited the main highway, and then turned off onto an even smaller road that led them into a slightly more remote area. There were plenty of tourists walking, cycling and driving, and the air smelled of salt water and magic.

  Raven’s entire body relaxed as she watched the world passing by as if in a dream.

  After a few more minutes, Jake pulled the jeep over in front of a tall wall with a wrought iron gate. He approached the gate and unlocked it, swung the doors open and then got back into the jeep.

  “This is the place,” he told her, grinning, as he gunned the motor and shot through the opening in the wall, driving up a modestly long driveway and parking in front of a beautiful mansion that belonged totally to the island, with that Spanish Mediterranean style that so many of the homes in the area showcased.

  It had palm trees surrounding it, and colorful flowers bloomed on the walkway to the door. The place was enormous and sprawling, private, but it almost looked more like a resort than a home for one person.

  A moment later, the car was off and they were getting out.

  Jake grabbed their bags and lugged them up to the front door, then unlocked it, stepping inside.

  Raven gasped once she walked in behind him.

  Inside, the place was cavernous, with enormous white pillars and beautiful travertine tiles on the floor, leading her forward as she stared in awe at the staircase leading up to the next floor, while her eyes were than caught by the enormous windows that let in brilliant sunlight and blue sky.

  Across the entire backside of the house were wide doors that Jake opened, letting in fresh air, and exposing an Olympic sized pool enclosed by a screened in porch.

  The kitchen, living room and dining room areas were all open and spacious, allowing you to see into each area from the other, making the home feel even larger than it was.

  The furniture was white, comfortable and elegant.

  The kitchen was huge, with a restaurant style stove, enormous refrigerator and freezer, gorgeous overhead lighting and an immaculate island that a five-star chef would have been happy to have at his disposal.

  “I’ve never seen anything so gorgeous in all my life,” Raven said.

  “Come upstairs, there’s more,” Jake said proudly. He led her back around to the staircase and upstairs, where her breath was taken away by the view over the back wall and onto the private beach.

  “I feel like I want to cry,” Raven said, staring out one of the picture windows at paradise, her hand covering her mouth reflexively.

  The beach was almost literally in Jake’s backyard, and the white sand looked like powdered sugar, the water like beautiful blue jewels sparkling in the sunlight.

  Raven couldn’t believe she was standing in Jake Novak’s Florida mansion, with the man of her dreams next to her, charming her, wanting to please her with all of this opulence.

  This can’t be real, she thought.

  “Come on,” Jake said, leading her by the hand to the master bedroom.

  The bedroom was big, with floor to ceiling windows that showed off the view of the island even more brilliantly. The carpeting was soft and white, almost like beach sand. The bed was big, and there was a TV and even a fireplace on the wall across from it.

  “Why would you ever need a fireplace here?” she asked him.

  “It doesn’t cast much heat, but it looks nice at night,” he said. “I’ll show you later on.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “Yeah, it’s a guarantee,” he told her, pulling her suddenly into him, as he wrapped an arm around her waist and squeezed her butt. He pressed his lips against her and then they were kissing, their tongues circling, their mouths searching, needing more.

  She pushed her breasts into him, wanting him to grab them, to release all the tension and sexual excitement she was feeling.

  “Jake,” she moaned, pushing her hips into him.

  “I’m going to throw you on the bed,” he growled.

  “No, the floor. Fuck me on the floor,” she whispered.

  His tongue was more insistent now, as he kissed her more deeply, his hands finally sliding up the front of her shirt and grabbing her breasts, massaging her nipples until they were so stiff as to be almost painful.

  She couldn’t wait for him to be inside her, to climb on top of her and take her completely.

  But just as the inevitable seemed to be about to happen, Jake’s cell phone began ringing incessantly. He tried to ignore it, but it kept on ringing.

  “Shit,” he muttered, breaking away from her and answering his cell.

  Raven was left breathless and dazed, standing in the bedroom and waiting to see what was going on.

  “Yeah?” Jake said into the phone, his back to her, one hand resting impatiently on his hip. “Right, well I’m in Florida….no…no…I don’t plan to be back anytime soon.”

  There was a long pause and Jake’s head was bowed as if in focused concentration, listening intently.

  “I heard you,” he said, emotionless. “Yes. Yes, I understand how serious this is.”

  Raven’s heart was beating faster now, and it had nothing to do with Jake’s hands touching her body, or what he might do to her on the bed or the floor. Now her heart was beating fast out of fear and anxiety.

  “I appreciate you letting me know,” he said. “But I’m not returning to New York right now to deal with this. It can wait. It’ll just have to wait, that’s all.”

  Jake hung up the phone and stayed still, not turning toward her again. His head was still bowed.

  “Is everything okay?” Raven asked, knowing it wasn’t.

  “Yeah, everything’s fine.”

  “Do you—“

  Jake cut her off. “I don’t want to get into it,” he said, his voice cold and harsh.

  “Oh, okay,” she said softly, trying not to feel hurt from the tone of his voice.

  He put his phone away and then stared out the window, taking a deep breath. “Beautiful day,” he said, but she could tell he no longer meant it.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “Come on,” Jake told her, exiting the bedroom as if their closeness from a few moments ago had never even happened. “I called some of my people and had them get everything we would need for our vacation,” he told her as they walked.

  They went back downstairs and Jake brought her to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator, which was stocked with plenty of food and drink, and grabbed a couple of pre-made gourmet sandwiches, and a couple of beers.

  Raven was hungry, so she didn’t mind sitting at the island in the kitchen and eating with Jake, sipping her beer and enjoying the warm Florida air as it blew in through the back doors.

  But still, she couldn’t shake the feeling that whoever had called Jake just then had irrevocably changed his mood and maybe even this entire trip—and not for the better.

  Jake smiled and made small talk about the town, the beach, some of the kooky neighbors that they might run into, but none of it felt real or even sincere.

  The smile didn’t reach his eyes.

  * * *

  Raven woke up in an incredibly happy mood. Jake was still sound asleep, but when she looked out the window and saw the beach in the near distance, and the blue sky, palm trees…how could she not feel ecstatic?

  Looking at Jake again as he slept, she noticed that his brow was slightly furrowed, as if even in sleep, he wasn’t at peace.

  That made her think back to the strange phone call that Jake had tried to pretend didn’t happen, refusing to discuss it even as his entire mood changed. The rest of the day and into the night, he’d been somewhat withdrawn, turning on the television and watching sports while nursing a beer, as Raven had sat next to him and tried to stay upbeat.

  There had been no sex or touching then, either.

  They’d fallen asleep with a huge gap between them in the bed, and Raven had been too embarrassed to try and get close to him. She didn’t want to be rejected, it would have been too painful.

  Now, her mood threatened to sink, but she refused. Getting out of bed, she stretched, smiling.

  I’m in a mansion in Florida, and it’s amazing, I’m with the man that I love. I refuse to be sad right now.

  Raven changed into her red bikini (hoping the sight of it might snap Jake out of his sullen mood) and went downstairs, hopping into the pool and swimming, luxuriating in the pleasant coolness of the water.

  Even early in the morning, the Florida air was warm, in the high seventies, and the pool seemed to be heated to a perfect temperature—not too hot, not too cool.


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