King Asshole

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King Asshole Page 11

by Sam Crescent


  The dress she wore molded to every single curve, and Dani kept running her hand down the fabric that was so soft to the touch.

  Lily had also placed flowers in her hair, and seeing as she was one of the bridesmaids, she’d allowed the bride to dress her as she wanted. They were in Lily’s old room and back in Jax’s hometown.

  He’d already started at a culinary school, and most of his evenings were about trying different recipes, from delicate, egg-based sauces to some basic ones with a roux. The food was so good, and she saw the love he had for cooking. She’d never destroy that.

  She couldn’t recall seeing him happier unless she had his dick in her mouth, and then he was right up there happy.

  “You look beautiful,” Lily said. “Lilac really looks good on you.”

  “I should be the one telling you that you’re beautiful. That you look amazing in white.”

  “That ship sailed a long time ago, but Ryan wanted it to be traditional. We were each other’s first. I told him not to wear a white suit. I wanted something though. Even if we are getting married at our lake. You never know, you and Jax could be here one day.”

  She chuckled. “If we married where we met, it would be staring at each other in the apartment doorway at three in the morning.”

  “You know Jax is in love with you, right?” Lily asked.

  “Sorry, what?”

  “Jax. He’s completely and totally in love with you.”

  “I think you’re mistaken there.”

  “You’re wrong about that, Dani. He loves you. You just don’t see it because you’re blind.”

  “Lily, we’ve not even had sex.”

  “So? Do you think all of those women that were around him growing up cared about him at all? They only wanted sex with him. They didn’t want anything else. He was a means to an end. He was good in the sack, but they never wanted to be his girlfriend.” She shrugged. “You were different. When he was sick you took care of him. You’ve never once tried to hold him back. You’ve helped him in more ways than you realize, and I bet he’s grateful for that.”

  “We’re friends.”

  “You’ve gotten him to start cooking again. He refused to cook after his mom passed, Dani. Not only is he cooking now, but he’s going to culinary school. You and him, I would say it’s pretty much a done deal. I saw the jealousy on his face when he saw that loser that called you a whore. He loves you. I’ve got one question though?”

  “What?” Dani didn’t know what to think or feel in that very moment. She felt like she’d been cut open.

  “How do you feel about him?”

  How did she feel about him?

  She loved being around him.

  Waking up, she’d spend a few minutes just watching him sleep. He always snuggled in close, and normally she’d hate that but having his arms wrapped around her, she loved it.

  She thought about the night the woman smashed her vase.

  He wasn’t that guy anymore.

  That asshole had disappeared as if he’d never been there.

  Pushing some hair off her face, she thought about his smile, and the way he held her. How he’d paint her toenails or rub her feet. She’d even done a striptease for him with the pole, and they went grocery shopping together. In a matter of a few weeks, they’d gone from roommates who barely saw each other, to spending so much time together. He came to the diner where she worked. She visited him at the bar where he worked. He’d come and eat dinner while she finished up a shift at Arnold’s place. For the most part, they hadn’t been separated in a long time. It was kind of surreal, actually.

  Just thinking about him now, her stomach did a few somersaults. “I think I’m in love with him.”

  “See? Sometimes you just need a bit of a hand to nudge you in the right direction. I think it’s so good. You and Jax will be down the aisle in no time.”

  With that, it was time to leave. She’d been with Lily alone at her home as the other girls she liked to hang out with were there.

  Dani didn’t think about her actions. She simply moved, walking downstairs, climbing into the back of the limousine waiting for them that would take them to the lake where Lily was desperate to secure her wedding vows.

  The heat was high, but the limousine had air conditioning. Staring out the window, Dani watched Jax’s hometown pass her by. Lily had already pointed out his old home. It was a nice place with a white picket fence and neatly mowed lawn.

  She wondered if he had any intention of seeing his father while they were there.

  They left the main town and were traveling along a dirt road. Dani saw several cars parked up in a dirt spot.

  Lily gave a little squeal.

  Climbing out of the car, Dani helped the other bridesmaids with the train and followed close behind as they moved down the dirt path. The other women were complaining about the mess they’d make of their shoes.

  They met Lily’s father halfway there, and before long, they were at the back of the small aisle that had been made up. Jax stood beside Ryan, and she saw the other men there, waiting.

  At first, they were going to have a small wedding with just a few guests. Once Rachel, Wes, and the others found out, that soon changed. They wanted to see their friend walk down the aisle, and now, they were. Taking her spot, Dani looked toward Jax. He was staring right at her.

  He gave her a wink and mouthed the words, “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. You look very handsome.” She made sure to mouth the words too.

  He ran his hand down the jacket and smirked at her. She smiled back, and then she watched Lily come down the aisle. Ryan was watching her, and she saw the love between the two.

  Glancing over at Jax, he was still looking at her.

  Was it even possible for him to love her?

  They barely knew each other.

  Well, they knew each other, but they’d been together a matter of weeks.

  She was so obsessed with the idea that he loved her or didn’t love her that she didn’t hear the vows. It was only when the priest pronounced them man and wife that she realized she’d missed the entire thing thinking about Jax.

  Dani clapped her hands as everyone cheered for the happy couple. They were a happy couple, and so much in love as well.

  Tears filled her eyes, and she watched them walk down the aisle again, to kiss.

  The photographer was there.

  “You clean up nicely. I love the flowers,” Jax said, teasing a strand of her hair.

  “Lily took control. She dressed me.”

  Jax wrapped his arm around her waist. “They look so happy together.”

  “They do.”

  “Jax, come on, man, you’ve got to be here,” Ryan said.

  “That’s my cue.” Jax ran down the aisle, and she watched as the three friends stood together. She’d seen a few of his pictures of the three of them over the years. Lily was always turned toward Ryan and Jax stood close. They were the best of friends, and she saw that love.

  “Dani, come on,” Lily said. “It’s about time I have a few of Jax with his woman. Come on.”

  She walked down the aisle, and Jax pulled her into his arms, holding her close. The photographer kept on clicking away.

  Staring into Jax’s eyes, time didn’t matter.

  Nothing seemed to make sense, but she knew one thing.

  She was completely in love with him.

  Dani didn’t know when it happened or even how it happened, just that she’d fallen for him, and if his questions were to be believed, she had broken part of the agreement in the apartment.

  Jax cupped her cheek, and when his lips touched hers, she didn’t care. Wrapping her arm around his neck, she held him close as the photographer kept on clicking away.

  “You two, come on. We’re heading to our reception and party. It’ll be a lot of fun,” Lily said.

  Jax took her hand, leading her toward his car. He opened the door, helping her inside, and she thanked him.

  Her heart was pounding, and as they drove back toward town, she knew she was never going to be the same again because she’d never been in love before, and she’d just fallen for the kind of asshole who didn’t do love.

  What the hell was she going to do?

  Chapter Twelve

  The reception was held in an Italian restaurant that catered to weddings for the town. Jax recalled being here many times growing up. At the back of the restaurant there was a large picnic area and even a play park for kids. Past that was a small river where people could feed the ducks. It was a quaint spot, and one he knew Lily had wanted for a long time.

  “It’s beautiful,” Dani said.

  The first dance with Lily’s matron of honor, who happened to be her mother, had already happened. He now had Dani in his arms, and he had no reason to let her go.

  “This was the wedding she always wanted.”

  “You know a lot about weddings?”

  “Lily has been planning hers since we were kids. It would be hard not to see some comparisons to those books she used to keep.”

  Dani looked so beautiful today, not that she didn’t look so every single day. She did. Today, though, was different. She was in his hometown where he held a lot of memories and a lot of pain. He’d already gone to see his mom. Her resting place was still well-kept, not that it mattered to him.

  Ryan had told him that his father had been in touch with his parents. He wanted to talk, but Jax wasn’t interested.

  Right now, back home, with the woman he loved, he was trying to hold his shit together. He’d not been with this woman in his arms, but he knew without a doubt that he loved her. He loved watching her sleep late at night, and seeing her get dressed. He loved that she wore his shirts and wasn’t afraid to call him on his bullshit. She didn’t take any of his crap, and she did the dishes while letting him play with her body.

  He loved being with her, and when they weren’t together he was thinking about her.

  Stroking his fingers down her cheek, he offered her a smile.

  “It has been an amazing day,” she said.

  “Yes, it has.”

  She seemed kind of nervous.

  “You want to get out of here for a little while?” he asked.

  “Sure. You’re taking me to your secret spot?”

  “Yeah, come on.”

  They moved toward the edge of the dance floor, and while everyone was distracted, he ran with her to the edge of the restaurant. Stepping over a large boulder, he waited for her to do the same as they crossed the small river.

  “This is completely crazy. We’re leaving your best friend’s wedding,” she said.

  “We’ll be back before they even realize we’re gone.” Taking her hand, he ran through the forest, heading back toward the other side of the lake. He’d found this after being forced to attend one of his uncle’s weddings and he’d been so fucking bored that he decided to see what was on the other side of that small river.

  He remembered the path from all the times he traveled it as a kid.

  Dani kept up with him. They had to stop once as she couldn’t run with the heels on.

  As he held her shoes for her, they ran toward the other side of the lake, breaking through the forest and the path.

  “I don’t know if anyone else has ever come here,” he said. “On the other side of the lake is where Ryan and Lily got married. It’s always so peaceful here.”

  He pulled her in front of him, wrapping his arms around her.

  “You came here a lot?”

  “All the time. I found this spot when I was nine and so bored of the wedding. My mom loved weddings. She’d help plan them, bake a cake, and do all of that.”

  “I had no idea.”

  “After, when she was sick and I didn’t want to go home, I’d come here. It’s where I would think.”

  “Is this where you brought all of your dates?” she asked.

  He tightened his arms around her. “I’ve never brought another soul here. No one else. Not even Lily or Ryan know about it.”

  She seemed frozen in place.

  “You’re the only person I’ve brought here.”

  “It’s a beautiful spot.”

  The lake was so calm here.

  The water was flowing slowly, almost luring people into a false sense of safety, not that he’d ever try to cross. The river was too dangerous. He just loved to watch as it passed. The calm always helped to settle his nerves.

  He kissed her neck, and she turned in his arms, and then he was taking her down to the ground. He removed his jacket, putting it on the ground before laying her down on it. Taking possession of her lips, he ran his hand down her body.

  “Thank you for sharing this with me, Jax,” she said.

  “I’ll share anything with you.” He twirled a strand of her hair around his finger.



  “Make love to me.”

  He stared into her eyes. “We’ve not had the month.”

  “I don’t care. I want this. I want you, Jax.”

  He kissed her lips once again, and she started to unbutton his shirt. Lifting up her dress, he saw she wasn’t wearing any panties. “You dirty girl.”

  “I couldn’t wear any, otherwise people would have seen them.”

  “I’ve got no problem with that.” He stroked between her legs, touching her wet cunt, plunging a finger inside her tight heat, drawing it back to tease her clit. Moving between her spread thighs, he unbuckled his belt and released his dick. Running the tip up and down her clit, he poised at her entrance. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No, I don’t want you to stop. Don’t ever stop.”

  He slammed to the hilt inside her.

  This was not how he’d imagined their first time to be. Both of them fully clothed, at the edge of his favorite spot. The lake, the calm tranquil peace that surrounded him, and also with the knowledge that he was completely in love with her.

  He didn’t think this was possible.

  The heat of her pussy wrapped around his dick as he slid in deep.

  “Wow, you’re so big,” she said.

  “We fit perfectly, Dani.” Just like he knew they would. There was no way they wouldn’t fit close together.

  She belonged to him.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he plunged back inside. Slowly, thrusting in deep, he took her, feeling the love that he’d been hiding. She had consumed his soul, taken possession of his heart, and he didn’t know if he was ever going to survive this.

  Drawing her legs up over his hips, he drove inside her, feeling her tightness surround him. She was so fucking perfect, just as he knew she would be.

  Deepening the kiss, he thrust into her again and again, feeling her grow wetter with every passing second. Reaching down between them, he stroked her pussy, wanting to feel her come at least once before he found his release.

  Not breaking from the kiss, he rocked inside her, teasing her clit as he did. Her hands moved beneath his shirt, her nails scoring into his back.

  Did she even realize that she had part of his soul?

  The moment she came, she screamed out his name, and he filled her, thrusting in deep as his orgasm hit at the same time as hers. Biting her lip, he groaned her name as he felt like a changed man.

  He was different with her.

  There was no reason to push her away or to hide.

  “I love you, Dani,” he said, the words spilling from his lips.

  He heard her gasp, saw the shock in her eyes.

  “We better be heading back,” he said, changing the subject.

  He didn’t know if he’d just completely and totally fucked this up.


  Dani held onto his hand as they made their way back to the party. They’d put their clothes back into place, and as they were about to pass the river, she gripped his hand, forcing him to look at her.

  “Jax, wait.”

  He looked at her, a little

  “I can’t go back there until I tell you something.”

  “Dani, it’s fine.”

  “It’s not fine because the truth is I never expected you to want me, let alone fall in love with me, and I’m in love with you too, and I don’t want you to think that I was freaking out because I didn’t want it because I do. We’re in a really great place—”

  He stopped her with a kiss to the lips.

  “You love me. We can deal with the rest.”

  She believed him.

  “We better head back to the reception. We don’t want them to miss us.”

  “Please, they are so into each other they won’t notice we’ve gone.”

  “We’ll know.”

  “Fine. We’ll go and dance a little more. Then tonight, Dani, you’re all mine. Your pussy belongs to me.”

  “With language like that how could a girl resist?”

  “Good, because then I’m going to start working on your ass. I want to own every inch of you.” He pulled her close and his lips were on her again. Not that she’d ever complain; she loved his kisses.


  She loved him so much it was scary.

  The asshole roommate that she promised not to love.

  “You’re going to have to kick me out of the apartment.”

  “Why the hell would I do that?” he asked.

  “I fell in love with you.”

  “And I fell in love with you too. I broke my own rules. Come on, before I figure out a reason not to take you back to the reception.”

  They arrived through the trees to find Ryan and Lily dancing together. Jax held her close, and she watched them, so happy for the two of them to have found each other. With his arms wrapped around her, she felt like she’d finally found a sense of peace. Her place in the world.

  Yes, he was the biggest asshole she’d ever met, but he certainly wasn’t the worst. Besides, he wasn’t just anyone’s asshole.

  He belonged to her.

  For the next hour, they enjoyed the festivities; eating cake, dancing, partying, and when the time came to see Ryan and Lily off, everyone crowded around the car.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Jax said, calling after the car.

  Dani burst out laughing. Jax had tensed up though, and she saw his gaze was fixed across the street. She glanced over to see that he was looking at an older man. Just from that one quick glance she knew it was Jax’s dad.


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