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King Asshole

Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  “Jax, you okay?”

  “Yeah. Come on.” Jax took her hand and crossed the road getting closer to his dad.

  “Jax, I’ve been trying—”

  “This is Ryan and Lily’s day, and you think you can spoil that? What the fuck could you possibly have to say to me?”

  Jax was holding her hand tightly.

  “We need to talk.”

  “No. We’ve got nothing to talk about. Do you understand me? You and that piece of shit you call a wife don’t ever get to talk to me again. I know what you guys did. What you were doing when Mom was in the hospital fighting to get better. She gave up because of the two of you. I don’t forgive that shit. I won’t. I want nothing to do with you, old man. You’re not a dad to me. Come on, Dani.”

  She didn’t argue with him as he climbed into the car.

  The anger, the rage pulsed from him, and she just stayed quiet as he needed some space.

  They arrived at the hotel where they were staying. He turned off the engine but didn’t make a move to leave.

  “I’m sorry. I know you think I should have stayed and talked to him.”

  “Jax, I don’t know anything about that. It’s your choice. That’s not my choice to make.”

  “You don’t think I should go and apologize?” he asked.

  “He’s your dad. I’m not going to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. I love you exactly the way you are, and if that means you don’t want anything to do with him, then I won’t.”

  “I hate him. I hate them both. I don’t want them in my life.”

  “Then don’t. I’m not going to go back to my parents, Jax. They’re in the past, and I would never let you encourage me to even try. I’m not going to change you. I love you.” She gave his hand a squeeze. “I’m going to head in and take a shower. I’ll be waiting.”

  She left the car and made her way into the hotel. Closing the door, she went straight to the bathroom, stripped out of the bridesmaid outfit, and climbed into the shower. Turning the water on, she let out a gasp as the cold blasted her skin. She stepped back, waiting for the water to warm up. When it did, she tilted her head and let the water wash over her.

  Dani didn’t have to wait long before Jax was there with her.

  She knew he wouldn’t make her wait.

  “There’s so much that I love about you. I love your full body. Your big tits. Your round ass, but I also love the fact you don’t judge me.”

  He grabbed the soap and started to lather her body. Closing her eyes, she gave herself up to his caress.

  “One day, we’re going to get married, you know that, right?”

  “Is that a proposal?”

  “Yes. You better say yes now, otherwise I’m not going to continue.”

  She chuckled. “You’re blackmailing me with sex?”

  “All the way.”

  “Then I say yes. You better make it worth my while.”

  “You know, for a woman so opposed to marriage, I expected more of a fight.”

  “My parents didn’t pick you, Jax. You’re not going to try and change me and push me into a role I don’t want. You love me for me, and that’s why I’m not going to fight it. Also, I love you. After everything, I know deep down that we’re going to make this work, together. I’m not going to fight these feelings. Am I scared? Yeah, of course. Who wouldn’t be? But I know what I feel. I understand myself, and I know there’s no one else I’d rather be with to go through all this scariness than with you.”

  “Damn, you need to put that into your vows,” he said.

  He dropped the soap and used his hands to wash her body, caressing all over. She melted into his touch, her pussy on fire for him.

  Jax took his time, cupping and stroking her tits before sliding down, over her stomach, then at her back before moving between her thighs.

  “Are you wet for me, baby? You want my dick?”



  She bent down, picking up the soap, and started to working on his body as he took care of her. She loved all of his hard, corded muscles that were covered in ink. Taking her time, she ran her hand up and down the length of his cock, feeling how stiff he was. She wanted him inside her.

  Only when their shower was finished did Jax lift her up in his arms and step out into the bathroom. She let out a little squeal as she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to the bed. Dropping her down, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking hard before doing the same to the other.

  He kissed down her body, moving between her thighs, spreading her open as he latched onto her clit, sucking and flicking at the bud. The pleasure was intense, and he drew her close to orgasm but not enough.

  “I don’t want to play nice right now.”

  He flipped her over onto her knees. His cock at her entrance, she cried out as he thrust inside her.

  She gripped the sheet as he pulled out only to slam right back inside. With one of his hands gripping her hair as the other held her hip, he pounded away. Reaching between her thighs, she started to tease her clit.

  “That’s it, baby, come for me, fucking come for me.”

  He rode her hard, and she loved every second of it.

  When she came, she felt his cock pulse at the same time, his cum filling her. Afterward, they lay together on the bed.

  She ran her fingers across the ink across his chest, and smiled. “I had no idea it could be like this.”

  “Neither did I.” He kissed her head, and she snuggled in against him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  One week later

  Jax sat in their apartment waiting for Dani to arrive home. She’d called him up saying she’d left early. The table was set. Everything was in place and he’d cooked the perfect meal of baked spaghetti. It was one of her favorites.

  Opening the box in front of him, he stared at the ring that he’d chosen.

  Neither of them had spoken about their engagement. He’d proposed and she’d said yes, but nothing else had been said.

  He’d been looking for a ring though. The perfect ring for his perfect woman.

  He was nervous.

  His hands shook just a little, and he felt a queasiness in his stomach that had to be down to asking this question.

  Ryan already knew he intended to marry her. To say his two best friends had been shocked was an understatement. They were not shocked that he loved Dani. To Lily, anyone who looked at him saw that love. Ryan had been a little taken aback by it all and had even asked if he thought he was doing the right thing.

  He knew that he didn’t want to live without Dani.

  Sure, they didn’t know each other a whole lot, but his parents had known each other and look what happened to them.

  In the past week they’d made a few changes. All of Dani’s stuff was now in his bedroom. He loved seeing her things along with his. The spare bedroom had been turned into an office for him, as he had exams to study for and recipes to look through.

  Dani encouraged him in everything. If he couldn’t get a recipe right, she’d sit with him, go through it, and help him until he got it. She supported him.

  All of the women that came before her meant nothing.

  They were nothing.

  He had finally found the one, and he wasn’t going to wait for her to find out what an asshole he was.

  Wait, she already knew he could be an asshole, but he wasn’t to her. Never to her.

  The sound of the lock turning made him pick up the box and quickly hide it in his pocket. Dani entered. She wore a hat, which she quickly removed.

  “Oh, yum, something smells so good.” She closed the door, and he saw her holding a bag.

  “You went shopping?” he asked.

  “Sorry. I didn’t technically go shopping. I had this on back order last week and one finally came in.” She removed her jacket and bag, putting them in the relevant places. “Here you go. It’s for you.”

  “You bought me something?” />
  “The moment I saw it, I thought of you.”

  He pulled a book out of the bag, and he saw it was a recipe journal.

  “You can put your own recipes and make notes. There are spaces for pictures so we can document it. I saw this and thought of you.”

  “Wow,” he said. “This is … amazing.”

  “I know you love to cook, and I bet your mom would be so happy right now.”

  He stared at the recipe book and remembered his mother’s that he still had in the back of the closet.

  “One day, Jax, you’ll be a dad, and you’ll have to put your recipe memories in a book. Always document everything.”

  Going down onto one knee, he held the box, flicking it open. “Marry me.”


  “You said yes, and I gave you lots of orgasms. This is the ring. I want you to be mine, Dani. I know I’m fucked up. I don’t expect to be perfect, but for you I will try. I want to try. I want you to be my wife and to love me, faults and all.”

  She went down to her knees and stared into his eyes. “I don’t back out on my promise. Yes, Jax. I love you, and I will marry you.”

  He put the book on the sofa and took the ring out, sliding it onto her finger.

  “I love you, Dani. I really do love you.”

  “I believe you.”

  “Answering that damn phone was the best thing I ever did.”

  “Calling that number was the best thing I ever did and agreeing to your conditions no matter how crazy they sounded.”

  “We’re both crazy,” Jax said.

  “No, I’m crazy in love with you.”

  “Does that mean I get anal?”

  “You have this fascination with it.”

  “Not really, I just want to feel every single part of you,” Jax said.

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Come on, we’re going to get married. The least you can do is let me have it.”

  “Fine, you can have my ass, after you’ve cooked me one of your mother’s favorite dishes again,” she said.

  “That all it takes?”


  “I’ll be cooking her meatballs tomorrow.”

  She burst out laughing. “I can’t wait.”

  “Oh, one more thing.” He moved away, opening up a cupboard and turning back to face her. He held the vase in his hands. He’d never stopped looking. His one-night stand had destroyed it, but he remembered what it looked like. He’d trawled through auctions and vintage places, and he ended up finding it in a salon a few blocks from where he worked. He’d paid the owner twice what she asked for.

  “The vase?”

  “You said how much it meant to you, and seeing as you mean everything to me, I wanted to repair the damage I’d caused.”

  “Oh, my God, this is … wow, Jax, wow. I can’t believe you found one.”

  “It took some time.”

  She took the vase from him and turned it in her hands.

  “I know it won’t replace the original.”

  “It doesn’t matter. The fact you never stopped looking, that for me means the world.”

  “Still getting anal?” he asked.

  She burst out laughing. “Totally getting anal any time you want.” She threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him hard.


  “You need to relax,” Jax said.

  “It’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one that’s about to have a big cock up their ass.” Dani let out a gasp as he teased across her anus, his fingers pressing against her. He’d already covered his cock and her ass with lube, so as he pressed against her ass, it didn’t feel too dry or tight.

  She closed her eyes and lifted her legs beneath her so that she was spread exactly how he wanted her to be, open to take him.

  “You asked me to. I have to say I think it’s an honor that I get to pop your cherry.”

  She rolled her eyes.

  He’d wanted to do it, and she hadn’t been ready. Over the past couple of weeks he’d been preparing her ass, and now she wanted it.

  He added in a second finger, stretching her ass.

  The biting pain eased, and she felt this need building inside her.

  “Try not to tense up,” he said, his cock pressing against her anus.

  She couldn’t help but tense up.

  As he pressed the first couple of inches inside her, she tried to relax.

  “Take a deep breath, Dani. I’ve got you.”

  He held still within her, and she waited, eyes closed, for when he would take her. Slowly, inch by inch, as she got accustomed to the feel of him, he started to press forward, going deep inside her ass. On the last inch, he gripped her hip a little tighter as he slid to the hilt.

  She felt stretched.


  Owned by him.

  He took hold of her hands. His body pressed against her back as he started to thrust in and out of her.

  The pain that had come with him being inside her changed. The heat turned to pleasure, and she felt her pussy grow slick.

  He reached between them, letting go of one of her hands to stroke her clit. The pleasure of his hands on her and the slight pain of his dick inside her ass was too much. She came, and she heard Jax grunt as she did. His length was still inside her. She felt how hard he was with each pulse of her orgasm, tightening her ass around him.

  Jax eased his touch on her clit until both of his hands went to her hips, and he started to slide in and out of her ass, taking her to the next level of pleasure as he fucked her.

  She felt completely consumed by him.

  On fire.

  Hungry for more.

  The pain had completely disappeared, and now only pleasure took its place, even as he sped up and took her harder. She moaned his name, screamed for more, and when he came, she felt every single jet as he filled her ass.

  Jax rolled over with his cock still inside her, arm wrapped around her body, kissing her neck.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  “So, Lily wants to know if your flower of choice will be lily or daisy.”

  She started to laugh. “What do you want?”

  “You walking down the aisle. Everything else doesn’t matter because that moment will be the part I remember.”

  She leaned back and smiled. “Who would have thought that you could be so romantic?”

  “You think that’s romantic?”

  “The entire world thinks that is romantic. If it was on a television show, you’d be right up there. Heartthrob and all.”

  He did a little hair flick. “I do have what it takes to be a heartthrob.”

  She burst out laughing, and that died as soon as he started to kiss her.

  “In a way, Dani, you saved me.”

  “I didn’t save you. I just made you realize what you were missing.”

  He kissed her again, then again, and before long he’d deepened it. The cock in her ass started to get hard, and the truth was, she couldn’t believe this was happening to her. That she was actually going to marry the man she had once thought was an asshole.

  She couldn’t help it though.

  She loved him.

  And he’d proven to her time and again that he wasn’t an asshole.

  No, he was actually a very loving man.


  Five years later

  Jax glanced across the bar and watched as Dani sipped at her drink, talking with Lily and Ryan.

  They’d been married for five years now.

  Five of the best fucking years of his life. He ordered himself a beer, just the one, and as he waited, a blonde woman came up to him. She pushed her tits out and winked at him. “Hey, handsome, are you looking for a woman for the night? I can make it worth your while.”

  He wasn’t even tempted.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, I’m not interested in you or what you’ve got to office. Wow, can you believe this chick? I’m a fucking married man, and you think I�
�d give up my wife for you.” He shook his head, grabbing his beer. “You see that brunette over there? The one with the killer curves in the red dress. That’s my woman, and I’m going home tonight with her. For fuck’s sake. Wow.”

  Paying for his beer, he didn’t linger to keep the change.

  Going to his wife’s table, he gripped the back of her neck, and, not caring that she was talking, he claimed her lips.

  “Not that I have any complaints, but what was that about?”

  “He totally got hit on at the bar,” Ryan said. “I saw it.”

  “Another one.”

  “Don’t worry. She knows who I belong to.” He ran his hand down to cup his wife’s ass. After five years that spark was still there, and it was never going to go away.

  She leaned back against him, and he took her lips once again.

  “You know they put us to shame,” Ryan said.

  “No one would believe they’ve been married for five years, that they own a restaurant together, and have two kids. I mean, I’m jealous, and we’re doing okay,” Lily said.

  “This is our anniversary,” Jax said. “This was the night she called me up at three in the morning and asked to see the room.”

  “That was the best phone call of your life.”

  “Yeah, because it brought this woman into my life, and without her, I’m nothing.”

  “He’s even got better pick-up lines than you,” Lily said.

  “I love you, Dani King, my wife, my life, the mother of my children. You’re my entire world.”

  “As you are mine.”

  They were celebrating five years together. Their children back at home were being taken care of by Wes. She’d given Jax a reason to live again, to fight for what he wanted. He finished culinary school, set up his own restaurant, and every step of the way she’d been by his side. He would love her for the rest of their lives together because as far as he was concerned, she was his soul mate.

  The End

  Other Books by Sam Crescent:


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