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Anchors Away~Shades of Gray

Page 4

by Shara Azod

“You can feed me,” he said instead, trying like hell to think of anything but what was underneath that dress.

  Why in name of all that was holy had he insisted she not wear panties? It was driving him batty knowing she was bare down there, a soft coating of dew on her nether lips.

  “I thought you dominant types like to feed your women, not the other way around.”

  There went his cock, jumping at the soft spoken, almost shy statement. Bobbi wasn’t exactly shy, but when her voice went all sweet and soft like that…Man, it just did something to him. She just didn’t realize she was teasing a man with very little control left. The casual acceptance of the type of man he was wasn’t helping either.

  “And where did you hear that?”

  “Read up on it,” she shrugged, shoveling a healthy amount of food in her mouth.

  Like that was going to stop him. “Why?”

  He had to wait while she chewed and swallowed before he got his answer. “You really didn’t think I would miss all those hints you’ve been dropping, did you? I’m not dense, Gray.”

  No, never dense. Too damn smart, apparently. As casually as he could muster, he lifted her fork out of her hand. Truth be told, he kind of did want to feed her. He always thought she’d slap his hand away.

  “And what did you think about what you read?” He kept his voice low and even, but his cock perked up waiting for her answer.

  “I dunno,” she mumbled, shrugging. “It was all right I guess.”

  That wouldn’t do at all. “Look at me, Bobbi.”

  Aw, hell, maybe he shouldn’t have asked her to do that. Her eyes said everything her mouth wouldn’t. She was excited. Her nipples were hard, her breathing was escalated. The memory of the way those nubbins looked excited and hard came crashing through his head. He had to distract himself, so he concentrated on piling food on her fork and lifting it to her mouth. She opened immediately, no demur, no shyness. Just acceptance. He was in trouble.

  “Tell me what you thought when you read about dominant men, sweetheart.” He said after watching her swallow a couple of bites. He wanted to hear what he thought he saw.

  “I thought it was hot.” She didn’t duck her head this time, looking him straight in the eye with little head tilt thing he was starting to adore.

  “And?” He was holding his breath at this point. He wasn’t a Dom in a pure sense of the word, but he was quite dominant. He wanted her to be absolutely sure. He needed to know if he had to pull back, even a little.

  “And the thought of you doing those things to me excited me, which is why I looked into it in the first place. I like it when you get all caveman”

  He almost swallowed his tongue.

  “I never said I was a Dom,” he felt it necessary to clarify.

  “Are you telling me that wasn’t what you were trying to tell me since the night I first met you?”

  “Are you telling me you trust me?” he shot back. “I mean completely trust me? I’m not talking about a fling either.”

  He watched her carefully, waiting for any sign of balking. He didn’t get any. Bobbi smiled, a combination of serenity and pure enticement. Grayson couldn’t recall ever seeing that expression on a woman’s face before. He called to him on some deep, primitive level he couldn’t explain or define. All he wanted to do was throw her over his shoulder like the caveman she had accused him of being.

  It was getting impossible to sit there in the quiet little restaurant nestled on a tiny dead end street in the heart of Hillcrest. He brought her here because it was quiet and romantic, and the neighborhood had some of the best unknown small eateries in San Diego. He mentally calculated it would take about twenty minutes to get to his place. Could he make it? Shit he was going to have to.

  “You doing this on purpose aren’t you, sugar?” He breathed against her ear, taking a little nip along the way. “You know I am sitting here hard as hell trying not to throw you on this table and have my way with you don’t you? Is that why you had this pretty pussy waxed all smooth for me?” As he spoke his hand slid up the side of her dress, tracing the tips of his fingers across her slit. He found her moist and welcoming, ready for the single digit invasion as he pushed his middle finger deep inside. He caught her moan with his lips, waiting until she had some semblance of control before continuing his questioning and the pleasurable manipulation of her body.

  “You aren’t answering me, Bobbi,” he lightly pinched her clit for emphasis.

  “Yes, that’s why I got the wax job,” she moaned, shifting her hips up to meet the single digit driving inside her.

  Grayson could feel her walls start to tremble. Her pupils were dilated, her breathing so heavy she was almost panting. Almost. Giving her what he hoped was a smile that communicated regret, he slipped his finger out of her almost coming pussy to lick the juices coating it.

  Damn, that was good. He couldn’t wait to get his head in between those dark, creamy thighs.

  “Is this punishment?”

  The soft question lacking any of the anger he had expected. He had driven her to the point of orgasm, and then backed off. In his experience, most women would be kind of pissed about that. Bobbi sounded downright excited.

  “Did you do anything that deserves punishment?” he asked with a coolness he didn’t feel. His entire body was aflame. Man, he wanted this woman!

  “I’m not sure,” she tilted her head again, looking directly at him. “But I know I’d like to.”

  “Check, please!”

  Chapter 8

  Seven minutes and forty-three seconds. That was how long it took for Gray to get from the restaurant to his place on Shelter Island. It should have taken twenty. Bobbi would have been amused if she hadn’t been terrified. Not of Gray. She doubted if he even realized how sweet he was. He was too busy being all macho and protective all the damn time. For whatever reason, she didn’t mind that. She was more afraid of herself. What did it say about her that she really did love it when he got all primitive on her? It made her knees like water whenever he got that gravelly growl thing in his voice, and he stared at her like she was the only person in the universe. Worse yet, what if she couldn’t handle him? What if once it can down to it, she would chicken out or be unable to match his passion?

  Bobbi had never really had a long-term relationship; not the kind she knew Grayson would demand. He didn’t let her get away with half answers about herself. She loved that about him. He listened when she talked. She was not the aggressive, demanding type, so she never really had anyone really listen to her like that.

  When he stopped the car in the garage and sat there, his hands holding the wheel in a death grip. Had he changed his mind? Funny, but even with all the doubts she had about herself, she didn’t have any uncertainty about what Gray felt. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt he wanted her, and wanted her bad. It was a heady thing to have a guy that into you, especially one as delicious as he was, scar and all. No, he didn’t love her or anything like that, but he was interested.

  “Is something wrong?” It had to be her. He was having qualms about her.

  “Don’t do that.”

  It wasn’t one of his authoritative commands, but it had her head snapping in his direction.

  “Do what?”

  Gray sighed, leaning back in the seat. “Don’t doubt yourself, he told her softly. “I just need you to be really sure, okay. Take a minute to think about it. We can go inside, watch a movie, maybe cuddle.” He sounded surprised to be making the offer. She was surprised hearing it.

  “Would you take me home if I asked?” She wouldn’t. It was the last thing in the world she wanted.

  “If you insist. I would really rather not.”

  Bobbi let out a pent up breath. She could do this. She wanted to do this. Really bad. “I’m sure. I am very sure. I want to be with you.”

  Gray smiled, his blue eyes lighting up in a way that almost made him look almost boyish. “Good, because I’m sure too. But if at any time you want to stop, just say �
��Stop’ and I will okay?”

  Bobbi nodded, not really trusting her voice to say the words.

  “I mean it, Bobbi. Say the word and everything stops.”


  Gray led Bobbi straight to his bedroom. He wanted to show her the house, but that was going to have to wait until later. He was too far gone.

  Stopping at the door he watched as she entered the room. He loved the way she walked, with an innate sensuality she wasn’t even aware of. It was sexy as hell watching her move. When she realized he was no longer walking with her, she stopped, looking at him askance. Not quite two inches from the bed. Perfect.

  “Take off your dress, slowly.”

  He didn’t need a mirror to know his nostrils were flaring as she did exactly as he instructed; no hesitation. The light cotton dress slid over the curves of her shoulders, her arms, those scrumptious full breasts, her hips, where the material seemed to pause and cling – probably to drive him crazy – until finally it slid down her legs to puddle at her feet.

  Fuck, she was perfect! No bony stick figure here. Her upper half dipped gracefully at the waist, only to fill out again at her hips. Her ass was simply luscious, round, firm, full and perfect. He could spend hours alone on that ass. So very spankable.

  “So tell me, sugar, have you done anything that deserves punishment yet?”

  Damn, he was so damn hot for her, he was gripping himself through his slacks. Thank the heavens he hadn’t worn jeans! They would have been a nightmare to work down past the raging hard on he had going on.


  Such a simple word, “Yes”. But when breathlessly spoken, it took on a host of meanings. She had no idea what she was doing to him. She might think she did, but there was no way she could even guess the erotic, hedonistic thoughts running through his mind.

  “And what was that?” He didn’t give a flying fuck what it was at this point, but he wasn’t about to punish her for no reason. He was basically looking for an excuse.

  “I doubted myself when we got here.”

  Well, hell. That was something indeed. “What did you doubt?”

  If she said she doubted she wanted this, it was over right now. They would make love like a nice normal couple, and he would learn to deal with it. There was no way he could walk away. Bobbi had wormed her way deep inside him, and he didn’t want to let her go.

  “I doubted that I could match your passion.”

  What the hell was that supposed to mean?


  “I want this so much,” she admitted without looking away from his direct gaze. Lord that turned him on. She was not some weak-kneed push over. All woman. That was his Bobbi. “I have been waiting for this. I was afraid that I wouldn’t know what to do…”

  He was by her side before she could finish the sentence, taking her mouth in a soul stealing kiss. Didn’t know what to do his ass! All she had to be was herself, and he was a goner.

  “Turn around, sweetheart,” he murmured, breaking their lips apart. “Place your palms flat on the bed and arch your back.

  And of course she did it immediately.

  Gray tore his clothes off, heedless to where they landed. There was no way he could be fully clothed for this. She already had him painfully hard, his dick was weeping with need.

  Her ass was too much of a temptation not to caress before her well deserved spanking. He even paused long enough to place a tender kiss on her lower hip. Yeah, he and this ass were going to have to get closely acquainted – later.

  Taking a step back he smacked her right cheek with the palm of his hand, pausing to feel the heat blossom on her tender flesh.

  “Ow!” She cried out, jerking a little before settling back in place.

  She was breathing deeper, but not seriously. The next hit was on her left. No exclamation this time, but her breathing got a little faster, and Gray could have sworn he caught a little moan in there.

  “Spread you legs wider,” he instructed, then dipped two fingers to rub along her slit.

  Wet, and getting wetter. Heaven.

  Two quick smacks to each ass cheek, careful never to hit the same place twice, and she was panting, moving into the smacks. There was no way he could take much more. Touching her was just too much. He had to pull himself back from fingering her while he spanked her. She was just so wonderfully responsive.

  “Move up on to the bed and lay on your back.”

  Now he was breathing heavy, his cock bobbing up and down as he watched her move. No slow, jerky movements for Bobbi. Oh, no, she damn near slid up on the bed, turning to face him after laying down, her eyes bright with desire.

  So fucking beautiful.

  “Spread your legs.” Her legs fell open. Smooth chocolate pussy stared back at him, glistening and ready. This was the meal he had been waiting for. “Put you arms up and grip the headboard. Do not let go until I tell you to.”

  He didn’t bother to watch to see if she followed instructions this time. He was too damn hungry and she had exactly what he needed to eat.


  The first long, torturous lick of his tongue and Bobbi was ready. Her body was already humming with excitement.

  “Do. Not. Cum.” He growled it against her hypersensitive flesh, sending vibrations shuddering through her down to her toes.

  How was she supposed to stop it? She tried, she really did. But the man was eating her like she was his favorite brand of ice cream he might never have again. He nibbled her clit, licked it, sucked it, then dug his tongue deep inside her, fucking her with his tongue. Her muscles strained with the effort it took not to let go of the headboard.

  “Gray, please? I need to come!”

  He bit down lightly on her clit again sending shockwaves through her body. She was going to lose. He added his fingers to the torment of his tongue, slipping two large digits into her weeping pussy, and then curved them upward, stroking her g-spot. Bolts of electricity raced through her veins, making white spots dance in front of her eyes. She tried to beg, but all she could do was gasp for air. Her body was strung too tightly; any more strain could possibly break her. Her eyes flew wide, trying desperately to convey her need but not knowing how.

  Gray lifted his upper body. His fingers pistoning in and out, driving her body higher and higher.

  “Do you want to come, baby?”

  Bobbi nodded vigorously, But Gray demanded more.

  “You have to say it.” Oh, shit if she didn’t come soon she was going to die! Surely a body couldn’t take this much stimulation. “Come on, sweetheart, you can do it.”

  It took everything in her to gather enough air in her lungs. Even then, what came out was a wispy groan. “Please, may I come, Gray?”

  “Yes, baby. Come for me.”

  Bobbi screamed as her body shook, flying to the moon, coming back, and going back up again. Her skin felt as if it had burst into flame. She exploded so hard, she felt as if her insides were quaking.

  It took a while for her to recover enough to take stock of her position. She was lying legs splayed wide, hands above her head causing her breasts to push up and out. She was completely open to him, and he was taking in every inch. No man had ever looked at her that way, with predatory hunger that made her juices flow although she had come so hard she wouldn’t have thought she had any juices left. There was nothing hidden from that burning blue gaze. She had never felt so vulnerable or so completely protected in her life.

  And she loved every minute of it.


  Gray was completely enchanted. He had heard it said there was nothing as beautiful as a woman coming, but he could never agree to that saying until now. And whoever said black women didn’t blush either lied or didn’t know what the hell they were talking about. A deep red flush graced Bobbi’s cheeks, spreading down to her chest. And what a lovely chest it was.

  He slid his fingers out of her with regret, stopping only to lick up every drop. Her dew was much too precious to waste. Slowly he mov
ed up her frame, stopping to place soothing kisses on her heated skin. He had wanted to play a while longer, but there was no way he could hold back now.

  Lifting her legs on to his shoulders, he rubbed the head of his cock against her slit. Her clit jumped at the contact, her moan music to his ears.

  “Is this what your greedy little pussy wants?” he rasped, slowly stroking himself against her.

  “Let me taste you,” she surprised him by saying.

  Just the thought of those lips wrapped around his pulsating cock made his hips jerk in response. A tortured groan escaped before he could call it back. If he allowed her to take him in her mouth right now, he wouldn’t last more than a minute. That wouldn’t do at all for what he had planned for his woman.

  “Not this time. Later, I promise,” he assured as he slid just his head inside her.

  Her nether lips sucked at him greedily as if trying to pull him inside. Damn, it was so tight! He had to grit his teeth to stop himself from plunging forward. He was not a small man, he didn’t want to hurt her.

  “More, Gray, please!”

  He had to do something to distract himself from the riveting sight of his cock disappearing inch by inch inside the prettiest pink pussy on the earth. He used her little outburst as opportunity. Spreading her legs he lightly spanked her pussy, careful to keep his hand flat and not to hit too hard, just a light sting.

  That was a mistake.

  Her walls contracted, pulsating all around him. He sunk deep inside before he could pull back; it felt too damn good not to be all the way in.

  “Aw, shit!”

  It was too late to stop now. He was moving, stroking deep then withdrawing to the very tip. She followed his every move, her body rising and falling to meet every surge. He could feel her heels digging into his shoulder, using him as leverage as they moved together. He couldn’t care less.

  “Baby, you feel so good wrapped around my dick.”

  For the first time in his adult life, Gray didn’t give a damn that Bobbi was coming without permission. Every single time she did, she would clamp down on him in a close to painful grip, suckling on his dick like a hot, tight, wet mouth. He was fascinated watching her, loving the faces she made, the way she bit her bottom lip. Every expression of rapture spurred him on. He never felt like more of a man. He couldn’t even be moved to care when she let go of the headboard, her nails running down his chest. He could feel the trail of her fingers through his skin down to his very soul.


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