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A Traitorous Heart

Page 24

by Tammy Jo Burns

  She grinned, feeling wanton as he tugged the sheet down to reveal her breasts to him.

  “I think I could live off of your bounty,” he whispered before gently nibbling her breast until he reached her stiffened peak and suckling her fiercely. Tessa reached up to grasp either side of his head and guided him to her other breast.

  They were lost in each other. Tessa tried to take in all that she could, the feel, taste and texture of his body. She learned what he liked. He helped her to discover things about herself that she never expected to know. Most importantly, he let her be in control, which excited both of them. What she ended up doing threw them both over the precipice and they collapsed weakly onto the mattress.

  “Tessa,” he said, attempting to catch his breath, “you are a quick study, love.”

  Her pulse picked up at the endearment. She leaned up on her elbows, “I have a wonderful teacher.”

  “Kala and Dru will be here in a few hours and I am expected at the office,” he said, climbing out of the bed.

  “Oh, I forgot!” she cried, jumping up.

  “Wait a moment, my lady.” She blinked in owl-like surprise, sitting on her knees in the middle of the bed. He walked over to her and leaned down to give her a tender, earth-jarring kiss. “Good morning,” he whispered rakishly.

  “Good morning back,” her lips curved into a smile.

  “Behave while I’m gone.” He disappeared into the ensuite and Tessa collapsed boneless back onto the bed.

  “I love you,” she whispered into the mattress so that he wouldn’t hear, unable to hold back the words any longer.

  Chapter 28

  Tessa stood in the background watching in amusement as Drucilla and Kala went through her wardrobe. Tessa expected Drucilla to be an extremely prim woman with severely pulled back, gun-metal gray hair and sharply chiseled features. Instead the real Drucilla pleasantly surprised Tessa. Before her stood a Madonna, having just given birth to her third child a little over six months ago.

  Tessa found herself envying the blonde beauty her looks. She dressed in the latest fashion, had a quick wit and was always ready with laughter. She and Kala easily parried verbally neither taking to heart what the other said.

  “Drucilla, may I ask you something?” Tessa had already been threatened within an inch of her life to never call her ‘Aunt Drucilla’.

  “Of course,” Drucilla said while holding up a beautiful sapphire riding habit trimmed with gold braiding up the front of the jacket and epaulets. “This is truly beautiful, just perfect for a ride about Hyde Park. You will be the envy of all the women and the dream of all the men. I cannot wait to sponsor you!”

  “Just remember, I am married.”

  “There is that. It was too bad of Derek not to mention that small detail to his family. Oh well, men. Now what were you going to ask my dear?”

  “How exactly are you Kala and Derek’s aunt? I have several options in mind and all are feasible, but. .”

  “Well, you see, my father, Derek and Kala’s grandfather, was a dirty, lecherous, old man,” Drucilla laughed at Tessa’s shocked expression. “Oh, do not get me wrong, I loved Papa dearly, but he cornered one too many house maids after his wife died and I am the result.” Tessa still looked confused.

  “Tessa, our father is Drucilla’s half-brother. Grandfather was a marquess and grandmother died in childbirth along with a baby girl.”

  “I understand that well enough. But how? I mean, you are...,” Tessa stammered.

  “A duchess? Indeed. Luckily I fell in love with a man who could care less which side of the blanket I had been born on. And besides, I might be a bastard, but I am still the acknowledged daughter of a marquess, and came with a sizeable dowry. Can you imagine the noses that were bent out of shape when Richard married beneath him, and a bastard to boot?”

  “You mean your parents never married?”

  “No. Mama raised me in father’s house but refused to tarnish the family name anymore by having him marry a servant. They did remain lovers until his death, and he did love Mama and me for all his other faults. They were more careful, however, so there were no more ‘happy little accidents’ as they loved to call me,” Drucilla smiled at her memories.

  “Who dared to spread the rumors about you being a bastard?”

  Drucilla and Kala exchanged sheepish smiles.

  “I had fallen madly in love with Richard and hoped he felt the same for me, but I knew he had to be told about my parentage. After all, he stood in line as heir to a dukedom. I worked out a plan and perversely used Kala. I did not have the nerve to tell him myself so one day a group of my sister-in-law’s gossipy friends stopped for a visit. Kala and Derek’s parents were visiting as well and had Kala with them. So, at just the right moment I had Kala walk in and announce to the world, ‘Aunt Drucilla’s a bastard.’”

  “You didn’t!”

  “Oh, but I did.”

  “And I suffered for it,” Kala mumbled going through Tessa’s day dresses.

  “Yes, love, but I made it up to you many times over. As you can imagine, word spread like wildfire. Kala’s mother was furious that I used her daughter in such a way, and I had to explain to Kala not to ever use that word again.”

  “I will never forget the taste of that horrid soap as long as I live.”

  “My other sister-in-law kicked me out of the house permanently as soon as her friends left.”

  “What happened then?”

  “No more than an hour passed when Richard stormed in to prepare me for the vicious rumors circulating,” she continued. “I told him they were true, and I started them. He left, I went to Mama, and he came after me. He took me over his knee, beat me soundly and kissed me senseless. We were engaged in the end, and I have always been brutally honest with him since. I stayed with my mother until the wedding.”

  “That is not typical of the ton is it?”

  “No. I am married to a very special man. Any other would have left me without a second thought. Richard is truly special.”

  “Where is your mother?”

  “Living peacefully in a cottage by the sea. It is where she and Papa went for him to spend the last years of his life. They wanted to be a ‘normal’ couple for whatever time they had left together. I tend to think they pulled it off.”

  “You definitely need several ball gowns, especially for the big event. You also need a domino for any masquerades, and several more day gowns,” Kala brought the conversation back to the present.

  “Also several gowns for the theater,” Drucilla chimed in.

  Tessa’s head spun sickeningly by the time Derek joined them for tea. He went around the room and kissed each woman on the cheek, lingering longer when he came to Tessa. He sat next to her and poured himself the coffee he preferred.

  “How is my favorite aunt?”

  “You just say that because you know the other ones on this side are veritable dragons.”

  “Amen to that,” Kala and Derek said in unison. Tessa raised her brows questioningly.

  “Derek, did you tell her nothing of us?”

  “The doctor said...”

  “Psh,” Drucilla interrupted. “A little knowledge is not about to harm anyone, besides her memory is back now isn’t it?”

  “Your Grace, I apologize for interrupting.”

  “Bring the little bruiser in here.” The nurse carried the baby into the room and handed him over to his mother. Derek rose and cleared his throat. “Where are you going? This is perfectly natural,” Dru teased.

  “Not for men,” he muttered, leaving the room.

  He did hear her parting shot of, “Wait until you have one of your own.” He paused outside the door and heard Tessa murmur, “Oh, he is beautiful. May I hold him when he is through?” In that moment, he pictured Tessa in the nursery, feeding their child with him looking on in pride. He allowed the vision to last several moments before he shook his head and left the house for the War Office.

  Inside the salon the women contin
ued to visit and fill Tessa full of family information, including stories about Drucilla’s horrible sisters-in-law, the exception being Kala and Derek’s mother. A maid quickly brought in a bottle and Dru passed Eric over to Tessa to feed.

  “But I thought…”

  “I am weaning him. He is cutting teeth already which can be painful for both of us.”

  After little Eric had been fed, Tessa burped him per his mother’s instructions and then rocked him to sleep, humming softly. She missed most of the conversation that passed around her, she found herself so enthralled with the baby.

  “Tessa, did you hear me?” Dru’s voice pulled her out of her lull.


  “I asked when the best time would be to have your final fitting for your ball gown?” Drucilla asked patiently.

  “We have the theater this evening. Will one of the dresses I have do for it?” Tessa asked, finding she did not want to embarrass Derek.

  “Yes, the aquamarine should be perfect. I will send word round to my dressmaker that she should come the day after tomorrow. That will give us plenty of time if any alterations need to be done to the ball gown for Saturday.”

  “Of course,” Tessa answered, patting Eric’s back as he fretted.

  “Tessa, don’t worry. Everything will be fine. If I survived the Season, you will do splendidly,” Kala promised. Tessa sent her a grateful smile.

  “You will be fine. Believe me, I know how intimidating the ton can be. And truly, our group of acquaintances is rather small. Not many people want to befriend a bastard, even if she is a duchess,” Dru seconded.

  This statement floored Tessa. If being a duchess did not earn you respect, she stood little chance of being respected as a countess.

  “Drucilla, you have scared Tessa.”

  “Good,” she held up her hand at Kala’s sharp look. “No, this is why Derek chose me to help. Listen to me Tessa,” she waited to continue until Tessa looked her in the eyes. She noticed Tessa held her son like a shield. Dru gently took Eric and passed him to Kala and then took Tessa’s hands in hers. “The ton can and will be cruel. You will not be accepted by everyone, do not even expect it. It is my job to see that you are prepared to face the female vultures and the leering men. It will not be easy, especially with everything going on around you, but you are strong, I can tell.”

  “Thank you,” Tessa gave a weak smile.

  “And you would do well to pay attention to the lessons as well, Mikala.”

  Kala rolled her eyes, “You are showing your true colors Auntie Dru.”

  “Good, now you know how I survived so long in the ton. You have four days to be ready for the ball. Enjoy the opera tonight. Your first time will be quite an experience,” she said, not knowing just how true her prediction would be. Kala handed Eric back to Tessa as the women gathered their items to leave. She followed them to the front hall and down to their carriage and waited until Dru and Kala were settled before kissing Eric’s little head and handing him up to his mother.

  “We will see you for your fitting, if not before,” Kala called before the footman shut the door. Tessa stood on the sidewalk waving as the carriage pulled away. She turned and walked to the house, Ramsey watching her. She paused feeling the back of her neck prickle and quickly turned and scanned the area, but saw no one.

  “What is it, my lady?” Ramsey came down to her side at once followed closely by a footman.

  She rubbed her right hand up and down her chilled left arm. “I’m not certain. It felt as if someone were watching me.”

  Ramsey also scanned the area. “Please, my lady, let us go inside. I will alert the staff to be on alert and let his lordship know as soon as he returns home.”

  “Please don’t go to all that trouble. It seems silly now. I didn’t even see anyone.”

  “It is no trouble, my lady and the master will want to know.” She went into the house sandwiched between Ramsey and the footman, one in front of her and one behind, prepared to shield her from any danger.

  Tessa spent the rest of the day unable to shake off the uneasy feeling. She roamed the house unable to settle down and finally settled on a hot bath before tonight’s visit to the opera. Tessa let the honeysuckle scented water soothe her aches from the active night she spent with Derek and carry away her troubles until she peacefully dozed.

  * * *

  Later that afternoon, Derek returned from the office to be met at the door by Ramsey, who took his hat and coat. Derek turned, anxious to find his wife.

  “My lord, might we speak?”

  “Of course,” Derek tried to keep his anxiousness to see Tessa under control. He berated himself for being so excited to see her with so much still left unsettled. He needed to somehow put some emotional distance between them. Even though she had told the director everything, until they had evidence, the man still considered her a suspect.

  “My lord, Lady Blackburn became distressed after Miss Kala and the duchess left.”


  “Yes, my lord. She felt as if she were being watched when she walked our visitors to their carriage.”

  “She went outside of the house?”

  “Yes, my lord, but I accompanied her as well as a footman. Once we returned to the house, I put everyone on high alert and one of the guards went out with several footmen to look around.”


  “They found fresh footprints in the ground around the trees across the street, but were unable to find anyone.”

  “I see. Keep everyone on alert. Have the footmen and stable lads take shifts watching the perimeter.”

  “It has already been done my lord.”

  “Good man. Where is the countess?”

  “She was restless after that. She wanted to roam the house. I have not personally seen her for several hours,” panic surged through Derek at Ramsey’s words, “but I do believe she retired to her room.”

  “Thank you Ramsey.” Her room, not your room, Ramsey had said. What did that mean, if anything? The woman had begun to drive him to distraction. What if there were not enough guards to keep her safe in the house? What if someone sneaked past their defenses and took her, or worse. Derek took the stairs two at a time, trying to calm himself. Thankfully, his leg gave him little trouble nowadays.

  He walked into his room, finding no Tessa and nothing to be amiss. Derek went to the connecting door, opened it and witnessed one of the most beautiful sights in his memory. His wife reclining in a tub of hot water, her auburn curls piled on top of her head. The steam formed ringlets around her face, and her skin looked slick to the touch. He found his hands itching to touch her and tightly fisted them as he walked to her. As he neared her, he took off his superfine, waistcoat and cravat, making a trail that led to his soaking, oblivious wife.

  Chapter 29

  Tessa felt herself trapped in the most delicious dream. Derek had come home and walked in on her bathing. He dropped skilled kisses behind her ear, down her neck, and across her shoulder. She felt him tease her ear with his lips and breath as his hands came around her, lifting her breasts free of the water. Tessa leaned her head back and licked her lips, hoping the man of her dreams would capture her lips. When he did, she firmly gripped the sides of the tub.

  “I hope you do know it is I,” her husband’s voice teased. He sounded so real, she opened her eyes and jerked fully awake when she saw him. In her haste to sit up, she slipped, going fully under the water before she felt his strong hands grip her waist and help her sit. She spluttered, pushing her wet hair of her face and shot him an angry look as he laughed.

  “Look what you’ve done! I will be lucky if my hair is dry by the time we leave for the opera.”

  “I don’t care if it is wet,” he said huskily, and she felt certain he meant something else entirely.

  “When did you get back?”

  “About ten minutes ago. Did you have fun this afternoon?”

  “Hmmm,” she nodded pushing up out of the tub and letting the wat
er cascade from her body. Derek felt himself becoming aroused as he espied his wife’s nude form. “Hand me the bathing sheet, please,” she requested.

  “Must I?”

  “Blackburn, we will never make it to the opera at this rate.”

  “There will be other nights.”

  Tessa found she was tempted, but the lure of the theater tugged at her more. “I do not doubt that, but you did promise this evening.”

  He reluctantly held the bathing sheet for her to step into and wrapped her in it, his arms clasping her tightly to him.

  “What tales did Dru fill your head with?”

  Tessa began recounting many of the things Drucilla had told her. “She gave me hope,” she ended the recount solemnly.

  “Hope for what?”


  “Did you have doubts?”

  “Yes,” she answered straightforward.

  “Oh,” Derek responded, a mask dropped over his face. He paced to the window, looking outside, not trusting himself to look at her.

  “You have to understand Derek, I do not fit into the world of the ton, regardless of how much we might care for each other.”

  “And you think I do?”

  “More so than I.”

  “I see.”

  “Don’t be angry; I am just stating a fact. I have given the situation some thought. I know you probably do not want to hear this, especially after the night we shared, but after all this is over, perhaps we should divorce. You can claim that I am barren. That would be easiest with your being in the position of needing an heir. You deserve someone who can make you proud and not embarrass you among the ton.”

  She watched his back as he continued to stare out the window. Night began to descend, and she knew he could not see anything. He showed no reaction to her statement, and she bowed her head in defeat, hoping to at least goad him into declaring his feelings. Apparently, his did not run as hot as hers. Tessa decided to hold hers close and not give any sign of how much she loved him.

  “Ramsey told me you thought someone watched you this afternoon,” he broke the silence stiffly.


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