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Protecting Braden (Custos Securities Series Book 2)

Page 20

by Luna, David

  She walked him to an ER surgical room and had him sit on the bed. A nurse came in and asked him for his info and they got him into the system before Dr. Patel started working on him. She then pumped him with a round of antibiotics before she numbed the area. She cleaned out the wound, muttering that he was lucky the shot had missed anything vital as she sewed him back up.

  She told him not to shower for forty eight hours, to come back in if there was any sign of infection and to take it easy, nothing strenuous for two weeks. After checking in with the OR nurses and verifying Braden was still in surgery, she cleaned his head wound. She then sent him to get a CT scan, confirming the concussion and plied him with a large dose of acetaminophen. She cleaned up his knuckles and while there was some bruising and a scrape he remembered he’d gotten from Eric’s teeth, the blood on them seemed to all belong to Eric. Finally, she warned him she had to report the GSW to the police and he gave her Detective Miller’s number, informing her that the police were well aware of the incident. He was on his feet again and headed to the OR waiting room.

  As soon as he entered the room, he realized he should have expected to see everyone, but he was caught off guard. His whole family was there, including Aiden, who approached him immediately and hauled him in for a bear hug. Cade hugged him back fiercely, aware that he’d needed the contact. Nana and Maya were there, as well as his men. They all gathered around him, asking for details. His mom pulled up his shirt and looked at his dressing, her face losing all color. He hugged her and addressed everyone. “Have any of you heard anything?”

  Everyone shook their heads and he thought that at least there wasn’t bad news. His mom didn’t want to let go. “Are you going to be alright?”

  “I’m fine, Ma. It was a clean shot that only passed through muscle in my side, in and out. It’s not me we need to worry about. Braden’s in the OR right now. I made Finn promise to perform the surgery. He demanded I get stitched. It’s been two hours since we brought him in, so I don’t know how he’s doing. He was unconscious when the EMTs got to him, gunshot wound to the abdomen, with a lot of blood loss. I’m sorry, I need to go try to find out more, I can’t just sit here.”

  He turned as a harried woman in green scrubs approached and called out, “McCade?”

  The whole group turned and Cade jogged toward her. “I’m Zavier McCade. Dr. McCade is in performing surgery on my partner.”

  “He’s approved you, and only you, to be led to the operating theater’s observation room. Please follow me.”

  He turned to everyone gathered. “I’ll do my best to keep you informed.”

  He walked with the nurse toward the observation room. She showed him the monitor that was showing the surgery that was taking place in the theater. He took several deep breaths and focused on the close up of his brother’s hands holding medical instruments that were probing Braden’s abdomen, along with a pile of what Cade dreaded was intestines, covered by some kind of gauze. Before she left the room, the nurse got his attention again. “When he speaks, you’ll hear him on the video monitor. You can also look down on the theater to watch that way, but you won’t see the details as well. If he speaks to you, and you need to respond, press the button on the intercom there to your right and hold it down while you talk.”

  With that, she left, presumably to return to the room below. His brother paused, hands still inside of Braden’s abdominal cavity. Cade looked down into the room to see what had caused him to stop what he was doing. Finn’s back was facing the windows, but Cade heard him say, “Zavier, are you patched up?”

  He pushed the button down and held it while he talked. “Yes. Tell me.”

  Finn shook his head, resumed working. “The bullet missed his spine, so that’s good news, but I’m afraid the good news stops there. He’s in bad shape, Zavier. Before we even went in, we typed his blood and shot him full of antibiotics. The wound perforated his small bowel. He’s lost a lot of blood and we’ve already given him a transfusion. The fact that he’s extremely healthy is a huge part of what’s keeping him alive. We’ve performed an emergency laparotomy, as he presented with major intra-abdominal damage. He had some internal bleeding, which we believe we’ve stopped. At this point, it’s a matter of us finding all of the damage done to the bowel and patching each spot.”

  “So under the gauze are his intestines?”

  “Yes, they’re moistened sterile dressings covering the viscera as we need to keep them damp while they are outside of the abdominal cavity. When they are all sutured, we can place them back into the abdomen.”

  “His diabetes.”

  “We’re keeping an eye on his levels. We’ve already given him some insulin, as he had been running low. His levels are very healthy right now and we’ve got that under control. What worries me is the risk of infection. The bullet did a lot of damage to the small bowel. We’ve got a lot more to suture, but then I think we’ll have it all dealt with.”

  “Finn, is he going to make it?”

  “I can’t make you any promises, Zavier, except that I’ve done everything I possibly can and will continue to do so. A small bowel evisceration causes waste to be released into the abdominal cavity, possibly traveling to other areas. Not to mention the bullet passed through his shirt, so we’re trying to keep our eyes out for any fibers. His risk of infection is enormous at this point, and only exacerbated by his diabetes. Like I said earlier, he’s been shot with antibiotics, but we don’t want to overdo that, either, because then some bacteria may become resistant.”

  “You don’t think the antibiotics will work?”

  “We hope they will, but after we finish and patch him back up, he’ll need to be under very close watch. I’ll be placing him back in the ICU for recovery, but because there is such a strong possibility of hospital associated infections, I’ll be monitoring his progress and assigning specific doctor and nursing staff. Everyone entering the room will be required to wear gown, gloves and a mask. There will be no visitors allowed for at least the first twenty four hours.”

  “I need to be able to stay with him.”

  “I’ve already got that covered. Once I have him stitched back up, he’ll be moved there immediately. I’ve worked it out so that I’ll be able to continue to manage his care in that department. They can always use the help and won’t mind me managing the care of one of their patients. When I’m off duty, I will ensure that someone I trust is managing his care and I will always remain on call. He’ll be there at least a week, recovering and being checked often for any sign of infection. I will do everything in my power to ensure he goes home with you, when he’s well enough.”

  Cade couldn’t talk for a long while. He recognized the hoops his brother had already jumped through for Braden, while he was getting his own gunshot wound taken care of. The fact that he was having someone get everything handled with the hospital administrators, while he was still performing the surgery on Braden, humbled him. He finally managed, “Thank you, Finn. And while a thank you is not enough, it will never be enough, it’s all I have right now.”

  “It’s all you need, brother. He’s got a long road of recovery ahead.”

  “Finn, when he woke from his coma the last time he was here, he was almost immediately assaulted with one of his migraines. They seem to be brought on by both internal and external stressors. Is there a way to give him meds for that now, in order to avoid it, when he wakes?”

  “Possibly. I wasn’t aware of that going on last time. Hang on, Zavier.”

  Finn continued without pause, “Beth, can you please check Braden’s file, from his last hospital stay less than two months ago, and find out all of the meds given to him for migraines. Page Dr. Himmel, I believe he’s working today. Either get him to join Zavier in the theater, or have him call the OR.”

  Less than five minutes later, Dr. Himmel entered the theater holding his ever present iPad, a concerned look in his eyes, when he saw Cade. He shook Cade’s hand. “Was he attacked again, Cade?”

��Yes. Gunshot wound to the abdomen.”

  Cade watched as Dr. Himmel pulled up what he assumed was Braden’s file on the iPad. The doctor approached the window and pushed the button on the speaker. “Finn, I’m here, how can I help?”

  Finn continued on with the surgery, suturing Braden’s small intestines, all the while talking to them. “You treated him for migraine. Beth found Imitrex was used on him when he woke from his coma. The antibiotics we are using are safe for use with Imitrex, but we’ll have to wait in giving it to him until he’s out of surgery. We are obviously anticipating his body may react as it did before and produce a migraine, so I’d like to head it off at the pass.”

  Dr. Himmel flicked through several pages in the file he was looking at and nodded. “You’re going to want to give him a standard dose, so that later, if the migraine continues, you are able to give him a repeated dosage, which is what we had to do. It seemed to help him tremendously.”

  Finn looked toward them. “Did you also administer separate pain meds for his other injuries?”

  “We did, but you’ll have him on something more powerful, obviously. It shouldn’t interfere.” Dr. Himmel skimmed down the page he was looking at, scrolling through what appeared to be chart notes, before continuing. “Keep up your dialogue with him though. Once he wakes, be checking in with him. I had his nurse checking his migraine symptoms along with his glucose testing every few hours. It may seem over the top, but at this point, you’re going to be worried about infection, so checking more often than normal is for the best.”

  Finn nodded. “Thanks, Ed. We’ll be moving him directly over to the ICU after surgery, but we’ll be using Infection Control Policy with the staff.”

  “That’s exactly what I would do. Will you oversee his care there?”

  “Yes. I’ve already cleared it with them.”

  “If you need me to spell you, and help manage his care while he’s there, please let me know. I’m sure I can work it out on the floor.”

  “I might take you up on that. I’m sure Braden and Zavier would appreciate a familiar face.”

  Cade looked at Dr. Himmel. “Does that offer include Sam? Braden liked her.”

  Dr. Himmel smiled. “She’s a favorite, and would probably enjoy a change and a nice little boost to her resume. Finn, let me know the details and what you feel is needed. I’ll work with you on it.”

  “Thanks again, Ed. Zavier, let me finish up with the perforations here and then I’ll sew him back up and we’ll get moving with him over to the ICU. You’ll need to get cleaned up and wear scrubs and other protective gear when you go into his room. You can’t go in there wearing what you’re wearing.”

  Cade shook Dr. Himmel’s hand again and then backed up and sat when he felt the bench hit the back of his knees. He didn’t think he could hold himself up a moment longer, even if he tried. He knew he should feel relieved that Braden would make it through the surgery, but the fact that his risk for infection was so high had him struggling to breathe. Not to mention the guilt for Braden even being in this situation weighing him down. He sat there, trying to gather his inner strength as he watched his brother sew the love of his life back together, piece by piece.

  He remembered everyone out in the waiting room and pulled out Cooper’s phone. He sent a mass text to everyone waiting there, telling them everything he knew and then he told them he would be watching the remainder of the surgery and would let them know when they were on the move and the next steps.

  Several long, drawn out minutes went by and then the responses began. The phone, muted, continued to vibrate in his pocket. He finally had to pull it out and turn it off. He couldn’t deal with everyone’s well wishes and questions. He sat, silently watching every move his brother made, so damned grateful that Finn was in that operating room, saving Braden’s life. And Finn would save his life; of that, Cade was sure. He wasn’t out of the woods, not by a long shot, but he couldn’t believe that it was too late for them, that he’d ultimately saved him from Eric only to lose him.

  It was a full two hours later that Braden was ready to be taken to the ICU. They were bypassing the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit to avoid exposure to other patients. Braden was moved efficiently to a bed from the OR table. Once on the bed, he was covered with sterile sheets and blankets. He remained on a ventilator and had multiple IVs infusing drugs, antibiotics and fluids into his body.

  Cade walked quickly beside his brother and Braden, who was being rolled down the hallway by a nurse and a few orderlies. When they were about to enter the ICU, a nurse approached them. Finn asked him to go with her to get cleaned up and changed while he saw to Braden. Cade hated leaving Braden when his life was hanging in the balance, but he knew his brother was the best person to be leaving him with, and he’d neutralized the only other threat to Braden hours earlier.

  He was given some scrubs and was pointed toward a locker room. Once he was there, he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it in the trash. He was about to take his pants off when he remembered everyone was still in the waiting room anxious to hear any news. He quickly dialed Maya, who answered immediately. He explained what happened in the OR and that Braden was not allowed visitors for at least twenty four hours. He knew she’d pass along all of the info to everyone else. He hung up and glanced at his reflection in the mirror. He saw the exhaustion, but he also saw relief.

  He got himself back on task and went toward the sink, where he was able to wash his face and hands. He leaned over and rinsed his hair of dried blood and sweat. He put on the scrubs, which were big enough to fit over his broad shoulders, and were short sleeved. The pant legs, however, were about four inches shy of his ankles. He sighed in resignation and tucked them into his combat boots before heading back out to the hallway.

  The nurse led him into the ICU and toward Braden’s room. At the door he had to put on an isolation gown, gloves and a mask. They even made him put coverings over his boots. When he entered, he realized that it was in the exact same layout of the previous hospital room, just painted a different color. He relaxed when he saw Finn monitoring Braden’s vitals. He sat and waited for him to finish up.

  Cade knew that what his brother had arranged for Braden wasn’t hospital protocol. He’d made arrangements for Braden’s previous doctor and nurse to manage his care when Finn wasn’t available. Braden would have a bigger room than was usually provided in order for Cade to be able to stay with him in isolation.

  He was humbled, thinking of everything Finn had to pull to ensure Braden stayed infection free. He knew he was incredibly fortunate to have his brother on his side. His reputation at all of the local hospitals was beyond reproach. He was the best trauma surgeon in San Francisco, probably in all of California. He had surgical privileges at all the local hospitals and was asked to consult on cases with other surgeons often.

  He glanced at Finn. “Can I touch him?”

  Finn nodded. “Yes. You can talk to him, too. With this much trauma, we’re keeping him sedated for several hours in order to keep him immobile.”

  Cade sat by the hospital bed and gently clasped Braden’s hand in both of his as Finn continued. “We’ve given him an IV dose of his migraine meds. He may be disoriented when he wakes.”

  Cade nodded up at Finn. “Would you be willing to go out and update the family?”

  “Yeah, of course. Zavier, some things I didn’t mention because I wanted to be able to talk to you face to face. It looks like Braden was hit in the eye. His past injury to that same eye was broken open again. I had Dr. Brown stitch it back up, instead of calling a plastic surgeon, because the open wound was mostly in his brow line. He has defensive wounds, along his right arm and we re-casted his left wrist because it was covered with blood that had seeped into the internal bandaging. He has some bruising on his legs as well. It looks like he put up one hell of a fight before he was shot.”

  Proud of Braden, Cade nodded. “Yeah, Eric was bruised and bloody with a broken nose before I beat him half to death and shot
him between the eyes.”

  Cade heard a shoe scuff behind him and turned to see Dr. Himmel and Sam looking at him, wide-eyed. Sam, looking a little pale, brought her hand up to her chest and Dr. Himmel placed a comforting hand on her back. Cade shrugged. “Sorry you had to walk in on that, Sam, Dr. Himmel. If it makes you feel any better, he did all this to Braden before I had to kill him.

  Sam moved further into the room to stand next to him. “I saw the news reports listing that Eric guy as wanted for Braden’s kidnapping. I just wasn’t expecting to hear that when I came in. It was just a shock to my system.”

  She looked up at Finn, a bit of hero worship in her gaze. “Dr. Himmel got me cleared to work with Braden during my shifts, if you’d like to make use of my time, Dr. McCade.”

  Finn nodded. “I was hoping we’d be able to steal you away from your regular rotation. Thank you. We’re treating this as we would anyone we admit into the Infection Control Department. If you need to study up on the requirements of patient care and treatment, I can get you the information.”

  Cade thought he saw a smile reach Sam’s eyes. “I’m well versed in their protocols. I’ve been working with Dr. Himmel to be cross trained in case a position opens up over there.”

  Dr. Himmel assured, “She’ll be exactly what you need and can help you with any other nurse you need to bring on. I’m also available. We’ll provide you with our schedules, as we’ll need to keep them the same, but that way you can work to cover the times we are not here with you or with other staff.”

  Finn nodded. “Thank you both for making yourselves available.”

  Dr. Himmel and Sam left them alone. They continued to talk about Braden’s injuries and the care he’d be receiving and then they both lapsed into silence. Finn laid down on the sofa under the windows, and Cade leaned back in the reclining chair beside Braden. They both dozed off for several hours, sleeping through Sam’s visit to check Braden’s vitals, though they both woke when Braden stirred.


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