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Protecting Braden (Custos Securities Series Book 2)

Page 27

by Luna, David

  His blood heated and the arousal returned when Cade promised, “I look forward to it.”

  When Cade took the stairs, Braden huffed. “OK, OK, you can put me down now. I’ll come willingly.”

  Cade chuckled at that. “Oh, you’ll cum all right, but I’m not putting you down. I kind of like this caveman act I’ve got going.”

  Cade continued down the stairs. Just as they hit the landing at the door to their floor, Braden squeaked. “Please, you’re pushing on my bladder. You gotta put me down or I’m gonna embarrass us both!”

  Cade chuckled and finally put Braden down. “Sorry, baby.”

  Braden, a naughty gleam in his eye, grinned up at Cade. “Just kidding!”

  With that, he dove for the door of their home and laughed when he heard Cade mutter, “Oh, you’re in so much trouble!”

  Braden let out a startled “eep” when he heard Cade’s hard footfalls behind him and bounded for the living room. When he rounded the wall separating living from family room, he realized Cade had anticipated him and was barreling toward him. He hooted and took off again, skirting the coffee table and clambering over the back of the couch. He felt Cade’s hand brush his back and he snickered as he put on a burst of speed to get to the kitchen and round the island.

  Thinking he had a moment to rest as they could go around and around the island and Cade wouldn’t be able to catch him, he looked up and his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw Cade running hell for leather directly toward the island without pausing. He shrieked, which he was sure would mortify him later, and ran toward the dining room as Cade launched himself over the island. “You’re just looking to get punished, aren’t you?”

  “You gotta catch me first!” Braden tossed back over his shoulder, laughing maniacally now, as he dodged the dining table and hauled ass to the stairs. Halfway up, he knew he was in for it when Cade skipped three steps for his two. Reaching the landing, he geared up to beat Cade to their bedroom but was caught around the waist, quickly twisted and tossed, yet again, over Cade’s shoulder. His head spinning, all he could do was chuckle, an undignified snort escaping when he couldn’t control his breathing any longer.

  Cade padded into the bedroom, holding Braden by the upper thighs, occasionally smacking his round ass when he squirmed. He unceremoniously dumped Braden on the bed, where he bounced and broke into uncontrolled laughter when he glanced from Cade’s tented pants to his own. They grinned at each other, chests heaving with exertion.

  Cade’s grin slowly slid away, desire reflected in his gaze. He slowly took off his shirt and tossed it on a chair. Braden briefly thought of his beautiful suit coat and wondered idly where he’d tossed it, when Cade broke into his thoughts. “On your knees, facing me.”

  And just like that, Braden’s body and mind settled into a happy, submissive place. He always melted at the deep tone Cade used on him. He scrambled to obey, a euphoric rush filling him when he complied with Cade’s orders. Braden peered up at Cade, his hands itching to take action. “May I undress you?”

  Cade raised a brow and shook his head. “You enjoy that too much. This is a punishment.”

  Braden pouted. He was about to protest, but thought better of it and awaited further instruction. He watched as Cade removed his belt and then finished undressing, slowly, Braden nearly drooling as he watched.

  “Undress yourself.”

  Braden stood to follow orders, quickly untying his bowtie. Cade looked around the room. “Since we still need to move our things over here, I’ll have to make do with what I have at hand.”


  Cade lifted a brow and then glanced down to Braden’s clothes, which were still on, and then back up to him. “Yes?”

  Braden made swift work of his button up shirt, revealing his undershirt underneath, and blushed. “I purchased a few items that you might want to make use of. May I show you?”

  Vaguely bemused, Cade gestured to the room at large. “Go ahead.”

  Braden, shirts having been discarded, unbuckled his belt. He got down on his knees in front of a long cushioned chest at the foot of the bed and reached under the chest to unlatch it. He flipped the front and top up on its hinge. Braden watched as Cade stepped back, in awe of the piece of furniture he’d had commissioned. Braden proceeded to open several of the drawers, showing some of the items they’d previously purchased together, some new. The rest of the drawers were empty, plenty of room to grow, as it were.

  Braden closed the lid, knelt on the cushioned chest and reached behind it, pulling out a pair of black nylon and Velcro under-the-bed restraints. He got up, made quick work of his shoes and socks, and then pulled his pants and boxer briefs off. When he was naked, he hopped back up on the bed, crawled toward the headboard and reached between the mattress and the headboard, pulling the matching, connected restraints out and laying them at the top of the bed. He turned back around to find a very naked, very aroused Cade. He stopped and just looked his fill, until Cade cleared his throat. He sheepishly met Cade’s eyes while he knelt back on his heels, his heart hammering in his chest.

  “Turn around, face down on the bed, ass up.”

  A blush suffused Braden’s chest, neck and arms, as he turned around and put his ass up in the air, his face turned to the side, against the bed.

  “Knees wide apart.”

  Braden spread his legs wide open. Cade opened the Velcro of one of the ankle restraints, the noise causing a shiver to race up Braden’s spine in anticipation. Once both of his ankles were cuffed, Cade moved to the top of the bed. “Both arms above your head.”

  Cade cuffed his wrists and then walked out of his eyesight. Braden could hear him figuring out the locking mechanism on the new chest at the bottom of the bed and then it was opened and he was pulling out a couple drawers. A moment later, he was by Braden’s side again. He squatted down so that they were eye level. “If it gets to be too much, use your safeword. Understood?”

  “Understood, sir.”

  Cade crawled on the bed beside Braden, removed his glasses and placed a blindfold over his eyes, causing his heartbeat to spike. Even though it was a punishment, Braden’s body thrummed with excitement. From the beginning of their serious discussions regarding Domination and submission, Cade had stated unequivocally that he would never hurt Braden physically, and he’d never use humiliation, publicly or otherwise. He also promised never to punish him by taking away his touch or using the silent treatment. Braden had worried that didn’t leave much for Cade to punish him with, but Cade had just laughed at that and warned him that he had many options using different types of sensory deprivation and sensory overload.

  “I need something from downstairs, baby. Less than a minute. Are you alright as you are?”

  Braden groaned but nodded.

  “I need you to say the words, Bray.”

  “Sorry. Yes, sir.”

  “Good boy. Count out loud, if it helps.”

  Braden’s love for his man grew. “I’m good, sir. Thank you.”

  He heard Cade jog down the stairs and then silence until several drawn out moments later, he heard him bounding back up the stairs.

  Next thing Braden knew, he was feeling what must have been one of the peacock feathers they’d purchased, drifting up his back. He knew his punishment for tricking Cade and teasing him into a chase was going to be his own personal version of hell. His whole body was ticklish, something that pleased Cade no end when he’d found out, quite by accident. Braden feared it would be Cade’s favorite of his punishments, and Braden’s least favorite. He’d almost prefer being shut off from Cade’s touch for several hours, rather than endure being tickled, and that was saying something, as Braden needed Cade’s touch like he needed his next breath.

  The next hour was sheer agony and utter bliss, his muscles straining from the exertion of constantly trying to stay still, rather than flinch away from the next spot Cade decided needed attention. Intermingled with tickle torment were moments of pure ecstasy, being brought
nearly to orgasm and then backed off, over and over, and never being allowed to cum. All the while Cade praised him or talked dirty to him. If it wasn’t the feather, it was shocking bitter cold in the form of ice torture to his nipples, perineum, cockhead, balls and asshole. He was whimpering and moaning in equal measure, his body unsure whether or not it was turned on or off, excited or repelled.

  Just when he thought he could take no more and he might have to call a halt to the scene, Cade was releasing him from the cuffs, removing the blindfold and replacing them with his glasses. He stretched him out on the bed, whispered soothing words while helping him loosen his limbs. Cade had him drink a bottle of water and then lay back down for a massage of his sore muscles, all the while praising him.

  “You handled your punishment very well, baby.”

  Curled up now in Cade’s arms, buzzing on an aftercare high, he hummed. “Thank you. I thought you were going to take me from behind, while I was cuffed.”

  “Not a chance, love. That’s what was on the agenda for you tonight, before you derailed my plans. Remember?”

  Braden’s stomach did a nervous little dance as he realized, punishment aside, that they were going to christen the bed for the first time that night and he was going to be the one topping. He knew that this was a night they’d remember for the rest of their lives, and realizing that had him reconsidering. He raised his hands in front of him and realized they were shaking. He looked up into Cade’s eyes and saw the gentle understanding reflected there. He ventured, “This is a big night. I don’t know what I’m doing. Maybe I shouldn’t be the one…”

  Cade cut in before he could continue. “You’re the perfect one to be doing this, Braden. I’ve been waiting for you to show interest. I didn’t want to push.”

  Braden looked away. “I’ve been interested, just nervous. You’re a tough act to follow. I’ve never, ever been with anyone who cares so much for my pleasure, even at the expense of your own. I don’t want to fuck this up.”

  “Braden, look at me.” When he did, Cade continued. “You couldn’t possibly fuck this up. Tell me something, what came in the mail for me a few nights ago?”

  “Uh, you mean the shoes?”

  “The new running shoes, yes. The ones you had your contact track down for me. I mentioned one time that I really liked one of the pairs of shoes you run in and you had a pair of them shipped here. Braden, I’m a size sixteen, that couldn’t have been an easy task. A couple of weeks before that, what arrived in the mail?”

  Braden nuzzled into him. “Your clothes. These are silly questions.”

  “My clothes from my tailor that you had commissioned for me.”

  “You needed more pants. You’re living out of a friggin army duffle. I called your mom and asked who you used to make your clothing, since even your cargo pants are tailor made, for Pete’s sake. You needed some stuff and your clothes hadn’t arrived yet from your place in Colorado Springs.”

  “Mmm hmm. And what about the meeting with my people a month ago?”

  Braden pulled away and crossed his arms over his chest, frustration and confusion mounting. “What about it?”

  “Braden, I mentioned I needed to meet with my people about a potential client whom Cooper had found. Not twenty four hours later, you had a conference room booked for the meeting for the following day, which is something my office manager usually handles. You’d baked more pastries than twenty people could eat, let alone fourteen of us, and had Maya and the girls make us a shit ton of coffee. What about Cooper’s car?”

  Braden grunted. “What is the point of this?”

  Cade raised a brow. “Answer the question, baby.”

  Braden blushed and huffed. “I know a guy that restores old muscle cars. I made his wedding cake. All I did was put Cooper in touch with him, so that he had someone good in the city to work on his Challenger. He loves that car!”

  “Sawyer and Jackson’s new place?”

  “Zavier, you’re being ridiculous. I heard them telling you they needed a realtor. I knew Emily would be able to help them.”


  “Oh my god! Why are you asking me all these questions? She’s outgrown her current dance studio. I just recommended a new one. Vaughn took it from there.”

  “Braden, it was the best dance academy in the area and it wasn’t accepting new students until you made a call.”

  Braden was embarrassed and uncomfortable. “Well, she’s really talented. Look, just tell me, am I sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong?”

  “What!? NO! Jesus, Braden, no, that’s not what I’m saying at all.”

  “Well, what are you saying? We’re supposed to be making love and celebrating our engagement. I don’t understand why you’re bringing up all of this stuff.”

  Cade let out a frustrated breath and rubbed his face. “I’m trying to make a point and I’m obviously fucking it up. You’re worried you won’t be able to please me. I’m saying you please me every day. You think I’m the one taking care of you all the time, but you fail to realize you’re constantly taking care of me. Not only that, but taking care of my people and my family. Strike that: our people, our family. You’re constantly helping people out in little ways and I’m constantly hearing about it, but never from you.”

  Braden buried his face in Cade’s chest. “It’s nothing.”

  Cade squeezed him tight, “It’s everything. Listen, I heard you joking with Maya one day about how grumpy you were with a client who kept changing her mind about what she wanted. You said you hated people and you were just lucky you found a job that allowed you to avoid the public as much as possible. Remember that?”

  “Ugh, yes! She was driving me batty.”

  “Mmm hmm. First of all, for a guy who hates people, you know a shit ton of them! Second of all, you may not like the public, in general, but when you let people into your inner circle, and you have let all of my people into your inner circle, you are utterly selfless.”

  Braden looked up at Cade, his face skeptical, and made a rude sound in his throat. “I’m far from selfless. Can we change the subject? I don’t even know why you’re talking about this. It has nothing to do with anything.”

  Cade shook his head and kissed Braden’s lips. “I’m saying that you won’t be able to help but please me tonight, because that’s what you do every single day. It’s second nature for you to please me.”

  Cade held Braden’s chin, keeping his focus directly on him. “Braden, what is my job in this relationship?”

  “To take care of my needs.”

  “That’s right, I take care of your needs. But you, you take care of my needs as well. You take care of the little details that I can’t be bothered with. You said a while ago that you wanted this to be an equal partnership and I think it already is. We take care of each other’s needs, every day. We just go about it differently.”

  Braden looked up at him, a little shocked. “That’s actually pretty insightful and a little bit romantic.”

  Cade chuckled. “Who knew?”

  Braden shook his head and then leaned his forehead against Cade’s chest. Cade ran his fingers through Braden’s hair and tugged it so Braden was looking up at him. He rubbed his thumb across Braden’s cheek, leaned down and kissed him. “Make love to me, Braden.”

  Braden looked into his eyes, breathed in deeply and nodded. He felt some of his own confidence come back when he realized that Cade had so much confidence in him. He reached over to the nightstand and picked up his phone. He used it to dim the lights and turn on some music. He snickered when Cade gave his best Barry White impression. “Setting the mood.”

  Braden smiled and shook his head. He pushed gently on Cade’s chest until he lay back against the pillows. He crawled astride his stomach and looked down at him. He trailed his hands along Cade’s tattooed arms and then to his chest, where he paused to really look closely at his new warrior tattoo.

  He traced the lines of the shield that was a combination of straight lines
and curved edges. It was a beautiful piece of artwork and the fact that Cade would forever brand his heart with a symbol that he felt represented Braden was tremendously moving. He kissed the spot and then traveled a little lower and took one of Cade’s nipple rings into his mouth and tugged. The breath that Cade sucked in was gratifying, so he moved over to the other nipple and gave it a tug and a flick with his tongue. He felt hands in his hair, holding him in place and heard, “That’s it, just like that.”

  Braden’s eyes nearly crossed, and his erection grew harder. He gave one last tug that would have sent him to his knees had he been on the receiving end, and pulled back. He made to take off his glasses, but Cade stayed his hand. “Leave them on. Love you in those glasses. You’re my every fantasy come to life.”

  Braden looked into his eyes and saw the truth there. He got off the bed and asked Cade to stand as he got down on his knees. He bit his lip when Cade cursed, looking down at him with desire burning in his eyes. “Fuck, but you look beautiful down on your knees for me.”

  Braden wasn’t going to make it without embarrassing himself if Cade kept up with the dirty talk. He glanced slowly up Cade’s body, taking him all in from one of his favorite positions and that’s when he noticed another new tattoo covering his last gunshot wound. Braden touched the black star tattoo and then leaned up and licked it. The hairs on his body stood on end when he heard Cade suck in a startled breath through his teeth. He grabbed Braden by the back of his head and growled. “Do that again.”

  Braden licked it again with the flat of his tongue and then lightly bit it. He looked up at his man and the more he realized how much he was turning Cade on, the more his confidence grew. He lightly trailed the pads of his fingers up the back of Cade’s legs. He brought them around to the front and ghosted his hands up those gorgeous, thick, muscular thighs to his hips and then reached around and grabbed Cade’s ass in his hands and squeezed the firm globes.


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