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The Last Check (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 2)

Page 8

by Kristine Dugger

  Anything after that went gibberish. I hold Max tightly and weep. Max asks, “Aunt Pressie, what is going on. They said daddy’s name.”

  The taller soldier walks toward Max and me. He states, “I’m sorry, little man. Your daddy is a true American hero.”

  I cry to Max. “I love you.”

  Then it clicks. Max starts to whimper. “My daddy died? I want my daddy. Aunt Pressie, where is my daddy. I want my daddy.”

  I lost it. I could not hold back any longer. My older brother is no longer here. The last time I spoke to him was just last week and he was being his typical big brother self. What am I going to do? My best friend was taken from me, from us, from Max. God damn it, why? Why my brother? He is my rock. I did not even get to say goodbye. He was supposed to come back safe and sound. Not in a casket with flag drooped over it. Why?????

  My whole world is completely falling apart.

  Chapter 14


  James comes into the compound with our president Ralphie. A call has been made for an active duty soldier who died in combat. These are always the worst for us, especially me.

  James does his thing, discussing the soldier and what his family is needing from us. The funeral is going to be huge. He is the son of a well-respected businessman in Omaha. The stupid crazy ass church who likes to protest at a soldier’s funeral plans to attend, which means we need more support. This is when we call in multiple clubs, not just Hell’s Phoenix. That is one thing we all agree on is protecting those who have fallen at war. Devil’s Rejects even assists with this one. It is all about peace. There is no fucking around.

  James continues to discuss the details of the funeral. Smith asks, “What is our fallen brother’s name? We will get a patch for his family?”

  James looks down and says, “Lieutenant Logan Allan Cooper.”

  This catches my attention more. “Who?”

  James repeats, “Lieutenant Logan Allan Cooper.”


  Smith asks, “What’s up?”

  “I need to go.”

  Frankie chimes in, “Why?”

  “Fuck. It’s Presley’s brother.”

  The room went silent. I have never referred to Presley as Presley. It has always been Princess. But not right now. All of their faces went stone cold. She has to be devastated. Fuck! Then it hits me more. He was a single father. His son is going to grow up without a father and mother. He has no one. Except Presley and her family. Her uptight family. The very family that is not accepting of anybody unless they met their criteria.

  Smith decides to talk, “Have you talked to her? Is she okay?”

  Feeling like a complete jackass, I respond, “No, I haven’t.”

  Frankie laughs, “Because he is all butthurt over her family and their reputation.”

  Ralphie glares at Frankie, “Really, son?”

  James shakes his head and says, “You’re an asshole.”

  I try my best not to let it bother me with what he said. But it is true. It pisses me off that she and I can never be together because of her family. Despite what I have done with my life, it will never be enough for them. It is plenty for her. The pressure will be on her more now that her brother is deceased. Damn!

  I state, “I need to step out.”

  James comments, “Take your time, brother.”

  Smith turn, “Hey, let me know what I can do.”

  Frankie says, “I’m sorry, dude. Go see how your girl is doing.”

  I step outside of the compound and pull out my phone. I know I need to call her. Why am I hesitant about it? She needs someone. Am I the right person to comfort her?

  Memories of my days in the service strike me. The explosion killing four of my closest brothers in the force. I should have died with them. I do not know why God decided to keep me out of my unit. I should have died with them. Instead, I made it through. The scar on the side of my stomach that is now inked does not let me forget. Neither do fireworks, gun shots, anything loud, for that matter. Presley’s brother more than likely got targeted. Explosion ripping through them just like it did through my fleet. I wonder if he died instantly or did he have to suffer like Mav or Clancy. For the sake of her brother, I hope he got lucky and died instantly. The worst thing I have every witnessed was two of my brothers take their last breath while we waited for help.

  The blood gushing from my side, putting pressure against it to stop the bleeding. I army crawl to Clancy first. He coughs up blood, gasping for air. My free hand grabs his and I say, “Clancy, focus on me, brother. You will be fine. We are going to make this.”

  His worried eyes looking up at me. “Jack..sen. Tell her I love her.”

  And that was it. Clancy referencing to his fiancé. Our massive truck on fire. Then I hear Mav screaming for help. My crimpled, injured body gets up and runs to the burning vehicle. Bourbon and Dom were already dead. Mav was burning alive. I tried to open the door but the pain I was feeling was becoming unbearable. I need to save at least one of my brothers. Trying my hardest to push through the stabbing pain in my side.

  Mav screams, “Jacksen. Help me!”

  I yell, “I’m trying. Hang in there.”

  I grab a hold of the door and extreme heat burns my hand. I jerk back and fall to the ground, hitting my head. The world went black.

  Two days later, I woke up in a hospital in Germany to learn that my team had all died. I was the lone survivor.

  I put my phone back in my pocket. I cannot call her. I just can’t. I will do what I need to do for her family and her brother the best that I can.


  I lie in bed, holding my laptop close to me, praying that this is all a dream. Why my brother? He is going to call me. He is going to give me shit for my lifestyle. He is going to pull big brother on me. Telling me, “Sissy, you need to get your act together and settle your ass down.”

  Tears stream down my cheeks. My big brother is gone. He is no longer here. His body will be arriving tomorrow. I tried to convince my parents to let him be buried in Arlington. They were not having any of it. I am all freaking alone against my parents. Logan would have wanted to be buried with his fallen friends. But no, my mother was like, absolutely not. I guess this is one way for them to try to control Logan’s life. They never could before. I need his strength. I need him right now to help me get through this. Then, there is Max. He gets it, but then again, he doesn’t. When the soldiers left that evening, Max never left my side. I could not leave him either. He is all I have left of Logan, except with red hair and blue eyes.

  The only reason I am home now, is because of Ava. She saw how tired I was and told me to get my ass home and in bed. I am in bed and cannot sleep.

  There was a knock on the door. I set my laptop down and put on Logan’s Navy sweatshirt. His scent still prominent. My feet shuffle to the door. Before opening the door, I look in the mirror. My eyes are bloodshot. My hair is a catastrophe. I look horrid. Oh fucking well.

  I open the door to see my best friends standing in front of me. They both open their arms and hug the living hell out of me.

  All three of us start to cry.

  Logan was not only my big brother, he was considered theirs as well. Granted, both Becks and Rosy have older brothers but they were not Logan. Something about his military background made them listen to him, for the most part.

  They follow me into the living room. For the first time in several days, I laugh, “Fucking Rhonda had to let you two in, didn’t she?”

  Becks jokes, “Because she is crushing on us.”

  I threw my turquoise accent pillow at her and say, “You wish.”

  Rosy looks at both of us with tear-filled eyes and cries, “Are you two seriously fucking around right now?”

  Becks throws the same pillow at Rosy and says, “Calm your tits. It’s okay for Presley to smile.”

  I giggle.

  She rolls her eyes and says, “You two are hopeless. Our big brother is gone and y’all are cracking jokes a
bout lesbians.”

  Becks jokes, “How many let’s be honest moments have you had?”

  I giggle some more.

  Rosy’s face turns rosy red. I know laughing at this time of sadness is inappropriate, but it is really kind of what I need right now. Logan would want me to smile and laugh with my friends.

  Rosy comments, “You’re not funny.”

  Becks laughs, “Yeah, I am.”

  Rosy still serious. “Her brother just died. Can you be not yourself for one fucking day?”

  “Look here, miss fussy butt. She needs to smile. Logan would want her laughing and joking. She isn’t Pres if she isn’t smiling and having fun.”

  I smile at Becks’ comment. She has a point. I have been crying nonstop and for the first time, I feel somewhat human.

  Rosy rolls her eyes again and asks, “So, does that mean we are going to the bar and hooking up with strangers to bring Presley back to reality.”

  I interfered, “Ugh, Rosy. Damn, girl.”

  She looks at me and must have realized she made an asshole comment. “Shit. I’m sorry, Pres. I just don’t know what to do. I feel horrible. Here Becks and you are joking around. And I feel like we all should be bawling our eyes out.”

  I smile, “Girl, it’s okay. I think I have cried enough the last couple of days. I need some laughter.”

  Becks asks, “How is Max?”

  My attention goes toward her. I shrug, “As expected, I guess. One moment, he gets it. The next, he thinks his daddy is coming home for him. It is hard explaining to a five-year-old that his daddy is not coming back.”

  Tears start to stream down both of their cheeks. I think, at this moment, I am all cried out. Rosy’s turn, “Let me guess, your mom has been more unstable. Your father is attending to her. Who is watching Max?”

  I look at her.

  She states, “Ava.”

  I nod, “Yeah, she is giving me some time.” I pause and start to cry, “Ladies, thanks for coming over and seeing how I am. It really means a lot to me. I’m lucky to have amazing friends like you.”

  Chapter 15


  The engines rev up as we get ready to proceed to the cemetery. Double lines of motorcycles in front of the hearse. Honoring a young soldier’s life taken too soon doing what he promised to do for his country. We are here to honor, to serve, and to protect our fallen brothers and sisters. No matter how or when or why they died. However, something about an active duty soldier dying in the line of fire gets to us all. More so than those who have died due to age. Fortunately, only a few of us have lost brothers in the line of duty. Myself more than the others. I love being a freedom rider, but these funerals bring out all the emotions I still continue to fight each day.

  I turn to look back at James when I see the casket being carried out by fellow veterans. Some young and some old. The family soon to follow behind the casket. And there she is in navy blue dress holding a little red-headed boy’s hand. He clings to her tightly. He has to be her nephew. She looks toward us and our eyes lock. Her sapphire eyes surrounded by pink. Her chest heaves up. Then she looks down toward her nephew. An older woman, almost spitting image to Presley, hysterically crying in a tall man’s arms. I am assuming it is her mother. One of James’ partners leads them to the limo.

  Despite her somber appearance, Presley looks beautiful. It angers me that I have been such an asshole and not called her to see how she is doing. She was there for me when I had my moment. And here I am, being a fucking prick, not even showing her the same kind of care.

  Smith hollers, “Ajax. You ready?”

  I turn my head to him and say, “Let’s do this.”

  As we lead the way, people stand beside the street saluting Lieutenant Logan Cooper. Each one of our bikes has some sort of American flag or Armed Forces flag flowing from it. I take a deep breath and just ride.


  Once we make it to the cemetery, some of the riders leave. I usually do because of the Taps being played by a lone bugler and the three volley salute gets me. Yeah, I cannot handle it. But not today. Deep inside of me, I want to be here for her. She sits next to her nephew with her arm wrapped around him, protecting him. It was almost motherly. Her eyes shut as the pastor preaches his prayer. My heart starts to race when tears roll down her cheeks. I just want to go over to her and wrap her in my arms. This kills me to see her so upset.

  I continue to stare.


  The honor guard slowly takes the American Flag off the casket of my deceased brother. Taps playing in the background. This is so unreal. My brother. We were not allowed to see him one last time. The damage was severe. My father did see Logan. He was the only one. I wanted to see him, but my dad would not allow it.

  I look down at Max. My arm tightly around him and my free hand intertwined with his. The guard starts to fold the flag. At an accelerated rate, tears flow down my cheeks. I need to stay strong for Max.

  One of the honor guard walks over and stands in front of Max. He kneels down and presents the flag to Max. We all lost it. Becks and Rosy standing behind me. One of them grips my shoulder. Max reaches for the flag. He cries, “I want my daddy.”

  The guard looks down, not saying a word. What can you say at this time? His dad is dead.

  Holding the flag close to him, Max turns his body toward me and curls into me crying. There is no holding back. My nephew is fatherless and motherless. He has no one. Well, that is not true. He has me. I am going to protect his precious heart with every inch of my soul.

  Five guardsmen point their rifles at his casket and then say something. They raise their guns in the air, and shoot. We jump. And again. And one last shot fired.

  My family and I stand up as the pastor says his final goodbye. My father looks over at me with his glazed brown eyes. He looks down at Max with his head in my side, crying. My father lets go of my mother and walks over to Max. He picks him up and holds him close. My mother whimpers over to them and cries with them.

  I want to scream, “Why?”

  My family starts to walk away toward the limos. I continue to stand there, looking at the casket, holding the folded flag. Max’s folded flag. No clue when he gave this to me.

  I mumble to my brother, “You were supposed to come back safely. This isn’t safe. What am I going to do without you? How is Max going to cope? You’re a selfish asshole for leaving us. God, why?” I rest my hand on his casket, tears continue to flow.

  Next thing I knew, strong arms wrap around me. A husky voice grumbles, “Babe, you’re coming with me.”

  I squirm my body around to see who it was.



  A warm smile appears across her face. Her beautiful blues popping through the red stains surrounding them. My arms around her waist and she gazes up at me. I state, “I’m taking you away from this.”

  She looks down at the folded flag and she brings it close to her chest. I bring her closer to me with the flag between us. She starts to excessively cry. Her body shaking. Fuck, do I hate this. She is torn apart and no one is here to console her but me. Her family walked away. Her friends just stare, not doing a damn thing. Yeah, she is tough as nails, but sometimes the strongest needs the most. I whisper, “Babe, I got you. Let’s get out of here.”

  She pulls her head from my chest and looks up at me and says, “I need to give this to Max and my parents.”

  “Okay. Let’s do that.”

  I loosen my hold on her and grab her hand. Her free hand wipes whatever tears she has left. She leads me toward her family. There is no doubt I am nervous about this. Our worlds are colliding. She is not caring at all.

  We approach the limo. A tall man turns toward us while helping the little red-headed boy into the limo. He looks at Presley and then me. His face stern. He comments, “Presley, are you coming?”

  She shakes her head and says, “No, daddy.” She hands over the flag. “Please take this. It’s Max’s.”

  “Where d
o you think you are going?”

  She looks at me. “I’m leaving with Avery.”

  “Now is not the time to get rebellious and take off with...” He examines me.

  Presley inhales. “I can’t go with you, dad. I’m leaving with Avery.”

  The tension between her and her father is thick. I reach out my hand to her father and introduce myself for the second time, “Sir, I’m Avery Jacksen. She will be fine with me. I promise to take care of her.”

  Her father tilts his head and stares at me.

  Presley comments, “Dad?”

  He looks at Presley and he loosens up. Not sure what was happening there, but he reaches out and takes my hand. “Fine.” The shake was firm. He lets go and gets into the limo.

  A woman’s voice asks, “Where is she going? Who is that?”

  The door shuts.

  Presley looks at me with glazed over eyes. She says, “I’m ready.”

  I put my arm around her and kiss her forehead and say, “Okay, babe. Let’s go to your place and get some things.”

  Chapter 16


  Gripping his leather cut tightly while enjoying the view of mother nature’s vibrant green trees and dirty brown river we call the Missouri, Avery guides the bike down winding roads leading us to God’s country. “We’re going to The Cabin,” he muffled as I was packing just the essentials.

  Avery surprised me with his gesture to take me away from all the grief I was experiencing. The awkward moment with my father about caused me to hurl today’s breakfast. Avery was all professional in his biker attire. It took a lot of courage to introduce himself to my father again. He isn’t a small man by any means, but he is business, especially when it comes to the family. For the first time, someone thought of me. Someone who I would have never thought would be that person.


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