The Last Check (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 2)

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The Last Check (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 2) Page 11

by Kristine Dugger

A crash of a bottle hits the floor and my father musters, “Oh, fuck.”

  Well, I guess my dad is surprised. I laugh, “Dad, everything okay?”

  He comments, “Damn it Dallas, can you warn your father before saying your brother is whatever you said. I can’t even say it because it is hard to believe.”

  With a deer in a headlights look, my mother asks, “Did I hear that right? Is it the girl you were seeing?”

  And here goes Dallas again, “Yes. Mom, you should’ve seen him this weekend. Avery was hand holding and everything.”

  Both of my parents’ attentions went more to my direction. My father questions, “You in love, son?”

  I cannot really hide it anymore. Dallas beat me to the punch. I glance at them and smile, “You could say that.”

  My mother starts to happy cry, “Oh my goodness Avery, so glad to hear nothing is wrong with you.”

  Dallas laughs, “Oh, there is something wrong with him.”

  I glare, “Shut up!”

  My father comes around from the bar and asks, “When do we get to meet this girl?”

  I look down at my black combat boots. I should’ve been prepared for that question. This is where shit gets uneasy. Don’t get me wrong, I want Presley to be a part of everything in my life. But meeting my parents might be too soon for her. I told her we would take it one day at a time. I respond, “It will be some time.”

  My mother turn, “Why is that?”

  I take a deep breath. “Her brother was killed in combat.”

  Both my parents’ faces turn stone cold. For once, Dallas did not open her mouth and share her opinion. My mother looks at me worried. In her motherly voice, she asks, “Oh no. How is she doing? How are you doing?”

  My father comments, “Alice!”

  I respond, “Dad, it’s okay. She is struggling. My plan is to be there for her.”

  Dallas chimes in, “They made her brother an honorary member of the club.”

  A sense of pride comes over my father as he states, “That’s respectful.”

  I advise, “Yeah, it was the right thing to do.”

  My father comes closer to me. “It’s good to see you like this, son.”

  I grin, “Thanks, dad.”

  My mother comes over to me and hugs me. This is what a loving family is. This is what I will provide for Presley. I will help her get there. It will start with me. Her parents will see how I feel about her and acceptance will happen. Nothing is going to stop me from being with her.

  Chapter 20


  Sitting at my parents’ house with their lawyer and Logan’s lawyer, who happens to be mine as well. Logan’s lawyer is one of my brother’s best friends from high school. If Logan trusts him with everything, he had my business as well. It is the big moment of discussing my brother’s will. I am nervous. Max is with Ava while we discuss the details.

  Darrin sits next to me and Roger sits next to my parents. Darrin had the papers in hand. Mother is drinking a glass of wine. My father has a glass of whiskey on the rocks. The stress of this meeting is getting the best of everyone.

  Darrin begins, “Good afternoon. Thank you all for meeting today to discuss Logan’s will. There are quite a few things to go over. First, there are letters for each one of you. Logan made the request that you all read the letters in private.”

  My mother sighs, “Typical Logan.”

  I snark, “What’s that supposed to mean.”

  My father interrupts, “Not now, you two. This is important. Darrin, please continue.”

  Darrin continues, “Logan wanted me to get right to the point. And that is Max. You all know Max was his number one priority in life. Everything that was Logan’s is now Max’s.”

  Again, my mother sighs, “We assumed.”

  “Mary!” the tension in my father’s voice makes my mother cross her arms and pout. He signals, “What else is there?”

  Darrin looks at me and the papers before he speaks, “I want to make this clear. What I am about to tell you are Logan’s wishes. He expects you all to abide by his wishes.”

  All three of us say, “Okay.”

  Darrin proceeds, “Logan is awarding guardianship of Max to his sister, Presley Ann Cooper.”

  Eyes widen, and mouths fall to the floor. My father questions, “Come again?”

  Darrin provides the paperwork to my parents’ lawyer and says, “It is all there. Presley is awarded custody of Max and everything that Max has from his father.”

  Now the fury, my mother hollers, “Like hell. Max is staying with us.”

  Darrin’s voice is strict, “It’s in Logan’s will that Max will go to Presley.”

  All business, my father states, “Roger, please be prepared to fight this. I love my son and all about carrying on with his wishes, but I do not agree with this.”

  This is where I got mad. I speak up, “I don’t think so.”

  My father looks at me. “Excuse me.”

  “I will take care of Max. It’s what Logan wanted. It is what Logan has always wanted.”

  Now the tears of my mother, she cries, “Nope, nope. You’re not fit to raise a small child.”

  Here comes my wrath, I yell, “Bullshit! And you are? How about you have another glass of wine, mom.”

  My father scolds, “Presley Ann, you don’t talk to your mother like that. She makes a point, you are not ready to raise a child.”

  “That is horseshit. When Logan was on a mission, who the hell is always there for Max when you are at work? Or better yet, when mom drank her sorrows away. Thank God for Ava when I had to work. I think I am more than capable of taking care of my nephew. This is what Logan wants and we are going to abide by his wishes. If you do not like it, oh well. I suggest you deal with it, if you want to spend time with your grandson.”

  My mother screams, “Oh really? If you take Max away from us, then there goes everything we provided you. Try raising Max with nothing.”

  I holler, “Fine. I don’t need you.”

  Both lawyers watch the spectacle of my mother’s and my bitch fest. I am not backing down from this. My brother always wanted Max to be with me and not them. But I was too damn selfish to give up my life for Max. Not anymore. Max is number one in my book. It is time for me to grow up and be a better aunt.

  My mother continues, “Presley, good luck. You’ll come running back. You can’t live without us.”

  “Mary Ann, stop it,” my father’s voice is stern. Both my mother and I look at him. He proceeds, “I’m not losing another child. Logan is gone. If this is what he feels is right, so be it. We might not like it, but I can’t risk losing the only child I have left.”

  My mother remarks, “So, we are just going to hand Max over to our irresponsible daughter?”

  I roll my eyes and yell, “I’m not irresponsible.”

  My father hollers, “You two, stop it. Mary Ann, this is what your son wanted. We need to support Presley.” His attention goes to me. “Can you really handle this?”

  Tears fill my eyes, I answer, “Yes, I can. I love Max more than anything in this world. I am willing to give everything up for Max.”

  “Okay. I’m not going to let you do that. Your mother and I are here for Max and you. If you need something, don’t hesitate to ask for it.” He looks at both of our lawyers. “We will abide by Logan’s request.”

  I get up from my chair and rush over to my dad. He stands up and I hug him. “Thanks, daddy.”

  Darrin interrupts the moment my father and I were having. He resumes, “Now that this is settle, I wish to proceed with other information from the will.”


  The discussion of Logan’s will was an emotional rollercoaster ride. Multiple glares from all parties. My father tried his best to keep it together but at the end, we were all crying. The realization that Logan is never coming back hits us all too hard. Yeah, we fought over his decision but when looking at all of it, it brought us together as a family. We need to have a strong front for Ma
x. He is the one who has lost everything. The only family he has is us. If we are fighting, it is not good for him. Logan and his ways, even after death. It is time for my family to be a family. All thanks to Logan. Damn him. I wish he was here to see it.

  When I arrive home, I sit down at the kitchen island and debate if I should read Logan’s letter. I’m afraid of what he is going to say. But here goes nothing.


  I know you are probably saying, “What the hell, Logan?” The reason I chose you over mom and dad is simple enough. You will do what is best for Max. Not what is best for the family. I am asking you to do that. You always hold your word. Plus, the love you have for Max is undeniable that you will never let anything happen to him. When I go away on missions, he looks forward to you coming to get him. Going on a big plane with Aunt Pressie. He talks about how much he loves being with you.

  Since you are reading this, it means I paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country and freedom. Dad will have his hands full with our mother. He cannot raise a young boy and take care of his grief-stricken wife. You are so strong, Presley. Dad knows that this could happen. I have made the comment to him several times that they won’t get Max. Granted, he shrugged it off.

  Please take good care of Max. It is a given, you will.

  I want you to know how proud I am of you. I know you do not get to hear it that much. Your outlook on living life to the fullest is what we all want to live. This I know you will pass down to Max. Another reason you are the perfect guardian for him. You have such compassion for the ones you love. I am going to miss our jokes, our laughs, me lecturing you on getting a little more responsible, me annoying you by calling you sissy and overall, us being us – brother and sister who rule the world.

  Please do not mourn me too long. You have a little boy to raise. Also, this is my destiny. I took the oath to protect this country, you, mom, dad and most importantly Max. I died doing what I wanted to do. Please give my son the world. I know you will make sure to include everything about me in his life.

  I love you, sis.


  And here come those damn tears. The amount of trust and faith that Logan has in me is indescribable. I will make him proud. Max is going to know what an amazing father he had. I get up from the table and walk to the back door and out to the patio. The sun closing in on the horizon. The strawberry moon starting to shine above me. I look up to see a twinkling star. To myself, I whisper, “Hey, bro. Looks like I got some things to prepare for. Thank you for trusting me with Max. He will grow up knowing how incredible his father is. Your memory will never leave us. I love you and will miss you greatly.”

  I sit down on my white wicker chair, holding Logan’s letter close to my heart, enjoying the beautiful scenery around me.

  Stay strong, Presley.

  Chapter 21


  Stressing the fuck out, wondering why I have not heard from her since I dropped her off after our weekend at The Cabin. We fucking connected. Now, she is ghosting me. I have texted her numerous times. She reads them and nothing. What the hell is going on? I am furious and concerned all at the same time. But I need her.

  It’s the fourth of July and it is my least favorite holiday. I get it, let’s celebrate this great country’s independence. But why the fucking fireworks? Barbeques are fine. I attend Ralphie’s fourth of July party every year. This year is a little different and it means I have to stay around a little longer. Ralphie and his old lady are getting married. I wanted her to be here with me. To meet some of the other members of the club and then take her for a ride through the country ignoring the explosions. I want to show her how I celebrate the fourth of July. Riding through the cornfields of Nebraska and ending the night with a bonfire, while she curls up next to. Both of us looking at the stars, without post haze of smoke. No one knows about the land I own outside of town. I go there every year around this holiday. There is nothing out there but nature, my escape. I was going to share this with her. But she is avoiding me.

  Smith nudges me, “Dude, you okay?”

  I glare, “What do you think?”

  “Still nothing?”

  “You could say that.”

  “I told you, I can text Becks and find out what’s up.”


  “You need to lighten up.”

  “I just need to know she is doing alright.”

  “Fuck it.” He whips out his phone and makes a phone call.

  “You’re an ass.” I can’t believe we are having a conversation and he decides to call someone.

  Smith raises a finger to me and says, “Hold up.”

  I shake my head at him and look around. James and Hays were holding onto each other and smiling. Ralphie and Pricilla next to them doing the same. This angers me. Her not being here with me.

  Smith interrupts, “You want to talk to Becks?” and he tries to hand me the phone.

  “What the fuck? No!”

  “Your grumpy ass needs to talk to her.”

  I grumble, “Fine.” I take the phone from him and say, “Yeah.”

  Becks comments, “Woah, who pissed in your cheerios this morning?”

  “Becks, get to the point.”

  “Fine. Avery, I’m going to be honest with you. I have no clue what is going on with her. Both Rosy and I have not spoken with her much since the patch ceremony.”

  “She is avoiding you two?”

  “Well, yeah. I know there is a lot going on with Max and selling Logan’s estate.”

  “Okay. Well, thanks.” I hand the phone back to Smith.

  Smith gives me a strange look. I should not be upset about this but I am. I could help her with all of this. She is shutting everyone out. What the fuck! I need to get out of this place before I explode. I head over to James and let him know that I am getting ready to leave. But James had other plans, the fucker is getting married too.

  Once all the ceremonial bullshit was done, I hop on my bike and ride to my land. Reflection is in order.


  A knock on the door has me running from Max’s room to the living room. Who the hell did Rhonda let in now. I open the door to see my two best friends standing there with their hands on their hips. Oh, they look pissed. Here comes the fury of Rosy and Becks. I have been a shady bitch to everyone lately. My texts are short to them. My entire focus has been helping my father with getting Max and Logan’s stuff from Virginia. And then there is my mother. I just want to help them. I know it is definitely a one eighty from my attitude before. But right now, we need to be united as a family. My mother has even agreed to see a counselor. It has been super busy for the three of us. I wave, “Hey, girls.”

  Becks and Rosy both stomp their way into my home. Becks was the first to start speaking, “Alright missy, what the hell is going on?”

  I ask, “What do you mean?”

  Rosy turn to question, “Are you for real? You know damn well what we mean.”

  Becks now, “You are being shady as fuck?’

  I look down and agree, “I know. It has been so busy with Max.”

  Becks again, “And.”

  Now Rosy, “You are shutting us all out. You know we are here for you.”

  Still looking down, I comment, “It’s been a hard. Let me explain what is going on, okay?”

  In unison, they say, “Okay.” I lead them to the living room to sit on the couch. Both of them sitting next to me and say, “You can go.”

  I laugh, “Did you plan to say the same thing?”

  They both glare at me. Clearly, not thinking this is as funny as I thought it was. I start, “Well, okay then.” I take a deep breath. “If you really want to know, Max is moving in with me.”

  Both of their eyes widened. Rosy investigates, “What? Like how? What is going on?”

  Another deep breath, I continue, “Logan rewarded me custody of Max. I’m in charge of Logan’s inheritance which all of it will go to Max.”

  Becks asks, “Oh my God, th
at is huge. You’ve been busy.”

  I grin a little, “Yeah, it has been. I’m almost done with Max’s room.”

  Rosy questions, “How are you doing with all of this?”

  I sigh, “It’s a learning process for sure. My parents and I have come to an agreement that things need to change for the better. For Max’s sake. My mother is seeing a therapist. “

  Becks goes, “Wow. Girl, I wish you would’ve said something to us. We could’ve helped you.”

  Again, I sigh, “I know. I got carried away with all this. The majority of Max’s stuff will be delivered soon. If you all want to help me with that, I would appreciate it.”

  A warm smile appears on both of their faces. They both say, “Duh!”

  The three of us hug. I am so glad they are understanding of this whole situation. I have not been a good friend to them recently. All they want to do is be there for me, like friends should be.

  Becks pulls away from the hug. She asks, “What is going on with Avery and you?”

  It hits me. I have been ignoring him as well. I have gotten a few text messages from him but never returned them. I am confused with that a whole situation. There is so much going on with my family and becoming the guardian of Max.

  Both of my friends staring at me. I need to answer them. I state, “I haven’t talk to Avery in a while. He has been texting me, but I don’t reply back.”

  Here goes Rosy, “Why the fuck not?”

  I take a deep breath. “You know when we were all at the cabin. At the end of the ceremony, I slipped and told him I loved him.”

  Their eyes widen again and their mouths open. I express, “I don’t know why I said it. But the next morning, he pretty much confessed he feels the same way.”

  Becks yells, “Holy shit. This explains everything.”

  I look at her confused and say, “What explains everything?”

  “Well, Smith called me and had me to talk to Avery about you.”


  “From what Smith tells me, Avery was on edge at Ralphie’s fourth of July party.”

  “Shit! Oh my God, I’m an idiot. More like a bitch.”


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