The Last Check (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 2)

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The Last Check (Hell's Phoenix MC Series Book 2) Page 12

by Kristine Dugger

  Rosy comments, “You’re not an idiot. You’ve had a lot of things going on.”

  I worry, “Fireworks. Fourth of July. Fuck me. Do you know if he is okay?”

  Becks and Rosy look at me confused, “What?”


  Again they say, “What?”

  I disclose, “Avery has PTSD. He needed me. I ignored him.”

  Both of them continue to stare while I shame myself into sadness. His last text he sent me stated he needed me. I am so stupid.

  Chapter 22


  Anger continue to boil over. Still nothing from Presley. How can you go from telling someone you love them to dropping from the face of the planet? Well, she cannot ignore me anymore. I drive up to the security box before entering into her neighborhood. Good old Rhonda was walking out. She greets, “Well, hello there. Ms. Cooper expecting you today?”

  I lied, “Yep.”

  Rhonda squints her eyes, “Are you sure?”

  I put on a fake smirk, “Yes. Actually, I’m going to surprise her.”

  “Oh, that is great. She hasn’t been so witty lately. A surprise would be good for her.”

  I wink, “I know.”

  “Go ahead.”

  My bike roars through her neighborhood. Before I approach her home, I see her trying to get Max into her SUV. She looks frazzled. Max was bouncing around while she loads the back of the SUV with bags. She mouths, “Max, get in!”

  I cannot confront her in front of Max. What is going on here? Did her parents make her watch Max? Did they guilt her from seeing me?

  Fuck this shit.

  If this is what I need to do, so be it. Presley is my woman. It is time to prove to her family that I am not going anywhere. I take a deep breath and turn my bike around.

  Next stop, Bullets Stadium.


  This takes a lot of balls to walk up to someone’s father and tell them I am claiming their daughter. But I cannot let this go on any further. It is time to push past differences and make it known that their daughter and I have something going on. They cannot put an end to us without a fight in me.

  I pull up to the stadium. Presley said her father is always here. I look up at the Megatron stating there is a game tonight at 7:05 pm. People were scurrying around getting ready for the game. I had one thing on my mind and that is confronting Presley’s father. I stop one person to ask them where I could find Dalton Cooper. They were quick to point in the direction of the business office. I head to the glass building inside the stadium. It had Bullets office on the door. I take a deep breath before meeting with the father of my woman.

  There was petite blonde sitting at a desk. She greets me with a smile, “How can I help you?”

  I state, “I’m here to see Dalton Cooper.”

  “Is he expecting you?”

  “No, he isn’t.”

  “Sir, you have to have an appointment with him before just coming in here.”

  “It’s about Presley Cooper,” in a stern voice.

  She looks stunned. “Oh, I see. Um, let me call him.” She picks up the phone and whispers into it. When she hangs up the phone, she states, “Mr. Cooper will be out to see you soon.”

  “Thank you!”

  Pointing to the chairs, she says, “Please take a seat. It will be a minute.”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  After a few minutes, a tall, broad shoulder man in a black suit walks out. It is Presley’s father. His face showed no emotions. I take a deep breath.

  He addresses me, “Mr. Jacksen, how can I help you?”

  My stomach was a heavy metal concert. I am trying not to be nervous. My parents taught me to respect others and I feel this might go down the disrespectful line. I have to stay focused on the end game. That is Presley.

  I acknowledge, “Hello, Sir.”

  “Please call me Dalton.”

  “Please call me Avery.”

  He grins, “Follow me to my office, please.”

  We walked down a long hallway to an open space with several offices. I followed him into his office. He states, “Please have a seat.”

  I sit down. The tension was tight and unbreakable.

  Mr. Cooper questions, “You wanted to talk to me about my daughter?”

  I answer, “Yes, sir.”

  “Then what do you have to say.”

  “Mr. Cooper, I mean Dalton. I know the few times that we have met have not been the most appropriate times.”

  “I agree.”

  “I know I’m not the man you pictured your daughter with.”

  “You have no idea what I want for my daughter.”

  Deep breath Avery. Calm down. Think of how you would be if someone came to you about your sister.

  “True. I know what I can offer for your daughter. Everything she needs. I might not wear a suit to work every day but I have done well with my life. I am an Army Veteran who puts family first and foremost. All I want to do is provide Presley with everything she has wanted from a man. My mission now is to protect and care for her.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Are you willing to step in as a father figure to her nephew?”

  “If that is what I have to do for Presley, I will do it.”

  “She is a packaged deal these days.”

  “I’m not sure I understand you.”

  “She is the caretaker of her nephew, Max.”

  Well, that explains everything. Max has always been her top priority in life. She will drop everything to make sure that boy is loved. She was ignoring me because she was adjusting to her new life with him. I comment, “I didn’t know.”

  “It was a big surprise to us all. But she is doing well. Maybe a little too neurotic about everything but she is doing good. Max is happy. If you truly want to be with my daughter, you need to realize it is more than her these days.”

  “I know how much she loves her nephew. And I promise to make sure to care for him as much as she does. I know she has her mother and you, but I don’t want her raising him alone.”


  Surprised at his reaction, I say, “What?”

  “Avery, my daughter happiness means a lot to me. If you make her happy, then I am okay with it.”

  “I will take care of her like you take care of your wife.”

  Presley’s father smirks, “Good. I like to hear that. Because my daughter is a handful. I know you know that.”

  I laugh, “One of the many traits I love about your daughter.”

  This went better than I thought it would. It was as if it did not matter I was veteran biker. He just wants what is best for his daughter and to make sure that I will accept Max. I cannot hate a man for that. I would want the same thing if I was in his shoes. Now, it is time to get my woman back.

  Before I walk out of his office, Dalton stops me and says, “I do have one thing I want to say to you before you leave.”

  I swallow, “Yes, sir.”

  “Thank you for honorary my son like you did. Presley showed me the cut and patch.”

  “He is one of us.”

  He laughs, “My son is an official biker and my daughter is dating a biker. Who would have thought?”

  I shake his hand and make my way out of the stadium.

  Chapter 23


  It is crazy to think that I am a guardian to someone. Logan trusted me to take care of Max. I am going to honor his request to the fullest. But I am nervous at the same time. All these years, I have thought about myself and whatever I have done with my life. Now, I have Max to include. He is now my entire world. I am going to make sure he given all the love in the universe. It is time for me to grow up. No more late nights, bringing random men home. Don’t get me wrong, I will probably go out for a girl’s night here and there but not any time soon. Max will be going through a lot of ups and downs. All of his stuff is packed and on its way here from Virginia. I just cannot believe all of this. Logan
is gone. Max is now my responsibility.

  Today, I am taking Max to the stadium. I need to get some work done. I have a few things I need to approve before they are exposed to all the Omaha Bullets fans. Also, grandpa wants to see him. Holding Max’s hand while he frolics, I see my father’s door is open. Max notices it too. He lets go of my hand and runs to the office. Max squeals, “Gran-paaa.”

  My father’s peeps around the door and he gets up from his leather business chair when he sees Max. He was smiling ear to ear. It was serene scene to see. My father smiling. Max is the only one who could bring his sour face to a smile. I wave at my dad. He stands in the doorway with his arms open. Max jumps at him. My father says, “Maxi boy.”

  I smile, “Hey, dad.”

  He sets Max down and reaches to hug me. Okay, that is weird. I return the hug and ask, “What is that for?”

  He smirks, “Just because.”

  “Okay.” Well, call me flabbergasted. My father hugged me at work, just because he felt like it. This is abnormal. I do not get it all. Oh well, I will take it. I follow my dad and Max into the office. My father’s office overlooks the stadium. The grounds crew were prepping for today’s game. I love looking at the field when there is no game. It is just the vibrant green outfield and bright brown dirt. It is the only moment when dirt is beautiful. In a few hours, fans will start lining up to get into the game. The national anthem will be played. Then the game will be played. It’s a Friday night, family night. Fireworks will be exploding in the air. Max and I have a date on the patio tonight to watch them.

  My father says, “Max, I need to talk to your Aunt for a minute. Why don’t you say hi to Miss Peters?”

  Max answer, “Okay, grandpa.”

  Max walks away and you can hear his boyish voice say, “Hi Miss Peters. Whatcha doing?”

  I smile.

  My father demands, “Presley, please sit down. I need to talk to you.”

  “O-kay,” I nervously say. I do as I was told.

  “We need to talk about Max.”

  “Dad, we have been over this. I’m taking care of him.”

  “I know, sweetheart. Logan’s wishes.”

  “Than what is there to talk about then.”

  His chest rises, as he takes a deep breath in. “I feel your focus needs to be on Max. This is a big year for him. He has moved to a new state. He is starting kindergarten in a few weeks. His father…”

  I sigh, “Dad.”

  “I think it would be best if all your time was with Max. I want you to take a break from the stadium work. It would be easier for him to transition with a constant figure who loves him.”


  “Logan left Max his entire inheritance. Combining his and yours, you should have no problem living. And if for some reason, you run into a snag, you have your mother and me.”

  “Let me get this straight. You want me be with him full-time, like a stay at home guardian.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  I sigh, “I enjoy the marketing approval for the stadium. I enjoy coming to work.”

  He smirks, “One of Logan’s wishes is for you to get back into graphic arts and designing. I have several business colleagues who would gladly use any of your designs. That is something you can do at home while you are with Max.”

  “Are you for real?”

  He nods, “Yes, honey.”

  Tears start to form in my eyes. I get up from my chair and run to my father. He stands up, knowing he is going to be attacked. I wrap my arms around him and squeeze tight. I sob. “Oh my goodness, dad. I don’t know what to say.”

  I push away. His brown eyes stare at me. He says, “I know your mother and I don’t tell you enough, but we are proud of you. We want you to have all the things you want. That has always been our wish. But sometimes it gets clouded, with what we want you to have. Not what you want. Your brother has his ways of creating reality checks. It is time for you to do what you want to do.”

  “I love you, dad.”

  “I love you, sweetie. Just promise me, to take care of yourself and give Max the life he wants and deserves.”

  “Oh, daddy.” I hug him once more. This moment right here is everything. I do not know what changed his mind. I know it had to do with Logan and his individual letter. It had to be raw for my father to change his thinking. Making him realize that life is too short. I cannot believe I get to do what I want with my life.

  Then it hits me. My love life. Avery.

  I look at my dad and ask, “Normally, I wouldn’t do this so soon, but I need to do something important. Will you watch Max until I get back?”

  He grins, “Yes, dear. Can Max and I walk you out to your car?”

  Okay, that is weird. “Um, sure.”

  He yells, “Maximus.”

  In comes my nephew, frolicking once more. I guess my father is taking a new turn on a lot of things. Allowing me to focus on Max and design work and now walking me to my car. This is absolutely insane. But I will play along.

  We walk out of the business office toward the gates. Both my father and I holding onto Max’s hand. Max trying to get us to swing him. Of course, we caved.

  I say, “Okay, Max. On the count of three.”

  Max gets ready.

  Then, the weirdest feeling came over me. I look in front of me.


  Oh my fucking goodness.


  My stomach was turning. I should not be so nervous but I am. After the talk with Presley’s father, things became more and more clear. I need to be with her. Yeah, we are two different worlds but there is no doubt we get each other. She has always been in my head even when it was just fucking. But the connection at the cabin, told me she loved me. All I want is her. Fuck her fuckit list. I am her last and final check.

  I look up at the gate and see Presley, her father and Max. I grin. She has no idea that I am here. Or the fact that her father arranged all of this, for us. Shocked the living shit out of me. Patiently impatient, waiting for her to look up and see me waiting on my bike. I laugh seeing Max trying to get them to swing him. I cannot wait to get to know him better. Even introduce him to a new friend, James’s boy, Charlie.

  “One…two…three…weee,” Max giggles as his grandfather and aunt try to swing him. Presley spots me and just stares. I get up off my bike and walk toward her. Presley turns her head at her father. He nods, signaling it’s okay. She lets go of her nephew’s hand and hugs her father. Yep, she realizes what is going on.

  After she hugs her father, she turns toward me and starts running - in her heels and all.

  I grin. My woman.

  Once we reach other, she jumps on me, wrapping her legs around me and slams her plump lips onto mine. If she doesn’t care, I don’t care either who is watching us. It’s a fucking moment.

  She pulls her lips from mine. We come face to face. Her deep, crystal blue eyes staring at me. She asks, “What are you doing here?”

  I grin, “Taking what’s mine.”

  She shakes her head. “There you go claiming me again.”

  I rest my forehead to hers. “Is that a bad thing?”


  She leans up and kisses me once more. This time delicate and sweet.

  Again, she pulls away. “So, does this make me your old lady?”

  I laugh, “Something like that.”

  “I just don’t get this. What changed?”

  “Just to say your father and I came to an agreement.”

  “Avery, I love you.”

  “Babe, back at you.”

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Really, you can’t say it back?”

  I smirk, “Let’s get out of here, so I can show you instead.”

  “Hmm. Let me think about it,” in her sarcastic voice.

  “That’s it.” I heave her over my shoulder and carry her to my bike. “You and that mouth of yours. I’m going to put it to use very soon.”

  She giggles, “Promise.”

set her down next to my bike. We both straddle it and get ready to drive off. The engine revs up and her arms hug my waist tightly. She purrs, “I’m going to fuck you on this bike.”

  I shake my head and laugh, “I love you.”

  And off we went. Sunset and all.



  This past year has been nothing but exciting. Lots of changes and I mean lots of changes. Avery and I are that couple. When I say that couple, there is nothing holding us back from showing affection for one another. I know it drives some of the others crazy. Oh well. Everything is still hot and heavy between us. That has never let up. But unfortunately, I have to be quiet. Unless Max is having a sleep over at Charlie’s. Then it is acrobatic time.

  One of the biggest changes to date, I sold my house. Once Avery and I decided to take the plunge and move in together. I just could not make him suffer with the stadium fireworks. We honestly tried on a few nights, but the night sweats and anxiety was too much. Granted, I loved the spooning part but yeah, he is man. However, Avery and I cannot find a place to call our own. For the time being, we are living at the cabin. Not an ideal situation but it works.

  I look out the window of the cabin to see Avery standing by the grill. Today, we are celebrating Logan. Our families and MC family are here enjoying this day with us. It was Avery’s idea to have this grill out. I walk out to see everyone socializing. Max is running around with Charlie. James is sitting next to Hayden who is holding their baby girl, Hadley. Avery’s father was next to him discussing whatever they discuss. Alice is chatting it up with Rosy and Becks. My parents have not made their appearance yet. This is so typical of my mother’s doing, fashionably late.

  Avery spots me and winks. I do love that man of mine. I sit next to Alice and the girls. I ask, “Where’s Dallas?”

  Alice shakes her head and says, “Being fashionably late like your parents.”


  Becks asks, “How is cabin life going?”

  She knows this is a bit of sour spot with me. “Just peachy.”

  Alice and Rosy laugh. Becks again, “It can’t be that bad. You are away from all the pollutants of city life.”

  I lean in, “It is too damn quiet out her.”


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