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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

Page 2

by Dermott, Shannon

  “Don’t lie Kayla. I can see it in your eyes,” he said. He was the only one to call be that. My name was Mercy McKayla. His name for me coupled with the rich baritone of his voice made my heart unable to resist a flutter.

  I blinked, afraid that my succubus had taken over. My eyes would be changed into large black orbs, filling in the entire eye around my irises. No, I still was in control and responding to his nearness. Even still, I didn’t know what to say anyway. He was wickedly handsome and terribly tempting. There were parts of me, specifically the demon who shared my body that wanted him and wanted him bad. And being with him wouldn’t be forbidden.

  Something crossed his amazing face, like he’d read my thoughts. The emptiness in his eyes remained, reminding me he wasn’t human. He came forward even more, invading my personal space. I thought I just might give in. I’d been a little cold in the air-conditioned house still dripping wet. Now, I radiated heat. My breath began to quicken.

  “You should get out of those wet clothes,” he said in a whisper, the warmth of his body filling my air space. Eying me up and down first, reminding me how my damp shirt clung to my body, he leaned in impossibly more. Then he was just gone, leaving nothing but warm mist that enveloped me only to quickly dissipate.

  I blinked away that memory when he, Sebastian, the latest addition to our motley family, entered the kitchen with a huge smile and good mornings all around.

  Chapter Two

  invective (n.) an angry verbal attack

  Where Flynn was pure lust, Sebastian was delicious sin. In untypical demon fashion, Sebastian was all smiles this morning. Unable to stop myself, I took in his tall frame in destroyed jeans with a navy zip down sweatshirt over a white shirt. How had I ended up living with two amazing guys I’m not related to? Truthfully, I didn’t know.

  I really couldn’t fathom how or why the demon ended up living with us. Yes, everyone in the house was part demon. He, on the other hand, who came and sat next to me at the bar area, was a full demon. One who devoured other demons. He was a threat to everyone in the house. The soulless guy sat comfortably with a coffee and a bagel as if he wasn’t death on two legs. It was so surreal. If you didn’t know, you would think he was at least as human as the rest of us.

  Days after I’d been rescued, David announced to a stunned Flynn and I that Sebastian was going to live with us. I hadn’t even guessed that had been the reason for the closed-door meeting between him, my mom and David. It was all so strange. My mother’s haunted expression had revealed much but not enough when she’d come out. We were told that Sebastian had asked for a place to stay and they’d agreed to it. Maybe she felt indebted to him because he saved my life. It was more than weird that they accepted him so easily. And all of Flynn and my other questions were blown off. I was used to that with my mom. She was good at keeping secrets. She’d kept things about what I was from me for a long time. Even now she held a secret she promised to reveal only in time. But Flynn and David had a very open relationship. Flynn wasn’t used to secrecy and didn’t take it very well. Come to think of it, it was shortly after that Flynn had gotten his new car.

  Giving Sebastian credit though, he had done nothing to harm me or anyone else. In fact, he’d only really helped me since I met him. He hadn’t even tried to pursue a relationship with me. He’d simply been somewhat of a friend. We weren’t total buddies like Paul and I had been. But for the most part, he’d kept our relationship blissfully uncomplicated. And that had been just what I needed.

  I hadn’t known I'd been watching Sebastian until out of my peripheral vision until I saw Flynn. Rolling his eyes at me, he apparently caught me in the act. I think he was partly jealous of Sebastian, but maybe even grateful in some ways that the other guy was here. I was certain it bothered him that Sebastian shared his throne as the hottest guy in school. That was just Flynn’s ego there. But Sebastian also took some of the heat from constant girls’ attention away from him. On some level, I think he was happy not to have to deal with all the interest all the time.

  Stepping out of my thoughts, the sunny and bright kitchen didn’t match my mood. I didn’t see how this day was going to end well for me. My mom was still making small talk for which I’d ignored, for the most part. I’d only given her one-word answers in response to whatever she said. She was probably talking about her upcoming honeymoon trip with David. They would be leaving later today. I wanted to be interested, but I wasn’t. I couldn’t help it. My focus was on the dreaded day that lay ahead of me.

  What I really wanted was to pretend to be sick, but my mom was a nurse. She would pick up on my lie or delay her honeymoon to take care of me. So I accepted my fate even though I didn’t want to face the day. The thought of what was to come made my stomach churn in unpleasant ways. I forced myself to nibble on a bagel while nodding noncommittal responses to something my mom said when Flynn’s father entered.

  David, tall, dark-haired and handsome was dressed in a traditional navy blue suit, the kind any CEO in his position would wear. He crossed over to my mom and gave her a kiss. “Good morning, beautiful,” he said.

  “You too, handsome,” my mom gushed.

  Flynn and I both turned our heads and simultaneously said Get a Room. A few short months ago, I would have never believed I would be living with Flynn. He was the boy every girl and I mean every girl, including me at some point dreamed of, which is why I hated him desperately for it. No one should be that good looking. And although he was only a junior like me; he’d had any girl at school he set his sights on including senior girls like his last girlfriend. Amanda was not only a senior but a part of the inner elite crowd. The elite were a select group of popular people at our school who were the cream of the crop of the beautiful and rich. The name was also reserved for the reigning seniors. But it didn’t matter with Flynn. He was readily included in that group despite being only a junior.

  Even now I had to wonder how my life would be different if I hadn’t gone to that party with Maggie a few months back. That was the night I was unceremoniously introduced to Flynn’s charms first hand. The bottle he’d spun landed on me resulting in us kissing. It would be a very cold day in hell when I would play the stupid game of spin the bottle again. But no, it wouldn’t have mattered because my mom and his dad had been secretly dating for a while. The odds were good that I still would be living here.

  I’d just put down my empty glass when Flynn announced, “Saddle up boys and girls, time to go.” I was certain Flynn was trying to show up the other boy. We weren’t running late. Clearly, Sebastian wasn’t finished eating. He raised his half uneaten bagel to Flynn, but Flynn only shrugged and rattled his keys. Sebastian just sighed and stood up to head for the door.

  Carefully, I got down from my bar stool. Today should be like most mornings as of late, but it was anything but normal. I’d been seized by the fashion police and hated the outfit I found myself wearing. It just made me look like I was trying too hard. This I could blame on my best friend’s newest BFF, Amber. The stupid short white ruffled shirt I was wearing had a tendency to rise. I wasn’t one for skirts and not because I didn’t like them but for practical purposes, like me bending to get my bag off the ground. I had to be ever so careful not to flash everyone. But more importantly, I felt my slim hips and too thin legs just didn’t look that good in skirts. Now give me a pair of skinny jeans and I looked great. Something about jeans, they were not only comfortable, they were forgiving to my tooth pick legs and less than stellar back side.

  Trying to keep up, I followed the guys outside after I gave my hasty goodbye and wished my mom and David a good time on their honeymoon. Swiftly, I headed out the door in the uncomfortable ballet flats I was wearing. I shook my head feeling my feet hit the ground quite differently than in sneakers. Again, I was reminded how this outfit wasn’t my idea. I’d have to talk to Maggie about how much she owed me for this. Their ambush of me yesterday happened before the water incident. We’d met up directly after school in a ‘planning session’. I
lost all the battles save for one. I’d drawn the line at not wearing heels of any sort, including wedges. I would have looked ridiculous walking around school wobbling. I reserve heels for two events, homecoming and prom. Both of which I’d dodged the bullet in attending the past two and a half years. And the way things were going, I would miss the prom this year too. The jury was still out on whether or not I would be happy about missing the event.

  Stepping outside in just a light gray sweater over my bubble gum pink top borrowed from Amber, I was reminded why, although I would have preferred to, I couldn’t wear flip-flops. I huddled into myself against the chill of the morning air. It was still considered winter even though spring hopefully was coming soon. Today was more than a bit brisk. My chucks would have gone a long way, but Maggie convinced me that today was special and therefore, I should be different. She wouldn’t hear any of my excuses. I guess it just was what you did for your best friend.

  Gathered into myself, I thought about the letterman’s jacket that would have provided all the protection I needed against the frosty air. I still had it in my room. It was the jacket that belonged to my former boyfriend, Luke. He hadn’t asked for it back and I couldn’t bring myself to give it to him yet.

  Luke had broken up with me about two months ago shortly after my birthday I might add, when he’d heard me express my affections for my former best friend Paul. It was all a big misunderstanding, but ultimately, it was for the best. He was a Nephilim, half human half angel. So, because I am part demon, being together could result in damning his soul. So I’d let him think the worst of me, taking the coward's way, instead of breaking up with him myself.

  The click of the door locks jolted me to the present. Sebastian opened the door for me. As I got in, I saw Flynn roll his eyes again. I should be the one to roll my eyes. Flynn recently wrecked his nearly brand new sports car that was still in the shop. I wondered what would happen to it once it was fixed. I shook my head at David’s wisdom of having his son being a danger to everyone else on the road with this huge thing. Flynn hadn’t explained what happened in his latest wreck, heck I didn’t know the whole scoop on the previous one either. But then again, I hadn’t really been talking to him enough to find out. Even still, I think this was car number three or four for Flynn. I wasn’t sure I was safe riding to school with him every day.

  With a turn of the key and the roar of the engine, we were on our way. I still didn’t have a car and Sebastian well he really didn’t need one because he could transport himself anywhere with his mind. Even so, having Sebastian transport himself all around town might freak out the humans. So we rode to school with Flynn every day. I used to ride with Maggie before we moved and I really missed that. However, it hadn’t really made sense for her to do so anymore now that she would have to drive past school to get to me.

  As usual, I sat in the back to avoid conversation with either boy. Popping in my ear buds, I switched my iPod on, turned it loud and let my thoughts drift. There were just so many things on my mind. Images of memories long since past crept into my thoughts. This time it was Sebastian and how he seemed to appear exactly whenever I was vulnerable. The moment in my brain that flashed in my mind was on our near kiss. I couldn’t forget how he leaned down to kiss me and how I’d waited for it. I was going to let it happen. I remembered then just what kissing him felt like. He’d come to save me while I was in my capture’s home. Then, I’d kissed him for my survival as he’d passed some of his power to me. Yet I still felt like a cheat to Luke doing it. I never had to explain that transgression because Luke had broken up with me shortly after my rescue. And if Flynn hadn’t rounded the corner that day chasing after me, calling my name, and stopping Sebastian a mere whisper away from my lips, who knew what might have been.

  But Flynn had and I’d taken that moment of hesitation from Sebastian and ran away from them. I literally ran around and into the house to my room. Sebastian, of course, if he’d wanted to, could have transported himself into my room with that amazing trick he possessed. Not all demons are equal and can travel through time and space, but Sebastian could. And he hadn’t come to my room. So here we were.

  Once Flynn parked in the lot, I hopped out of the back seat without a word and headed to school. I was careful to avoid Luke, who was standing not too far away in stone wash jeans with a light gray crew cut sweater with a button down underneath. I looked at my own sweater. Great minds was my thought. He and I kind of matched. Gosh, he looked like he should be in California with his sun kissed skin and blonde head full of curls. Where Flynn represented a dark hipper version of Abercrombie and Flinch, Luke was a poster boy for Hollister.

  Feeling Luke’s eyes on me rattled my nerves. On occasion, I’d caught him taking stolen glances at me when he thought I wasn’t looking over the past few months, most recently at the wedding. I flushed thinking how he caught me with Flynn yesterday, only to watch Sebastian carry me off like some barbarian. Automatically, I felt for the chain that held the silver heart Luke had given me for my birthday. Feeling it there, quieted some of the butterflies I felt in my stomach just looking at him. Madly, I still loved him. But I wouldn’t be responsible for his damnation. So again, I would live a lie and pretend indifference about him and any other males in my life. I was almost to the front stairs that led to the school doors when I felt the arm around my waist and stiffened. For a minute, I thought it might be Luke. If it had been, I couldn’t be responsible for what I would have done. However, his touch was unmistakable and it wasn’t him.

  Looking up and into those blue eyes, I caught the dark hair of Sebastian. I tried to push him away as we walked towards the school. I wasn’t sure what he was trying to prove. He’d given me space the last couple of months only being a friend. I could feel the cool stares from the jealous girls standing nearby in the parking lot. Sebastian was the new and shiny hot guy, a lot of hopeful girls and some guys wanted a piece of.

  “Stop that,” I said trying to pry his hand off my waist. Swatting at his firm grip on me, I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my throat because I wasn’t angry. With my tone, I let him know I was serious. And silly me, I didn’t want Luke to see. I didn’t want him to think I’d blindly moved on, even if I knew we couldn’t be together. This wasn’t just one-sided. I knew I wasn’t ready to see him with anyone else either.

  “Kayla,” Sebastian said crooning his nickname for me. This only reminded me of all the jokes said about my name, including beg for mercy. And I happened to like Kayla as a name far better, but I’d never tell Sebastian that. His voice was rich and full of suggestions. “It’s Valentine’s Day, lass. Love is in the air,” he said into my ear. His mouth next to my ear was way too intimate.

  Groaning and pulling a bit away from him, I said, “Don’t remind me.” I knew exactly what day it was because my outfit was conceived out of the spirit of the day by those who claimed me as a friend. Speaking of the sadist, both girls saddled up to me and Sebastian. Sensing the ambush, he let me go and in a hasty ‘See ya later’ he retreated in favor of heading in the direction of some girls who called his name. I had to envy how in less than a week after he started school a few months ago, he’d hit superstardom in popularity. Now two months later into high school life, he probably knew more people than I did and I grew up here.

  “You wore it,” Maggie said jovially. Her eyes were bright green and twinkled in the daylight. My best friend knew me better than anyone else and knew my reservations.

  Sighing, I nodded. I had worn it. “Only for you,” I mused while she stood next to Amber with twin grins on their faces. It was obvious they thought I would back out with them not there to dress me. The white mini skirt, which had been Maggie’s birthday gift to me, was paired with a candy heart pink top layered over a white one. I was sure we looked ridiculous, glancing at the other two girls. Maggie wore a different style white skirt with a red top and Amber completed the triplet look varying hers with a top a shade somewhere in between. Maggie and I had never dressed alike becau
se we had been called the M&M sisters all through our years of school because we’d been inseparable. Now some called us M Am M. The Am of course was for Amber. I wanted to hate her for breaking into my relationship with Maggie changing it from a duo to a trio, but it was hard to. She was so freaking nice. Even so, it had been her brain child for us to look like this today. “Hi Amber,” I managed to say with a sincere smile.

  Hanging with Amber these last months, I’d gotten to know her. She wasn’t like her cheerleading comrades. I’d come to the conclusion that she’d been friends with Nina, Luke’s ex and Amanda, Flynn’s ex simply because she didn’t have options if she wanted to stay popular. Now that Maggie and I seemed to have somewhat broken into that group only through our relationships, with Brent and Luke, we’d become her way out. I couldn’t hate her for that.

  Stepping into the school’s main hallway, I could see we were not in the minority with the over-the-top Valentine’s Day outfits. There was a sea of pink, red and white and a few others in yellow and purple. Most girls looked like they put a lot of effort into looking their absolute best today. The guys, however, were just admiring the views as girls in short skirts or tight pants walked by.


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