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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

Page 8

by Dermott, Shannon

  I didn’t answer because I was. Flynn whispered ‘Shit’ under his breath. I did look up at him then, not sure why he’d said that.

  “You still want him?” he asked accusingly.

  I bit my lower lip and glanced away this time. There he was. His eyes were like blue flames on mine. Flynn spun me around as if he knew and was trying to break my eye contact with Luke. But I was grateful anyway.

  When others came up to dance to, I hadn’t realized the song had changed. My thoughts had been a tangled mess. I tried to let go of Flynn to leave the dance floor, but he gripped my waist and pulled me closer.

  “No, you don’t,” he said. “This may be my only chance ever to dance with you.”

  Flynn had made his intentions clear that long ago day, but I never thought he would put on a show in front of his best friend.

  “I’m sure there will be other opportunities,” I said, still moving to the song following Flynn’s lead.

  “Not when you two get back together,” he responded inclining his head in Luke’s direction.

  “He is your best friend,” I said. “Wouldn’t you want us back together?” I threw in his face.

  “I told you before, you two are no good together,” he said, before giving me a little twirl. So the boy had moves along with his good looks.

  He pulled me back close to him and I looked in his eyes. “And I told you there was no chance in hell for you and me or me and Luke for that matter,” I said.

  He simply grinned and dipped me. When he stood me straight again he said, “We’ll see.”

  It was then that Luke tapped Flynn on the shoulder. He didn’t have to speak. Surprised, I thought, Flynn acquiesced as he dropped his hands from me. He nodded at Luke and walked away. But not before he cast his eyes at me willing a message I understood from our conversation only moments before. He thought I should make sure Luke understood things were over. But Luke and I hadn’t spoken in months. Two months to be exact. He gave no indication that he’d wanted us to get back together. There had been stolen glances between us, but nothing more. Luke looked amazing in the suit he wore. It had to have been tailored to fit him.

  Luke’s familiar hands warm and safe embraced my lower waist. My arms encircled his neck not sure of what else to do. He looked me straight in the eye, giving me all his attention. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a dress,” he said. And he was right. He hadn’t. “You look stunning,” he said. His smile caressed me in ways I’d missed.

  “Thanks, you look good yourself,” I said before looking down and away from his topical gaze.

  His hand came to my neck and fingered the necklace he gave me, that rested there. The inscription on the heart charm read ‘My heart belongs to you’. He didn’t say anything. He just put his hand back on my waist. When he muttered something I looked up, but he didn’t repeat himself. I didn’t press the issue. So we danced, like it was old times. I could allow myself this time with him. But how I ached for him to lean in and kiss me.

  Time seemed to stand still but then someone else came and cut in. Sebastian met Luke’s stare of incredulity with a mocking expression of his own. But in the end, Luke let me go and I could have screamed at Sebastian for taking that dance from me.

  “You looked like you were in need of rescuing,” he said, using his Scottish accent on me. He knew I was pissed and thought his overseas charms would make up for it.

  “I was fine,” I said.

  “I thought the two of you were done,” he replied.

  Sebastian was light on his feet and was by far the best dancer of my other partners this evening, but it still didn’t matter. He flashed me a wicked smile that tugged on my succubus bringing her free. I felt her swimming to the surface at his call.

  “Don’t,” I said weakly.

  “Too late,” he whispered and leaned down to my ear. “She’s here already.”

  That’s when his hand dipped lower on my waist. He wasn’t overt with his action, but his hand was firmly on my butt. I felt my head lean up and match his sinful grin with one of my demon’s doing. I moved into action but without control, I wasn’t sure who had seen. I easily slipped my demon skin regaining control, feeling the power crackle over me. I pushed him back and he moved only a few inches but it was enough for me to get away. Sebastian just laughed as I stepped off the dance floor to return to my seat.

  When I got there and sat down, I noticed just how full the dance floor was. I was alone, but I caught sight of Paul dancing with a girl with short dark hair. She’d come with some big shot that David knew. She was cute and I’d felt a little resentment. But I shook it off.

  That’s when I saw Luke and Flynn dancing with two girls also daughter’s of David’s friends or business acquaintances. When I saw Luke laugh, I mean, open mouth laugh at something the girl said. My chest tightened. I couldn’t breathe. I clutched at my heart wondering if I was having a heart attack.

  “Hey,” a voice said. The person studiously sat next to me. “Are you okay?”

  I looked up. The face that greeted me was pleasant and carried a genuine concern. I tried to breathe, but I couldn’t.

  “Look, just take in a deep breath. Bend your head down between your knees and breathe,” the very male voice said, taking the seat next to me. When I just glared at him, he added, “Trust me, my dad’s a doctor.”

  I nodded starting to feel woozy. Leaning down while he took my hands extending them over my head, I tried to take in a deep breath. Briefly, I was conscious of my strapless dress, but I thought none of that would matter if I passed out. After a few deep breaths, I wasn’t feeling as light headed. I sat up slowly and adjusted my dress. I tried to stand and the doctor’s son held me when a wave of dizziness swept over me. Once I felt steady, I rounded the corner to lean against a wall out of view of the dance floor. The nameless guy followed after me. But thankfully, Maggie came rushing over mere seconds behind him. Her satin green dress made whisper music as she moved. She eyed the guy suspiciously. “Are you okay?” she asked, with utter concern.

  “Maggs,” I said in a near sob. She took me in a fierce hug. I hugged her back ferociously. Amazingly, I held back the tears like a champ.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked. Looking over Maggie’s shoulder I saw that the guy still stood there with his hands in his pocket looking unsure of what to do.

  “Luke,” I managed to say.

  “Oh, sweetie,” she said, with all of the understanding of a best friend. “That girl is nothing compared to you.” I couldn’t help thinking how she was just what I needed. She knew a lot without me explaining, if she only knew the rest of it.

  “Guy troubles,” the overly helpful male said. Maggie and I both turned on him. Our fierce glares had him pleading with his hands for us to back down. “I don’t mean to interrupt girl time but if there’s some guy breaking your heart maybe I can help.”

  I frowned not liking a stranger cutting into my personal crisis. Maggie narrowed her eyes. “What do you have in mind,” she asked him conspiratorially.

  “Yeah, my name is Kevin by the way,” he said extending out his hand. I tucked my arms around me like I was cold. But Maggie met his hand with hers and gave it a quick shake.

  “You’ve already done enough,” she said straight faced. “Unless you have a plan, you should go.”

  “Based on how upset she is,” he said, pointing at me. “The guy,” he stressed, “must be out there with another girl.”

  “Yeah,” Maggie said scornfully, letting him know he’d only stated the obvious and to get on with it.

  “I’ll take her on the dance floor and she only has to look like she’s having a good time,” he said.

  “She has a name,” Maggie said.

  I rolled my eyes. Not wanting to, but it was the polite thing to do. I extended my hand. He had helped me. I introduced myself. “I’m Mercy,” I said, waiting for the joke that sure was to come.

  “Fitting,” he said, taking my hand. I let that comment slide because it wasn�
�t a bad joke. “Nice to meet you,” he said, releasing my hand.

  He was tall and looked college age. He was sort of cute with blonde hair that lay beyond his ears nearly to his shoulder. His features were sharp and angler. “You want to dance?” he asked, while quirking up an eyebrow. He extended his hand again as if he was certain that I wouldn’t reject his offer.

  Maggie urged me on. “Go show him there are other guys out there that want you,” she said, knowing I understood the ‘him’ to mean Luke. She tilted her head towards the dance floor.

  Brent came around the corner into the little hallway. It was starting to get crowded. In one hand he held a glass of what appeared to be coke, in another he held a flask. He looked at all of us one by one before saying, “Hey, what up?”

  For a moment, I thought I just might grab the flask from his hand and down whatever contents I found there. But I remembered all too well what happened the only time I got drunk. My lips had been way too loose. And I’d confessed things that should have been kept secret. So I grabbed Brent’s coke feeling parched. I downed it instead. I should have asked first. The drink had been doctored already. The burn of the contents still stung in my throat. But it was too late to be mad. I had made the worst mistake. The contents warmed in my belly.

  “Wow,” Brent said. “Take it easy, Webster.” I rolled my eyes at the nickname Flynn had given me. But a quick smile crossed my face thinking about how I’d earned it. Flynn was the kind of guy words rolled off of. So, I decided long ago to confuse him by using my extensive list of SAT words, I’d been studying in anticipation of the upcoming test, on him. He never knew what hit him. So now, I was affectionately called Merriam Webster by him.

  “Let’s go,” I said to Kevin, ignoring Brent’s comment. Kevin took my arm and I followed him to the dance floor.

  “What’s going on,” I heard Brent say to Maggie in the background as we left.

  I didn’t turn around because I was confident my best friend would keep my confidence. “Luke,” she said. I closed my eyes for a long second. Maggie and I would have words later. Most girls assume that guys didn’t gossip. But they do. They talk just as much as girls, except they don’t analyze every detail like we do. Luke would know before the night was over that I was bothered by him being with someone else, great.

  By the time Kevin and I made it through the paired couples, we spent an awkward few moments trying to figure out where to place each other’s hands. His hands ended on my waist and mine ended on his shoulders.

  Too soon the song ended for our half made plan to take effect. That’s when I caught sight of the girl leading Luke by the hand away from the dance floor. He smiled at her giggling face not even noticing me on his way by. In his defense, he was turned in a completely different direction. Certain words, none of which were flattering to describe the girl, flew across my brain. My mouth was a thin straight line watching her with highlighted blond hair that didn’t look natural, trying to lead my boyfriend away. But wait, he wasn’t my boyfriend anymore.

  Ready to give up the game, my face brightened when my best friend stepped up and stopped Luke. I couldn’t hear what she said, but I saw the blond bomber’s face tighten in frustration. Luke said something to the girl and she nodded in resignation. Then my very best friend in the whole wide world took Luke by the hand and brought him back to the dance floor. A smile bubbled in my chest. That’s what best friends were for. And just like that, her breaking my confidence to Brent was forgiven. Brent only shrugged, put his drink on a nearby table and tucked his flask in his suit jacket. He held a hand out to the girl now looking frustrated by being thwarted. Everyone was back on the dance floor.

  Maggie was nothing if not persistent. She moved to the music while slowly guiding Luke to the point where we were nearly side by side. One thing Maggie wasn’t, was subtle.

  A moment later, Maggie tapped my shoulder. “Eme, switch partners with me,” she directed.

  I wasn’t expecting this and was sure my puzzled expression matched Luke’s. But Kevin, after Maggie’s stern look, dropped his hands and moved away. He left Luke and me with no choice but to end up together.

  “Was I set up?” Luke asked me.

  I looked into his eyes trying to see if he looked put out. I couldn’t read his expression, but I didn’t think so. “I didn’t put her up to this if you’re asking,” I said.

  His summer blue eyes were warm on me. “At least I get to dance with you again, you’ve been avoiding me all night,” he said.

  Wanting to let out a sorrowful laugh, I said, “I didn’t think you would have time to notice.” I hate the bitter sound that came from my voice.

  He laughed. He’d figured me out. “Are you talking about Lexi?” he asked, trying to stifle his grin.

  I was getting angry. How dare he mock my feelings? I stopped dancing. With no other option, he stood still too. As I glanced around looking for my escape, I saw Maggie was already back to dancing with Brent. That girl was good. The girl named Lexi and Kevin were now paired up.

  Letting my hands fall to my sides, I tried to step away. “Mercy, wait,” Luke said his facial expression now a ball of worry. But it was too late for that. He held onto my arm.

  Kevin and Lexi must have been watching us, because moments later they were standing next to us. Lexi looked at Luke with her big brown eyes. I wanted to smack her.

  “Mercy,” Kevin said. “Ready for that drink?”

  I nodded and let Kevin lead me away from a perplexed looking Luke. I didn’t turn back because I wasn’t sure that I could handle it if Luke grinned at Lexi again. A return to the small hallway, I fell back against the wall with a thud.

  “So, what’s the story?” he asked, looking down on me. He was tall. Maybe a little taller than Luke, I thought.

  I shook my head not wanting to speak. “Ok, wait here for a second,” he said.

  I leaned my head back closing my eyes wondering how things had gotten so complicated. Luke could do whatever he wanted and so could I. Why couldn’t I just let things go?

  “Who’s the guy?” a voice said, at my side. My head snapped to the right to have Sebastian fill my vision. He like the rest of the guys looked amazing all dressed up.

  “Kevin,” I said, not in the mood for a quick retort. I didn’t want to spar with him.

  “Why do you bother Mercy?” he asked.

  I exhaled a deep breath. “Bother with what?” I asked dejectedly.

  “With golden boy,” he said. “He’s obviously moved on from you.”

  I closed my eyes again trying to fight back the sting that statement brought to my eyes. “Luke is free to do what he wants,” I said, trying to sound indifferent. But when I opened my eyes, I could tell he didn’t buy it.

  “Yeah, with Sexy Lexi,” he said, ending on a chuckle.

  His words confused me. “Who?” I asked certain I hadn’t heard him correctly.

  “Sexy Lexi,” he replied. “At least that’s what Flynn calls her.”

  Great, Luke was going to leave with a girl called Sexy Lexi. A name christened for her by Flynn. At least in my case, Webster, was a close approximation to some aspect of my life. I could only imagine how Lexi earned hers. “Good for him,” I said, lying the best I could to cover my dismay.

  He chuckled. “You don’t lie well, at least not this time.”

  “Sebastian,” I began, my wariness coming through on that one word and ended on a sigh.

  Kevin came back holding two glasses. He handed one to me then extended his hand to Sebastian. “I’m Kevin,” he said.

  Sebastian just looked at his hand for a second. Ignoring the proffered hand, he looked at my guarded expression. “Yeah,” he said looking at me but talking to him. Snubbing Kevin, he got into my personal space forcing me to retreat further against the wall. He whispered in my ear. “I don’t like this guy,” he said.

  I brought my hands up but Sebastian was quicker. He took my wrist. My face must have shown panic because Kevin stepped over. “Hey, I don’
t think she wants you to grab her that way.”

  Sebastian didn’t turn to look at the guy, but his eyes flared to life turning from midday blue to midnight blue. I felt power leap off him I’d never felt before. Fear covered me. I pulled back at my wrist. His eyed stayed steady on me. All humanity was lost in his eyes and expression. I truly saw the demon that lived inside him. “Don’t,” I whispered sure that his otherworldly hearing would pick up anything I said.

  He leaned in against me. His body so close to mine, I felt every muscle. “Fine,” he said in a growl and pushed away from the wall and me. He stalked off. When he did, I relaxed. I was afraid of what he might do for the first time since I met him.

  Kevin looked at me with an odd fascination. “You okay?” he asked.


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