Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions) Page 14

by Dermott, Shannon

  The clothes neatly lay on my dresser in two piles when a knock came at my door. “Come in,” I said walking out of my bathroom after tiding up in there as well. I looked up and into the eyes of my California boyfriend.

  His gentle smile and the way he looked at me like I was the whole world stopped my breath. “Luke,” I exhaled.

  Stepping into my room he closed the door as quietly as he’d entered. “You are the most beautiful girl here tonight,” he said.

  I managed a grin as my cheeks reddened. I looked away for a second not able to take such a compliment. When I returned my gaze back to him, his face held a slight frown. Nervousness had me asking, “What’s wrong?”

  “I was just wondering how many heads I’m going to knock around tonight,” he said, looking strangely serious.

  Blushing again, I surveyed the dress I wore. I was a little bustier than both of my friends. The top of the dress did nothing to minimize my assets. But at the same time, it wasn’t slutty looking either. “Why would you be fighting anyone tonight?” I asked quizzically.

  He snorted a laugh. “Because someone is going to stare too long and I don’t share,” he mused.

  It was a compliment of sorts. But I wasn’t sure what to do or say. I wasn’t used to the way he looked at me right now. He had a need on his face I hadn’t seen before. He didn’t move or try to kiss me. My face must have revealed my puzzlement because he said, “We should probably get to the party.”

  “Do we have to go?” I asked. I really wasn’t ready to face the music.

  He sucked in an audible breath. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to stay here,” he said.

  I tilted my head and asked the question with my eyes. He smiled and his eyes roamed over me in ways he’d never done before. He’d always been the perfect gentleman. “I lack the control I need to be alone with you right now,” he said, with his voice sounding tight.

  Quite pleased that I affected him that way, I walked to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I tilted my head back to meet his eyes. On auto pilot, the flirtatious side of me escaped with the ease of a practiced practitioner. “Maybe I want you to lose control,” I heard myself say.

  His eyes were trained on my mouth and he licked his lips. “If I didn’t know any better, I would say you were trying to tempt me,” he said.

  Standing on my toes with my eyes closed, I pressed my lips to his. He kissed me back but it was chaste. My arms fell from his neck and glided down his arms. When my hands reached his wrist, I guided his arms around me. “Is it working?” I teased some more.

  He groaned in protest. “Mercy, we should go.” But he didn’t sound convinced of his own words. I laughed while wrapping my arms around his neck once again. Taking a step back, he was forced to take a stumbling step forward or let me go. He moved with me. When the back of my knees brushed against the edge of the bed, I was determined to pull him back on the bed. But he held on, not letting me fall back.

  “Mercy,” he raggedly said. He took a moment to compose himself. “Mercy, let me see your eyes.”

  That sentence let me know something was wrong. As if I just woke from a dream, I realized I wasn’t in control. The signs were all there, but I’d just given myself over with no resistance. “Mercy,” he said. “Open your eyes.”

  I felt the demon open my eyes that would look like pools of black ink. His hand stroked down my hair to cup the base of my neck. He leaned in and placed a kiss on my forehead. “Come back to me Mercy,” he insisted, breathing on the top of my head. She didn’t put up much of a fight. For a second I had to wonder if we had become one.

  Finding myself, I dropped into the demon skin like falling from a cliff top. I spread my hands to take back the animation in my body. But not soon enough before the she-devil gripped him tighter pressing my flesh into his body. He tensed but held me firm letting me fight my own demon.

  Leaning my head back and allowing my hands to fall, I looked into his awaiting eyes with my own, now back in my control. He pressed a gentle kiss against my lips and took my hand. Embarrassment for my own lack of control had me mute and following him as he led me downstairs and away from temptation and into the lion’s den of a party in full swing.

  We walked down the stairs to the main level. Then we descended another staircase around the corner to the basement level where the party filled with teenage carnal lust had already begun without us. The main level had been void of occupants, as expected, since the house just wasn’t set up for a party the way the rooms were portioned. The basement was an open walk out. And as planned, I saw people entering from the back.

  Sebastian was the DJ for our party. A girl whom I vaguely remembered as being a senior last year stood near him dancing a bit and talking to another girl who stood in front of the DJ stand. The other girl who was a current senior had a grin the size a child held when looking at Santa. She had to realize how obvious she was being. And maybe that was the point. I’d learned how to control my emotions around guys I’d liked. Maybe I’d indulged in staring occasionally. But I’d never been caught grinning so hard that no one would escape that look, or had I? I could tell that the college girl was interested but she was handling it better than the girl from my school.

  Spotting the gang, Luke pulled me along. The place was crowded. I suspected Flynn hadn’t invited the whole school, but the wall to wall press of people might suggest otherwise. There were several couples that must have been still celebrating Valentine’s Day with the look of love on their faces. But I knew that as the night grew even more people would come. Entertainment wasn’t prevalent in our town. Most can’t resist a good party especially when there is free food and drinks.

  I looked at the buffet table that lined the wall. It was filled with half eaten plates of food I’d assembled. Flynn had tried to talk me out of preparing snacks for what he labeled as “ungrateful hoards” that would come tonight. Although I disagreed, I knew alcohol would be present tonight. Food would be important to fill their bellies so that drink wouldn’t be as important. Chips and empty plates filled the empty spaces on the table. I shook my head wondering why people couldn’t manage to toss their trash in the bin I provided on either end of the table. I tried to move in that direction to straighten up, but Luke’s grip on me tightened as he moved me closer to our friends.

  We walked over to the sofas were Maggie, Brent, Jay, Kathy, Paul, Amber, Flynn and a girl I didn’t recognize sat. So Flynn’s mystery girl made an appearance. I’d wondered for weeks who he’d been seeing. So she must be it. I’d thought after last night, it may have been Adriana. But after surveying the place, the twins were nowhere in sight.

  This girl definitely didn’t go to our school although she did look slightly familiar. Her caramel colored skin was radiant against the coolness of the gray shirt she wore. Her hair was filled with spiral curls of brown and blonde highlights, uncomfortably reminding me of my own hair. Briskly, I finger comb through my own hair hopefully creating waves instead of curls. I could only hope it worked as we reached the group. My eyes were still appraising the girl when it finally clicked into place who she was. Her hazel green eyes had me remembering Chris’ sister’s name, Tamera. Flynn’s arm was around her shoulder, and I breathed thinking they had to be just friends, right?

  All eyes were on Luke and my hands when I tore my eyes away from her and to the rest of the group. As we drew ever closer, I saw Tom was sitting with his back to us and a girl I couldn’t recall her name but I think she was a senior sat next to him.

  Flynn said, “Damn.”

  Paul said, “Shit.”

  I looked puzzled as Luke held his hand out still holding my hand in acknowledgement of our reconciliation. Jay who was close gave Luke and upward head nod as if to say he approved. I flushed feeling the weight of the stares upon us. Flynn pulled something out as Paul dug in his pocket. Soon money was exchanging hands. I looked up at Luke’s smiling face. He crushed the money in his hand then shoved it into his back pocket.

“What’s going on?” I said looking back at the group.

  Tom leaned over and handed Luke some money and said, “Yesterday when you went to make popcorn, Sebastian threw a bet out and we baited Luke into it.”

  I turned to Luke and punched him but not too hard with my free hand. “You bet on me?” I asked shocked.

  “I didn’t make the bet. I just couldn’t stop it,” he said. He cocked his head to one side. “When you can’t beat them, join them.” I was about to say something when he pulled me to him and crushed his lips to mine. I kissed him back. Of course it was over far too soon when they all started yelling cat calls at us. Oh, Luke and I were going to talk about the bet later. Before we broke the kiss, I snuck my hand in his back pocket and pulled the money out. I slipped it down the front of my shirt and into my bra.

  “I’ll get it back later,” he leered at me when he spoke.

  Flynn said to Luke, “I’ll be happy to get it now if you want me to.” The guys in the group all started slapping hands in agreement and I rolled my eyes.

  “Not unless you want to remain having the use of your hands,” Luke answered, with a bit of a growl in his voice.

  A few other male jabs were traded for pride and ego. I wasn’t listening. Instead, I was looking around to see the mess that was starting to accumulate.

  We made a round over to the DJ booth so apparently Luke could collect from Sebastian who looked pissed about losing. A girl who graduated last year was standing near started to check out Luke. I wanted to deck her all of a sudden. I wasn’t sure where the violence in me came from but it was there. I breathed a little trying to suppress that urge.

  Luke, who looked amused like he knew what I was thinking, took me to dance. He knew I liked to. But I had a feeling he wanted to be close to me in a protected environment. So we danced. Determination in me, I tried my best to tempt him into leaving the party early with my dance moves. Pressed against him with the hordes of people around us, I knew I’d been successful. But he still wasn’t giving in. Even so, the hurt and pain I’d been feeling for over a month died away. Despite lingering doubts it was Luke whom I wanted.

  I kept an eye out on Flynn and Tamera. They were plastered together like everyone else, dirty dancing. So it was more than friends between them I thought as my eyes narrowed. You could never tell with Flynn but he had all eyes for her except the occasional time I caught his wicked glance like he was goading me and having a great time. Parts of me wanted to be jealous but that was silly. I had who I wanted, so I swallowed that down and tried to ignore him.

  After many, many songs, a little tired and a little sweaty, I made my way over to the buffet table while Luke talked to his friends. I was parched. I poured myself a cup of coke from the two liter bottle in my hand. The bottle emptied completely in my cup not filling up more than half way. Empty bottles were strewn about the table even though I had placed two large garbage bins on either side of the table. Pigs, I thought. After refreshing myself with a cold drink, I started to tidy up as Maggie made her way over to me.

  “Eme,” she said a bit loudly tilting her head towards the dance floor. I followed her line of vision and caught sight of Luke talking to Kristen.

  I nodded at Maggie opting not to speak. I would have to yell over the pounding music for her to hear me anyway. I turned back to tidying up the table. I was not going to be that girl. I was going to trust Luke, I told myself.

  “Eme,” she protested getting closer to me so I would hear her. But I’d heard her the first time. Looking at her, I knew she’d been drinking. Her eyes were at half mast and a little glassy.

  “Maggs,” I said exasperatedly.

  “That’s Kristen,” she said as if that was supposed to mean something to me. She’d mouthed the words in an outrageous way so I could read her lips if I didn’t hear her.

  I stopped what I was doing and turned to give her my full attention after tosses an empty bottle in the recycle bin I’d set up. “Okay, what do you want me to do about it,” I said sounding more patient than I felt.

  “That’s the girl that’s trying to steal your boyfriend,” she said looking at me with her piercing green eyes. She kept over gesturing her words like I was deaf. She was definitely drunk. The music was loud but I’d heard her. She seemed to be trying to make a point that she thought I should get.

  Wanting to hug her for caring about me, I smiled instead. “Maggs, if Luke cheats on me at a party at my house, then she can have him,” I said. Truthfully, I trusted Luke. Even still, I saw no reason to go all violent because he talked to a girl.

  She looked at me like I’d missed the whole point. “It’s not him I’m worried about,” she said.

  Finally I gave in and hugged her. In her ear, I said, “I love you Maggs. I’m glad you’re looking out for me. But I’m going to pass on this one. Now if she decides to try something in my presence, I promise not to be passive. And don’t drink anymore. I think you’ve had enough.”

  I let her out of my embrace. As she walked away after giving me a half smile and a nod, I looked over at Luke. Despite what I’d said, my paranoia was reaching a new level at Maggie’s concern. Luke was still talking to Kristen but a moment later he looked over at me. Our eyes met like he could feel me looking. He winked at me and I smiled. I went back to cleaning up before heading upstairs to grab more alternatives to alcohol drinks.

  It took me longer than I expected to make my way upstairs to the kitchen. I found myself picking up empty bottles, cans, and other trash along the way. When I opened the refrigerator, I noticed all the bottles of soda I’d stashed to keep cold were gone. Making my way to the pantry, I opened the door when someone spoke scaring the living ‘bejeezus’ out of me.

  “Mercy,” the voice said. I knew who it was, but that didn’t stop my head whipping around. We were alone. Flynn and I had planned this party out to keep it contained in the basement. Everything was downstairs, so people really didn’t have a reason to roam upstairs. We had let everyone know to enter the party through the basement with a note on the front door.

  My hair swung with the force of my head movement. A few strands were caught in my mouth once my hair settled back. Before I could push it away, Flynn did it for me. But his hand cupped my cheek after he pushed my hair behind my ear.

  Flinching away, I walked further into the pantry trying to brush off the flutter in my stomach at his touch. That shouldn’t happen. I struck out at him to malign whatever I could possibly be feeling. “Flynn, you’re such as ass for scaring me like that,” I said begrudgingly.

  I had to bend down to the floor to gather some bottles we’d bought earlier. I wanted to put a few more in the refrigerator and take some more downstairs. When he didn’t speak, I said, “Well, it’s a good thing you’re here. You can help me carry a few of these.” The pantry was a walk in and I was at the back wall. When I stood, I did it as I was turning holding three two liters. He was right there in front of me. He had pulled the door to the pantry shut.

  Normally, I try not to curse, but Shit. This can’t be good. With two bottles in one arm and one bottle in my hand, I said softly, “Flynn.”

  “Why,” he said standing at the door. His hands were behind his back and I had to wonder if he was holding the doorknob.

  Swallowing at nothing because my mouth was now dry, I said, “Why what?” Trying to keep my face passive, I made no move in retreat or forward. He could misinterpret anything I did.

  His hands fell to his sides and I knew he was about to come towards me. He hadn’t yet, but something in his posture said so. “Why did you get back with him?”

  “Luke,” I said as if there was any other possible choice. He nodded. “Flynn, you saw us together last night,” I said feeling irate all of a sudden.

  “I thought you two were just fooling around for old time's sake. I thought both of you understood the consequences of you being together.”

  My hand that held the soda bottle flew up to point towards his chest. “You know what? We are not having th
is conversation. If anyone sees us come out of here, Luke is going to get the wrong idea if it spreads around.”

  He moved forward to the point where my outstretched hand was jammed into his chest. I dropped my hand. Maybe I shouldn’t have but I didn’t want to touch him. Not here and not like this. I could hear the soda jostling around. Whoever opened this bottle was going to get an eye full.

  The tension between us was broken when we heard yelling somewhere outside the door. He turned and opened the door, moving through it swiftly. I put the bottle of soda down and followed at his heels. As I passed the open door of the pantry, I noticed someone there.

  Chapter Thirteen

  torpid (adj.) lethargic, dormant, lacking motion

  Double crap. It was Kristen. What was she doing up here? How much had she heard? But now wasn’t the time. I kept up with Flynn until we ended up in the foyer. Under the bright lights of the chandelier a tall boy stood over the limp body of another boy.


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